Enabling the IPSec Protocol on
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
Where to Go for More Information
Readm e Files
For more information ab out installation and general information about
the product, see the readme text file. To view the files, view the root
folder on the Intel CD-ROM. Open readme.txt with any text editor.
Online Services
You can use the Internet to download soft ware updates, and to view
troubleshooting tips, installation notes, and more. Online services are
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make any commitment to update the information contained herein.
* Other product and corporate names may be trademarks of other companies and are used only for
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Where to Go for More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Assign security behavior roles to computers that you want to use
Packet Protect 9
Develop a strategy for handling pre-shared keys 10
Understand the Default Rule 11
Consider exceptions to the Default Rule 11
What are the Trade-offs? 12
Conclusion 14
Set up Your System Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
What is a Policy? 25
What is a Rule? 25
The Default Rule 26
Importance of Rule Order 27
How Does the System Policy Work? 28
Add Rules to the System Policy 28
Wi th the growing amount of information that travels on your local area network
(LAN), confidential information has become a target for intruders bo th ins ide
and outside your company. These intruders may be employees, visitors to your
company, or a hacker who breaks through your firewall.
Intel® Packet Prot ect helps protect Internet P rotocol (IP) traffic as it travels
betwe en computers on your LA N . This protects confidential data from being
retrieved by intruders.
In this chapter, you’ll find information about:
•Packet Protect overview
•How Packet Protect works
•Getting started
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
What is Intel
Packet Protect is designed to protec t the confidentiality and authenticity of IP
traffic on your LAN.
Packet Protect can assist you in creating a departmental solution fo r your security concerns.
Many data compromises are attempted from within a company firewall. Unless
you protect informati on as it travels on th e network, it can be received by
unwanted users.
For example, employees retrieving confidential designs from a Research &
De velopment department server use Packet Protect to encrypt the inform ation
while it travels on the LAN. Encryption protects the confi dentiality of the information. Each employee’s computer can also verify the integrity of the information upon receipt.
Pa cket P r ote ct?
Packet Protect Features
Packet Protect enables you to:
•Protect confidentiality and authenticity of IP traffic on your LAN using
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), including Internet Key Exchange (IKE).
•Offlo a d se cu r ity task s to an Int el PRO/100 S Management or Server
Adapt er to optimize network performance.
Complete Your Security Solution
If you need to protect data stored on a computer, u se operating syst em features
comb in e d w ith Pack et Prote ct. Pack et Prot ec t protects da ta t rave ling between
comput ers, not while it ’s store d on a com puter. You should use your operating
system features or network infrast ructure element to provide access control to
certain areas of the computers on the network.
Hardware Acceleration
Imple menti ng an I PSec solut io n can increa se CPU uti lizat i on fo r comp uter s th at
use the IPSec software. This is common when implementing any IPSec solution
because of the intense computation required to encrypt, decrypt, and validate
packets. Howe ver, there is a way to offload secur ity tasks from the CP U .
You can combine Packet Protect with the use of an Intel PRO/100 S Management o r Serv er Adap ter t o reduc e CP U ut iliz at io n. Th is fr ee s CPU ut il i zati on fo r
other tasks, while reducing the impact to network performance.
Domestic and Export Ve rsions
Packet Protect i s availabl e in both domestic and export v ersions. The export version supports DES (56-bit) encryption only. The domestic version, available in
the United States and Canada, supports DES and 3DES (168-bit) encryption.
Additional Information
This Packet Protect User’s Guide in Adobe Acrobat* format can be found in the
Packet Protect directory on the product CD-ROM. Packet Protect help can be
found in the Help directory on the product CD-ROM.
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
How Pac k et Protect Works
Packet Protect hel ps you protect network traffic that is sent from one server or
client to another. Packet Protect uses these steps to protect informa tion traveling
on the ne tw ork:
1.Activate IKE (Internet Key Ex ch ange ). Neg ot iates par am e ters fo r se cu re
2.Activate IPSec (Internet Protocol Security). Protects the communication
using the security par am eters it negotiated successfully using IKE.
What is IP Security?
Internet Protocol (IP) Securit y (commonly called IPSec) is a set of standa rd protocols used to protect t h e confidentiality and authenticity of IP communicati ons.
IPSec accomplishes this using the following:
•Encryption. Protects confidentiality of inform ation traveling on the network . Each packet is encrypted so that unwanted recipient s can’t interpret
it. Packet Protect uses DES 56-bit and 3DES 168-b it encrypti on algorithms
(3DE S in U .S . and Ca na d a versio n only) .
