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This manual is part of the documentation set for the Intel® Omni-Path Fabric (Intel
OP Fabric), which is an end-to-end solution consisting of Intel® Omni-Path Host Fabric
Interfaces (HFIs), Intel® Omni-Path switches, and fabric management and
development tools.
The Intel® OP Fabric delivers the next generation, High-Performance Computing (HPC)
network solution that is designed to cost-effectively meet the growth, density, and
reliability requirements of large-scale HPC clusters.
Both the Intel® OP Fabric and standard InfiniBand* (IB) are able to send Internet
Protocol (IP) traffic over the fabric, or IPoFabric. In this document, however, it may
also be referred to as IP over IB or IPoIB. From a software point of view, IPoFabric
behaves the same way as IPoIB, and in fact uses an ib_ipoib driver to send IP traffic
over the ib0/ib1 ports.
Intended Audience
The intended audience for the Intel® Omni-Path (Intel® OP) document set is network
administrators and other qualified personnel.
Intel® Omni-Path Documentation Library
Intel® Omni-Path publications are available at the following URLs:
•Intel® Omni-Path Switches Installation, User, and Reference Guides (no shading)
• Drivers, Software, and Firmware (including Release Notes):
June 2019Installation Guide
Doc. No.: H76456, Rev.: 10.09
Document TitleDescription
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Switches Hardware
TaskDocument TitleDescription
A roadmap to Intel's comprehensive library of publications
Using the Intel® OPA
documentation set
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Quick Start
describing all aspects of the product family. This document
outlines the most basic steps for getting your Intel® OmniPath Architecture (Intel® OPA) cluster installed and
Provides a high level overview of the steps required to stage
a customer-based installation of the Intel® Omni-Path Fabric.
Setting up an Intel
OPA cluster
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Setup Guide
Procedures and key reference documents, such as Intel
Omni-Path user guides and installation guides, are provided
to clarify the process. Additional commands and best known
methods are defined to facilitate the installation process and
Describes the hardware installation and initial configuration
tasks for the Intel® Omni-Path Switches 100 Series. This
includes: Intel® Omni-Path Edge Switches 100 Series, 24 and
48-port configurable Edge switches, and Intel® Omni-Path
Director Class Switches 100 Series.
Contains instructions for installing the HFI in an Intel® OPA
Describes using a Text-based User Interface (TUI) to guide
you through the installation process. You have the option of
using command line interface (CLI) commands to perform the
installation or install using the Linux* distribution software.
managed switches)
Managing a switch
using GUI
Installing switch
firmware (managed
Describes the graphical user interface (GUI) of the Intel
Omni-Path Fabric GUI. This document provides task-oriented
procedures for configuring and managing the Intel® OmniPath Switch family.
Help: GUI embedded help files
Managing a switch
using the CLI
Installing switch
firmware (managed
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Switches
Command Line Interface Reference
Describes the command line interface (CLI) task information
for the Intel® Omni-Path Switch family.
Help: -help for each CLI
Provides instructions for using the set of fabric management
tools designed to simplify and optimize common fabric
management tasks. The management tools consist of Text-
Managing a fabric
using FastFabric
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Suite
FastFabric User Guide
based User Interface (TUI) menus and command line
interface (CLI) commands.
Help: -help and man pages for each CLI. Also, all host CLI
commands can be accessed as console help in the Fabric
Manager GUI.
The Fabric Manager uses a well defined management protocol
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Suite Fabric
Manager User Guide
to communicate with management agents in every Intel
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface (HFI) and switch. Through
these interfaces the Fabric Manager is able to discover,
configure, and monitor the fabric.
Managing a fabric
using Fabric Manager
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Suite Fabric
Manager GUI User Guide
Provides an intuitive, scalable dashboard and set of analysis
tools for graphically monitoring fabric status and
configuration. This document is a user-friendly alternative to
traditional command-line tools for day-to-day monitoring of
Describes how to set up and administer the Host Fabric
Interface (HFI) after the software has been installed. The
audience for this document includes cluster administrators
and Message-Passing Interface (MPI) application
Provides a reference for programmers working with the Intel
PSM2 Application Programming Interface (API). The
Performance Scaled Messaging 2 API (PSM2 API) is a lowlevel user-level communications interface.
Describes BIOS settings and parameters that have been
shown to ensure best performance, or make performance
more consistent, on Intel® Omni-Path Architecture. If you are
interested in benchmarking the performance of your system,
these tips may help you obtain better performance.
Describes how to install, configure, and administer an IPoIB
router solution (Linux* IP or LNet) for inter-operating
between Intel® Omni-Path and a legacy InfiniBand* fabric.
