Intel PXA270, PXA271, PXA272, PXA273 Optimization Manual

Intel® PXA27x Processor Family

Optimization Guide
April, 2004
Order Number: 280004-001
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ii Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 About This Document ........................................................................................................1-1
1.2 High-Level Overview..........................................................................................................1-2
1.2.1 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture and Intel XScale® core......................................1-3
1.2.2 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture Features ............................................................1-4
1.2.3 Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology ......................................................................1-4
1.2.4 Memory Architecture.............................................................................................1-5 Caches..................................................................................................1-5 Internal Memories .................................................................................1-5 External Memory Controller ..................................................................1-5
1.2.5 Processor Internal Communications.....................................................................1-5 System Bus...........................................................................................1-5 Peripheral Bus ......................................................................................1-6 Peripherals in the Processor.................................................................1-6
1.2.6 Wireless Intel Speedstep® technology .................................................................1-7
1.3 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture Compatibility...................................................................1-8
1.3.1 PXA27x Processor Performance Features...........................................................1-8
2 Microarchitecture Overview ......................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture Pipeline...........................................................................2-1
2.2.1 General Pipeline Characteristics...........................................................................2-1 Pipeline Organization............................................................................2-1 Out of Order Completion .......................................................................2-2 Use of Bypassing ..................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Instruction Flow Through the Pipeline ..................................................................2-2 ARM* V5TE Instruction Execution ........................................................2-3 Pipeline Stalls .......................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 Main Execution Pipeline .......................................................................................2-3 F1 / F2 (Instruction Fetch) Pipestages..................................................2-3 Instruction Decode (ID) Pipestage........................................................2-4 Register File / Shifter (RF) Pipestage ...................................................2-4 Execute (X1) Pipestages ......................................................................2-4 Execute 2 (X2) Pipestage .....................................................................2-5 Write-Back (WB) ...................................................................................2-5
2.2.4 Memory Pipeline ...................................................................................................2-5 D1 and D2 Pipestage............................................................................2-5
2.2.5 Multiply/Multiply Accumulate (MAC) Pipeline........................................................2-5 Behavioral Description ..........................................................................2-6 Perils of Superpipelining .......................................................................2-6
2.3 Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology Pipeline ....................................................................2-7
2.3.1 Execute Pipeline Thread.......................................................................................2-7 ID Stage ................................................................................................2-7 RF Stage...............................................................................................2-7 X1 Stage ...............................................................................................2-8 X2 Stage ...............................................................................................2-8 XWB Stage ...........................................................................................2-8
2.3.2 Multiply Pipeline Thread .......................................................................................2-8
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide iii
Contents M1 Stage...............................................................................................2-8 M2 Stage...............................................................................................2-8 M3 Stage...............................................................................................2-8 MWB Stage...........................................................................................2-8
2.3.3 Memory Pipeline Thread.......................................................................................2-9 D1 Stage ...............................................................................................2-9 D2 Stage ...............................................................................................2-9 DWB Stage ...........................................................................................2-9
3 System Level Optimization ........................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Optimizing Frequency Selection........................................................................................3-1
3.2 Memory System Optimization............................................................................................3-1
3.2.1 Optimal Setting for Memory Latency and Bandwidth............................................3-1
3.2.2 Alternate Memory Clock Setting ...........................................................................3-2
3.2.3 Page Table Configuration.....................................................................................3-3 Page Attributes For Instructions............................................................3-3 Page Attributes For Data Access..........................................................3-3
3.3 Optimizing for Instruction and Data Caches......................................................................3-4
3.3.1 Increasing Instruction Cache Performance...........................................................3-4 Round Robin Replacement Cache Policy.............................................3-5 Code Placement to Reduce Cache Misses ..........................................3-5 Locking Code into the Instruction Cache..............................................3-5
3.3.2 Increasing Data Cache Performance....................................................................3-5 Cache Configuration .............................................................................3-6 Creating Scratch RAM in the Internal SRAM........................................3-6 Creating Scratch RAM in Data Cache ..................................................3-7 Reducing Memory Page Thrashing ......................................................3-7 Using Mini-Data Cache.........................................................................3-8 Reducing Cache Conflicts, Pollution and Pressure ..............................3-8
3.3.3 Optimizing TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) Usage.........................................3-8
3.4 Optimizing for Internal Memory Usage ..............................................................................3-9
3.4.1 LCD Frame Buffer.................................................................................................3-9
3.4.2 Buffer for Capture Interface ..................................................................................3-9
3.4.3 Buffer for Context Switch....................................................................................3-10
3.4.4 Scratch Ram.......................................................................................................3-10
3.4.5 OS Acceleration..................................................................................................3-10
3.4.6 Increasing Preloads for Memory Performance ...................................................3-10
3.5 Optimization of System Components ..............................................................................3-10
3.5.1 LCD Controller Optimization...............................................................................3-11 Bandwidth and Latency Requirements for LCD..................................3-11 Frame Buffer Placement for LCD Optimization...................................3-13 LCD Display Frame Buffer Setting......................................................3-14 LCD Color Conversion HW.................................................................3-14 Arbitration Scheme Tuning for LCD....................................................3-14
3.5.2 Optimizing Arbiter Settings .................................................................................3-15 Arbiter Functionality............................................................................3-15 Determining the Optimal Weights for Clients ......................................3-15 Taking Advantage of Bus Parking.......................................................3-16 Dynamic Adaptation of Weights..........................................................3-16
3.5.3 Usage of DMA ....................................................................................................3-17
3.5.4 Peripheral Bus Split Transactions.......................................................................3-17
iv Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
4 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture & Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology Optimization ........4-1
4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 General Optimization Techniques .....................................................................................4-1
4.2.1 Conditional Instructions and Loop Control............................................................4-1
4.2.2 Program Flow and Branch Instructions.................................................................4-2
4.2.3 Optimizing Complex Expressions .........................................................................4-5 Bit Field Manipulation............................................................................4-6
4.2.4 Optimizing the Use of Immediate Values..............................................................4-6
4.2.5 Optimizing Integer Multiply and Divide..................................................................4-7
4.2.6 Effective Use of Addressing Modes......................................................................4-8
4.3 Instruction Scheduling for Intel XScale® Microarchitecture and Intel® Wireless
MMX™ Technology ...........................................................................................................4-8
4.3.1 Instruction Scheduling for Intel XScale® Microarchitecture..................................4-8 Scheduling Loads .................................................................................4-8 Increasing Load Throughput ...............................................................4-11 Increasing Store Throughput ..............................................................4-12 Scheduling Load Double and Store Double (LDRD/STRD)................4-13 Scheduling Load and Store Multiple (LDM/STM)................................4-14 Scheduling Data-Processing...............................................................4-15 Scheduling Multiply Instructions..........................................................4-15 Scheduling SWP and SWPB Instructions...........................................4-16 Scheduling the MRA and MAR Instructions (MRRC/MCRR)..............4-17 Scheduling MRS and MSR Instructions..............................................4-17 Scheduling Coprocessor 15 Instructions ............................................4-18
4.3.2 Instruction Scheduling for Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology .........................4-18 Increasing Load Throughput on Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology 4-18 Scheduling the WMAC Instructions ....................................................4-19 Scheduling the TMIA Instruction .........................................................4-20 Scheduling the WMUL and WMADD Instructions...............................4-21
4.4 SIMD Optimization Techniques .......................................................................................4-21
4.4.1 Software Pipelining .............................................................................................4-21 General Remarks on Software Pipelining...........................................4-23
4.4.2 Multi-Sample Technique .....................................................................................4-23 General Remarks on Multi-Sample Technique ...................................4-25
4.4.3 Data Alignment Techniques................................................................................4-25
4.5 Porting Existing Intel® MMX™ Technology Code to Intel® Wireless MMX™
Technology ......................................................................................................................4-26
4.5.1 Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology Instruction Mapping...................................4-27
4.5.2 Unsigned Unpack Example ................................................................................4-28
4.5.3 Signed Unpack Example ....................................................................................4-29
4.5.4 Interleaved Pack with Saturation Example .........................................................4-29