•Integrity. Protects the authenticity of the information traveling on the network by verifying that each packet was unchanged in transport. Packet Protect uses MD5 and SHA-1 authentication algorithms for bot h ESP and AH
auth entication.
•An ti-re pl a y protection. Protects the network by preventi ng an intruder
from successfully repeatedly sending an identical packet in an attempt to
confuse the system.
For more information about IPSec, see “Appendix A — IKE and IPSec” on
page 53.
What is Internet Key E xch ang e?
Inter net K ey Exc han ge ( IKE) is a s ta nda rd pro toc ol use d t o ne go tiat e a pro tect ed
communication. Ne gotiation is the first pha se in setting u p a secure communi cation. IKE verifies the identity of the computers using pre-shared keys. Then it
negotiates a set of se curity settings to protect the communication.
IKE is a pro to col t hat ope rate s i ns ide a f ra me wo rk def i ne d by I SAK MP ( Inter net
Security Associati on Key Management Protocol) and is used to support the
establishment of Security Associations.
For mo re information about IKE, see “Appendix A — IKE and IPSec” on
page 53.
The Process
If two com puters require security, each time they attempt to communicate wit h
each o ther Packet Protect foll ows these steps to attempt a protected comm unication:
1.Ea ch co mput er uses IK E to ver i fy that the oth er is th e comp ute r i t clai ms to
2.I f i den tit y v erif i ca tion i s s ucces sf ul i n Step 1, the tw o com p uters use IKE t o
3.If the agreement is successful in Step 2, both computers will use the agreed
As long as the protected communication is active, the two computers can
exchange information, without repeating Steps 1 and 2 (up to the pre-defined
time and size limits — se e Table 6 on page 34 for more information).
The following diagram shows the roles of IKE and IPSec.
agree upon the IPSec sett ings to use.
upon IPSec settings to protect the data as it travels.
Step 1: IKE Verif ies Pre-shared Key
Step 2: I KE Negotiates IPSec Settings
Step 3: IPSec Protect s the Communication
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
Get Started
To start using Pac ket Protect
1.Evaluate your network arch itecture and decide which areas require Packet
Protect. For details, see “Developing Your Depl oyment Model” on pag e 8.
2.Install Packet Protect on those computer s that require security. For deta ils,
see “Install Packet Protect” on page 17.
3.Set up security settings for each computer where you installed Packet Protect. For details, see Chapter 3, “Configuring Securi ty S ettings” on
page 21.
Installi ng Packet Prote ct
To set up yo u r netwo rk in prepa ra tion fo r deploy ing se cu rity, there ar e several
things to cons ider. This cha pter gui de s you th rough th e set up process so you can
begin deplo ying se cu rity m os t effe ctively.
In this chapter, you’ll find information about:
•De veloping your deployment model.
•Setting up Intel
•Installing Packet Protect.
network adapters.
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
Developing Your Deployment Model
In order to use Packet Protect successfully, you must develop a deployment
model that fulfills your s ecurity needs on your ne twork. There are sev eral stages
to consider in deve loping your deployment model.
•Review your network architecture and corporate security guidelines.
•Assign security behavior roles to computers that you want to use Packet
•Develop a strategy for using pre-shared keys.
•Under stand the Default Rule.
•Consi der exceptions to the Default Rule.
This discussion represents only an overview of some of the issues that should be
considered when deploying Packet Protect in your enterprise. For more detailed
information about depl oyment models , please refer t o “Scalable Deployment of
IPSec in Corporate I ntranets”white paper from t he Intel Architecture Labs Internet Building Blocks Initiative. This white paper can be found at:
The amount of confide ntial information traveling on your net work grows as
more employees use your corporate network. This poses a security risk if som eone breaks through your firewal l, or someone already behind your f irewall has
access to the network—those people can access confidential information. For
example, an intruder can mimic an IP address and receive inform ation that was
intended for someo ne else at that IP address. Or, an intruder can use software to
view data as it travels on your LAN.
You can deploy Packet Protect in the areas of your network that transmit sensi tive informati on. Some areas of your network might require the additional protection provided b y Packet Protect, while other areas might not. Use your
corp orate security guidelines to help determine w h ich areas of your network
require Packet Protect.
