Intel U3000, P4000 User Manual

Intel® Celeron® Mobile Processor P4000 and U3000 Series
Revision 001 October 2010
Document Number: 324471-001
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2 Datasheet
for details.
1 Features Summary ....................................................................................................9
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................9
1.2 Processor Feature Details ...................................................................................11
1.2.1 Supported Technologies ..........................................................................11
1.3 Interfaces......................................................................................................... 11
1.3.1 System Memory Support ......................................................................... 11
1.3.2 PCI Express* .........................................................................................12
1.3.3 Direct Media Interface (DMI).................................................................... 13
1.3.4 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI)...........................................14
1.3.5 Intel® HD Graphics Controller.................................................................. 14
1.3.6 Embedded DisplayPort* (eDP*) ................................................................ 15
1.3.7 Intel® Flexible Display Interface (Intel® FDI) ............................................ 15
1.4 Power Management Support ............................................................................... 15
1.4.1 Processor Core.......................................................................................15
1.4.2 System ................................................................................................. 15
1.4.3 Memory Controller.................................................................................. 16
1.4.4 PCI Express* .........................................................................................16
1.4.5 DMI...................................................................................................... 16
1.4.6 Integrated Graphics Controller .................................................................16
1.5 Thermal Management Support ............................................................................16
1.6 Package ........................................................................................................... 16
1.7 Terminology ..................................................................................................... 17
1.8 Related Documents............................................................................................19
2Interfaces................................................................................................................ 20
2.1 System Memory Interface................................................................................... 20
2.1.1 System Memory Technology Supported ..................................................... 20
2.1.2 System Memory Timing Support...............................................................21
2.1.3 System Memory Organization Modes ......................................................... 21
2.1.4 Rules for Populating Memory Slots............................................................23
2.1.5 Technology Enhancements of Intel
2.1.6 DRAM Clock Generation........................................................................... 24
2.1.7 System Memory Pre-Charge Power Down Support Details ............................ 24
2.2 PCI Express Interface.........................................................................................25
2.2.1 PCI Express Architecture .........................................................................25
2.2.2 PCI Express Configuration Mechanism ....................................................... 27
2.2.3 PCI Express Ports and Bifurcation ............................................................. 27
2.3 DMI.................................................................................................................28
2.3.1 DMI Error Flow.......................................................................................28
2.3.2 Processor/PCH Compatibility Assumptions.................................................. 28
2.3.3 DMI Link Down ...................................................................................... 28
2.4 Intel® HD Graphics Controller.............................................................................29
2.4.1 3D and Video Engines for Graphics Processing............................................ 29
2.4.2 Integrated Graphics Display Pipes.............................................................32
2.4.3 Intel Flexible Display Interface ................................................................. 34
2.5 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI)...................................................... 34
2.6 Interface Clocking ............................................................................................. 35
2.6.1 Internal Clocking Requirements................................................................ 35
Fast Memory Access (Intel® FMA).......... 24
Datasheet 3
3 Technologies............................................................................................................36
3.1 Intel® Virtualization Technology ..........................................................................36
3.1.1 Intel® VT-x Objectives............................................................................36
3.1.2 Intel® VT-x Features ..............................................................................36
3.2 Intel Graphics Dynamic Frequency .......................................................................37
4 Power Management .................................................................................................38
4.1 ACPI States Supported .......................................................................................38
4.1.1 System States........................................................................................38
4.1.2 Processor Core/Package Idle States...........................................................38
4.1.3 Integrated Memory Controller States.........................................................39
4.1.4 PCIe Link States .....................................................................................39
4.1.5 DMI States ............................................................................................39
4.1.6 Integrated Graphics Controller States ........................................................39
4.1.7 Interface State Combinations ...................................................................40
4.2 Processor Core Power Management......................................................................40
4.2.1 Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology....................................................41
4.2.2 Low-Power Idle States.............................................................................41
4.2.3 Requesting Low-Power Idle States ............................................................43
4.2.4 Core C-states .........................................................................................44
4.2.5 Package C-States ...................................................................................45
4.3 IMC Power Management .....................................................................................48
4.3.1 Disabling Unused System Memory Outputs.................................................49
4.3.2 DRAM Power Management and Initialization ...............................................49
4.4 PCIe Power Management ....................................................................................50
4.5 DMI Power Management .....................................................................................51
4.6 Integrated Graphics Power Management ...............................................................51
4.6.1 Intel
Display Power Saving Technology 5.0 (Intel®DPST 5.0).....................51
4.6.2 Graphics Render C-State .........................................................................51
4.6.3 Graphics Performance Modulation Technology.............................................51
4.6.4 Intel
Smart 2D Display Technology (Intel® S2DDT)...................................51
4.7 Thermal Power Management ...............................................................................52
5 Thermal Management ..............................................................................................53
5.1 Thermal Design Power and Junction Temperature...................................................53
5.1.1 Intel Graphics Dynamic Frequency ............................................................53
5.1.2 Intel Graphics Dynamic Frequency Thermal Design Considerations and
5.1.3 Idle Power Specifications .........................................................................56
5.1.4 Intelligent Power Sharing Control Overview ................................................57
5.1.5 Component Power Measurement/Estimation Error .......................................58
5.2 Thermal Management Features............................................................................58
5.2.1 Processor Core Thermal Features..............................................................58
5.2.2 Integrated Graphics and Memory Controller Thermal Features ......................65
5.2.3 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI) ...........................................68
6 Signal Description....................................................................................................70
6.1 System Memory Interface ...................................................................................71
6.2 Memory Reference and Compensation ..................................................................73
6.3 Reset and Miscellaneous Signals ..........................................................................74
6.4 PCI Express Graphics Interface Signals .................................................................75
6.5 Embedded DisplayPort (eDP)...............................................................................76
6.6 Intel Flexible Display Interface Signals..................................................................76
4 Datasheet
6.7 DMI.................................................................................................................77
6.8 PLL Signals....................................................................................................... 77
6.9 TAP Signals ...................................................................................................... 78
6.10 Error and Thermal Protection ..............................................................................79
