Intel OPEN 660 120, 140, 150 II, OPEN 120, OPEN 140 User Manual

OPEN (660) 120/140/150 II
12.1" /14.1" /15.1" TFT
Intel® Celeron/Pentium® III
User’s Manual (version 2.1)
Copyright Notice
This document is copyrighted, 2001 by the Manufacturer. The information provided in this document has been carefully checked and is accurate at the time of publication. However, the Manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form of or via any means without the prior written permission of the Manufacturer. Further, this publication and features described herein are subject to change without notice.
All brand and product names used for identification in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
© Copyright 2001, Feb. Version 2.1 All rights reserved. Printed in Taiwan
After unpacking the OPEN (660) system carton, check and see if the following items are included and in good condition.
l OPEN (660) 120/140/150 II main system x 1 l Accessories
- Power cord x 1
- External FDD cable x 1
- External IDE cable x 1
- External FDD & HDD power cable x 1
- User manual diskette in .pdf format x 1
- Utilities & drivers diskettes x 6
- Touchscreen drivers x 1 set
or utilities and drivers CD diskette x 1 (for touchscreen drivers, please download the
updated drivers from the following website or
- Mounting kit for system mounting x 2 sets
- Screw packet
l Warranty card
Make sure that all of the items listed above are present. If any of the above items is missing, contact your dealer immediately.
All products manufactured by the manufacturer are warranted against defective materials for one year starting from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.
Important Safety Precautions
Before getting started, read these instructions and save them for later reference.
1. Turn off the computer before cleaning. Clean with a damp or dry cloth only. Do not spray any liquid cleaner on screen directly.
2. The power outlet socket used to plug in the computer power cord must be located near the system and easily accessible. Do not use outlets on the same circuit of the systems that regularly switched on and off.
3. Make sure the voltage of the power source is correct before connecting the computer to the power outlet.
4. If the computer is sharing an extension cord with other devices, make sure the total ampere rating of the devices plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the cords ampere rating.
5. Do not expose the power cord, extension cord and power outlet to moisture.
6. Install the computer on a reliable surface to prevent damage caused by dropping.
7. This computer is not equipped with an operating system. An operating system must be loaded first before installing any software into the computer.
8. Disconnect the power cord from the computer before any installation. Make sure both the computer and the external devices are turned off. The sudden surge of power may ruin any sensitive components. Also make sure the computer is properly grounded.
9. During installation of any internal components, be sure to ground yourself to keep from any static charge. Most electronic components are sensitive to the static electric charge. Use a grounding wrist strap and place all electronic components in any static-shielded devices.
10. The openings on the computer enclosure are for the cabin ventilation to prevent the computer from overheating. DO NOT COVER THE OPENINGS.
11. The brightness of the flat panel display will decrease with use. However, hours of use will vary depending on the application environment.
12. If the computer is equipped with a touch panel, avoid using sharp objects to operate the touch panel. Scratches on the touch panel may cause mal­calibration or non-function to the panel.