Perhaps you have a server that stores hi ghly confidential information, such as
corporate financial figures or e-comm erce transact ions. You can use your o perating system’s tools to help protect data stored on the server’ s hard disk, but
what ab out when other computers access that information? Use Pac k et Protect
Installing Packet Protect
to protect your highly confidential in formation as it travels t o and from the
Assign security behavior roles to computers that you wan t to use
Packet Protect
Packet Protect use s default secur ity behavior t o determine how a com puter will
communicate with other computers on the network. There are three default
behaviors: Secure Responder, Secure Initiator and Lockdown.
Secure Responder
A computer with the default behavior of Secure Responder alw ays initiates and
accep t s tra ffi c th at is not secu red. H ow ever, it wil l accep t a secur e co m m u nication if it is initiated by another computer. Of course, the negotiation will succeed
only if one th e pr opos als in the li st of f ere d b y the ini t iator can be matc hed by the
respond er.
Secure Responder is a likely behavior for the majority of workstations in a network. Communicati ons will always be allowed in the clear between computers
that are Secure Responders or Secure Initiators, but will communicate securely
with a computer (usually a server) with Lockdown default behavior.
Secure Initiator
A computer with the default behavior of Secure Initiator will always attemp t to
initiate secure communications on all outbound traffic. Even if an inbound communi ca ti on flow is ini tiated in th e cl ea r, the respon se da ta flow wi ll ca u se the
comput er to initiate a secure session. Ho w ever, if a secure session cannot be in itiated, the computers will fallb ack to communicat ing in the clear.
Secure Initiator behavior is appropriate for both workstations and servers . Compute rs who wish to use peer-to-peer secure communications can use S ecure Ini-
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
tiator behavior. Also, many servers can use this behavior as well, as long as the
fallback behavi or is acceptable for your network.
Secure Initiator is similar to Secure Responder, exc ept that all outb ound traffic
will result in an attempt to negotiate parameters for security.
A computer with Lockdown behavior will alw ays initiate and respond securely
to all data flows. If the negotiatio n fails on either computer, then traf fic will be
Lockdown behavior is used for serv ers with high content value, as it requires
security for all data transmissions.
Communicat ing with non-Packet Protect computers
It is comm on to not use Packet Protect on all the computers in your network.
While the secur it y th at P acke t Pro te ct can provi de is ben ef ici al , th ere are se v er al
reasons to limit the computers on your netw ork that use Packet Protect, such as:
•Only a limited number of com puters on your network require se cure communications.
•In order to minimize CPU utilization, you want to limit use of Packet Protect to computers that already have PRO /100S Management or Server
Comput ers tha t use the defa ul t beha vio r of Sec ur e Responde r or Sec ur e Initi at or
will always be able to communicate in the clear with computers in your network
that do not use Packet Protect.
Comput ers that use the default behavior of Lockdown will not be able to co mmunicate with computers in your network that do not use Packet Protect.
Develop a strategy for handling pre-shared keys
When two computers attempt secure communication, they negotiate parameters
for the communicati on. In addition to using their default behavior, described in
the previous section, they also exchange a st ring of characters known as a p reshared key.
When the computers begin to negotiate parameters, they compare their preshared ke y s. If bo th comp ute rs hav e th e s ame p re -s hared ke y, th en the co mput er s
will go ahead and negotiate parameters for the session. If the comput ers have a
different pre- shared key, then the negotiati on for secure communication will
Once the pre-shared keys have been compared and matched between the two
comput ers, the IKE protocol generates secure, secret session keys. N o one can
find out what these session keys are, even if the y know what the pre-shared ke y
is. Although pre-shared keys are sometimes called passwords, they do not ac t
like p ass wor ds. Ev e n when you k no w wha t t he pre- sh ared k e y is , y ou canno t us e
that key to intercept or decrypt the information that is being transmitted.
Installing Packet Protect
Sharing keys
It’s importa nt when yo u are developing your depl oyment model that you decide
how to handle the distribution of the pre-shared key. Some networks use a
widely-published key, known as a “group key” or the “pre-shared key on the
wall.” In this strategy, you make the pre-shared available to everyone. This way,
all com puters will be configured to use the same key. This ensures that when
secure communications are requested, then IK E will be able to negotiate secure
communications when the keys are matc hed between two co m puters.
In addition to “group key,” some enterprises may want to u se additional, more
private pre-shared keys in cert ain instances. For example, the president and the
chief financial officer of a corporation may wish to send secured tr ansmissions
to each other. In this instanc e, each of these computers would use the gr oup key
as part of their standa rd Syst em P olicy, but would create a special rule to cov e r
communications just between them. (See “Consider exceptions to the Default
Rule” for more information on implementing this scenario.) In this case, they
might li k ely cho ose a more sec ret pr e- sh ared k e y th at just t he t wo comput er s u se
with each other.