6.11 Power Sequencing .............................................................................................80
6.12 Processor Power Signals..................................................................................... 81
6.13 Ground and NCTF ..............................................................................................83
6.14 Processor Internal Pull Up/Pull Down.................................................................... 83
7 Electrical Specifications........................................................................................... 85
7.1 Power and Ground Pins ...................................................................................... 85
7.2 Decoupling Guidelines........................................................................................ 85
7.2.1 Voltage Rail Decoupling........................................................................... 85
7.3 Processor Clocking (BCLK, BCLK#) ...................................................................... 85
7.3.1 PLL Power Supply ................................................................................... 86
7.4 Voltage Identification (VID) ................................................................................86
7.5 Reserved or Unused Signals................................................................................90
7.6 Signal Groups ................................................................................................... 91
7.7 Test Access Port (TAP) Connection....................................................................... 93
7.8 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings ............................................................. 94
7.9 Storage Conditions Specifications ........................................................................94
7.10 DC Specifications...............................................................................................95
7.10.1 Voltage and Current Specifications............................................................96
7.11 Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI) DC Specifications......................... 103
7.11.1 DC Characteristics ................................................................................ 103
7.11.2 Input Device Hysteresis......................................................................... 104
8 Processor Pin and Signal Information.................................................................... 105
8.1 Processor Pin Assignments................................................................................ 105
8.2 Package Mechanical Information........................................................................ 179
Figure 1-1 Intel® Celeron™ P4000 and U3000 mobile processor series on the Calpella
Platform................................................................................................ 10
Figure 2-2 Intel Flex Memory Technology Operation ................................................... 22
Figure 2-3 Dual-Channel Symmetric (Interleaved) and Dual-Channel Asymmetric Modes. 23
Figure 2-4 PCI Express Layering Diagram ................................................................. 25
Figure 2-5 Packet Flow through the Layers................................................................ 26
Figure 2-6 PCI Express Related Register Structures in the Processor ............................. 27
Figure 2-7 Integrated Graphics Controller Unit Block Diagram......................................29
Figure 2-8 Processor Display Block Diagram ..............................................................32
Figure 4-9 Idle Power Management Breakdown of the Processor Cores..........................42
Figure 4-10 Thread and Core C-State Entry and Exit ....................................................42
Figure 4-11 Package C-State Entry and Exit ................................................................47
Figure 5-12 Frequency and Voltage Ordering............................................................... 60
Figure 7-13 Active V
Figure 7-14 Active VCC and ICC Loadline (PSI# Not Asserted) ........................................ 97
Figure 7-15 VAXG/IAXG Static and Ripple Voltage Regulation ........................................ 99
Figure 7-16 Input Device Hysteresis......................................................................... 104
Figure 8-17 Socket-G (rPGA988A) Pinmap (Top View, Upper-Left Quadrant).................. 106
Figure 8-18 Socket-G (rPGA988A) Pinmap (Top View, Upper-Right Quadrant)................ 107
and ICC Loadline (PSI# Asserted) ..............................................97
Datasheet 5
Figure 8-19 Socket-G (rPGA988A) Pinmap (Top View, Lower-Left Quadrant) ..................108
Figure 8-20 Socket-G (rPGA988A) Pinmap (Top View, Lower-Right Quadrant) ................ 109
Figure 8-21 BGA1288 Ballmap (Top View, Upper-Left Quadrant) ..................................138
Figure 8-22 BGA1288 Ballmap (Top View, Upper-Right Quadrant) ................................139
Figure 8-23 BGA1288 Ballmap (Top View, Lower-Left Quadrant) ..................................140
Figure 8-24 BGA1288 Ballmap (Top View, Lower-Right Quadrant) ................................141
Figure 8-25 rPGA Mechanical Package (Sheet 1 of 2) ................................................. 179
Figure 8-26 rPGA Mechanical Package (Sheet 2 of 2) ..................................................180
Figure 8-27 BGA Mechanical Package (Sheet 2 of 2)...................................................181
Table 2-1 Supported SO-DIMM Module Configurations1..............................................20
Table 2-2 DDR3 System Memory Timing Support ......................................................21
Table 2-3 eDP/PEG Ball Mapping .............................................................................33
Table 2-4 Processor Reference Clocks ......................................................................35
Table 4-5 System States........................................................................................38
Table 4-6 Processor Core/Package State Support ......................................................38
Table 4-7 Integrated Memory Controller States.........................................................39
Table 4-8 PCIe Link States .....................................................................................39
Table 4-9 DMI States ............................................................................................39
Table 4-10 Integrated Graphics Controller States ........................................................39
Table 4-11 G, S and C State Combinations.................................................................40
Table 4-12 D, S, and C State Combination .................................................................40
Table 4-13 Coordination of Thread Power States at the Core Level ................................43
Table 4-14 P_LVLx to MWAIT Conversion ...................................................................43
Table 4-15 Coordination of Core Power States at the Package Level...............................46
Table 4-16 Targeted Memory State Conditions............................................................50
Table 5-17 Intel Celeron P4000 mobile processor series Dual-Core SV Thermal Power
Table 5-18 18 W Ultra Low Voltage (ULV) Processor Idle Power ....................................56
Table 5-19 35 W Standard Voltage (SV) Processor Idle Power.......................................57
Table 6-20 Signal Description Buffer Types ................................................................70
Table 6-21 Memory Channel A..................................................................................71
Table 6-22 Memory Channel B..................................................................................72
Table 6-23 Memory Reference and Compensation .......................................................73
Table 6-24 Reset and Miscellaneous Signals ...............................................................74
Table 6-25 PCI Express Graphics Interface Signals ......................................................75
Table 6-26 Intel® Flexible Display Interface...............................................................76
Table 6-27 DMI - Processor to PCH Serial Interface .....................................................77
Table 6-28 PLL Signals ............................................................................................77
Table 6-29 TAP Signals............................................................................................78
Table 6-30 Error and Thermal Protection....................................................................79
Table 6-31 Power Sequencing ..................................................................................80
Table 6-32 Processor Power Signals ..........................................................................81
Table 6-33 Ground and NCTF ...................................................................................83
Table 6-34 Processor Internal Pull Up/Pull Down .........................................................83
Table 7-35 Voltage Identification Definition ................................................................86
Table 7-36 Market Segment Selection Truth Table for MSID[2:0] ..................................90
Table 7-37 Signal Groups1.......................................................................................91
Table 7-38 Processor Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings ....................................94
Table 7-39 Storage Condition Ratings........................................................................95
6 Datasheet
Table 7-40 Processor Core (VCC) Active and Idle Mode DC Voltage and Current Specifications
Table 7-41 Processor Uncore I/O Buffer Supply DC Voltage and Current Specifications..... 98
Table 7-42 Processor Graphics VID based (VAXG) Supply DC Voltage and Current
Table 7-43 DDR3 Signal Group DC Specifications ...................................................... 100
Table 7-44 Control Sideband and TAP Signal Group DC Specifications.......................... 101
Table 7-45 PCI Express DC Specifications ................................................................ 102
Table 7-46 eDP DC Specifications ........................................................................... 103
Table 7-47 PECI DC Electrical Limits ....................................................................... 104
Table 8-48 rPGA988A Processor Pin List by Pin Number ............................................. 110
Table 8-49 rPGA988A Processor Pin List by Pin Name................................................ 124
Table 8-50 BGA1288 Processor Ball List by Ball Name ............................................... 142
Table 8-51 BGA1288 Processor Ball List by Ball Number ............................................ 160
Datasheet 7