4.6 Optimizing Libraries for System Performance .................................................................4-29
4.6.1 Case Study 1: Memory-to-Memory Copy............................................................4-29
4.6.2 Case Study 2: Optimizing Memory Fill................................................................4-30
4.6.3 Case Study 3: Dot Product .................................................................................4-31
4.6.4 Case Study 4: Graphics Object Rotation ............................................................4-32
4.6.5 Case Study 5: 8x8 Block 1/2X Motion Compensation ........................................4-33
4.7 Intel® Performance Primitives .........................................................................................4-34
4.8 Instruction Latencies for Intel XScale® Microarchitecture ...............................................4-35
4.8.1 Performance Terms ............................................................................................4-35
4.8.2 Branch Instruction Timings .................................................................................4-37
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide v
4.8.3 Data Processing Instruction Timings ..................................................................4-38
4.8.4 Multiply Instruction Timings ................................................................................4-39
4.8.5 Saturated Arithmetic Instructions........................................................................4-40
4.8.6 Status Register Access Instructions ...................................................................4-41
4.8.7 Load/Store Instructions.......................................................................................4-41
4.8.8 Semaphore Instructions......................................................................................4-42
4.8.9 CP15 and CP14 Coprocessor Instructions.........................................................4-42
4.8.10 Miscellaneous Instruction Timing........................................................................4-42
4.8.11 Thumb* Instructions............................................................................................4-43
4.9 Instruction Latencies for Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology.........................................4-43
4.10 Performance Hazards......................................................................................................4-45
4.10.1 Data Hazards......................................................................................................4-45
4.10.2 Resource Hazard................................................................................................4-45 Execution Pipeline ..............................................................................4-46 Multiply Pipeline ..................................................................................4-47 Memory Control Pipeline.....................................................................4-48 Coprocessor Interface Pipeline...........................................................4-49 Multiple Pipelines................................................................................4-49
5 High Level Language Optimization...........................................................................................5-1
5.1 C and C++ Level Optimization...........................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Efficient Usage of Preloading ...............................................................................5-1 Preload Considerations.........................................................................5-1 Preload Loop Limitations ......................................................................5-3 Coding Technique with Preload............................................................5-4
5.1.2 Array Merging .......................................................................................................5-6
5.1.3 Cache Blocking.....................................................................................................5-8
5.1.4 Loop Interchange..................................................................................................5-8
5.1.5 Loop Fusion..........................................................................................................5-9
5.1.6 Loop Unrolling.......................................................................................................5-9
5.1.7 Loop Conditionals...............................................................................................5-11
5.1.8 If-else versus Switch Statements........................................................................5-12
5.1.9 Nested If-Else and Switch Statements ...............................................................5-12
5.1.10 Locality in Source Code......................................................................................5-12
5.1.11 Choosing Data Types .........................................................................................5-12
5.1.12 Data Alignment For Maximizing Cache Usage...................................................5-12
5.1.13 Placing Literal Pools ...........................................................................................5-14
5.1.14 Global versus Local Variables ............................................................................5-14
5.1.15 Number of Parameters in Functions...................................................................5-14
5.1.16 Other General Optimizations ..............................................................................5-14
6 Power Optimization ....................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Optimizations for Core Power............................................................................................6-1
6.2.1 Code Optimization for Power Consumption..........................................................6-1
6.2.2 Switching Modes for Saving Power......................................................................6-1 Normal Mode ........................................................................................6-1 Idle Mode ..............................................................................................6-2 Deep Idle Mode.....................................................................................6-2 Standby Mode.......................................................................................6-2 Sleep Mode...........................................................................................6-2
vi Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
Contents Deep-Sleep Mode .................................................................................6-2
6.2.3 Wireless Intel Speedstep® Technology Power Manager .....................................6-3
6.2.4 System Bus Frequency Selection .........................................................................6-3 Fast-Bus Mode......................................................................................6-4 Half-Turbo Mode ...................................................................................6-4
6.3 Optimizations for Memory and Peripheral Power ..............................................................6-5
6.3.1 Improved Caching and Internal Memory Usage ...................................................6-5
6.3.2 SDRAM Auto Power Down (APD) ........................................................................6-5
6.3.3 External Memory Bus Buffer Strength Registers..................................................6-5
6.3.4 Peripheral Clock Gating........................................................................................6-5
6.3.5 LCD Subsystem....................................................................................................6-5
6.3.6 Voltage and Regulators ........................................................................................6-6
6.3.7 Operating Mode Recommendations for Power Savings.......................................6-6 Normal Mode ........................................................................................6-6 Idle Mode ..............................................................................................6-6 Deep-Idle Mode ....................................................................................6-7 Standby Mode.......................................................................................6-7 Sleep Mode...........................................................................................6-7 Deep-Sleep Mode .................................................................................6-7
A Performance Checklist.............................................................................................................. A-1
A.1 Performance Optimization Tips ........................................................................................ A-1
A.2 Power Optimization Guidelines......................................................................................... A-2
Glossary ................................................................................................................................... Glossary-1
1-1 PXA27x Processor Block Diagram ............................................................................................1-3
2-1 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture RISC Superpipeline................................................................2-1
2-2 Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology Pipeline Threads and relation with Intel XScale®
Microarchitecture Pipeline .........................................................................................................2-7
4-1 High-Level Pipeline Organization ............................................................................................4-46
1-1 Related Documentation .............................................................................................................1-1
2-1 Pipelines and Pipe Stages.........................................................................................................2-2
3-1 External SDRAM Access Latency and Throughput for Different Frequencies (Silicon
Measurement Pending) .............................................................................................................3-1
3-2 Internal SRAM Access Latency and Throughput for Different Frequencies (Silicon
Measurement Pending) .............................................................................................................3-2
3-3 Data Cache and Buffer Behavior when X = 0............................................................................3-3
3-4 Data Cache and Buffer Behavior when X = 1............................................................................3-3
3-5 Data Cache and Buffer operation comparison for Intel® SA-1110 and Intel XScale®
Microarchitecture, X=0...............................................................................................................3-4
3-6 Sample LCD Configurations with Latency and Peak Bandwidth Requirements......................3-13
3-7 Memory to Memory Performance Using DMA for Different Memories and Frequencies.........3-17
4-1 PXA27x processor Mapping to Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology and SSE .......................4-27
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide vii
4-2 Latency Example .....................................................................................................................4-37
4-3 Branch Instruction Timings (Those Predicted By the BTB (Branch Target Buffer)) ................4-37
4-4 Branch Instruction Timings (Those Not Predicted By the BTB)...............................................4-37
4-5 Data Processing Instruction Timings .......................................................................................4-38
4-6 Multiply Instruction Timings .....................................................................................................4-39
4-7 Multiply Implicit Accumulate Instruction Timings .....................................................................4-40
4-8 Implicit Accumulator Access Instruction Timings.....................................................................4-40
4-9 Saturated Data Processing Instruction Timings ......................................................................4-40
4-10 Status Register Access Instruction Timings ............................................................................4-41
4-11 Load and Store Instruction Timings.........................................................................................4-41
4-12 Load and Store Multiple Instruction Timings ...........................................................................4-41
4-13 Semaphore Instruction Timings...............................................................................................4-42
4-14 CP15 Register Access Instruction Timings .............................................................................4-42
4-15 CP14 Register Access Instruction Timings .............................................................................4-42
4-16 Exception-Generating Instruction Timings...............................................................................4-42
4-17 Count Leading Zeros Instruction Timings................................................................................4-42
4-18 Issue Cycle and Result Latency of the PXA27x processor Instructions ..................................4-43
4-19 Resource Availability Delay for the Execution Pipeline ...........................................................4-46
4-20 Multiply pipe instruction classes ..............................................................................................4-48
4-21 Resource Availability Delay for the Multiplier Pipeline.............................................................4-48
4-22 Resource Availability Delay for the Memory Pipeline ..............................................................4-48
4-23 Resource Availability Delay for the Coprocessor Interface Pipeline........................................4-49
6-1 Power Modes and Typical Power Consumption Summary .......................................................6-3
viii Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
Revision History
Date Revision Description
April 2004 -001 Initial release
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide ix
x Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide

Introduction 1

1.1 About This Document

This document is a guide to optimizing software, the operating system, and system configuration to best use the Intel® PXA27x Processor Family (PXA27x processor) feature set. The Intel® PXA27x Processor Family consists of:
Intel® PXA270 Processor – discrete processor
Intel® PXA271 Processor – 32 MBytes of Intel StrataFlash® Memory and 32 MBytes of Low
Intel® PXA272 Processor – 64 MBytes of Intel StrataFlash® Memory
Intel® PXA273 Processor – 32 MBytes of Intel StrataFlash® Memory
This document assumes users are familiar with the documentation shown in Tab le 1-1.
Table 1-1. Related Documentation
Document Title Order Number
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Developer’s Manual 280000
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Design Guide 280001
Intel® PXA270 Processor Electrical, Mechanical, and Thermal Specificiation 280002
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Electrical, Mechanical, and Thermal Specificiation
Intel XScale® Microarchitecture for the PXA27x processor 11465
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family User’s Manual 11466
Intel® PXA250 and PXA210 Application Processors Optimization Guide 278552
Intel XScale® Core Developer’s Manual 273473
The Complete Guide to Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology 278626
Programming with Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology: A Developer's Guide to Mobile Multimedia Applications
This guide is organized into these sections:
Chapter 2, “Microarchitecture Overview” presents an overview of the Intel XScale®
Microarchitecture and Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology media co-processor.
Chapter 3, “System Level Optimization” discusses configuration of the PXA27x processor to
achieve optimal performance at the system level.
Chapter 4, “Intel XScale® Microarchitecture & Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology
Optimization” discusses how to optimize software (mostly at the assembly programming
level) to take advantage of the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture and Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology media co-processor.
Chapter 5, “High Level Language Optimization” is a set of guidelines for C and C++ code
developers to maximize the performance by making the best use of the system resources.
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 1-1
Chapter 6, “Power Optimization” discusses the trade-offs between performance and power
using the PXA27x processor.
Appendix A, “Performance Checklist” is a set of guidelines for system level optimizations
which allow for obtain greater performance when using the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture and the PXA27x processor.