Understand the Default Rule
Every computer that uses Packet Pro tect has a single Sys tem Policy. Each System Policy initially contains a single Default Rule. The Default Rule is quite
For Everybody, use the De fa u lt Se c ur ity Act io n . If the rule fails, Allow Communication without Security.
Note:For computers that use the Lockdown behavior wth the
Default Rule, if the rule fails then
fallback action.
See “The D efault Rule” on page 26 for more information .
See “What is a Rule?” on page 25 for more information about rules in Packet
If you want to have secure communication between a Packet
Protect computer and a Windows 2000* computer, you must
use the Default Rule. Intel recommends that yo u do not
delete the Default Rule.
Deny Communication
is the
Consider exceptions to the Default Rule
Many enterprises may find that b y careful consideration of th e default behavior
roles, a widely publis hed pre-shared key, and the Default Rule, they can meet
their security requirements without extra effo rt. This model is quite workable
and provides adequate security. It is also simple to deploy and maintain.
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
Some enterprises may wish to create additional rules that govern communications between two spe c ific computers.
Earlier, we introduced a scenario where the president and chief financial officer
of a company wished to implement extra security for their communications. For
this scenario, a new rule is needed. Let’s compare a possible rule for this scenario to the S ys te m Po li cy ’s Defau lt Rule :
PropertyNew RuleDefault Rule
Table 1: Rule Comparison
Security ActionNew Security Action: Up
Rule FailureDeny Communication.Allow communication in
AuthenticationUse a new pre-shared
President and CFO onlyEverybody
Default Sec ur ity Action:
to 15 m inutes or 50 MB,
whichever occurs first.
Then, a new security
association is negotiated.
key, known only to these
two comput ers.
Up to 8 h ours , then a n ew
security association is
the clear.
Use the System Policy’s
In addition to these rules, both the president and the Chief Financial Officer
woul d hav e the Sec ure In it ia to r de faul t beha vio r. The ru le mi ght al so wan t t o us e
more se cure options, such as perfect forward secrecy , whic h provides a very
secure neg otiation of session keys. There are many oth er security options that
can be chosen when you create a security action for this rule. See “Customize
Security Actions” on page 33 for more infor mation on optio ns for security
By compar ing the new ru le and the default rule, you can see how the new rule
provides an extra m easure of security. The new security action is much more
limited. Longer time and/or size limi ts on a security action can give an intr uder
an opportunity to intercept and possibly corrupt pack ets. By denying c om m unication in case of rul e failure, you ensure that communication between these t w o
computers will never occur in the clear.
What are the Trade-offs?
A very important part of developing your deployment model is to consider not
only the initial deployment, but maintaining the System Policies on all the computers that use Packet Protect in your network.
Clearly, the simplest model we discussed will be the easiest to deplo y and maintain. When all computers u se the same defa ults—Default Rule, security action,
Installing Packet Protect
fallback to clear communicatio n, same pre-shared key—then you’ll be able to
gain adequate security with minimum impact to your network.
If you decide on a more complex deployment model, you should consider the
benefits of the extra security that you have against the costs of maintaining and
running the mod el. There are two ar eas that you should evaluate—maintenance
and CPU utilization.
If you are considering a deployment model with many customizations and speciali zed rules , be aw are of t he t ime a nd ef for t requir ed f or on going m aint ena nce.
Becau se each computer with Packet Protect must be configured individually,
custom izations require more effort to keep each computer up-t o -date.
Let’s consider the previous example of the special rule for the president and
Chief Financial Officer of the corporation. In ord er for this rule to work as
designe d, all a sp ect s of t he rul e mus t ma tch, or commun ic ation wil l b e de nied. I f
the president’s computer uses a different setting in the security action from the
CFO’s computer, then a secur ity association cannot be negotiated and there fore
all com m unication is denied. Consider then that it might take several days for
the president and CFO to even discover that their communications haven’t been
taking place, as assumed.
Even a new computer for the president could prevent secure communication
from happening. For example, when you set up this special rule, you identified
the two computers to Packet Protect by the names of the com puters. The president’s new computer has a ne w nam e. When the pres ident and the CFO attempt
to communicate the next time, th e rule will fail, because of the computer name.
