Intel IQ80219 User Manual

Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform

Board Ma nu al
November 13, 2003
Document Number: 274022-001
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
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80219 general purpose PCI processor may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................13
1.1 Document Purpose and Scope... ........................................................................................13
1.2 Related Documents............................................................................................................13
1.3 Electronic Information........ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....................... ............ ..............14
1.4 Component References......................................................................................................14
1.5 Terms and Def initions.............................. ............ ........... ............ ........................ ............ ....15
1.6 Intel
1.7 Intel
2 Getting Started............................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 Kit Content..........................................................................................................................19
2.2 Hardware Installation..........................................................................................................19
2.3 Factor y Se ttings........ ........................ ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................20
2.4 Development Strategy........................................................................................................20
2.5 Target Monitors................................................................................................................... 21
2.6 Host Communications Examples........................................................................................24
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor....................................................................16
IQ80219 Evaluation Platform Board Features .......................................................... 18
2.2.1 First-Time Installation and Test... ............ ........... ........................ ............ ............ ....19
2.2.2 Power and Backplane Requirements ............................................................. .......19
2.4.1 Supported Tool Buckets ........................................................................................20
2.4.2 Contents of the Flash.............................................................................................20
2.5.1 Redhat Redboot.....................................................................................................21
2.5.2 ARM Firmware Suite..............................................................................................22 ARM Angel.................... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......23 Semihostin g (Fil e I/O) ................................ ............ ............ ..23
2.6.1 Serial-UART Communication.................................................................................24
2.6.2 Ethernet- Ne two rk Commu n ication........................ ....................... ........................ ..24
2.6.3 JTAG Debug Com m unicat ion ................................................................................25
2.6.4 GNUPro GDB/Insight.............................................................................................26 Communicating with Redboot ................................................................26 Co n necting with GDB........... ............ ............ ....................... ............ .......28
2.6.5 ARM Extend ed Debugger......................................................................................29
3 Hardware Reference Section......................................................................................................31
3.1 Functional Diagram........ ....................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ...................31
3.2 Board For m-Factor/Connecti vity........... ........................ ............ ............ ........... ...................32
3.3 Power..................................................................................................................................33
3.4 Memory Subsystem............................................................................................................34
3.4.1 DDR SDRAM......................................................................................................... 34 Battery Backup.......................................................................................34
3.4.2 Flash Memory Requir e men ts... ........................ ............ ............ ........... ............ .......35
3.5 Intel
3.6 Inte r ru p t Routing..... ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....................... ..............37
3.7 Intel
Board Manual 3
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Operation Mode.........................................36
IQ80219 Evaluation Platform Board Peripheral Bus.................................................38
3.7.1 Flash ROM................... ........................ ............ ............ ............ ....................... .......39
3.7.2 UART.....................................................................................................................40
3.7.3 HEX Display...........................................................................................................41
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
3.7.4 Rotary Switch.........................................................................................................42
3.7.5 Battery Status........................................................................................................ 43
3.8 Debug Interface..................................................................................................................44
3.8.1 Console Serial Port................................................................................................ 44
3.8.2 Ethernet Port.......... ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ .............44 Intel
82544EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller............................................44
3.8.3 JTAG Debug............................... ................... ....... ................... .............. ................45 JTAG Port..............................................................................................45
3.8.4 Logic-Analyzer Connectors.......................................... .......... .. ..... ....... .. ..... ....... ....45
3.8.5 Mictor J3F2....... ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ ......46
3.8.6 Mictor J2F1....... ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ ......47
3.8.7 Mictor J1C1..... ............ ............ ....................... ............ ............ ............ ....................48
3.8.8 Mictor J3C1..... ............ ............ ....................... ............ ............ ............ ....................49
3.8.9 Mictor J2C1..... ............ ............ ....................... ............ ............ ............ ....................50
3.9 Board Reset Sche me .......... ........................ ............ ........... ............ ........................ ............ .51
3.10 Switches and Jumpers........................................................................................................52
3.10.1 Switch Summary....................................................................................................52
3.10.2 PCIX Initial ization Summary..... ........................ ........... ............ ............ ............ ......53 Use r De fined Switches............................... ............ ........................ ........53 PCI-X Bridge Initialization Signals .........................................................53
3.10.3 Default Switc h Settings - Visual..................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ........54
3.10.4 Jumper Summary ..................................................................................................55
3.10.5 Connector Summary........................................................................................ .. ....55
3.10.6 G eneral Purpose Input/Ou tput Header..................................................................55
3.10.7 Secondary PCI/PCI-X Operation Settings............................... ............ ............ ......56
3.10.8 Primary PCI/PCI-X O pera tion Settings................. ............ ............ ............ .............56