1.2 High-Level Overview

Mobile and wireless devices simplify our lives, keep us entertained, increase productivity and maximize our responsiveness. Enterprise and individual consumers alike realize the potential and are integrating these products at a rapid rate into their everyday life. Customer expectations exceed what is being delivered today. The desire to communicate and compute wirelessly - to have access to information anytime, anywhere, is the expectation. Manufacturers require technologies that deliver high-performance, flexibility and robust functionality-all in the small-size, low-power framework of mobile handheld, battery-powered devices. The Intel® Personal Internet Client Architecture (Intel® PCA) processors with Intel XScale® Microarchitecture help drive wireless handheld device functionality to new heights to meet customer demand. Combining low-power, high-performance, compelling new features and second generation memory stacking, Intel PCA processors help to redefine what a mobile device can do to meet many of the performance demands of Enterprise-class wireless computing and feature-hungry technology consumers.
Targeted at wireless handhelds and handsets such as cell phones and PDAs with full featured operating systems, the Intel PXA27x processor family is the next generation of ultra-low-power applications with industry leading multimedia performance for wireless clients. The Intel PXA27x processor is a highly integrated solution that includes Wireless Intel Speedstep® technology for ultra-low-power, Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology and up to 624 multimedia capabilites, and Intel® Quick Capture Interface to give customers the ability to capture high quality images and video.
The PXA27x processor incorporates a comprehensive set of system and peripheral functions that make it useful in a variety of low-power applications. The block diagram in the PXA27x processor system-on-a-chip, and shows a primary system bus with the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture core (Intel XScale® core) attached along with an LCD controller, USB Host controller and 256 controller to allow communication to a variety of external memory or companion-chip devices, and it is also connected to a DMA/bridge to allow communication with the on-chip peripherals. The key features of all the sub-blocks are described in this section, with more detail provided in subsequent sections.
KBytes of internal memory. The system bus is connected to a memory
MHz for advanced
Figure 1-1 illustrates
1-2 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
Figure 1-1. PXA27x Processor Block Diagram
OS Timers
4 x PWM
Interrupt C
3 x SSP
Full Function
Fast IrDA
Slow IrDA
General Purpose I/O
Mem Stick
Primary GPIO
Peripheral Bus
Power Management
Clock Control
Intel® Wireless
MMX™ Technology
System Bus
13 MHz Osc
32.768 KHz Osc
Variabl e
Latency I/O
Dynamic Memory
Stati c
Address and Data
4 banks
ROM/ Flash/ SRAM
4 Banks
Socket 0
Socket 1

1.2.1 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture and Intel XScale® core

The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture is based on a core that is ARM* version 5TE compliant. The microarchitecture surrounds the core with instruction and data memory management units; instruction, data, and mini-data caches; write, fill, pend, and branch-target buffers; power management, performance monitoring, debug, and JTAG units; coprocessor interface; 32K caches; MMUs; BTB; MAC coprocessor; and core memory bus.
The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture can be combined with peripherals to provide application­specific standard products (ASSPs) targeted at selected market segments. For example, the RISC core can be integrated with peripherals such as an LCD controller, multimedia controllers, and an external memory interface to empower OEMs to develop smaller, more cost-effective handheld devices with long battery life, with the performance to run rich multimedia applications. Or the microarchitecture could be surrounded by high-bandwidth PCI interfaces, memory controllers, and networking micro-engines to provide a highly integrated, low-power, I/O or network processor.
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 1-3

1.2.2 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture Features

Superpipelined RISC technology achieves high speed and low power
Wireless Intel Speedstep® technology allows on-the-fly voltage and frequency scaling to
enable applications to use the right blend of performance and power
Media processing technology enables the MAC coprocessor perform two simultaneous 16-bit
SIMD multiplies with 64-bit accumulation for efficient media processing
Power management unit provides power savings via multiple low-power modes
128-entry Branch Target buffer keeps pipeline filled with statistically correct branch choices
32-Kbyte instruction cache (I-cache) keeps local copy of important instructions to enable high
performance and low power
32-Kbyte data cache (D-cache) keeps local copy of important data to enable high performance
and low power
2-Kbyte mini-data cache avoids “thrashing” of the D-cache for frequently changing data
32-entry instruction memory management unit enables logical-to-physical address translation,
access permissions, I-cache attributes
32-entry data memory management unit enables logical-to-physical address translation, access
permissions, D-cache attributes
4-entry Fill and Pend buffers promote core efficiency by allowing “hit-under-miss” operation
with data caches
Performance monitoring unit furnishes two 32-bit event counters and one 32-bit cycle counter
for analysis of hit rates
Debug unit uses hardware breakpoints and 256-entry Trace History buffer (for flow change
messages) to debug programs
32-bit coprocessor interface provides high performance interface between core and
8-entry Write buffer allows the core to continue execution while data is written to memory
See the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture Users Guide for additional information.

1.2.3 Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology

The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture has attached to it a coprocessor to accelerate multimedia applications. This coprocessor, characterized by a 64-bit Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) architecture and compatibility with the integer functionality of the technology technology
and SSE instruction sets, is known by its Intel project name, Intel® Wireless MMX™ . The key features of this coprocessor are:
30 new media processing instructions
64-bit architecture up to eight-way SIMD
16 x 64-bit register file
SIMD PSR flags with group conditional execution support
Instruction support for SIMD, SAD, and MAC
Instruction support for alignment and video
Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology and SSE integer compatibility
1-4 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
Intel® Wireless MMX™
Superset of existing Intel XScale® Microarchitecture media processing instructions
See the Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology Coprocessor EAS for more details.