Revision History

001 Initial release October 2010
Description Revision Date
8 Datasheet
Features Summary

1 Features Summary

1.1 Introduction

Intel® Celeron® P4000 and U3000 mobile processor seriesis the next generation of 64-bit, multi-core mobile processor built on 32-nanometer process technology. Based on the low-power/high-performance Nehalem micro-architecture, the processor is designed for a two-chip platform as opposed to the traditional three-chip platforms (processor, GMCH, and ICH). The two-chip platform consists of a processor and the Platform Controller Hub (PCH) and enables higher performance, lower cost, easier validation, and improved x-y footprint. The PCH may also be referred to as Mobile Intel® 5 Series Chipset (formerly Ibex Peak-M). Intel® Celeron® P4000 and U3000 mobile processor series is designed for the Calpella platform and is offered in rPGA988A and BGA1288 package respectively.
Included in this family of processors is Intel® HD graphics and memory controller die on the same package as the processor core die. This two-chip solution of a processor core die with an integrated graphics and memory controller die is known as a multi-chip package (MCP) processor.
1. Throughout this document, Intel® Celeron® P4000 and U3000 mobile processor series is referred to as processor.
2. Throughout this document, Intel® HD graphics is referred as integrated graphics.
3. Integrated graphics and memory controller die is built on 45-nanometer process technology
4. Intel® Celeron® P4000 and U3000 mobile processor seriesis not Intel® vPro™ eligible
Datasheet 9
Features Summary
Discrete Graphics
Analog CRT
Network Connection
USB 2.0
Intel® HD Audio
Super I/O
Serial ATA
Mobile Intel® 5 Series Chipset
PCI Express* x16
8 PCI Express* x1
(2.5 GT/s)
14 Ports
6 Ports
3 Gb/s
Digital Display x 3
Intel® Flexible
Display Interface
PCI Express*
SPI Flash
GPU, Memory
Dual Core
800/1066 MT/s
2 Channels
1 SO-DIMM / Channel
Dual Channel NAND
LVDS Flat Panel
Controller Link 1
DisplayPort* (eDP)
PCI Express x 1
Figure 1-1.Intel® Celeron® P4000 and U3000 mobile processor series on the Calpella
10 Datasheet
Features Summary

1.2 Processor Feature Details

Two execution cores
A 32-KB instruction and 32-KB data first-level cache (L1) for each core
A 512-KB shared instruction/data second-level cache (L2), 256-KB for each core
Up to 2-MB shared instruction/data third-level cache (L3), shared among all cores

1.2.1 Supported Technologies

Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT-x)
Intel® 64 architecture
Execute Disable Bit
Note: Please refer to the Intel® Celeron® P4000 and U3000 mobile processor series
Specification Update for feature support details

1.3 Interfaces

1.3.1 System Memory Support

One or two channels of DDR3 memory with a maximum of one SO-DIMM per
Single- and dual-channel memory organization modes
Data burst length of eight for all memory organization modes
Memory DDR3 data transfer rates of 800 MT/s (SV/ULV) and 1066 MT/s (SV)
64-bit wide channels
DDR3 I/O Voltage of 1.5 V
Non-ECC, unbuffered DDR3 SO-DIMMs only
Theoretical maximum memory bandwidth of:
— 12.8 GB/s in dual-channel mode assuming DDR3 800 MT/s
1-Gb, and 2-Gb DDR3 DRAM technologies are supported for x8 and x16 devices.
Using 2-Gb device technologies, the largest memory capacity possible is 8 GB,
assuming dual-channel mode with two x8, double-sided, un-buffered, non-ECC, SO-DIMM memory configuration.
Up to 32 simultaneous open pages, 16 per channel (assuming 4 Ranks of 8 Bank
Memory organizations:
— Single-channel modes
— Dual-channel modes - Intel® Flex Memory Technology:
Datasheet 11
Dual-channel symmetric (Interleaved)
Dual-channel asymmetric
Command launch modes of 1n/2n
Partial Writes to memory using Data Mask (DM) signals
On-Die Termination (ODT)
Intel® Fast Memory Access (Intel® FMA):
— Just-in-Time Command Scheduling
— Command Overlap
— Out-of-Order Scheduling