3.10.9 Detail Descri pt ions of Switches/Jumpers.............. ............ ............ ........................ .57 Switch S7E1- 2/3...................................................................................57 .1 S7E1-2: RST_MODE................. ............ ........................ ......57 .2 S7E1-3: RETRY......... ............ ............ ........... ............ ...........57 Operation Setting Summary Descriptions............................57 Switch S7E1- 4/5...................................................................................58 .1 Switch S7E1 - 4......... ............ ............ ........... ............ ...........58 .2 Switch S7E1 - 5......... ............ ............ ........... ............ ...........58 Switch S7E1- 6/7...................................................................................58 Switch S7E1- 8......................................................................................59 Switch S8E1- 2......................................................................................60 Switch S8E1- 3......................................................................................60 Switch S8E1- 4......................................................................................60 Switch S8E1- 5......................................................................................61 .1 Switch S8E1 - 5: Descript ion s ....................... .......................61 Switch S8E1- 6......................................................................................61 S8E1- 7 ...................................................................................... 62 S8E1- 8 ...................................................................................... 62 S8E2 - 1/2 ..................................................................................63 S8E2 - 4 ..................................................................................... 63 S9E1 - 1:3 ..................................................................................64 S9E1 - 4 ..................................................................................... 64 S1D1 - 1/2..................................................................................65 S4D1 - 1/2..................................................................................65 S4D1 - 3/4..................................................................................65 J1G2....... ............ ............ ............ ....................... ............ ...........66
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
Contents Jumper J3E1..........................................................................................66 Jumper J3G1.........................................................................................66 Jumper J9E1..........................................................................................67 Jumper J9F1..........................................................................................67
4 External RAID Section.................................................................................................................69
4.1 Private Device Configuration ..............................................................................................69
4.2 Inte r ru p t Routing..... ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....................... ..............70
5 Software Reference .....................................................................................................................71
5.1 DRAM.................................................................................................................................71
5.2 Components on the Peripheral Bus.................. ............ ....... ....... ............ ....... ....... ....... .......71
5.2.1 Flash ROM................... ........................ ............ ............ ............ ....................... .......72
5.2.2 UART.....................................................................................................................73
5.2.3 Rotary Switch .........................................................................................................73
5.2.4 HEX Display...........................................................................................................74
5.3 Ethernet ..............................................................................................................................76
5.4 Board Support Package (BSP) Examples..........................................................................77
5.4.1 Intel
5.4.2 Redboo t* Intel
5.4.3 Redboo t Intel
5.4.4 Redboo t Intel
5.4.5 Redboo t Intel
5.4.6 Redboo t Intel
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Memory Map.................................77
IQ80219 Memory Map .................................................................78
IQ80219 Physical Memory Map - Visual.......................................79
IQ80219 Virtual Memory Map - Visual ..........................................80
IQ80219 Files. ...............................................................................81
IQ80219 DDR Memory Initialization Sequence.............................82
5.4.7 Redboo t Switching.................................................................................................83
A IQ80310 and IQ80219 Compariso ns...........................................................................................85
B Getting Started and Debugger ...................................................................................................87
B.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................87
B.1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................87
B.1.2 Necessary Hardware and Software........ ........... ............ ........................ ............ ....87
B.1.3 Related Documents ...............................................................................................87
B.1.4 Related Web Sites.................................................................................................88
B.2 Setup ..................................................................................................................................89
B.2.1 Hardware Setup.....................................................................................................89
B.2.2 Software Setup ......................................................................................................90
B.3 New Project Setup..............................................................................................................91
B.3.1 Creating a New Proj ec t........................ ............ ............ ............ ....................... .......91
B.3.2 Configuration .........................................................................................................92
B.4 Flashing with JTAG.............................................................................................................93
B.4.1 Overview................................................................................................................93
B.4.2 Using Flash Programmer ....................................................................................... 94
B.5 Debugging Out of Flash......................................................................................................95
B.6 Buil d ing an Exe cu ta b l e Fil e From Exa mple Code ........ ........................ ........... ............ .......95
B.7 Running the Code|Lab Debugger.................................................................. ....... ....... .......96
B.7.1 Launchi ng and Configuring Debu gger ...................................................................96
B.7.2 Manuall y Loading and E xecu ting an Application Program. ....................................97
B.7.3 Displaying So urce Code ... ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ..............97
B.7.4 Using Breakpoints..................................................................................................98
B.7.5 Stepping Through the Code...................................................................................99
Board Manual 5
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
B.7.6 Sett ing Code|Lab Debu g Options..........................................................................99
B.8 Exploring the Code|Lab Debug Windows.........................................................................100
B.8.1 Toolbar Icons........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....................... .........100
B.8.2 Workspace Window....................................... ....... ............ ............ ......... ............ ..100
B.8.3 Source Code........................................................................................................ 100
B.8.4 D ebug and Cons ole Windows .............................................................................100
B.8.5 Memory Window................................ ............ ....... ............ ............ ......... ............ ..100
B.8.6 Registers Window ................................................................................................101
B.8.7 W atch Wi ndow..................................................................................................... 101
B.8.8 Variables Window................................................................................................101
B.9 Debugging Basics.............................................................................................................102
B.9.1 Overview..............................................................................................................102
B.9.2 H ardware and Softw are Breakpo ints...................................................................102
B.9.2.1 Software Breakpoints...........................................................................102
B.9.2.2 Hardware Breakpoints .........................................................................102
B.9.3 Exceptions/Trapping............................................................................................103
C Gettin g S ta rt e d and Debugge r .................................................................................................105
C.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................105
C.1.1 Purpose ...............................................................................................................105
C.1.2 Necessary Hardware and Software.....................................................................105
C.1.3 Related Documents.............................................................................................105
C.1.4 Related Web Sites...............................................................................................106
C.2 Setup................................................................................................................................107
C.2.1 Hardware Setup...................................................................................................107