1.2.4 Memory Architecture Caches
There are two caches:
Data cache – The PXA27x processor supports 32 Kbytes of data cache.
Instruction Cache – The PXA27x processor supports 32 Kbytes of instruction cache. Internal Memories
The key features of the PXA27x processor internal memory are:
256 Kbytes of on-chip SRAM arranged as four banks of 64 Kbytes
Bank-by-bank power management with automatic power management for reduced power
Byte write support
Introduction External Memory Controller
The PXA27x processor supports a memory controller for external memory which can access:
SDRAM up to 100 MHz at 1.8 Volts.
Flash memories
Synchronous ROM
Variable latency input/output (VLIO) memory
PC card and compact flash expansion memory

1.2.5 Processor Internal Communications

The PXA27x processor supports a hierarchical bus architecture. A system bus supports high bandwidth peripherals, and a slower peripheral bus supports peripherals with lower data throughputs. System Bus
Interconnection between the major key components is through the system bus.
64-bit wide, address and data multiplexed bus.
The system bus allows split transactions, increasing the maximum data-throughput in the
Different burst sizes are allowed; up to 4 data phases per transactions (that is, 32 bytes). The
burst size is set in silicon for each peripheral and is not configurable.
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 1-5
The system bus can operate at different frequency ratios with respect to the Intel XScale® core
(up to 208 MHz). The frequency control of the system bus is pivotal to striking a balance between the desired performance and power consumption. Peripheral Bus
The peripheral bus is a single master bus. The bus master arbitrates between the Intel XScale® core and the DMA controller with a pre-defined priority scheme between them. The peripheral bus is used by the low-bandwidth peripherals; the peripheral bus runs at 26 Peripherals in the Processor
The PXA27x processor has a rich set of peripherals. The list of peripherals and key features are described in the subsections below. LCD Display Controller
The LCD controller supports single- or dual-panel LCD displays. Color panels without internal frame buffers up to 262144 colors (18 up to 16777216 colors (24 (8
bits) are supported.
bits) are supported. Monochrome panels up to 256 gray-scale levels
bits) are supported. Color panels with internal frame buffers
MHz. DMA Controller
The PXA27x processor has a high performance DMA controller supporting memory-to-memory transfers, peripheral-to-memory and memory-to-peripheral device transfers. It has support for 32
channels and up to 63-peripheral devices. The controller can perform descriptor chaining. DMA
supports descriptor-fetch, no-descriptor-fetch and descriptor-chaining. Other Peripherals
The PXA27x processor offers this peripheral support:
USB Client Controller with 23 programmable endpoints (compliant with USB Revision 1.1).
USB Host controller (USB Rev. 1.1 compatible), which supports both low-speed and full-
speed USB devices through a built-in DMA controller.
Intel® Quick Capture Interface which provides a connection between the processor and a
camera image sensor.
Infrared Communication Port (ICP) which supports 4 Mbps data rate compliant with Infrared
Data Association (IrDA) standard.
C Serial Bus Port, which is compliant with I2C standard (also supports arbitration between
AC97 CODEC Interface (compliant with AC97 2.0) supporting multiple independent channels
(different channels are used for stereo PCM In, stereo PCM Out, MODEM Out, MODEM-In and mono Mic-in).
S Audio CODEC Interface.
Three flexible synchronous serial ports.
Multimedia Card Controller supports the MMC, SD and SDIO protocols.
The PXA27x processor supports three UARTs compatible with 16550 and 16750 standard.
1-6 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
Memory Stick Host Controller - compliant with Memory Stick V1.3 standard.
USIM card interface (compliant with ISO standard 7816-3 and 3G TS 31.101)
MSL – the physical interface of communication subsystems for mobile or wireless platforms.
The operating system and application software uses this to communicate between each other.
Keypad interface supports both direct key as well as matrix key.
Real-time clock (RTC) controller which provides a general-purpose, real-time reference clock
for use by the system.
The pulse width modulator (PWM) controller generates four independent PWM outputs.
Interrupt controller identifiesand controls the interrupt sources available to the processor.
The OS timers controller provides a set of timer channels that allow software to generate timed
interrupts or wake-up events.
General-purpose I/O (GPIO) controller for use in generating and capturing application-
specific input and output signals. Each of the 121 an input (or as bidirectional for certain alternate functions).
GPIOs may be programmed as an output,

1.2.6 Wireless Intel Speedstep® technology

Wireless Intel Speedstep® technology advances the capabilities of Intel® Dynamic Voltage Management - a function already built into the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture - by incorporating three new low-power states: deep idle, standby and deep sleep. The technology is able to change both voltage and frequency on-the-fly by intelligently switching the processor into the various low power modes, saving additional power while still providing the necessary performance to run rich applications.
The PXA27x processor integrated microprocessor provides a rich set of flexible power­management controls for a wide range of usage models, while enabling very low-power operation. The key features include:
Five reset sources:
— Hardware
— Watchdog
— Exit from sleep mode
Three clock-speed controls to adjust frequency:
— Turbo mode
— Divisor mode
—Fast Bus mode
Switchable clock source
Functional clock gating
Programmable frequency-change capability
1. 121 GPIOs are available on the PXA271 processor, PXA271 processor, and PXA271 processor. The PXA270 processor only has 119 GPIOs bonded out.
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 1-7
Six power modes to control power consumption:
— Deep idle
— Standby
— Sleep
— Deep sleep
Programmable I
See the Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Developer’s Manual for more details.
C-based external regulator interface to support voltage changing.