1.3.2 PCI Express*

The Processor PCI Express ports are fully compliant to the PCI Express Base
Specification Revision 2.0.
— One 16-lane PCI Express* port intended for graphics attach.
Gen1 (2.5 GT/s) PCI Express* frequency is supported.
Features Summary
Gen1 Raw bit-rate on the data pins of 2.5 Gb/s, resulting in a real bandwidth per
pair of 250 MB/s given the 8b/10b encoding used to transmit data across this interface. This also does not account for packet overhead and link maintenance.
Maximum theoretical bandwidth on interface of 4 GB/s in each direction
simultaneously, for an aggregate of 8 GB/s when x16 Gen 1.
Hierarchical PCI-compliant configuration mechanism for downstream devices.
Traditional PCI style traffic (asynchronous snooped, PCI ordering).
PCI Express extended configuration space. The first 256 bytes of configuration
space aliases directly to the PCI compatibility configuration space. The remaining portion of the fixed 4-KB block of memory-mapped space above that (starting at 100h) is known as “extended configuration space”.
PCI Express Enhanced Access Mechanism. Accessing the device configuration space
in a flat memory mapped fashion.
Automatic discovery, negotiation, and training of link out of reset.
Traditional AGP style traffic (asynchronous non-snooped, PCI-X Relaxed ordering).
Peer segment destination posted write traffic (no peer-to-peer read traffic) in
Virtual Channel 0:
— DMI -> PCI Express Port 0
64-bit downstream address format, but the processor never generates an address
above 64 GB (Bits 63:36 will always be zeros).
64-bit upstream address format, but the processor responds to upstream read
transactions to addresses above 64 GB (addresses where any of Bits 63:36 are
12 Datasheet
Features Summary
Re-issues configuration cycles that have been previously completed with the
PCI Express reference clock is 100-MHz differential clock buffered out of system
Power Management Event (PME) functions.
Static lane numbering reversal
Supports Half Swing “low-power/low-voltage” mode.
Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI and MSI-X) messages
PEG Lanes shared with Embedded DisplayPort* (see eDP, Section 1.3.6).
Polarity inversion
non-zero) with an Unsupported Request response. Upstream write transactions to addresses above 64 GB will be dropped.
Configuration Retry status.
clock generator.
— Does not support dynamic lane reversal, as defined (optional) by the PCI
Express Base Specification.
— PCI Express 1x16 configuration
Normal (1x16): PEG_RX[15:0]; PEG_TX[15:0]
Reversal (1x16): PEG_RX[0:15]; PEG_TX[0:15]

1.3.3 Direct Media Interface (DMI)

Compliant to Direct Media Interface second generation (DMI2).
Four lanes in each direction.
2.5 GT/s point-to-point DMI interface to PCH is supported.
Raw bit-rate on the data pins of 2.5 Gb/s, resulting in a real bandwidth per pair of
250 MB/s given the 8b/10b encoding used to transmit data across this interface. Does not account for packet overhead and link maintenance.
Maximum theoretical bandwidth on interface of 1 GB/s in each direction
simultaneously, for an aggregate of 2 GB/s when DMI x4.
Shares 100-MHz PCI Express reference clock.
64-bit downstream address format, but the processor never generates an address
above 64 GB (Bits 63:36 will always be zeros).
64-bit upstream address format, but the processor responds to upstream read
transactions to addresses above 64 GB (addresses where any of Bits 63:36 are nonzero) with an Unsupported Request response. Upstream write transactions to addresses above 64 GB will be dropped.
Supports the following traffic types to or from the PCH:
— DMI -> PCI Express Port 0 write traffic
—DMI -> DRAM — DMI -> processor core (Virtual Legacy Wires (VLWs), Resetwarn, or MSIs only)
Datasheet 13
— Processor core -> DMI
APIC and MSI interrupt messaging support:
— Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI and MSI-X) messages
Downstream SMI, SCI and SERR error indication.
Legacy support for ISA regime protocol (PHOLD/PHOLDA) required for parallel port
DMA, floppy drive, and LPC bus masters.
DC coupling – no capacitors between the processor and the PCH.
Polarity inversion.
PCH end-to-end lane reversal across the link.
Supports Half Swing “low-power/low-voltage.”

1.3.4 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI)

The PECI is a one-wire interface that provides a communication channel between a PECI client (the processor) and a PECI master (the PCH).
Features Summary

1.3.5 Intel® HD Graphics Controller

The integrated graphics controller contains a refresh of the fifth generation graphics
Intel® Dynamic Video Memory Technology (Intel® DVMT) support
Intel® Graphics Performance Modulation Technology (Intel® GPMT)
Intel® Smart 2D Display Technology (Intel® S2DDT)
Intel® Clear Video Technology
— MPEG2 Hardware Acceleration
— WMV9/VC1 Hardware Acceleration
— AVC Hardware Acceleration
— Advanced Pixel Adaptive De-interlacing
— Sharpness Enhancement
— De-noise Filter
— High Quality Scaling
— Film Mode Detection (3:2 pull-down) and Correction
—Intel® TV Wizard
12 EUs
Dedicated analog and digital display ports are supported through the Intel 5 Series
Chipset PCH
14 Datasheet
Features Summary

1.3.6 Embedded DisplayPort* (eDP*)

Shared with PCI Express Graphics port
Shared on upper four logical lanes, after any lane reversal
eDP[3:0] map to PEG[12:15] (non-reversed)
eDP[3:0] map to PEG[3:0] (reversed)
Concurrent eDP and PEG x1 supported

1.3.7 Intel® Flexible Display Interface (Intel® FDI)

Carries display traffic from the integrated graphics controller in the processor to the
legacy display connectors in the PCH.
Based on DisplayPort standard.
Two independent links - one for each display pipe.
Four unidirectional downstream differential transmitter pairs:
— Scalable down to 3X, 2X, or 1X based on actual display bandwidth requirements
— Fixed frequency 2.7 GT/s data rate
Two sideband signals for Display synchronization:
— FDI_FSYNC and FDI_LSYNC (Frame and Line Synchronization)
One Interrupt signal used for various interrupts from the PCH:
— FDI_INT signal shared by both Intel FDI Links
PCH supports end-to-end lane reversal across both links.