You c an imagine how difficult it can bec o me to maintain specialized rules, desti nation workgro ups, and security actions in your network. Intel recommends that
you begin by using the simple, default model for secure communications. Over
time, you may consider customizations to enhance secure communications in
spec ial cases.
CPU Utilization
Anoth er ve ry impo rt ant f ac to r to co nsi der i s t he eff ec t of I PSec on y our net wo rk ,
as well as the individual computers using Packet Protect . Generally, you can
assume that when you choose most sophisticated security options, there will be
impac t on your network.
One example is choosing to use ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload) and AH
(Authen ti cat ion H eade r) aut hen tica ti on t ogeth er. While th is combi na tion a f fo rds
extra protecti on, you must consider that when you use both of these methods,
you cannot offload any processing to the adapter, and thus CPU utilization
incre ases. H owever, if you use jus t ES P au th en tication wi t h th e ap p ropri ate
adapter, you can take adv antage of the hardware of fload and get better CPU util itzation.
You must also consider the adap ters that are installed in you r Packet Protect
comput ers. Only the Intel PRO /100 S Server Adapter and Intel PRO/ 100 S Man-
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
agemen t A dapter can perform hardware offloading. If you ha ve other Intel PRO/
100 Ada pters in Packet Protect computers, you won’t be able to offload any processing, thus i ncreasing CPU utilization and potent ially slo w ing that co mputer’s
netw ork performance.
Other security opti ons are considered “costly” as well. Perfect Forward Secrecy
is very secure, but if used widely throughout the network, there can be a significant effect on servers that have a lot of secure traffic.
Hopefully, this section provided some guidelines for you to consider as you
develop your deployment model. There are no hard-and-fast rules that you must
follo w. However , Inte l r eco mmends tha t you be gin your use of IPSe c an d Pa ck et
Protect slowly in your enterprise. You should consid er starting with a small
group that use t he same pre-shared key and default System Policy. When you’ve
had a chance to evaluate this first implementation phase, you can then decide
how to expand your use of Packet Prote ct.
Set Up Intel Adapters
Before you install Packet Protect, install the necessary Intel adapters on your
servers and client s that will use Packet Protect. Packet Protect only operates
with Intel adapters that are configured to use Intel drivers.
Inst a ll Intel Ad apte r s
Packet Protect works with Intel adapters that are designed to offload CPU-intensive tasks to the adapter. This helps reduce the impact to network perform ance
and CPU utilization. Intel adapters that support the offload capab ilities include
the following:
•Intel PRO/100 S Server Adapter
•Intel PRO/100 S Managem ent Adapter
Installing Packet Protect
Although Intel adapters can be installed on var ious operating
syste ms , P a cket Protect suppo rts only Windo ws NT* 4.0 with
Service Pack 5.
Packet Protect also works with the following Intel adapters,
but security tasks will not offload to these adapters, and network performance will be affected.
PR O/10+ PCI LAN adapter
PRO/10 0B LAN ad ap t e r
PRO/100B T4 LAN adapter
PRO/100+ LAN adapter
PRO/100+ Management adapter
PRO/100+ Server adapter
PRO/100+ Dual Port Server adapter
PRO/100 CardBus II
PRO/100 RealPort
PRO/100 LAN+Modem56 CardBus II
PRO/100 LAN+Modem56 RealPort
CardBus II
Cardbus II
Install Intel adap ters for the servers and clients that use Pa cket Protect.
T o install Intel adapters
1.Refer to the Installation Guide that came with the adapters for information
about installati on
2.After installation, verify network access for each compute r that will use
Packe t Pr otect b y che cking t he Link a nd Act i vit y LEDs o n the ada pter. You
can also double-click Network Neighborhood on a computer’s desk top to
verify that ot her are as of the net wo rk are vi sible.
Configure Intel Adapters
Afte r you install adapters in the com puters that will use Packet Protect, configure them, as necessary, before you install Packet Protect. For e xam ple, you
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
migh t in stall m ultipl e adapt ers on a se rve r. Then you mi gh t te am tho se ad ap ters
together to take advantage of adapter fault tolerance or adaptive load balancing.
Mult ip le A d apters
If you install multiple adapters in one computer, note the following:
•Install multiple adapters before installing Packet Protect.
•Each co m puter has only one sec urity policy. This me ans that the same
security settings will apply to all of the adapters in one computer.
•If you use at least one Intel PRO/100 S Server or Management adapter in a
comput er, Packet Protect will be able to off load encryption and authentication tasks to that ad apter.