1.3 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture Compatibility

The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture is ARM*Version 5 (V5TE) architecture compliant. The PXA27x processor implements the integer instruction set architecture of ARM*V5TE.
Backward compatibility for user-mode applications is maintained with the earlier generations of StrongARM* and Intel XScale® Microarchitecture processors. Operating systems may require modifications to match the specific Intel XScale® Microarchitecture hardware features, and to take advantage of the performance enhancements added to this core.
Memory map and register locations are backward-compatible with the previous Intel XScale® Microarchitecture hand-held products.
The Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology instruction set is compatible with the standard ARM* coprocessor instruction format (See for more details).
The Complete Guide to Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology

1.3.1 PXA27x Processor Performance Features

Performance features of the PXA27x processor are:
32-Kbyte instruction cache
32-Kbyte data cache
Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology with sixteen 64-bit registers, optimized instructions for
video, and multi-media applications.
The PXA27x processor has an internal SRAM of 256 KBytes.
Capability of locking entries in the instruction or data caches
2-Kbyte mini-data cache, separate from the data cache
L1 caches and the mini-data cache use virtual address indices (or tags)
Separate instruction and data Translation Lookaside buffers (TLBs), each with 32 entries
Capability of locking entries in the TLBs
16-channel DMA engine with transfer-size control and descriptor chaining
1-8 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
PID register for fast virtual address remapping
Vect o r r emap
Interrupt controller offers faster interrupt latency with the help of programmable priority
sorting mechanism.
Extensions to the exception model to include imprecise data and instruction preload aborts
Access control to other coprocessors
Enhanced set of supported cache-control options
A branch target buffer for dynamic-branch prediction
Performance monitoring unit
Software-debug support, including instruction and data breakpoints, a serial debug link via the
JTAG interface and a 256-entry trace buffer
Integrated memory controller with support for SDRAM, flash memory, synchronous ROM,
SRAM, variable latency I/O (VLIO) memory, PC card, and compact flash expansion memory.
Six power-management modes
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 1-9
1-10 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide

Microarchitecture Overview 2

2.1 Introduction

This chapter contains an overview of Intel XScale® Microarchitecture and Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology architecture with an enhanced memory pipeline. The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture instruction set is based on ARM* V5TE architecture; however, the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture includes new instructions. Code developed for the Intel® StrongARM* SA-110 (SA-110), Intel® StrongARM* SA-1100 (SA-1100), and Intel® StrongARM* SA-1110 (SA-1110) microprocessors is portable to Intel XScale® Microarchitecture based processors. However, to obtain the maximum performance, the code should be optimized for the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture using the techniques presented in this document.

2.2 Intel XScale® Microarchitecture Pipeline

This section provides a brief description of the structure and behavior of Intel XScale® Microarchitecture pipeline.

2.2.1 General Pipeline Characteristics

. The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture includes a superpipelined RISC
The following sections discuss general pipeline characteristics. Pipeline Organization
The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture has a 7-stage pipeline operating at a higher frequency than its predecessors allowing for greater overall performance. The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture single-issue superpipeline consists of a main execution pipeline, a multiply-accumulate {MAC} pipeline, and a memory access pipeline. execution pipeline shaded.
Figure 2-1. Intel XScale® Microarchitecture RISC Superpipeline
Main execution pipeline
F1 F2 ID RF X1 X2
Figure 2-1 shows the pipeline organization with the main
MAC pipeline
M1 M2 Mx
Memory pipeline
D1 D2
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 2-1
Microarchitecture Overview
Tab le 2-1 gives a brief description of each pipe stage and a reference for further information.
Table 2-1. Pipelines and Pipe Stages
Pipe / Pipestage Description For More Information
Main Execution Pipeline
• IF1/IF2
Memory Pipeline
MAC Pipeline
• MWB (not shown)
Handles data processing instructions
Instruction Fetch
Instruction Decode
Register File / Operand Shifter
ALU Execute
State Execute
Handles load/store instructions
Data cache access
Data cache writeback
Handles all multiply instructions
Multiplier stages
MAC write-back occurs during M2-M5 Out of Order Completion
While the pipeline is scalar and single-issue, instructions occupy all three pipelines at once. The main execution pipeline, memory, and MAC pipelines have different execution times because they are not lock-stepped. Sequential consistency of instruction execution relates to two aspects: first, the order instructions are completed and second, the order memory is accessed due to load and store instructions. The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture only preserves a weak processor consistency because instructions complete out of order (assuming no data dependencies exist).
The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture can buffer up to four outstanding reads. If load operations miss the data cache, subsequent instructions complete independently. This operation is called a hit-under-miss operation.
Section 2.2.3
Section 2.2.4
Section 2.2.5
Section 2.2.5
Section 2.2.5 Use of Bypassing
The pipeline makes extensive use of bypassing to minimize data hazards. To eliminate the need to stall the pipeline, bypassing allows results forwarding from multiple sources.
In certain situations, the pipeline must stall because of register dependencies between instructions. A register dependency occurs when a previous MAC or load instruction is about to modify a register value that has not returned to the register file. Core bypassing allows the current instruction to execute when the previous instruction’s results are available without waiting for the register file to update.

2.2.2 Instruction Flow Through the Pipeline

With the exception of the MAC unit, the pipeline issues one instruction per clock cycle. Instruction execution begins at the F1 pipestage and completes at the WB pipestage.
Although a single instruction is issued per clock cycle, all three pipelines are processing instructions simultaneously. If there are no data hazards, each instruction complete independently of the others.
2-2 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide ARM* V5TE Instruction Execution
Figure 2-1 uses arrows to show the possible flow of instructions in the pipeline. Instruction
execution flows from the F1 pipestage to the RF pipestage. The RF pipestage issues a single instruction to either the X1 pipestage or the MAC unit (multiply instructions go to the MAC, while all others continue to X1). This means that M1 or X1 are idle.
After calculating the effective addresses in XI, all load and store instructions route to the memory pipeline.
The ARM* V5TE branch and exchange (BX) instruction (used to branch between ARM* and THUMB* code) causes the entire pipeline to be flushed. If the processor is in THUMB* mode the ID pipestage dynamically expands each THUMB* instruction into a normal ARM* V5TE RISC instruction and normal execution resumes. Pipeline Stalls
Pipeline stalls can seriously degrade performance. The primary reasons for stalls are register dependencies, load dependencies, multiple-cycle instruction latency, and unpredictable branches. To help maximize performance, it is important to understand some of the ways to avoid pipeline stalls. The following sections provide more detail on the nature of the pipeline and ways of preventing stalls.
Microarchitecture Overview