C.2.2 Softwa r e Se tu p........ ............ ............ ............ ........................ ........... ............ .........108
C.3 New Project Setup......... ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ ....109
C.3.1 Creating a New Project...................... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ......109
C.3.2 Configuration.......................................................................................................110
C.4 Flashing with JTAG ...................... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ........... .............. 111
C.4.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 111
C.4.2 Using Fl a sh Progr a mm e r........ ........... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ......112
C.5 Debugging Out of Flash....................................................................................................113
C.6 Building an Executable File From Example Code............................................................113
C.7 Running the Code|Lab Debugger.....................................................................................114
C.7.1 Launching and Configuring Debugger......................... ............ ....... ............ .........114
C.7.2 Manually Loading and Executing an Application Program ..................................114
C.7.3 Displaying Source Code................................... ........... ............ ............ ................115
C.7.4 Using Br e a kp oin ts......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ ................115
C.7.5 Stepping Through the Code.................................................................................116
C.7.6 Setting Code|Lab Debug Options........................................................................116
C.8 Exploring the Code|Lab D ebug Wind ows.........................................................................117
C.8.1 Toolbar Icons......... ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ ...........117
C.8.2 Workspace Window................................................................. ....... ....... ............ ..117
C.8.3 Source Code........................................................................................................117
C.8.4 4 Debug and Conso l e Windo ws......................... ............ ............ ........... ..............117
C.8.5 Memory Window........................................................ ............ ......... ....... ............ ..117
C.8.6 Registers Window................................................................................................ 118
C.8.7 Watch Window . ....................................................................................................118
C.8.8 Variables Window................................................................................................118
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
C.9 Debugging Basics.............................................................................................................119
C.9.1 Overview..............................................................................................................119
C.9.2 Hardware and Software Breakpoints...................................................................119
C.9.2.1 Software Breakpoints ...........................................................................119
C.9.2.2 Hardware Breakp o ints ................... ........... ............ ............ ............ .......119
C.9.3 C.9.3 Exceptions/Trapping ..................................................................................120
Board Manual 7
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
1Intel® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Block Diagram...................................................16
2 Serial-UART Communication .....................................................................................................24
3 Ethernet-Network Communication........................ ............ ........................ ........... .......................24
4 JTAG Debug Com m unicat ion.....................................................................................................25
5 Functional Block Diag r am................ ............ ....................... ............ ............ ............ ....................31
6 Board Form Factor ............ ........... ............ ........................ ............ ............ ........... ............ ... ........32
7 External Interrupt Routing to Intel 8Intel
IQ80219 Evaluation Platform Board Peripheral Bus Topology.........................................38
9 Flash Connection on Perip hera l Bus...... ........................ ........... ............ ............ ........................ .39
10 UART Connection on the Peripheral Bus...................................................................................40
11 HEX Display Connection on the Pe ripheral Bus.........................................................................41
12 Rotary Switch Connection on the Peripheral Bus........................... ....... ..... ....... .. ....... ..... ....... ....42
13 Battery Status Buffer on Peripheral Bus.....................................................................................43
14 JTAG Port Pin-out ......................................................................................................................45
15 RESET Sources .................... ............ ............ ........................ ........... ............ ............ .................. 51
16 PCI-X Routing Diag ra m on Seco n dary PCI-X Bridge............................... ........... .......................53
17 IDSEL Routing for Private Device Configuration........................................................................ 69
18 Interrupt Routing for Private Device Configuration.....................................................................70
19 Flash Connection to Peripheral Bus........................................................................... ............ ....72
20 UART Connection to Peripheral Bus..........................................................................................73
21 Hex Display Connection to Peripheral Bus........................................................ .. ....... ..... ....... ....74
22 7-Segment Display Bit Definition..................... ........................ ............ ............ ....................... ....74
23 Register Bitmap: 7-Segment Display MSB FE84 0000h (Write Only)........................ .......... ......74
24 Register Bitmap: 7-Segment Display LSB FE85 0000h (Write Only)................................... ......75
25 Intel 26 Redboot Intel 27 Redboot Intel 28 Intel
29 Software Flow Diagram..............................................................................................................90
30 Intel
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Memory Map .....................................................77
IQ80219 Hardware Setup Flow Chart...............................................................................89
IQ80219 Hardware Setup Flow Chart.............................................................................107
IQ80310 Physical Memory Map.........................................................................79
IQ80310 Virtual Memory Map............................................................................80
31 Software Flow Diagram............................................................................................................108
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor ............................. 37
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
1Intel® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Related Documentation List . .............................13
2 Electronic Information.................................................................................................................14
3 Compone nt Reference ... .............................................................................................................14
4 Terms and Definitions.................................................................................................................15
5 Summary of Features.................................................................................................................18
6 Form-Factor/Connectivity Features ............................................................................................32
7 Power Features ..........................................................................................................................33
8 DDR Memory Features...............................................................................................................34
9 Supported DIMM Types. ............................................................................................................. 34
10 Flash Memory Requirements ......................................................................................................35
11 Periph eral Bus Features.......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........................ ............ ................38
12 Flash ROM Features ..................................................................................................................39
13 UART Features...........................................................................................................................40
14 HEX Display on the Peripheral Bus............................... .. ....... ..... .. ..... ..... ....... .. ..... .. .......... .. ..... ..41
15 Rotary Switch Requirements ................. ....... ..... .. .......... .. ....... ..... ....... ..... .. ....... ..... ....... ..... .........42
