Intel RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080, RSP3WD080 Hardware User's Manual

Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080
Hardware User Guide
A document providing an overview of product features, specification data, and hardware installation instructions
Rev 1.0
July 2017
Intel® Server Products and Solutions
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
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Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
Jul 2017
Initial release
Document Revision History
Date Published Revision Revision Change Description
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
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Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
Safety Information
Important Safety Instructions
Read all caution and safety statements in this document before performing any of the instructions. See also Intel Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information at­004_safetyregulatory.pdf
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
Lesen Sie zunächst sämtliche Warnund Sicherheitshinweise in diesem Dokument, bevor Sie eine der Anweisungen ausführen. Beachten Sie hierzu auch die Sicherheitshinweise zu Intel-Serverplatinen und Servergehäusen auf der­004_safetyregulatory.pdf
Consignes de sécurité
Lisez attention toutes les consignes de sécurité et les mises en garde indiquées dans ce document avant de suivre toute instruction. Consultez Intel Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information sur le site­004_safetyregulatory.pdf
Instrucciones de seguridad importantes
Lea todas las declaraciones de seguridad y precaución de este documento antes de realizar cualquiera de las instrucciones. Vea Intel Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information en­004_safetyregulatory.pdf
上的 Intel® Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information(《Intel 服务器主板与服务器机箱安全信 息》)。
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
Heed safety instructions: Before working with your server product, whether you are using this guide or any other resource as a reference, pay close attention to the safety instructions. You must adhere to the assembly instructions in this guide to ensure and maintain compliance with existing product certifications and approvals. Use only the described, regulated components specified in this guide. Use of other products/components will void the UL listing and other regulatory approvals of the product and will most likely result in noncompliance with product regulations in the region(s) in which the product is sold. System power on/off: The power button DOES NOT turn off the system AC power. To remove all power from the system, you must unplug the AC power cord from the wall outlet. Make sure the AC power cord is unplugged before you open the chassis, add, or remove any components. Hazardous conditions, devices and cables: Hazardous electrical conditions may be present on power, telephone, and communication cables. Turn off the server and disconnect the power cord, telecommunications systems, networks, and modems attached to the server before opening it. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage can result. Installing or removing jumpers: A jumper is a small plastic-encased conductor that slips over two jumper pins. Some jumpers have a small tab on top that you can grip with your fingertips or with a pair of fine needle nosed pliers. If your jumpers do not have such a tab, take care when using needle-nosed pliers to remove or install a jumper; grip the narrow sides of the jumper with the pliers, never the wide sides. Gripping the wide sides can damage the contacts inside the jumper, causing intermittent problems with the function controlled by that jumper. Take care to grip with, but not squeeze, the pliers or other tool you use to remove a jumper, or you may bend or break the pins on the board. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) and ESD protection: ESD can damage disk drives, boards, and other parts. We recommend that you perform all procedures in this chapter only at an ESD workstation. If one is not available, provide some ESD protection by wearing an anti-static wrist strap attached to chassis ground, any unpainted metal surface on your server when handling parts. ESD and handling boards: Always handle boards carefully. They can be extremely sensitive to ESD. Hold boards only by their edges. After removing a board from its protective wrapper or from the server, place the board component side up on a grounded, static-free surface. Use a conductive foam pad if available but not the board wrapper. Do not slide board over any surface.
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
Document Title
Intel® RAID Software User Guide for full
A document that provides information on RAID Card Setup and usage of supported
What to Do when Unable to Enter BIOS
Article ID: 000059999. If the Intel or OEM logo screen displays during POST, the BIOS
12 Gbps SAS or 6G SATA Data Transfer
Article ID# 000008025. A document that provides information on how and where the

1. Preface

1.1 About This Document

This document provides an overview of product features, specification data, and hardware installation instructions for the Intel® Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080

1.2 Document Organization

This document includes the following:
Chapter 1 – Product Overview Provides a product overview of the features set and support specifications.
Chapter 2 – General Feature Overview – Provides a brief description for the features that are common for the products covered by this guide.
Chapter 3 – Detailed Characteristics – Provides details on the characteristics for each of the products covered by this guide.
Chapter 4 – Connectivity and Drive Support – Provides description of what drives are supported by the products covered by this guide and the way to connect them.
Chapter 5 – Hardware Installation - Provides support for the installation of the product on the Intel systems
where they are supported.
Chapter 6 – Safety and Regulatory
Chapter 7 – Intel® RAID Maintenance Free Backup Unit AXXRMFBU7 – Provides details of the Intel® RAID
Maintenance-Free Backup Unit AXXRMFBU7 accessory option.
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms
Reference Documents and Online Articles
The following documents are available for download and will be useful to setting up and using the Intel RAID adapter.
featured and entry level RAID controllers
or Intel® RAID BIOS Console During Boot for Intel® Server Boards
Controller Support for Intel® RAID Controllers
RAID utility software.­products/raid-products/000024126.html
entry or Intel® RAID BIOS console command prompts are not visible. To gain access to these prompts, disable the logo screen.
controller supports 12-Gbps SAS (6G SATA) data transfers.
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide

1.3 Product Support Collaterals

In addition to this user guide, Intel provides documentation, device driver updates, and utilities that may be necessary and/or useful for operation and support of this product. Additional product support collaterals can be downloaded from the following Intel websites:
For product documentation, go to the following Intel website:
For product device drives and other software utilities, go to the following Intel website:
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
Table of Contents
1. Preface .................................................................................................................................................. i
1.1 About This Document ........................................................................................................................ i
1.2 Document Organization .................................................................................................................... i
1.3 Product Support Collaterals ........................................................................................................... ii
1. Product Overview .............................................................................................................................. 7
2. Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapters General Features ....................................................................... 8
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Benefits of the SAS Interface ......................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Benefits of the NVM Express (NVMe) interface....................................................................... 8
2.4 Intel® Tri-Mode RAID Adapter Features ..................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 SAS Features ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4.2 SATA III Features .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.3 NVMe Interface Features .................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.4 Usability Features ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.4.5 Flexibility Features .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.6 Drive Roaming ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.7 Drive Migration .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.4.8 Safety Characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapters Feature Set........................................................................... 11
2.6 Data Protection Features .............................................................................................................. 12
2.7 Fault Tolerance Features ............................................................................................................... 13
2.8 Array Performance Features ........................................................................................................ 13
2.9 Drive Support Limits ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.10 Over temperature protection ...................................................................................................... 14
2.11 UART Interface ................................................................................................................................. 14
2.12 Optional Intel® RAID Maintenance Free Backup Unit (RMFBU) ..................................... 15
3. Intel® Tri-Mode RAID Adapters Detailed Characteristics ....................................................... 16
3.1 Intel RAID Module RMSP3TD160F Description.................................................................. 16
3.2 Intel RAID Module RMSP3TD160F Dimensions ................................................................. 17
3.2.1 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3TD160F Electrical, Thermal and Atmospheric Requirements. 18
3.2.2 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3TD160F Power Consumption. .............................................. 18
3.3 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3DD080F ......................................................................................... 19
3.4 Intel RAID Module RMSP3DD080F Dimensions................................................................. 20
3.4.1 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3DD080F Electrical, Thermal and Atmospheric Requirements. 21
3.4.2 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3DD080F Power Consumption. .............................................. 21
3.5 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3MD088F ......................................................................................... 21
3.6 Intel RAID Module RMSP3MD088F Dimensions ................................................................ 22
3.6.1 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3MD088F Electrical, Thermal and Atmospheric Requirements. 23
3.6.2 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3MD088F Consumption. ........................................................... 24
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
3.7 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3WD080E ......................................................................................... 24
3.8 Intel RAID Module RMSP3WD080E Dimensions ............................................................... 25
3.8.1 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3WD080E Electrical, Thermal and Atmospheric Requirements. 27
3.8.2 Intel RAID Adapter RMSP3WD080E Consumption. ........................................................... 27
4. Conectivity and Drive Support .................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Connectivity and Drive Support ................................................................................................. 28
4.2 Connector Pinout ............................................................................................................................. 28
4.3 SAS/SATA Drive Support .............................................................................................................. 29
4.4 Intel® 12 Gb/s SAS 3.0 Expander Support ............................................................................. 30
4.4.1 SAS Expander Configuration for the Intel® RMSP3TD160F RAID Module ............... 30
4.5 NVMe Drive Support ....................................................................................................................... 32
5. Hardware Installation .................................................................................................................... 34
5.1 RAID Adapter Installation ............................................................................................................. 35
5.1.1 Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 35
5.1.2 Packing List ......................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2 RAID Adapter Installation ............................................................................................................. 35
5.2.1 Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.2 Packing List ......................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.3 Installation Instructions ................................................................................................................. 35
6. Safety and Regulatory (Class A) .................................................................................................. 38
6.1 Product Safety Compliance ......................................................................................................... 38
6.2 Product EMC Compliance – Class A Compliance ................................................................ 38
6.3 Product Environmental Compliance ........................................................................................ 38
7. Intel® RAID Maintenance Free Backup Unit AXXRMFBU7 ..................................................... 40
7.1 Intel® RAID Maintenance Free Backup Unit AXXRMFBU7 ............................................... 40
7.2 FBU345 Specifications and Layout ........................................................................................... 41
7.2.1 Extender Cable .................................................................................................................................. 43
7.3 Intel® RAID Maintenance Free Backup Unit Installation ................................................... 43
7.4 Monitoring the Intel® RAID Maintenance Free Backup Unit ........................................... 45
7.4.1 Monitoring the RMFBU with the Human Interface Infrastructure. ............................... 45
Appendix A. Glossary ....................................................................................................................... 48
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
List of Figures
Figure 1 -
Figure 2 -
Figure 3 -
Figure 4 -
Figure 5 -
Figure 6 -
Figure 7 -
Figure 8 -
Figure 9. Intel®
Figure 10. Supported Intel® SAS expander options ..................................................................................... 30
Figure 11. RAID module RMS3PTD160 SAS port domain identification ............................................. 31
Figure 12. SAS ports for the RES3FV288 .......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 13. SAS ports for the RES3TV360 .......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 14. Connecting the AXXCBL700HDCV to the backplane ............................................................. 33
Figure 15. Connecting the AXXCBL700HDCV cable to the RAID adapter ........................................... 33
Figure 16 RAID Adapter Installation (insert adapter in slot) ..................................................................... 36
Figure 17 RAID Adapter Installation (insert riser card) ................................................................................ 37
Intel SAS RMSP3TD160F RAID adapter Layout
Intel RMSP3TD160F RAID adapter Dimensions
Intel SAS RMSP3DD080F RAID adapter Layout
Intel RMSP3DD080F RAID adapter Dimensions
Intel SAS RMSP3MD088F RAID adapter Layout
Intel RMSP3MD088F RAID adapter Dimensions
Intel SAS RMSP3WD080E RAID adapter Layout
Intel RMSP3WD080E RAID adapter Dimensions
RMSP3TD160F RAID Adapter SFF-8643 connector
.............................................................. 16
............................................................. 17
............................................................. 19
............................................................. 20
............................................................. 22
............................................................ 23
............................................................ 25
........................................................... 26
............................................ 28
Figure 18 RAID Adapter Installation (adapter installed) ............................................................................. 37
Figure 19. FBU345 layout ........................................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 20. Extender cable pinout ......................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 21 - AXXRMFBU7 Mounting Assembly ................................................................................................ 43
Figure 22 - RMFBU Assembly Installation ........................................................................................................ 44
Figure 23 - Connecting the RMFBU7 to the RAID adapter ......................................................................... 44
Figure 24. HII Dashboard view screen ................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 25. HII Hardware Components screen ................................................................................................. 46
Figure 26. HII Battery Management screen ...................................................................................................... 46
List of Tables
Table 1. Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapter comparative feature set ............................................................. 11
Table 2- Data Protection Features ....................................................................................................................... 12
Table 3. Fault-tolerant features ............................................................................................................................ 13
Table 4. Array performance features .................................................................................................................. 13
Table 5. SAS/SATA drive support limits ............................................................................................................ 14
Table 6- UART Connector Pinout ......................................................................................................................... 14
Table 7. SFF-8643 connector pinout .................................................................................................................. 29
Table 8. FBU345 specifications ............................................................................................................................. 41
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
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Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide

1. Product Overview

The Intel® RAID adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 are are part of the new family of Intel® RAID adapters. This new family of Tri-Mode RAID adapters allow for creating RAID configurations with SAS drives, SATA drives, or NVMe drives. The Intel® RAID adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 are high-performance, intelligent adapters with RAID control capability. The Tri-Mode RAID Adapters provide reliability, high­performance, and fault-tolerant drive subsystem management. The Tri-Mode RAID adapters are based on the LSI SAS IC technology and proven MegaRAID technology. Intel offers a family of Tri-Mode RAID adapters that address the needs for internal connectivity solutions as well as low and high port count:
RSP3TD160F – Full featured tri-mode RAID adapter with 16 internal ports
RSP3MD088F– Full featured tri-mode RAID adapter with 8 internal and 8 external ports
RSP3DD080F– Full featured tri-mode RAID adapter with 8 internal ports
RSP3WD080E– Entry level tri-mode RAID adapter with 8 internal ports
NOTE: The Intel Tri-Mode adapters are designed to work on systems configured for optimized UEFI boot mode. There is no built-in configuration utility for these adapters when the system is configured for legacy boot mode. Some adapters like RSP3WD080E will not work when the system they are installed on is configured for legacy boot mode.
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide

2. Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapters General Features

2.1 Overview

The Intel® Tri-Mode adapters include a SAS interface and an NVMe interface. Both share the same connectors by multiplexing the data and sideband signals. As compared with the previous generation of Intel RAID adapters, the new Tri-Mode family offers increased performance by reducing latency, increasing IOPS, increasing queue depth and increasing cache memory. They also offer NVMe drive support to allow doing hardware RAID using these new technology drives.

