BIOS, BMC Firmware, FRU/SDR File,
and HSC Firmware Update
Revision 1.11
Sept 12, 2001
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division

Revision History SKA4/SPKA4/SRKA4
Revision History
Date Revision
11/10/00 1.0 Initial release.
3/23/01 1.1 Updated instruction per latest software revisions. Added HSC firmware
update instructions.
9/12/01 1.11 Updated instruction for SKA4, SPKA4, SRKA4
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Designers must not rely on the absence or characterist ics of any features or instructions
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This document contains informa t ion on pr oduct s in the design phase of development. Do not
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The SKA4 server board may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause
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on request.
Copyright © Intel Corporation 2001. *Ot her br ands and names are the property of their
respective owners.
Revision 1.11 ii

SKA4/SPKA4/SRKA4 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................5
1.2 Purpose of this Document...................................................................................5
1.3 Update Process...................................................................................................5
1.4 Recommeded Update Order...............................................................................5
1.5 Updating the HSC Firmware SPKA4,SRKA4 systems.......................................5
1.6 Updating the BMC Firmware...............................................................................6
1.6.1 Making a BMC Firmware Update Floppy.......................................................6
1.6.2 Updating the BMC Firmware..........................................................................6
1.7 Updating the BIOS ..............................................................................................7
1.7.1 Creating a Bootable Floppy Diskette .............................................................7
1.7.2 Making a BIOS Upgrade Floppy....................................................................7
1.7.3 Updating the BIOS.........................................................................................7
1.8 Updating the FRU/SDR Files...............................................................................8
1.8.1 Making a FRU/SDR File Update Floppy (Does not need to be a bootable
1.8.2 Updating the FRU/SDR Files.........................................................................8
Revision 1.11