2.2.3 Main Execution Pipeline F1 / F2 (Instruction Fetch) Pipestages
The job of the instruction fetch stages F1 and F2 is to present the next instruction to be executed to the ID stage. Two important functional units residing within the F1 and F2 stages are the BTB and IFU.
Branch Target Buffer (BTB)
The BTB provides a 128-entry dynamic branch prediction buffer. An entry in the BTB is created when a B or BL instruction branch is taken for the first time. On sequential executions of the branch instruction at the same address, the next instruction loaded into the pipeline is predicted by the BTB. Once the branch type instruction reaches the X1 pipestage, its target address is known. Execution continues without stalling if the target address is the same as the BTB predicted address. If the address is different from the address that the BTB predicted, the pipeline is flushed, execution starts at the new target address, and the branch’s history is updated in the BTB.
Instruction Fetch Unit (IFU)
The IFU is responsible for delivering instructions to the instruction decode (ID) pipestage. It delivers one instruction word each cycle (if possible) to the ID. The instruction could come from one of two sources: instruction cache or fetch buffers.
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 2-3
Microarchitecture Overview Instruction Decode (ID) Pipestage
The ID pipestage accepts an instruction word from the IFU and sends register decode information to the RF pipestage. The ID is able to accept a new instruction word from the IFU on every clock cycle in which there is no stall. The ID pipestage is responsible for:
General instruction decoding (extracting the opcode, operand addresses, destination addresses
and the offset).
Detecting undefined instructions and generating an exception.
Dynamic expansion of complex instructions into sequence of simple instructions. Complex
instructions are defined as ones that take more than one clock cycle to issue, such as LDM, STM, and SWP. Register File / Shifter (RF) Pipestage
The main function of the RF pipestage is to read and write to the register file unit (RFU). It provides source data to:
X1 for ALU operations
MAC for multiply operations
Data cache for memory writes
Coprocessor interface
The ID unit decodes the instruction and specifies the registers accessed in the RFU. Based on this information, the RFU determines if it needs to stall the pipeline due to a register dependency. A register dependency occurs when a previous instruction is about to modify a register value that has not been returned to the RFU and the current instruction needs to access that same register. If no dependencies exist, the RFU selects the appropriate data from the register file and passes it to the next pipestage. When a register dependency does exist, the RFU keeps track of the unavailable register. The RFU stops stalling the pipe when the result is returned.
The ARM* architecture specifies one of the operands for data processing instructions as the shifter operand. A 32-bit shift can be performed on a value before it is used as an input to the ALU. This shifter is located in the second half of the RF pipestage. Execute (X1) Pipestages
The X1 pipestage performs these functions:
ALU calculations – the ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations, as required for data
processing instructions and load/store index calculations.
Determine conditional instruction executions – the instruction’s condition is compared to the
CPSR prior to execution of each instruction. Any instruction with a false condition is cancelled and does not cause any architectural state changes, including modifications of registers, memory, and PSR.
Branch target determinations – the X1 pipestage flushes all instructions in the previous
pipestages and sends the branch target address to the BTB if a branch is mispredicted by the BTB. The flushing of these instructions restarts the pipeline.
2-4 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide Execute 2 (X2) Pipestage
The X2 pipestage contains the program status registers (PSR). This pipestage selects the data to be written to the RFU in the WB cycle including the following items.
The X2 pipestage contains the current program status register (CPSR). This pipestage selects what is written to the RFU in the WB cycle including program status registers. Write-Back (WB)
When an instruction reaches the write-back stage it is considered complete. Instruction results are written to the RFU.

2.2.4 Memory Pipeline

The memory pipeline consists of two stages, D1 and D2. The data cache unit (DCU) consists of the data cache array, mini-data cache, fill buffers, and write buffers. The memory pipeline handles load and store instructions. D1 and D2 Pipestage
Microarchitecture Overview
Operation begins in D1 after the X1 pipestage calculates the effective address for loads and stores. The data cache and mini-data cache return the destination data in the D2 pipestage. Before data is returned in the D2 pipestage, sign extension and byte alignment occurs for byte and half-word loads. Write Buffer Behavior
The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture has enhanced write performance by the use of write coalescing. Coalescing is combining a new store operation with an existing store operation already resident in the write buffer. The new store is placed in the same write buffer entry as an existing store when the address of new store falls in the 4-word aligned address of the existing entry.
The core can coalesce any of the four entries in the write buffer. The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture has a global coalesce disable bit located in the Control register (CP15, register 1, opcode_2=1). Read Buffer Behavior
The Intel XScale® Microarchitecture has four fill buffers that allow four outstanding loads to the cache and external memory. Four outstanding loads increases the memory throughput and the bus efficiency. This feature can also be used to hide latency. Page table attributes affect the load behavior; for a section with C=0, B=0 there is only one outstanding load from the memory. Thus, the load performance for a memory page with C=0, B=1 is significantly better compared to a memory page with C=0, B=0.