Provides basic information for building and running Docker*
and Singularity* containers on Linux*-based computer
platforms that incorporate Intel® Omni-Path networking
Contains a reference for programmers working with the
Intel® Omni-Path Architecture Management (Intel OPAMGT)
Application Programming Interface (API). The Intel OPAMGT
API is a C-API permitting in-band and out-of-band queries of
the FM's Subnet Administrator and Performance
Describes how to implement a simple Intel® Omni-Path
Architecture-based point-to-point configuration with one
target and one host server.
How to Search the Intel® Omni-Path Documentation Set
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Follow these steps:
1. Download and unzip all the Intel® Omni-Path PDFs into a single folder.
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June 2019Installation Guide
Doc. No.: H76456, Rev.: 10.011
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Switches Hardware
4. Select Browse for Location in the dropdown menu and navigate to the folder
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5. Enter the string you are looking for and click Search.
Use advanced features to further refine your search criteria. Refer to your PDF reader
Help for details.
Cluster Configurator for Intel® Omni-Path Fabric
The Cluster Configurator for Intel® Omni-Path Fabric is available at: http://
This tool generates sample cluster configurations based on key cluster attributes,
including a side-by-side comparison of up to four cluster configurations. The tool also
generates parts lists and cluster diagrams.
Documentation Conventions
The following conventions are standard for Intel® Omni-Path documentation:
•Note: provides additional information.
•Caution: indicates the presence of a hazard that has the potential of causing
damage to data or equipment.
•Warning: indicates the presence of a hazard that has the potential of causing
personal injury.
•Text in blue font indicates a hyperlink (jump) to a figure, table, or section in this
guide. Links to websites are also shown in blue. For example:
See License Agreements on page 13 for more information.
For more information, visit
•Text in bold font indicates user interface elements such as menu items, buttons,
check boxes, key names, key strokes, or column headings. For example:
Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click
Command Prompt.
Press CTRL+P and then press the UP ARROW key.
Text in Courier font indicates a file name, directory path, or command line text.
For example:
Enter the following command: sh ./install.bin
•Text in italics indicates terms, emphasis, variables, or document titles. For
Refer to Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Software Installation Guide for details.
In this document, the term chassis refers to a managed switch.
Omni-Path Fabric—Preface
Procedures and information may be marked with one of the following qualifications:
•(Linux) – Tasks are only applicable when Linux* is being used.
•(Host) – Tasks are only applicable when Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Host Software or
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Suite is being used on the hosts.
•(Switch) – Tasks are applicable only when Intel® Omni-Path Switches or Chassis
are being used.
•Tasks that are generally applicable to all environments are not marked.
Laser Safety Information
This product may use Class 1 laser optical transceivers to communicate over the fiber
optic conductors. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) does
not consider Class 1 lasers to be hazardous. The International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) 825 Laser Safety Standard requires labeling in English, German,
Finnish, and French stating that the product uses Class 1 lasers. Because it is
impractical to label the transceivers, the following label is provided in this manual.
The assemblies used in the switch chassis are ESD sensitive. Observe ESD handling
procedures when handling any assembly used in the switch chassis.
License Agreements
This software is provided under one or more license agreements. Please refer to the
license agreement(s) provided with the software for specific detail. Do not install or
use the software until you have carefully read and agree to the terms and conditions
of the license agreement(s). By loading or using the software, you agree to the terms
of the license agreement(s). If you do not wish to so agree, do not install or use the
Technical Support
Technical support for Intel® Omni-Path products is available 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year. Please contact Intel Customer Support or visit
support for additional detail.
June 2019Installation Guide
Doc. No.: H76456, Rev.: 10.013
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Switches Hardware
1.0 Introduction
This manual describes the hardware installation and initial configuration tasks for the
Intel® Omni-Path Switch 100 Series. This includes:
June 2019Installation Guide
Doc. No.: H76456, Rev.: 10.027
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Switches Hardware
2.0 Installation
This section describes how to install and configure for first-time use:
•The Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Series switches in a network environment.
Intel® Omni-Path Fabric—Installation
Planning the Installation
The Intel® Omni-Path switches are designed for installation in standard 19-inch
equipment racks.
Racks should conform to conventional standards. Use the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI)/Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard ANSI/
EIA-310-D-92 and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 297
Racks should meet the following mechanical recommendations:
•Four-post, 19" rack to facilitate easy maintenance
•Universal mounting rail hole pattern identified in IEC Standard 297
•Mounting holes flush with the rails to accommodate the chassis
Operation is subject to the following conditions:
Use a rack grounding kit and a ground conductor that is carried back to earth or to
another suitable building ground. Ground the equipment rack to earth ground.
Provide enough room to work on the equipment. Clear the work site of any
unnecessary materials. Make sure the equipment will have enough clearance for front
and rear access.
When planning the location of the switches, consider the distance limitations for
signaling, EMI, and connector compatibility. It is recommended that the user does not
exceed specified transmission rate and distance limits.
When connecting the outer ports of two (2) 48-port Edge switches (highlighted green
in Figure 1 below), make certain to use active optical cables (AOC) for distances
greater than 2 meters.
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