2.2 Benefits of the SAS Interface

SAS is a serial, point-to-point, enterprise-level device interface that leverages the proven SCSI protocol set. SAS is a convergence of the advantages of SATA, SCSI, and Fiber Channel and the mainstay of the enterprise and high-end workstation storage markets.
The SAS interface uses the SCSI command set to ensure reliable data transfers while providing the connectivity and flexibility of point-to-point serial data transfers. The serial transmission of SCSI commands eliminates clock-skew challenges. The SAS interface provides improved performance, simplified cabling, smaller connectors, and lower pin count and power requirements when compared to the original parallel SCSI.
SAS adapters leverage a common electrical and physical connection interface that is compatible with Serial ATA (SATA) technology. The SAS protocols and the SATA III protocols use a common thin, 7-wire connector. The SAS/SATA III connector and cable are easier to manipulate, allow connections to smaller devices, and do not inhibit airflow. The point-to-point SATA III architecture eliminates inherent difficulties created by the legacy ATA master-slave architecture while maintaining compatibility with existing ATA firmware.

2.3 Benefits of the NVM Express (NVMe) interface

NVMe (non-volatile memory express) is a storage protocol created to accelerate the transfer of data with solid-state drives (SSDs) by utilizing multiple PCIe connections. Benefits are increased bandwidth (up to 8Gb/s per lane), lower latency, increased efficiency, lower CPU utilization with multiple long command queues and lower power.

2.4 Intel® Tri-Mode RAID Adapter Features

Next is an explanation of the features of the Intel® Tri-Mode RAID Adapters.

2.4.1 SAS Features

Characteristics of the SAS interface.
Supports the following:
o 12 Gb/s, 6Gb/s, and 3Gb/s SAS data transfers per PHY. o SMP communicating topology management information. o SSP enabling communication with other SAS devices. o STP enabling communication with SATA devices through an attached expander.
Provides a serial, point-to-point, enterprise-level storage interface.
Simplifies cabling between devices.
Provides a scalable interface that supports up to 240 devices through the use of expanders.
Supports x2 through x8 wide ports that consist of two (2), four (4), or eight(8) PHYs within a
single port.
Supports narrow ports consisting of a single PHY.
Transfers data by using SCSI information units.
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide

2.4.2 SATA III Features

The SAS interface is compatible with SATA and it has the following characteristics.
Supports the following:
o SATA III data transfers up to 6Gb/s. o STP data transfers up to 6Gb/s.
Provides a serial, point-to-point storage interface.
Simplifies cabling between devices.
Eliminates the master-slave construction used in parallel ATA.
Permits addressing of multiple SATA targets through an expander.

2.4.3 NVMe Interface Features

The new NVMe interface has the following characteristics.
Supports the following:
o Data transfers of 8Gb/s per lane (32 Gb/s when 4 PCIe lanes are being used). o PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification, Revision 1.2. o Active State Power Management, states, by placing links in a power-saving mode
during times of no link activity.
Supports PCIe Hot Plug.
• Supports error handling.
Provides high bandwidth per pin with low overhead and low latency.
Supports lane reversal and polarity inversion.

2.4.4 Usability Features

The Tri-Mode RAID adapters have the next usability characteristics.
Drives spin-up sequencing control.
Provides one (1) LED signal to indicate link activity for all PHYs for the the drive activity LED on
the chassis.
Supports the internal SAS sideband signal SFF-8485 (SGPIO) interface.
Note: LED signals indicate an error condition or drive activity. RAID adapters support several blink patterns for these LEDs, depending on the user configuration and storage enclosure. For information about the LED blink patterns, contact the storage enclosure manufacturer.

2.4.5 Flexibility Features

The Tri-Mode RAID adapters have the next flexibility characteristics.
Flash ROM interface, a non-volatile static RAM (NVSRAM) interface.
Flexible programming interface to tune I/O performance.
Permit mixed connections to SAS targets or SATA III targets.
Leverage-compatible connectors for SAS connections and SATA III connections.
Permit grouping of up to eight (8) PHYs into a single SAS-wide port.
Permit programming of the World Wide Name.