2.2.5 Multiply/Multiply Accumulate (MAC) Pipeline

The multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit executes the multiply and multiply-accumulate instructions supported by the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture. The MAC implements the 40-bit Intel XScale® Microarchitecture accumulator register acc0 and handles the instructions which transfers its value to and from general-purpose ARM* registers.
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 2-5
Microarchitecture Overview
These are important characteristics about the MAC:
The MAC is not a true pipeline. The processing of a single instruction requires use of the same
data-path resources for several cycles before a new instruction is accepted. The type of instruction and source arguments determine the number of required cycles.
No more than two instructions can concurrently occupy the MAC pipeline.
When the MAC is processing an instruction, another instruction cannot enter M1 unless the
original instruction completes in the next cycle.
The MAC unit can operate on 16-bit packed signed data. This reduces register pressure and
memory traffic size. Two 16-bit data items can be loaded into a register with one LDR.
The MAC can achieve throughput of one multiply per cycle when performing a 16-by-32-bit
ACC registers in the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture can be up to 64 bits in future
implementations. Code should be written to depend on the 40-bit nature of the current implementation. Behavioral Description
The execution of the MAC unit starts at the beginning of the M1 pipestage. At this point, the MAC unit receives two 32-bit source operands. Results are completed N cycles later (where N is dependent on the operand size) and returned to the register file. For more information on MAC instruction latencies, refer to
Section 4.8, “Instruction Latencies for Intel XScale®
An instruction occupying the M1 or M2 pipestages occupies the X1 and X2 pipestage, respectively. Each cycle, a MAC operation progresses for M1 to M5. A MAC operation may complete anywhere from M2-M5. Perils of Superpipelining
The longer pipeline has several consequences worth considering:
Larger branch misprediction penalty (four cycles in the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture
instead of one in StrongARM* Architecture).
Larger load use delay (LUD) — LUDs arise from load-use dependencies. A load-use
dependency gives rise to a LUD if the result of the load instruction cannot be made available by the pipeline in time for the subsequent instruction. To avoid these penalties, an optimizing compiler should take advantage of the core’s multiple outstanding load capability (also called hit-under-miss) as well as finding independent instructions to fill the slot following the load.
Certain instructions incur a few extra cycles of delay with the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture
as compared to StrongARM* processors (LDM, STM).
Decode and register file lookups are spread out over two cycles with the Intel XScale®
Microarchitecture, instead of one cycle in predecessors.
2-6 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
Microarchitecture Overview

2.3 Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology Pipeline

As the Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology is tightly coupled with the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture; the structure as the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture. Technology pipeline, which contains three independent pipeline threads:
X pipeline - Execution pipe
M pipeline - Multiply pipe
D pipeline - Memory pipe
Figure 2-2. Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology Pipeline Threads and relation with Intel
XScale® Microarchitecture Pipeline
Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology pipeline follows the similar pipeline
Figure 2-2 shows the Intel® Wireless MMX™
Intel XScale® Pipeline
X pipeline
M pipeline
D pipeline

2.3.1 Execute Pipeline Thread ID Stage
The ID pipe stage is where decoding of Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology instructions commences. Because of the significance of the transit time from Intel XScale® Microarchitecture in the ID pipe stage, only group decoding is performed in the ID stage, with the remainder of the decoding being completed in the RF stage. However, it is worth noting that the register address decoding is fully completed in the ID stage because the register file needs to be accessed at the beginning of the RF stage.
All instructions are issued in a single cycle, and they pass through the ID stage in one cycle if no pipeline stall occurs. RF Stage
The RF stage controls the reading/writing of the register file, and determines if the pipeline has to stall due to data or resource hazards. Instruction decoding also continues at the RF stage and completes at the end of the RF stage. The register file is accessed for reads in the high phase of the clock and accessed for writes in the low phase.If data or resource hazards are detected, the
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 2-7
Microarchitecture Overview
Wireless MMX™ Technology stalls Intel XScale® Microarchitecture. Note that control hazards are detected in the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture, and a flush signal is sent from the core to the Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology. X1 Stage
The X1 stage is also known as the execution stage, which is where most instructions begin being executed. All instructions are conditionally executed and that determination occurs at the X1 stage in the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture. A signal from the core is required to indicate whether the instruction being executed is committed. In other words, an instruction being executed at the X1 stage may be canceled by a signal from the core. This signal is available to the MMX™ Technology X2 Stage
The Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology supports saturated arithmetic operations. Saturation detection is completed in the X2 pipe stage.
If the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture detects exceptions and flushes in the X2 pipe stage, Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology
Intel® Wireless
in the middle of the X1 pipe stage.
also flushes all the pipeline stages. XWB Stage
The XWB stage is the last stage of the X pipeline, where a final result calculated in the X pipeline is written back to the register file.

2.3.2 Multiply Pipeline Thread M1 Stage
The M pipeline is separated from the X pipeline. The execution of multiply instructions starts at the beginning of the M1 stage, which aligns with the X1 stage of the X pipeline. While the issue cycle for multiply operations is one clock cycle, the result latency is at least three cycles. Certain instructions such as TMIA, WMAC, WMUL, WMADD spend two M1 cycles since the Wireless MMX™ Technology level compression occur in the M1 pipe stage. M2 Stage
Additional compression occurs in the M2 pipe stage, and the lower 32 bits of the result are calculated with a 32 bit adder. M3 Stage
The upper 32 bits of the result are calculated with a 32-bit adder.
has only two 16x16 multiplier arrays. Booth encoding and first-
Intel® MWB Stage
The MWB stage is the last stage of the M pipeline, which is where a final result calculated in the M pipeline is written back to the register file.
2-8 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
A forwarding path from the MWB stage to the RF stage serves as a non-critical bypass. Critical and reasonable logic insertion are allowed.

2.3.3 Memory Pipeline Thread D1 Stage
In the D1 pipe stage, the Intel XScale® Microarchitecture provides a virtual address that is used to access the data cache. There is no logic inside the pipe stage. D2 Stage
The D2 stage is where load data is returned. Load data comes from either data cache or external memory, with external memory having the highest priority. The Technology DWB Stage
needs to bridge incoming 32-bit data to internal 64-bit data.
Microarchitecture Overview
Intel® Wireless MMX™ Technology in the D1
Intel® Wireless MMX™
The DWB stage—the last stage of the D pipeline—is where load data is written back to the register file.
Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide 2-9
Microarchitecture Overview
2-10 Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Optimization Guide
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