16 Battery Status Buffer Requirements...........................................................................................43
17 Logic Analyzer Connection.........................................................................................................45
18 Micor J3F2 Signal/Pins........................................................... ....... .......... .. ....... ....... .......... .........46
19 Micor J2F1 Signal/Pins........................................................... ....... .......... .. ....... ....... .......... .........47
20 Micor J1C1 Sig nal/Pins..................... ............ ............ ............ ........................ ........... ...................48
21 Micor J3C1 Sig nal/Pins..................... ............ ............ ............ ........................ ........... ...................49
22 Micor J2C1 Sig nal/Pins..................... ............ ............ ............ ........................ ........... ...................50
23 Reset Requirements/Schemes...................................................................................................51
24 Switch Summary................. ............ ............ ............ ....................... ............ ............ ..................... 52
25 Switch S7E1................ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............................54
26 Switch S8E1................ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............................54
27 Switch S8E2................ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............................54
28 Switch S9E1................ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ............ ............ ............................54
29 Switch S1D1........... ............ ............ ............ ........................ ........... ............ ............ .....................54
30 Switch S4D1........... ............ ............ ............ ........................ ........... ............ ............ .....................54
31 Jumper Summary .......................................................................................................................55
32 Connector Summary...................................................................................................................55
33 GPIO Header (J3F1) Definition...................................................................................................55
34 Secondary PCI/PCI-X Operation Settings .................................................................................. 56
35 Primary PCI/PCI-X Operation Settin g s........................ ....................... ............ ............ ............ ....56
36 Switch S7E1- 2/3: General Descriptions.....................................................................................57
37 Switch S7E1-2: RST_MODE: Settings and Operation Mode .....................................................57
38 Switch S7E1-3: RETRY: Settings and Operation Mode .............................................................57
39 RST_MODE and RETRY Oper at i on Se tting Summary................. ........................ ............ .........57
40 Switch S7E1 - 4/5: De scriptions .................................... ........................ ........... ............ ..............58
41 Switch S7E1 - 4: Settings and Operation Mode .........................................................................58
42 Switch S7E1 - 5: Settings and Operation Mode .........................................................................58
43 Switch S7E1 - 6/7: De scriptions .................................... ........................ ........... ............ ..............58
44 Switch S7E1 - 6/7: Se ttings and Operation Mode.................. ............ ............ ............ ............ ....58
45 Switch S7E1 - 8: Descr iptions ... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ..........................59
46 Switch S7E1 - 8: Settings and Operation Mode .........................................................................59
47 Switch S8E1 - 2: Descr iptions ... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ..........................60
48 Switch S8E1 - 2: Settings and Operation Mode .........................................................................60
49 Switch S8E1 - 3: Descr iptions ... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ..........................60
Board Manual 9
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
50 Switch S8E1 - 3: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....60
51 Switch S8E1 - 4: Descriptions ....................................................................................................60
52 Switch S8E1 - 4: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....60
53 Switch S8E1 - 5: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....61
54 Switch S8E1 - 5: Driver Mode Output Impedances....................................................................61
55 Switch S8E1 - 6: Descriptions ....................................................................................................61
56 Switch S8E1 - 6: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....61
57 Switch S8E1 - 6: Driver Mode Output Impedances....................................................................61
58 Switch S8E1 - 7: Descriptions ....................................................................................................62
59 Switch S8E1 - 7: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....62
60 Switch S8E1 - 8: Descriptions ....................................................................................................62
61 Switch S8E1 - 8: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....62
62 Switch S8E2 - 1/2: Descriptions ................................................................................................. 63
63 Switch S8E2 - 1/2: Settings and Operation Mode ......................................................................63
64 Switch S8E2 - 4: Descriptions ....................................................................................................63
65 Switch S8E2 - 4: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....63
66 Switch S9E1 - (1:3) Descriptions................................................................................................ 64
67 Switch S9E1 - (1: 3) Settings and Operation Mode........... ............ ............ ........... .......................64
68 Switch S9E1 - 4: Descriptions ....................................................................................................64
69 Switch S9E1 - 4: Sett ing s a nd Ope ra tion Mode .......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ....64
70 Switch S1D1 - 1/2: Descriptions.................................................................................................65
71 Switch S1D1 - 1/2: Settings and Operation Mode........................ ............ ........... .......................65
72 Switch S4D1 - 1/2: Descriptions.................................................................................................65
73 Switch S4D1 - 1/2: Settings and Operation Mode........................ ............ ........... .......................65
74 Switch S4D1 - 3/4: Descriptions.................................................................................................65
75 Switch S4D1 - 3/4: Settings and Operation Mode........................ ............ ........... .......................65
76 Jumper J1G2: Descrip tions .......... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ........... .......................66
77 Jumper J1G2: Settings and Operation Mode ............................................................................. 66
78 Jumper J3E1: Descriptions..................... ........................ ........... ............ ........................ .............66
79 Jumper J3E1: Settings and Operation Mode...... ....................... ............ ............ ............ .............66
80 Jumper J3G1: Descrip tions .......... ............ ............ ........................ ............ ........... ....................... 66
81 Jumper J3G1: Settings and Operation Mode ............................................................................. 66
82 Jumper J9E1: Descriptions..................... ........................ ........... ............ ........................ .............67
83 Jumper J9E1: Settings and Operation Mode...... ....................... ............ ............ ............ .............67
84 Jumper J9F1: Descri p ti o n s......... ........................ ............ ........... ........................ ............ .............67
85 Jumper J9F1: Settings and Operation Mode..............................................................................67
86 Private Device Configuration Requirements...............................................................................69
87 Interrupt Routing for Secondary PCI-X Private Device . . .............................................................70
88 DDR Memory Bias Voltage Minimum/Maximum Values ............................................................71
89 UART Register Settings .............................................................................................................73
90 Intel
IQ80310 and Intel® IQ80219 evaluation platform board Comparisons ............................85
91 Related Documents....................................................................................................................87
92 Related Documents.................................................................................................................. 105
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
Revision History
Date Revision Description
November 2003 001 Initial Release.
Board Manual 11
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform
This Page Left Intentionally Blank