1.4 Power Management Support

1.4.1 Processor Core

Full support of ACPI C-states as implemented by the following processor C-states:
— Ultra low voltage supports C0, C1, C1E, C3, Deep Power Down Technology (code
named C6)
— Standard voltage supports C0, C1, C1E, C3
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology

1.4.2 System

S0, S3, S4, S5
Datasheet 15

1.4.3 Memory Controller

Conditional self-refresh (Intel® Rapid Memory Power Management (Intel® RMPM))
Dynamic power-down

1.4.4 PCI Express*

L0s and L1 ASPM power management capability

1.4.5 DMI

L0s and L1 ASPM power management capability

1.4.6 Integrated Graphics Controller

Intel Smart 2D Display Technology (Intel S2DDT)
Intel® Display Power Saving Technology (Intel® DPST)
Graphics Render C-State (RC6)
Features Summary

1.5 Thermal Management Support

Digital Thermal Sensor
Adaptive Thermal Monitor
On-Demand Mode
Open and Closed Loop Throttling
Memory Thermal Throttling
External Thermal Sensor (TS-on-DIMM and TS-on-Board)
Render Thermal Throttling
Fan speed control with DTS

1.6 Package

The Intel® Celeron® P4000 and U3000 mobile processor series is available is
available on:
— A 37.5 x 37.5 mm rPGA package (rPGA988A) (Standard Voltage only)
— A 34 x 28 mm BGA package (BGA1288) (Ultra Low voltage only)
16 Datasheet
Features Summary

1.7 Terminology

Term Description
BLT Block Level Transfer
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DDR3 Third-generation Double Data Rate SDRAM memory technology
DP DisplayPort*
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMI Direct Media Interface
DTS Digital Thermal Sensor
ECC Error Correction Code
eDP* Embedded DisplayPort*
Intel® DPST Intel
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Tech no logy
Execute Disable Bit The Execute Disable bit allows memory to be marked as executable or
(G)MCH Legacy component - Graphics Memory Controller Hub
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
ICH The legacy I/O Controller Hub component that contains the main PCI
IMC Integrated Memory Controller
Intel® 64 Technology 64-bit memory extensions to the IA-32 architecture
ITPM Integrated Trusted Platform Module
IOV I/O Virtualization
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling. A high speed, low power data
MCP Multi-Chip Package.
NCTF Non-Critical to Function. NCTF locations are typically redundant
Nehalem Intel’s 45-nm processor design, follow-on to the 45-nm Penryn design.
Display Power Saving Technology
Technology that provides power management capabilities to laptops.
non-executable, when combined with a supporting operating system. If code attempts to run in non-executable memory the processor raises an error to the operating system. This feature can prevent some classes of viruses or worms that exploit buffer overrun vulnerabilities and can thus help improve the overall security of the system. See the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals for more detailed information.
interface, LPC interface, USB2, Serial ATA, and other I/O functions. It communicates with the legacy (G)MCH over a proprietary interconnect called DMI.
transmission standard used for display connections to LCD panels.
ground or non-critical reserved, so the loss of the solder joint continuity at end of life conditions will not affect the overall product functionality.
Datasheet 17
Features Summary
Term Description
PCH Platform Controller Hub. The new, 2009 chipset with centralized
platform capabilities including the main I/O interfaces along with display connectivity, audio features, power management, manageability, security and storage features. The PCH may also be referred to using the name (Mobile) Intel® 5 Series Chipset
PECI Platform Environment Control Interface.
PEG PCI Express* Graphics. External Graphics using PCI Express
Architecture. A high-speed serial interface whose configuration is software compatible with the existing PCI specifications.
Processor The 64-bit, single-core or multi-core component (package).
Processor Core The term “processor core” refers to Si die itself which can contain
multiple execution cores. Each execution core has an instruction cache, data cache, and 256-KB L2 cache. All execution cores share the L3 cache.
Rank A unit of DRAM corresponding four to eight devices in parallel, ignoring
ECC. These devices are usually, but not always, mounted on a single side of a SO-DIMM.
SCI System Control Interrupt. Used in ACPI protocol.
Storage Conditions A non-operational state. The processor may be installed in a platform,
in a tray, or loose. Processors may be sealed in packaging or exposed to free air. Under these conditions, processor landings should not be connected to any supply voltages, have any I/Os biased or receive any clocks. Upon exposure to “free air” (i.e., unsealed packaging or a device removed from packaging material) the processor must be handled in accordance with moisture sensitivity labeling (MSL) as indicated on the packaging material.
TAC Thermal Averaging Constant.
TDP Thermal Design Power.
Processor core power supply.
Processor ground.
Graphics core power supply.
L3 shared cache, memory controller, and processor I/O power rail.
DDR3 power rail.
VLD Variable Length Decoding.
x1 Refers to a Link or Port with one Physical Lane.
x4 Refers to a Link or Port with four Physical Lanes.
x8 Refers to a Link or Port with eight Physical Lanes.
x16 Refers to a Link or Port with sixteen Physical Lanes.
18 Datasheet
Features Summary

1.8 Related Documents

Public Specifications
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification 3.0 PCI Local Bus Specification 3.0
PCI Express Base Specification 2.0 DDR3 SDRAM Specification DisplayPort Specification
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals
Volume 1: Basic Architecture 253665 Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M 253666 Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z 253667 Volume 3A: System Programming Guide 253668 Volume 3B: System Programming Guide 253669
Document Number/
products/processor/ manuals/index.htm
Datasheet 19

2 Interfaces

This chapter describes the interfaces supported by the processor.