13. The LCD panel display is not subject to shock or vibration. When assembling the computer, make sure it is securely installed.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION............................................. 1-1
1.1. GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................1-2
1.2. WHAT COVERS IN THIS MANUAL.........................1-3
1.3. SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................1-5
1.4. DIMENSIONS ...............................................1-9
1.5. OPTIONAL MODULES & ACCESSORIES................1-11
1.5.1. Touchscreen Module .............................1-11
2.1. FRONT VIEW .............................................2-14
2.2. SIDE VIEWS..............................................2-15
2.3. I/O OUTLETS ............................................2-16
2.4. SYSTEM MAJOR PARTS..................................2-18
2.5.1. Installation Procedures..........................2-19
2.5.2. Running the BIOS Setup .......................2-20
2.5.3. Operating System and Driver Installation 2-21
3. MOUNTING OPTIONS................................... 3-23
3.1. DIFFERENT FRONT BEZELS .............................3-24
3.1.1. OPEN (660) system with Small Bezel......3-24
3.1.2. OPEN (660) system with Big Bezel .........3-25
3.1.3. Aluminum Alloy Frame..........................3-26
3.2. METAL FIXTURES ........................................3-27
3.2.1. Metal Fixture A....................................3-27
3.2.2. Metal Fixture B.....................................3-28
3.3. FRONT MOUNTING.......................................3-29
3.3.1. Front Mounting with Touchscreen Module 3-29
3.3.2. Front Mounting w/o Touchscreen Module.3-30
3.4. REAR MOUNTING ........................................3-32
3.4.1. Fixing on the Enclosure’s front panel.......3-33
3.4.2. Fixing on the Enclosure’s back panel.......3-34
3.5. PANEL MOUNTING .......................................3-36
4.1. INSTALLING THE CPU...................................4-39
4.3. INSTALLING THE HDD ..................................4-41
4.3.1. OPEN 120/140 2.5" HDD Installation ......4-41
4.3.2. OPEN 150 3.5" HDD Installation............4-42
4.4. INSTALLING THE FDD...................................4-43
4.4.1. External FDD connection .......................4-43
4.4.2. Internal FDD installation for OPEN 150....4-44
4.5. INSTALLING THE CD-ROM DRIVE.....................4-45
4.5.1. External CD-ROM connection .................4-45
4.5.2. Installing Internal CD-ROM for OPEN 150 4-46
4.6. EXPANSION SLOT........................................4-47
5. I/O CONNECTION........................................ 5-49
5.1. VGA INTERFACE.........................................5-50
5.2. COM PORTS X 4 ........................................5-51
5.3. PARALLEL PORT ..........................................5-53
5.4. 100/10 BASE-T ETHERNET (RJ-45)................5-53
5.5. USB PORTS..............................................5-54
5.6. AUDIO INTERFACE .......................................5-54
5.7. EXTERNAL FDD (DB-15) .............................5-55
5.8. +5V/12V DC-OUT ....................................5-56
5.9. PS/2 KEYBOARD INTERFACE...........................5-56
5.10. PS/2 MOUSE ............................................5-56
5.11. AC/DC INLET/POWER SWITCH .......................5-56
6. SYSTEM CONTROL BOARD ........................... 6-57
6.1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................6-58
6.1.1. General Information .............................6-58
6.1.2. Features..............................................6-59
6.1.3. Specifications.......................................6-60
6.1.4. Board Placement & Dimension ...............6-62
6.2. LOCATING JUMPERS & CONNECTORS .................6-63
6.2.1. Jumpers & Jumper Setting.....................6-64 DOC 2000 Address Setting (JP9).......6-65 COM 2 RS-232/485 Setting (JP3,5,6) 6-65 CMOS Clear Setting (JP4) ................6-66 LCD Power Setting (JP1)..................6-66
6.2.2. Connectors & Pin Assignment.................6-67 CN12: Main Power Connector ...........6-68 CN2/IDE1: IDE Connector................6-69 CN3/CN1: Flat Panel Connector ........6-71 CN5: IR and Serial Ports Connector...6-73 CN7: Digital I/O Connector ..............6-74 CN8: KB, MS, USB & PRT Connector..6-75 CN10: CD Audio Input Connector......6-76 CN9: Audio, LAN, VGA CRT & LED ....6-76 CN6: Video Interface Connector........6-77 FDC1: FDD Connector .....................6-78 FAN1: FAN Connector......................6-78 CN4: PCI/ISA Expansion Slot ...........6-79
7. AWARD BIOS SETUP.................................... 7-83
7.1. AWARD BIOS............................................7-84
7.2. CONTROL KEY DEFINITION.............................7-85
7.3. GETTING HELP ...........................................7-86
7.3.1. Main Menu...........................................7-86
7.4. AWARD BIOS SETUP .................................7-87