Introduction 1

1.1 Document Purpose and Scope

This document describes the Intel® IQ80219 evaluation platform board (IQ80219). This platform is targeted for the Intel
80219 general purpose PCI processor (80219). The board serves as both an
evaluation platform for developers using 80219 as well as a Customer Reference Board (CRB). The IQ80219 is intended for general purpose, embedded application development. It is based on
the 80219, a single-function device that integrates the Intel XScale
core (ARM* architect ure
compliant) with intelligent peripherals including a PCI bus application bridge.

1.2 Related Documents

Table 1. Intel® 80219 General Purpose PCI Proce ssor Related Documen tation List

Document Number
80219 General Purp os e P CI Proc essor Dev el op er’s Manu al 274017
80219 General Purpose PCI P roc es s or Datasheet 274018
80219 General Purp os e P CI Proc essor Des ig n Gu id e 274019
80219 General Purp os e P CI Proc essor Spe c ifi ca tion Update 274020
80219 General Purp os e P CI Proc essor Prod u ct B rie f
80219 General Purp os e P C I Pr oc es s or Initialization Ap pl ic ation Note 274022
Flash Recovery Utility (FRU) Reference Manual 273551
Intel PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a
Intel documentation is available from the local Intel Sales Representative or Intel Literature Sales. To obtain Intel literature write to or call:
Intel Corpor ation Literature Sales P. O. Box 5937 Denver, CO 80217-9808
(1-800-548-4725 ) or vis it the Intel website at
Board Manual 13
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm

1.3 Electronic Information

Table 2. Electronic Information

Supp ort Type Location/Contact
The Intel World-Wide Web (WWW) Location: Customer Support (US and Canada): 1-916-377-7000

1.4 Component References

Table 3 provides additional information on the major components of IQ80219.