2.1 System Memory Interface

2.1.1 System Memory Technology Supported

The Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) supports DDR3 protocols with two, independent, 64-bit wide channels each accessing one SO-DIMM. It supports a maximum of one, unbuffered non-ECC DDR3 SO-DIMM per-channel thus allowing up to two device ranks per-channel.
DDR3 Data Transfer Rates:
— 800 MT/s (PC3-6400) and 1066 MT/s (PC3-8500)
DDR3 SO-DIMM Modules:
— Raw Card A – double-sided x16 unbuffered non-ECC
— Raw Card B – single-sided x8 unbuffered non-ECC
— Raw Card C – single-sided x16 unbuffered non-ECC
— Raw Card D – double-sided x8 (stacked) unbuffered non-ECC
— Raw Card F – double-sided x8 (planar) unbuffered non-ECC
DDR3 DRAM Device Technology:
— Standard 1-Gb, and 2-Gb technologies and addressing are supported for x16
and x8 devices. There is no support for memory modules with different technologies or capacities on opposite sides of the same memory module. If one side of a memory module is populated, the other side is either identical or empty.
Table 2-1. Supported SO-DIMM Module Configurations
A 1 GB 1 Gb 64 M x 16 8 2 13/10 8 8K
A 2 GB 2 Gb 128 M x 16 8 2 14/10 8 8K
B 1 GB 1 Gb 128 M x 8 8 1 14/10 8 8K
B 2 GB 2 Gb 256 M x 8 8 1 15/10 8 8K
C 512 MB 1 Gb 64 M x 16 4 1 13/10 8 8K
C 1 GB 2 Gb 128 M x 16 4 1 14/10 8 8K
# of
# of
# of Row/
# of
20 Datasheet
Table 2-1. Supported SO-DIMM Module Configurations
F 2 GB 1 Gb 128 M x 8 16 2 14/10 8 8K
F 4 GB 2 Gb 256 M x 8 16 2 15/10 8 8K
1. System memory configurations are based on availability and are subject to change.
4 GB 2 Gb 256 M x 8 16 2 15/10 8 8K
2. Only Raw Card D SO-DIMMs at 1066 MT/s are supported.
# of
# of
# of Row/
# of Banks Inside DRAM

2.1.2 System Memory Timing Support

The IMC supports the following DDR3 Speed Bin, CAS Write Latency (CWL), and command signal mode timings on the main memory interface:
tCL = CAS Latency
tRCD = Activate Command to READ or WRITE Command delay
tRP = PRECHARGE Command Period
CWL = CAS Write Latency
Command Signal modes = 1n indicates a new command may be issued every clock
and 2n indicates a new command may be issued every 2 clocks. Command launch mode programming depends on the transfer rate and memory configuration.
Table 2-2. DDR3 System Mem ory Timing Support
800 6 6 6 5 1n 1
1066 7 7 7 6 1n 1
1. System memory timing support is based on availability and is subject to change.
CMD Mode Notes

2.1.3 System Memory Organization Modes

The IMC supports two memory organization modes, single-channel and dual-channel. Depending upon how the SO-DIMM Modules are populated in each memory channel, a number of different configurations can exist.
Datasheet 21 Single-Channel Mode
Non interleaved access
Dual channel interleaved access
B – The largest physical mem ory amount of the smaller size mem ory module C – The remaining physical mem ory amount of the larger size mem ory module
In this mode, all memory cycles are directed to a single-channel. Single-channel mode is used when either Channel A or Channel B SO-DIMM connectors are populated in any order, but not both. Dual-Channel Mode - Intel® Flex Memory Technology Mode
The IMC supports Intel Flex Memory Technology Mode. This mode combines the advantages of the Dual-Channel Symmetric (Interleaved) and Dual-Channel Asymmetric Modes. Memory is divided into a symmetric and a asymmetric zone. The symmetric zone starts at the lowest address in each channel and is contiguous until the asymmetric zone begins or until the top address of the channel with the smaller capacity is reached. In this mode, the system runs with one zone of dual-channel mode and one zone of single-channel mode, simultaneously, across the whole memory array.
Figure 2-2.Intel Flex Memory Technology Operation
Interfaces Dual-Channel Symmetric Mode
Dual-Channel Symmetric mode, also known as interleaved mode, provides maximum performance on real world applications. Addresses are ping-ponged between the channels after each cache line (64-byte boundary). If there are two requests, and the second request is to an address on the opposite channel from the first, that request can be sent before data from the first request has returned. If two consecutive cache lines are requested, both may be retrieved simultaneously, since they are ensured to be on opposite channels. Use Dual-Channel Symmetric mode when both Channel A and
22 Datasheet
Channel B SO-DIMM connectors are populated in any order, with the total amount of memory in each channel being the same.
Top of Memory
CH.A-top DRB
Dual Channel Interleaved
(memory sizes must match)
Dual Channel Asymmetric
(memory sizes can differ)
Top of Memory
When both channels are populated with the same memory capacity and the boundary between the dual channel zone and the single channel zone is the top of memory, IMC operates completely in Dual-Channel Symmetric mode.
Note: The DRAM device technology and width may vary from one channel to the other. Dual-Channel Asymmetric Mode
This mode trades performance for system design flexibility. Unlike the previous mode, addresses start at the bottom of Channel A and stay there until the end of the highest rank in Channel A, and then addresses continue from the bottom of Channel B to the top. Real world applications are unlikely to make requests that alternate between addresses that sit on opposite channels with this memory organization, so in most cases, bandwidth is limited to a single channel.
This mode is used when Intel Flex Memory Technology is disabled and both Channel A and Channel B SO-DIMM connectors are populated in any order with the total amount of memory in each channel being different.
Figure 2-3.Dual-Channel Symmetric (Interleaved) and Dual-Channel Asymmetric Modes

2.1.4 Rules for Populating Memory Slots

Datasheet 23
In all modes, the frequency of system memory is the lowest frequency of all memory modules placed in the system, as determined through the SPD registers on the memory modules. The system memory controller supports only one SO-DIMM
connector per channel. For dual-channel modes both channels must have an SO-DIMM connector populated. For single-channel mode, only a single-channel can have an SO-DIMM connector populated.