7.4.1. AWARD BIOS Setup Main Menu..............7-87
7.4.2. Standard CMOS Setup ..........................7-89
7.4.3. BIOS Features Setup ............................7-92
7.4.4. Chipset Features Setup.........................7-93
7.4.5. Power Management Setup.....................7-94
7.4.6. PnP/PCI Configuration...........................7-95
7.4.7. Load BIOS Defaults ..............................7-96
7.4.8. Load Setup Defaults .............................7-97
7.4.9. Integrated Peripherals Setup .................7-98
7.4.10. User Password .....................................7-99
7.4.11. IDE HDD Auto Detection...................... 7-100
7.4.12. Save and Exit Setup ...........................7-101
7.4.13. Exit Without Saving............................ 7-101
8.1. ETHERNET DRIVERS...................................8-104
8.1.1. Features............................................8-104
8.2. OPEN (660) PCI XGA SETUP ................... 8-105
8.3. AUDIO SETUP .......................................... 8-106
8.4. DRIVER INSTALLATION ................................ 8-107
9. TOUCHSCREEN........................................... 9-109
9.1.1. Two types of MicroTouch touchscreens.. 9-110
9.1.2. TouchWare–MicroTouch Software......... 9-111
9.1.3. Installing TouchWare.......................... 9-113
9.1.4. Uninstalling TouchWare.......................9-115
9.1.5. Calibrate the MicroTouch Touchscreen .. 9-116
9.1.6. Getting More Information.................... 9-117
9.2.1. System Requirements......................... 9-118
9.2.2. About Elo Software............................. 9-119
9.2.3. Installation........................................ 9-120
9.2.4. Installing MonitorMouse for Win 95.......9-125
9.2.5. Installing MonitorMouse for Win NT ......9-129
9.2.6. Getting More Information.................... 9-131
APPENDIX ..................................................... 9-132
A: LCD SPECIFICATION......................................... 9-132
B: PROGRAMMING THE WATCHDOG TIMER....................9-139
C: DISKONCHIP INSTALLATION.............................. 9-141
D: RS-485 PROGRAMMING .................................... 9-143
E: SYSTEM I/O PORTS..........................................9-144
F: FIRST MB MEMORY MAP..................................... 9-145
G: POWER SUPPLY ............................................... 9-146
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
This chapter provides background information and detail specification on the OPEN (660) system. Sections in this chapter include;
u General Information u What covers in this Manual u Specification u Dimension u Optional Modules & Accessories
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
1.1. General Information
The information revolution happened from the mid ’90 inaugurated a new competitive era where consumer computing technology was exploited to business operation more quickly than ever before. Many enterprises from our life related industries such as POS,
POI, KIOSK, Banking, Medical to the high-tech Telecom, Aerospace, Semiconductor … etc. all are
eager or forced to automate their industries with PCs in order to thrive in this new age. For their industrial automation, there is one thing in common, i.e. space is always a premium and system stability is always a must in their environmental applications.
The OPEN (660) 120/140/150 II is a series of
12.1"/14.1"/15.1" open-frame Intel Celeron or Pentium
III Panel PCs designed to serve as a friendly human­machine-interface for easy integration into any space­constricted embedded applications. Onboard features include super I/Os, XGA, 12.1"/14.1"/15.1" TFT flat panel, touchscreen, Ethernet and multimedia functions. The full PC functionality coupled with its multi-I/Os stand ready to accommodate a wide range of PC peripherals. Special industrial features not commonly seen in commercial systems such as watchdog timer and water/dust proof front panel make it a best choice for the operation in any hostile environments.
Fully configurable and with its modular design, the OPEN (660) system is an ideal platform for any space­concerned embedded application where customized integration is needed.
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
1.2. What Covers in this Manual
This handbook contains most information you need to set up and use this computer. You do not need to read everything in this handbook to use the OPEN (660) II system.
For a quick start, see the following chapter summaries;
Chapter 1 (the current chapter) provides background
information and detail specification on the OPEN (660) 120/140/150 II. This chapter also details the optional modules and accessories of the OPEN (660) system.
Chapter 2 identifies the system hardware configuration
and major components.
Chapter 3 details the step-to-step instructions of
various mounting options of the OPEN (660) system.
Chapter 4 provides the installation procedures including
CPU, system memory and HDD.