Tab le 3. Component Re fe rence

Compo nent Part Num be r Additional Info rm at io n
Rotary Switch DR FC 16
Hex Display HDSP-G211
UART TL 1655 0C
PCI-X Bridge
• Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
• URL:
• Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
• URL:
• Intel® 82544EI/82544GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller Software Developer’s Manual
• Manufacturer: NKK*
• URL:
• Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies*
• URL:
• Manufac turer: Texas instruments*
• URL:
• Manufacturer: IBM*
• IBM 133 PCI- X B rid ge
• URL:
14 Board Manual
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose P CI Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm

1.5 Terms and Definitions

T able 4. Terms and Definitions

Acronym/Term Definition
ARM Refers to both the microprocessor architecture and the company that licenses it. CRB Customer Reference Board
PSU Power Supply Unit SPCI-X Secondary PCI-X.
In-Circuit Emulator – A piece of hardware used to mimic all the functions of a microprocessor.
Joint Test Action Group – A hardware port supplied on Intel XScale evaluation boards used for in-depth testing and debugging.
Board Manual 15
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm

1.6 Intel® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor

About the Intel® 80219 general purpose PCI processor (80219). The 80219 combines the Intel XScale
purpose, embedded applications. This single-function PCI device is fully compliant with the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. The 80219-specific features include:
Intel XScale
PCI - Local Memory Bus Addr ess Tran slation Unit (ATU)
Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller
Peripheral Bus Interface (PBI) Unit
Integrated Memory Controller Unit (MCU)
Performance Monitor Unit (PMU)
Two I
Eight General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) Ports
Figure 1. Intel
core with powerful new features to create a powerful, general
O* Messaging Unit (MU)
C Bus Interface Units (BIU)
80219 General Purpose PCI Process or Block Diagram
Serial Bus
I2C Bus
Application Accelerator
80219 PCI
Serial Bus
Serial Bus
Internal Bus
Intel® 80219 General Purpose
PCI Processor
64-bit / 32-bit PCI Bus
* Intel
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor
16 Board Manual
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose P CI Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
The PCI Bus is an industry standard, high performance low latency system bus. The 80219 PCI Bus is capable of 133 MHz operation in PCI-X mode as defined by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a. Also, the processor s upports a 66 MHz conventional P CI mode as defined by the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. The addition of the Intel XScale
brings intelligence to the PCI bus application bridge. The 80219 is a single function PCI device. This function represents the address translation unit. The
address translation unit is an “application bridge” as defined by the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a. The 80219 contains PCI configuration space accessible thro ugh the PCI bus.
80219 core is based upon the Intel XScale
core. The core processor operates at a maximum frequency of 600 MHz. The instruction cache is 32 Kbytes (KB) in size and is 32-way set associative. Also, the core processor includes a data cache that is 32 KB and is 32-way set associative and a mini data cache that is 2 KB and is 2-way set associative.
The 80219 includes eight General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins.
Board Manual 17
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm

1.7 Intel® IQ80219 Evaluation Platform Board Features

Table 5. Summary of Features

Feature Definition
Battery Backup Unit: Battery back up circuit for SDRAM – 64 MB for 72 hours.
Ethernet Port: Gigabit Ethernet Debugging/Download Port (using In tel® 82544).
Flash ROM: 8 MB Flash ROM 3.3 V – 16-bit Flash I/F.
Form & Factor:
General Purpose I/O: GPIO Pins are used as described in the appropriate section in this document
Hex Display: Two 7-segment Hex LED displays.
JTAG Port: ARM com pl i a nt JTAG Header.
Logic Analyzer:
Onboard Power:
PCI-X Bridge: IBM PCI-X Bridge.
Power LED : Power on (gr een) and FAIL (red) LE D indicator s.
Primary PC I: 64 bits 133/10 0/66 MHz PCI-X or PCI 66 MHz
RAID Support
Secondary PCI:
Serial P o r t: One Serial Cons ol e P ort (16C550 Co mpa t i ble ).
Modified PCI long-card format – one Secondary PCI-X (SPCI-X) Expansion slots (right angel co nnector).
Logic ana ly z er ( mi ct or) in ter f ac e on :
• SPCI-X bus
•Peripheral Bus
Interpo s er Card may be used for the memory bus – Information supplied separately.
• PC1600 Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM (Clock rate: 100 MHz).
• 128 MB 64-bit (expandable to 1 GB).
• DIMM socket.
Board sources +1.25 V, +2.5 V , +3.3 V, +5 V, +12 V, and -12 V from primary PCI connector.
• All core voltages are derived from 3.3 V supply.
Support for “RAID” Implementation – Ability to make the devices plugged in the secondary expansion slots “Private ”.
• 1 x 64-bit PCI-X connector - 66 MHz.
• Intel
82544 Gig ab it E th er n et C on t ro ller also on the se co ndary PC I-X .
18 Board Manual

Getting Started 2

The IQ80219 is a software development environment for Intel® 80219 general purpose PCI processor (80219).

2.1 Kit Content

The IQ802 19 Kit contains the following items:
Code|Lab* Develo pment Environment from Accelerated Technology Incorpo rated*.
JTAG Emulation unit.
Serial Cable.
Evaluation Software Bundle.

2.2 Hardware Installation

Warning: Static char ges can seve rely da mage the boa rds. Be sure yo u ar e properl y grounde d be fore removi ng
the boar d f rom the anti-st atic bag.
IQ80219 evaluati on platform board.