2.1.5 Technology Enhancements of Intel® Fast Memory Access (Intel® FMA)

The following sections describe the Just-in-Time Scheduling, Command Overlap, and Out-of-Order Scheduling Intel FMA technology enhancements. Just-in-Time Command Scheduling
The memory controller has an advanced command scheduler where all pending requests are examined simultaneously to determine the most efficient request to be issued next. The most efficient request is picked from all pending requests and issued to system memory Just-in-Time to make optimal use of Command Overlapping. Thus, instead of having all memory access requests go individually through an arbitration mechanism forcing requests to be executed one at a time, they can be started without interfering with the current request allowing for concurrent issuing of requests. This allows for optimized bandwidth and reduced latency while maintaining appropriate command spacing to meet system memory protocol. Command Overlap
Command Overlap allows the insertion of the DRAM commands between the Activate, Precharge, and Read/Write commands normally used, as long as the inserted commands do not affect the currently executing command. Multiple commands can be issued in an overlapping manner, increasing the efficiency of system memory protocol. Out-of-Order Scheduling
While leveraging the Just-in-Time Scheduling and Command Overlap enhancements, the IMC continuously monitors pending requests to system memory for the best use of bandwidth and reduction of latency. If there are multiple requests to the same open page, these requests would be launched in a back to back manner to make optimum use of the open memory page. This ability to reorder requests on the fly allows the IMC to further reduce latency and increase bandwidth efficiency.

2.1.6 DRAM Clock Generation

Every supported SO-DIMM has two differential clock pairs. There are total of four clock pairs driven directly by the processor to two SO-DIMMs.

2.1.7 System Memory Pre-Charge Power Down Support Details

The IMC supports and enables slow exit DDR3 DRAM Device pre-charge power down DLL control. During a pre-charge power down, a slow exit is where the DRAM device DLL is disabled after entering pre-charge power down for potential power savings.
24 Datasheet

2.2 PCI Express Interface

This section describes the PCI Express interface capabilities of the processor. See the
PCI Express Base Specification for details of PCI Express. The processor has one PCI Express controller that can support one external x16 PCI
Express Graphics Device or two external x8 PCI Express Graphics Devices. The primary PCI Express Graphics port is referred to as PEG 0 and the secondary PCI Express Graphics port is referred to as PEG 1.

2.2.1 PCI Express Architecture

Compatibility with the PCI addressing model is maintained to ensure that all existing applications and drivers operate unchanged.
The PCI Express configuration uses standard mechanisms as defined in the PCI Plug-and-Play specification. The initial recovered clock speed of 1.25 GHz results in
2.5 Gb/s/direction which provides a 250 MB/s communications channel in each direction (500 MB/s total). That is close to twice the data rate of classic PCI. The fact that 8b/10b encoding is used accounts for the 250 MB/s where quick calculations would imply 300 MB/s.
The PCI Express architecture is specified in three layers: Transaction Layer, Data Link Layer, and Physical Layer. The partitioning in the component is not necessarily along these same boundaries. Refer to Figure 2-4 for the PCI Express Layering Diagram.
Figure 2-4.PCI Express Layering Diagram
PCI Express uses packets to communicate information between components. Packets are formed in the Transaction and Data Link Layers to carry the information from the transmitting component to the receiving component. As the transmitted packets flow through the other layers, they are extended with additional information necessary to handle packets at those layers. At the receiving side, the reverse process occurs and
Datasheet 25
packets get transformed from their Physical Layer representation to the Data Link Layer representation and finally (for Transaction Layer Packets) to the form that can be processed by the Transaction Layer of the receiving device.
Figure 2-5.Packet Flow through the Layers Transaction Layer
The upper layer of the PCI Express architecture is the Transaction Layer. The Transaction Layer's primary responsibility is the assembly and disassembly of Transaction Layer Packets (TLPs). TLPs are used to communicate transactions, such as read and write, as well as certain types of events. The Transaction Layer also manages flow control of TLPs.
Interfaces Data Link Layer
The middle layer in the PCI Express stack, the Data Link Layer, serves as an intermediate stage between the Transaction Layer and the Physical Layer. Responsibilities of Data Link Layer include link management, error detection, and error correction.
The transmission side of the Data Link Layer accepts TLPs assembled by the Transaction Layer, calculates and applies data protection code and TLP sequence number, and submits them to Physical Layer for transmission across the Link. The receiving Data Link Layer is responsible for checking the integrity of received TLPs and for submitting them to the Transaction Layer for further processing. On detection of TLP error(s), this layer is responsible for requesting retransmission of TLPs until information is correctly received, or the Link is determined to have failed. The Data Link Layer also generates and consumes packets which are used for Link management functions. Physical Layer
The Physical Layer includes all circuitry for interface operation, including driver and input buffers, parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel conversion, PLL(s), and impedance matching circuitry. It also includes logical functions related to interface initialization and maintenance. The Physical Layer exchanges data with the Data Link Layer in an implementation-specific format, and is responsible for converting this to an appropriate serialized format and transmitting it across the PCI Express Link at a frequency and width compatible with the remote device.
26 Datasheet
root PCI
Express port
(Device 1)
Host Bridge
(Device 0)

2.2.2 PCI Express Configuration Mechanism

The PCI Express (external graphics) link is mapped through a PCI-to-PCI bridge structure.
Figure 2-6.PCI Express Related Register Structures in the Processor
PCI Express extends the configuration space to 4096 bytes per-device/function, as
compared to 256 bytes allowed by the Conventional PCI Specification. PCI Express
configuration space is divided into a PCI-compatible region (which consists of the first 256 bytes of a logical device's configuration space) and an extended PCI Express region (which consists of the remaining configuration space). The PCI-compatible region can be accessed using either the mechanisms defined in the PCI specification or using the
enhanced PCI Express configuration access mechanism described in the PCI Express Enhanced Configuration Mechanism section.
The PCI Express Host Bridge is required to translate the memory-mapped PCI Express configuration space accesses from the host processor to PCI Express configuration cycles. To maintain compatibility with PCI configuration addressing mechanisms, it is recommended that system software access the enhanced configuration space using
32-bit operations (32-bit aligned) only. See the PCI Express Base Specification for
details of both the PCI-compatible and PCI Express Enhanced configuration mechanisms and transaction rules.