Chapter 5 provides the procedures to connect external
devices to the I/O interface.
Chapter 6 provides detail information of the jumper
settings and connector signals of the system control board.
Chapter 7 explains the AWARD BIOS setup. Chapter 8 introduces the Ethernet, XGA and audio
Chapter 9 details the procedures to install the
touchscreen software drivers under DOS and Windows operation
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
Appendix A details the 12.1”/14.1”/15.1” LCD
Appendix B explains how to program the watchdog
Appendix C introduces the DiskOnChip installation. Appendix D introduces the system I/O ports. Appendix E explains the RS-485 programming. Appendix F explains the first MB memory map. Appendix G provides the specifications for the built-in
power supply.
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
1.3. Specifications
Flat Panel
u OPEN (660) 120: 12.1” color TFT, 800*600
Viewing angle 100
Luminance (cd/m2) 130 or above, optional
high-brightness model
Simultaneous mode yes
u OPEN (660) 140: 14.1” color TFT, 800*600
Viewing angle 100
Luminance (cd/m2) 150 or above, optional
high-brightness model
Simultaneous mode yes
u OPEN (660) 150: 15.1” color TFT, 800*600
Viewing angle 100
Luminance (cd/m2) 150 or above, optional
high-brightness model
Simultaneous mode yes
CPU (Socket 370)
u Intel Celeron PPGA/FCPGA/66MHz u Intel Pentium® III FCPCA/100MHz
System Memory
u 1*168pin DIMM socket supporting SDRAM up to
256MB (PC 100)
L2 Cache
u CPU built-in
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
Standard I/O
u Serial Ports*4 with +5V/12V power output on pin 9:
3*RS-232, 1*RS-232/485 (COM2)
u Parallel Port*1: supports SPP/EPP/ECP u External FDD Interface*1 u External IDE Interface*1 u +5V/+12V DC-out*1 u PS/2 Keyboard Interface*1 u PS/2 Mouse Interface*1 u USB Interface*2 u VGA Interface*1 u Speaker-out, MIC-in, Line in
100/10 Base-T Ethernet with RJ-45 phone jack
Watchdog Timer
u 16 time intervals
u LCD/XGA controller with 2MB display memory
u Optional LCD/XGA controller with 4MB display
memory (C&T69030)
Expansion Slot
u ISA or PCI*1 (L*W) 160*120
Touchscreen (optional, sharing COM3)
u 12.1"/14.1"/15.1” analog resistive type with RS-232
u 12.1"/14.1"/15.1” capacitive type with RS-232
u 12.1"/14.1"/15.1” surface wave type (SAW)
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
Power Supply
u AC 85W, input range: 85~264VAC @47~63Hz u DC 90W, 9~132VDC (optional)
(NOTE: when OPEN (660) 150 is installed with DC power, due to space limitation, the CD-ROM and floppy disk drive need to use external types)
u OPEN (660) 120/140: via external IDE interface u OPEN (660) 150: slim type CD-ROM or via
external IDE interface
Floppy Disk Drive
u OPEN (660) 120/140: via external FDD interface u OPEN (660) 150: slim type FDD or via external FDD
Hard Disk Drive
u OPEN (660) 120/140: 2.5” HDD (optional) u OPEN (660) 150: 3.5" HDD (optional)
u Heavy-duty steel
Dimension (chassis only, unit: mm)
u OPEN (660) 120: 340*270*90.3 u OPEN (660) 140: 365*295*90.3 u OPEN (660) 150: 408*331*100
Front Bezels (unit: mm)
u Front panel size (Small bezel)
OPEN (660) 120S: 340*270 OPEN (660) 140S: 365*294 OPEN (660) 150S: 408*331
u Front panel size (Big panel)
OPEN (660) 120B: 380*310 OPEN (660) 140B: 405*330 OPEN (660) 150B: 448*371
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
u Front panel size (Aluminum frame)
OPEN (660) 120A: 380*310 OPEN (660) 140A: 405*330 OPEN (660) 150A: 448*371
u Panel mount with mounting kits u To KIOSK enclosure
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
1.4. Dimensions
The OPEN (660) system chassis size is shown below;
Dimension: OPEN 120 (unit: mm)
Dimension: OPEN 140 (unit: mm)
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
Dimension: OPEN 150 (unit: mm)
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
1.5. Optional Modules & Accessories
1.5.1. Touchscreen Module
The OPEN (660) system features a touchscreen module for mounting a touchscreen for keyboardless operation. The special designed touchscreen module can firmly hold the touch panel and the LCD panel together to prevent dust and water in. The touchscreen module’s mechanism is shown below;
Dimension (unit: mm) : OPEN 140 touchscreen module
Dimension (unit: mm): OPEN 120 Touchscreen module
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
Caution: The connection point of the touchscreen and
its cables is very fragile. Do not take the touchscreen by dragging its cable or pull the cables at any time; this may lead inaccurate calibration or non-function to the touchscreen.