2.2.1 First-Time Installation and Test

For first-time installation, visually inspect the IQ80219 for any damage made during shipment. Follow the host system manufacturer instructions for installing a PCI adapter. The board is a full-length PCI/PCI-X adapter and requires a PCI/PCI-X slot free from obstructions. The extended height of the board requires the cover of the PC to be kept off.

2.2.2 Power and Backplane Requirements

The IQ80219 requires a 3.3 V supply coming through the PCI/PCI-X primary connector. The board can be plugged into either a backplane or a desktop PCI/PCI-X slot. When using a backplane, an ATX rated power supply is required. The IQ80219 only draws from the 3.3 V line of the power supply. Most ATX power supply units (PSUs) regulate off the 5 V signal. When there is nothing drawing from the 5.5 V signal most ATX PSU do not supply the 3.3 V correctly. To overcome this, it is recommended to put a load on the 5.5 V line of the PSU. An old IDE Hard drive can be used for this.
Caution: When plugging the power supply into the backplane, make sure that the power supp ly is
disconnected from the mains. Most ATX PSUs supply 5 V standby current even when turned Off, backplane damage is possible.
Board Manual 19
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
Getting Started

2.3 Factory Settings

Make sure that the switch/jumper settings are set to proper positions as explained in Section 3.10,
“Switches and Ju mper s” on page 52.

2.4 Development Strategy

2.4.1 Supported Tool Buckets

For developing and debugging software application, the production version of the IQ80219 kit includes the Code|Lab Development Environment. Support for the Code|Lab development environment is available from ATI*. Please refer to the enclosed package.
The kit also contains evaluation copies for several Software Development Tools. These tools are for evaluation purposes and do not include any support. Please contact the vendor directly for additional information and support. They include:
ARM Developer Suite (ADS) and ARM Firmware Suite (AFS)
Redhat* GNUPro tools
LynuxWorks* Embedded Linux RT OS and Development Tool s
Monta Vista* Embedded Linux RTOS and Development Tools
WindRiver* VxWorks* RTOS and Tornado* Development Tools
Accelerated Technology Inc *, Nucl eus Plus* RTOS and Development Tools

2.4.2 Contents of the Flash

The production version of the board contains an image for Redhat Redboot* target monitor.
20 Board Manual
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose P CI Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm

2.5 T arget Monitors

2.5.1 Redhat R edboot

RedBoot* is an acronym f or “Red Hat Embedded Debug and Bootstrap”, and is the st andard embedded system debug/bootstrap environment from Red Hat, replacing the previous generation of debug firmware: CygMon an d GDB stubs. It provides a bootstrap environment for a range of embedded operating systems, such as embedded Linux and eCos*, and includes facilities such as network downloading and debugging. It also provides a simple Flash file system for boot images.
RedBoot provides a set of tools for downloading and executi ng progra m s on embedded targ et systems, as well as tools for manipulating the target system's environment. It can be used for both product development (debug support) and for end product deployment (Flash and network booting).
Here are some highlights of RedBoot capabilities:
Boot scripting support
Simple command line i nterface for RedBoot configuration and management, accessible via
serial (terminal) or Ethernet (telnet) (see Section 2.6.4, “GNUPro GDB/Insight” on page 26)
Integrated GDB stubs for connection to a host-based debugger (GBD/Insight) via serial or
Ethernet. (Ethe r net connectivity is limited to local network only)
Getting Started
Attribute Configuration - user control of aspects such as system time and date (when
applicable), default Flash image to boot from, default fail-safe image, static IP address, etc.
Configurable and extensible, specifically adapted to the target environment
Network bootstrap support including setup and download, via BOOTP, DHCP and TFTP
X/Y-Modem support for image download via serial
Power On Self Te st
Board Manual 21
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
Getting Started