2.2.3 PCI Express Ports and Bifurcation

The external graphics attach (PEG) on the processor is a single, 16-lane (x16) port that can be:
configured at narrower widths
bifurcated into two x8 PCI Express ports that may train to narrower widths
The PEG port is being designed to be compliant with the PCI Express Base
Datasheet 27
Specification, Revision 2.0. PCI Express Bifurcated Mode
When bifurcated, the signals which had previously been assigned to Lanes 15:8 of the single x16 Primary port are reassigned to lanes 7:0 of the x8 Secondary Port. This assignment applies whether the lane numbering is reversed or not. PCI Express Port 0 is mapped to PCI Device 1 and PCI Express Port 1 is mapped to PCI Device 6. Static Lane Numbering Reversal
Does not support dynamic lane reversal, as defined (optional) by the PCI Express Base Specification.
PCI Express 1x16 configuration:
Normal (1x16): PEG_RX[15:0]; PEG_TX[15:0]
Reversal (1x16): PEG_RX[0:15]; PEG_TX[0:15]

2.3 DMI

DMI connects the processor and the PCH chip-to-chip. DMI2 is supported. The DMI is similar to a four-lane PCI Express supporting up to 1 GB/s of bandwidth in each direction.
Note: Only DMI x4 configuration is supported.

2.3.1 DMI Error Flow

DMI can only generate SERR in response to errors, never SCI, SMI, MSI, PCI INT, or GPE. Any DMI related SERR activity is associated with Device 0.

2.3.2 Processor/PCH Compatibility Assumptions

The processor is compatible with the PCH and is not compatible with any previous (G)MCH or ICH products.

2.3.3 DMI Link Down

The DMI link going down is a fatal, unrecoverable error. If the DMI data link goes to data link down, after the link was up, then the DMI link hangs the system by not allowing the link to retrain to prevent data corruption. This is controlled by the PCH.
Downstream transactions that had been successfully transmitted across the link prior to the link going down may be processed as normal. No completions from downstream, non-posted transactions are returned upstream over the DMI link after a link down event.
28 Datasheet
Plane A
Cursor B
Sprite B
Plane B
Cursor A
Sprite A
Pipe B
Pipe A
Video Engine
2D Engine
3D Engine
Strip & Fan/Setup
Geometry Shader
Vertex Fetch/Vertex

2.4 Intel® HD Graphics Controller

This section details the 2D, 3D and video pipeline and their respective capabilities.
The integrated graphics is powered by a refresh of the fifth generation graphics core and supports twelve, fully-programmable execution cores. Full-precision, floating-point operations are supported to enhance the visual experience of compute-intensive applications.The integrated graphics controller contains several types of components; the graphics engines, planes, pipes, port and the Intel FDI. The integrated graphics has a 3D/2D Instruction Processing unit to control the 3D and 2D engines respectively. The integrated graphics controller’s 3D and 2D engines are fed with data through the IMC. The outputs of the graphics engine are surfaces sent to memory, which are then retrieved and processed by the planes. The surfaces are then blended in the pipes and the display timings are transitioned from display core clock to the pixel (dot) clock.
Figure 2-7.Integrated Graphics Controller Unit Block Diagram

2.4.1 3D and Video Engines for Graphics Processing

The 3D graphics pipeline architecture simultaneously operates on different primitives or on different portions of the same primitive. All the cores are fully programmable, increasing the versatility of the 3D Engine. The Gen 5.75 3D engine provides the following performance and power-management enhancements:
Execution units (EUs) increased to 12 from the previous 10 EUsin Gen 5.0.
Includes Hierarchal-Z
Includes video quality enhancements 3D Engine Execution Units
Support 12 EUs. The EUs perform 128-bit wide execution per clock.
Datasheet 29
Support SIMD8 instructions for vertex processing and SIMD16 instructions for pixel
processing. 3D Pipeline Vertex Fetch (VF) Stage
The VF stage executes 3DPRIMITIVE commands. Some enhancements have been included to better support legacy D3D APIs as well as SGI OpenGL*. Vertex Shader (VS) Stage
The VS stage performs shading of vertices output by the VF function. The VS unit produces an output vertex reference for every input vertex reference received from the VF unit, in the order received. Geometry Shader (GS) Stage
The GS stage receives inputs from the VS stage. Compiled application-provided GS programs, specifying an algorithm to convert the vertices of an input object into some output primitives. For example, a GS shader may convert lines of a line strip into polygons representing a corresponding segment of a blade of grass centered on the line. Or it could use adjacency information to detect silhouette edges of triangles and output polygons extruding out from the edges.
Interfaces Clip Stage
The Clip stage performs general processing on incoming 3D objects. However, it also includes specialized logic to perform a Clip Test function on incoming objects. The Clip Test optimizes generalized 3D Clipping. The Clip unit examines the position of incoming vertices, and accepts/rejects 3D objects based on its Clip algorithm. Strips and Fans (SF) Stage
The SF stage performs setup operations required to rasterize 3D objects. The outputs from the SF stage to the Windower stage contain implementation-specific information required for the rasterization of objects and also supports clipping of primitives to some extent. Windower/IZ (WIZ) Stage
The WIZ unit performs an early depth test, which removes failing pixels and eliminates unnecessary processing overhead.
The Windower uses the parameters provided by the SF unit in the object-specific rasterization algorithms. The WIZ unit rasterizes objects into the corresponding set of pixels. The Windower is also capable of performing dithering, whereby the illusion of a higher resolution when using low-bpp channels in color buffers is possible. Color dithering diffuses the sharp color bands seen on smooth-shaded objects.
30 Datasheet
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