Dimension (unit: mm) : OPEN 150 touchscreen module
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
Before getting started, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the different parts and the I/O arrangement of the OPEN (660) 120/140/150 I. Sections in this chapter include the system’s
u Front view u Side Views u I/O outlets
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
2.1. Front View
OPEN 120 front view
OPEN 140 front view
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OPEN (660) 120/140/150
2.2. Side Views
OPEN 120 side view
OPEN 140 side view
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OPEN (660) 120/140/150
2.3. I/O Outlets
OPEN 120 I/O outlet
OPEN 140 I/O outlet
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OPEN (660) 120/140/150
OPEN 150 I/O outlet
7. MIC-IN 8. VGA PORT 9. COM 1
10. COM 2 11. COM 3 12. COM 4
18 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
12 13
16 15 9 10 14 11
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
2.4. System Major Parts
The following diagram shows the system major parts that make up the OPEN (660) 120/140/150 II.
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
2.5. System Setup for the First-time Use
To set up the OPEN (660) system for the first-time use, you should have the following items ready. The items are either in the accessory box or available in any computer stores.
u 110V or 220V power cord u PS/2 or AT keyboard u PS/2 or serial mouse
2.5.1. Installation Procedures
The OPEN (660) system can be powered either by an AC electrical outlet (90 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60Hz) or by DC power source (9 ~ 132 VDC). If the system is to be powered up by AC power, be sure to use the right power cord (110V or 220V) for connection.
1. Connect the female end of the power cord to the AC inlet located at the rear side of the panel PC.
2. Connect the 3-pin male end of the power cord to an electrical outlet.
3. Connect a PS/2 keyboard or an AT keyboard to keyboard port. If you are using an AT keyboard, you need an adapter (AT to PS/2 KB) for this connection.
4. Connect the PS/2 mouse to the PS/2 mouse port. If you are using a serial mouse, it can be connected to the COM port.
5. Power on the panel PC by switching the power switch located at the rear cover.
User Manual version 2.1
OPEN (660) 120/140/150
2.5.2. Running the BIOS Setup
If you are a commercial user, the OPEN (660) 120/140/150 should have been properly set up and configured by your dealer. You may still find it necessary to change the system configuration information. In this case, you need to run the system’s BIOS setup program.
Under the following conditions, the CMOS settings are to be changed;
1. The system is starting for the first time
2. The hardware devices attached to the OPEN (660)
system have been changed
3. The CMOS memory has lost power and the
configuration information has been erased.
The BIOS setup program is stored in ROM which can be accessed by pressing <DEL> key on the keyboard immediately when the system is powered on.
In order to retain the specified setup information when the system power is turned off, the system setup information is stored in a battery-backed CMOS RAM. The battery is to ensure the settings will not be erased when the computer is turned off or reset. When the computer is powered on again, the system will read the settings stored in the CMOS RAM and compare them to the equipment check conducted during the power on self test (POST). If any error or mismatch occurs, an error message will be shown on the screen and the computer will be prompted to run the setup program.
To change the BIOS setup, please refer to Chapter 7 for more information.
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