2.4.6 Drive Roaming

Drive roaming occurs when once a VD is already set up, some or all of the drives that are part of this VD are manually changed to different ports on the same adapter. When this happens, the adapter detects the RAID configuration from the configuration data on the drives. Configuration data is saved in both the NVRAM on the RAID adapter and on the drives attached to the adapter. This feature maintains the integrity of the data on each drive, even if the drives have changed their physical device ID. More information on how to use the drive roaming feature can be found on the Intel® RAID Software User Guide for full featured and entry level RAID adapters.
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide

2.4.7 Drive Migration

The Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapters allow to move one VD from one adapter to another, this is called Drive Migration. In other words, Drive Migration is the transfer of a set of drives in an existing configuration from one adapter to another. In order to achieve this, there are some conditions: 1) The drives must remain on the same channel. 2) The drives must be reinstalled in the same order as in the original configuration. 3) The adapter to which the drives are migrated cannot have an existing configuration.
Note: When drives are migrated, move only the drives that make up the virtual drive (not all of the drives in a drive group), so that an NVRAM mismatch error does not occur (provided a configuration is on the destination adapter). The NVRAM mismatch error appears only when all of the drives are moved to the other adapter. Note: Drive roaming and drive migration cannot be supported at the same time.
More information on how to use the drive migration feature can be found on the Intel® RAID Software User Guide for full featured and entry level RAID adapters.

2.4.8 Safety Characteristics

All the Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapters meet or exceed the requirements of UL flammability rating 94 V0. Each bare board is also marked with the supplier name or trademark, type, and UL flammability rating.
Intel® RAID Adapters RSP3TD160, RSP3MD088, RSP3DD080 and RSP3WD080 Hardware User Guide
Broadcom* SAS3516
Broadcom* SAS3516
Broadcom* SAS3508
Broadcom* SAS3408
RAID Levels
0,1,5,6,10, 50, 60
0,1,5,6,10, 50, 60
0,1,5,6,10, 50, 60
JBOD Mode or Pass­4 GB DDR4 at 2133
4 GB DDR4 at 2133
4 GB DDR4 at 2133
Form Factor
MD2 (PCIe card)
MD2 (PCIe card)
MD2 (PCIe card)
MD2 (PCIe card)
Drive Interface
x8 PCI Express* 3.0.
x8 PCI Express* 3.0.
x8 PCI Express* 3.0.
x8 PCI Express* 3.0.
12, 6, & 3 Gbps per
12, 6, & 3 Gbps per
12, 6, & 3 Gbps per
12, 6, & 3 Gbps per
Maximum ambient:
Maximum ambient:
Maximum ambient:
Maximum ambient:
Microsoft Window*,
Microsoft Window*,
Microsoft Window*,
Microsoft Window*,
Drive Types
Maximum NVMe
Maximum SAS/SATA

2.5 Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapters Feature Set.

The following table describes the feature set of the Intel Tri-Mode adapters
Table 1. Intel® Tri-Mode RAID adapter comparative feature set
I/O Processor
thru mode (SAS/SATA)
Cache Memory
PCIe* Interface
Data Transfer Rates
Operating System
PCIe* RAID On-Chip (ROC)
Yes Yes Yes
4 internal 2 internal, 2 external 2 internal 2 internal
PCIe Performance up to 8 GT/s per lane
port SAS, 6 & 3 Gbps per port SATA and 8 Gbps per lane NVMe
Linux* (SuSE*, Red Hat*) Solaris* FreeBSD*
PCIe* RAID On-Chip (ROC)
PCIe Performance up to 8 GT/s per lane
port SAS, 6 & 3 Gbps per port SATA and 8 Gbps per lane NVMe
Linux* (SuSE*, Red Hat*) Solaris* FreeBSD*
PCIe* RAID On-Chip (ROC)
PCIe Performance up to 8 GT/s per lane
port SAS, 6 & 3 Gbps per port SATA and 8 Gbps per lane NVMe
Linux* (SuSE*, Red Hat*) Solaris* FreeBSD*
PCIe* RAID On-Chip (ROC)
PCIe Performance up to 8 GT/s per lane
port SAS, 6 & 3 Gbps per port SATA and 8 Gbps per lane NVMe
Linux* (SuSE*, Red Hat*) Solaris* FreeBSD*
drives supported
devices supported***
Maximum Virtual Drives
Advanced array configuration and management
Support for global hot spares and dedicated hot
Support for user­defined strip sizes: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024
Advanced array configuration and
4 2 2 2
64 64 64 63
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Only global hot spares
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
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