•If you need to add or remove an adapter f rom a team after you install
Packet Protect, you must uninstall Packet Protect from that computer, add
or remo ve the necessary adapters, and then reinstall Packet Protect.
When you uninstall Packet Protect, you lose all of your customized information, including rules and security actions. When you reinstall Packet
Protect, you will only have the single Default Rule in your System Policy.
Adapter Teaming
Adapter Teaming and Packet Protect work together only for computers with
Wi ndows NT operating system installed. If you set up Adapter Teamin g for multiple adapters, keep the following in mind:
•Conf igure Adapter Teami ng before installing Packet Protect.
•Refer to the previous page to make sure all adapters in the team are either
offload-enabled Intel adapt ers, or appear in the list of compat ible Intel
adapters on the previous page.
•If you need to add or remove an adapter from a team after you install
Packet Protect, you must uninstall Packet Protect from that computer, add
or remo ve the necessary adapters, and then re-install Packet Protec t.
•Consi der using high-speed adapters to limit upgrading.
Install Packet Protect
Before you insta ll Packet Protect on your computer, make sure the computer
meets the following system requirements . Packet Protect computers can be servers or workstations.
System Requirements
Befor e installing Packet Protect, make sure your computers meet these requirements:
•Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6a (or higher)
•40 MB available disk space
•32 MB RAM minimu m, 64M B RA M re commended
•200 MHz Pentium
•Intel adapter (PRO/100 family)
:See “Install Intel Adapters” on page 15 for information on
choosi ng an Intel ada pter.
processor performance level or higher recomm ended
Installing Packet Protect
All installations are subject t o the end user’s acceptance of the applicable In tel
Softw are License Agr eement.
Install Packet Protect
You wil l need the information detailed in the follo w ing table during Packet Protect installati on at each compute r. To complete the installa tion most efficiently,
gather the foll owing information before you begin.
You N eed
Table 2: Required Information
Decide how you want the computer to communicate
with other computers on the network:
• Secure Responder
• Secure Initiator
For more information about these settings, see
“Default Behaviors for Packet Protect Computers” on
page 22.
Pre-shared key Enter a pre-shared key the computer will use to
communicate securely with other IPSec computers. A
pre-shared key is similar to a secret password.
Intel® Packet Protect User’s Guide
To install Packet Protect
1.Verify that the computer you have chosen meets the minimum requirements detailed under “Sy stem Requiremen ts” on page 17.
2.Insert th e pr oduct C D- R OM in to the CD-ROM driv e at the comput er wher e
you want to install Packet Protect.
3.Browse to the CD-ROM using Windows Explorer.
4.Doubl e-click d:\packet protect\setup.exe, where d:\ is t he drive of your CDROM drive.
5.Follow the dialog bo x instructions on the screen.
Ke ep a confidential record of the information you enter. If you need to reinstall
Pac ket Protect lat er, you will need to re-ent er this information.
If the static IP address or the DNS name of the computer
changes, you must re store t he S yste m Policy. Yo u wi ll lose all
your customizations when you restore the System Policy.
Also, if there are other computers in the network that have
rules that apply to the computers whose IP address or DNS
name changes, the rules of those computers need to be
changed. For information on restoring the System Policy, see
“Restore t he Syst em Policy” on page 42.
You can also install from a mapped drive where you have
stored the Packet Protect installation file s.
If you already have adapter teaming installed on the system,
there’s no need to re-enter the TCP/IP settings during Packet
Protect installation (you are not prom pted for this information).
To verify that Packet Protect is installed and running on a computer:
1.At the taskbar on the computer, select Settings > Contro l Panel.
2.Doub le -c lick Se r vi ces and ver ify that Int el Polic y A ge n t is st arted .
If Intel Policy Agent doesn’t appear in the list, Packet Protect has b een shut
dow n or is not function ing properly. See “Turn Security on Manually for an
Existing Computer” on page 47 for detai ls about restarting P acket Protect .
See the chapter “Troubleshooting and FAQs” on page 49 for general troubleshooting guidelines and a list of common Packet Protect installation problems
and their solutions.
View Your Security Settings
Duri ng installation, you set up basic security settings for the computer—the
authent i cati on meth od and the de faul t be ha vior for t he clie nt . To view your secu rity settings, double-click Intel(R) Packet Protect at the Control Panel. The
authentication setting and default behavior you chose during installation appear
in the Security tab.
Installing Packet Protect
See the next chapter for information on editing basic settings and configuring
advanc ed secu r ity sett ings.
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