2.5.2 ARM Firmware Suite

The ARM Firmware Suite is a package of low-level routines and libraries that have been designed to help developers rapidly bring up applications and operating systems on Intel XScale microarchitecture-based development platforms, such as the IQ80219.
AFS consists of two pa rts:
1. µHAL, the ARM standard board API, which is low-level firmware, designed to provide a common set of functions across IQ80219. These include
— System initialization software. — S imple polled serial drivers. — LED support. — Timer support. — Interrupt Controller support.
µHAL manages all the variables associated with the IQ80219. This is provided in source form for users to embed and distribute in their own products running on an 80219. Included also as sources and with object distribution r ights are:
— A simple boot monitor. — Event chaining librarie s, low level ADS C++ support libraries, be nchmarking and
demonstra tion application s.
— Angel* debug target and host communication software that allows inter-working with
ARM Developer Suite.
2. On top of µHAL, AFS provides some useful ap plications, demos and example operating syst ems such as µCOS-II. The applications are currentl y.
— F lash Library supporting a range of commonly use d Flas h parts. — F lash management utilities including support for multiple Flash images using the ARM
Flash format standard. — P CI Library that fully initializes the PCI subsystem and provides device driver primitives. — DHCP Client over Ethernet of the fast download of binary images into Flash or RAM. — F ull on line documentation. — Example OS ports.
22 Board Manual
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose P CI Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm ARM Angel
Angel is one of the debug monitor programs for 80219. It is provided in source and binary form with the ARM Software Development Toolkit. It features:
Debug capability, including memory inspection, image download and execution,
break-pointing and single step
CPU and board startup and bas ic exception handling
A full ANSI C library, using semihost ing (f ile I/O Ope ration ) to prov ide servic es fro m the host
which are not availab l e on the target
A full source distri bution for users in developing stand alone applications
Angel interfaces with the ARM Developer Suite in two ways:
SW Debuggers use the interface library (Remote_A) to communicate with an Angel target
when debugging or executing code.
Application c ode uses s oftware interrupt (SWI) calls to request services of Angel either
directly or via the toolkit C library. Semihosting (File I/O)
Getting Started
The ARM debuggers support a feature known as semihosting to enable a target system which does not support various features required by the ANSI C library to use the features of the host instead. A simple example of this is the use of a host “window” to provide a system console, to which the output of printf(), etc..., can be written.
Semihosting is supported in Angel using a set of SWI calls which the ARM C library uses messages over the CLIB channel of the target<=>host link, and appropriate code in the host library (Remote_A.dll under Windows) which interprets and executes these requests.
For information on the SWI calls, see the ARM SDT Reference Manual (DUI 0041B) section 8.3: Angel C Library Support (SWIs)
Board Manual 23
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
Getting Started

2.6 Host Communications Examples

How to communicate to the host.

2.6.1 Serial-UART Communication

Using a serial connection:
Figure 2. Serial-UART Communication
Host System
SW Debugger
Intelfi 80219
PCI Processor
Running a
Debug Monitor
80219 PCI Processor*
Evaluation Platform Board
Host System
* Intel
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor

2.6.2 Ethernet-Network Communication

Using a network connection:
Figure 3. Etherne t-Network Com m unication
Host System
SW Debugger
Ethernet Network
Host System
PCI/PCI-X Platform
Network Connector
80219 PCI Processor*
Evaluation Platform Board
PCI Processor*
Running a
Debug Monitor
PCI/PCI-X Platform
* Intel
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor
24 Board Manual
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose P CI Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm

2.6.3 JTAG Deb ug Communication

Using a JTAG Emulator:
Figure 4. JTAG Debug Communication
Host System
SW Debugger
JTAG Emulator
Getting Started
PCI Processor*
Running a
Debug Monitor
Intel® 80219 PCI Processor*
Evaluation Platform Board
Host System
* Intel
80219 General Purpose PCI Processor
PCI/PCI-X Platform
Board Manual 25
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
Getting Started

2.6.4 GNUPr o GDB/Insight Communicating with Redboot
Hardware Setup:
Host with UNIX/Linux or Win32 installed
Redhat Redboot monitor Flashed to the platform board
Recommended Mapping of UART Ports to Host Com Ports
Host port connecte d to the platform board UART.
The following communication tools can be used:
Win32 using HyperTerminal
UNIX using Kermit
Linux using Miniport
Solaris using Tip
IQ80219 evaluation platform board with serial cable
Redboot Monitor startup: Description: terminal emulator runs on host and communic ates with the board via the serial cable.
Start: Power up the Intel
7-segment LEDs sequentially display “88”, “A0” through “A6”, followed by “SL” (Scrub loop). When RedBoot is succes sfully booted, it displa ys the characters “A1” on the LEDs.
When the final state of “A1” does not occur, reset the processor again. The time for reset is approximately 1 or 2 seconds. Win32 on Host Connecting with HyperTerminal.
IQ80219 evaluatio n platform boa rd. While the 'rese t' i s asserte d, the t wo
26 Board Manual
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose P CI Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
Getting Started
To bring up a HyperTerminal s ession on a Win32 platform: Go to St art, Programs, Acce ssories, Communications, HyperTerminal
HyperTerminal setup screens:
— “Connection Description” Panel:
•Enter name.
— “Connect To” Panel:
Select host com2 port (or whic hever port you are using).
— Port Settings:
Bits per second: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: none
— Start HyperTerminal:
Select Call from Hyper Terminal pane l. — Reset or power up IQ80219 board. — The Host screen reads:
RedBoot(tm) debug environment - built dd:mm:yy, Mon dd 2001 Platform: IQ80321 Copyright (C) 2000, Red Hat, Inc. RAM: 0xa0000000-0xa2000000 FLASH: 0x00000000 - 0x00800000, 64 blocks of 0x00020000 bytes each. IP:, Default server: RedBoot>
For further information on the GDB/Insight Debugger, refer to the content of the GNUPro CD and/or the GNUPro Debugging Tools manual. This setup assumes that Redboot is Flashed on the board.
Board Manual 27
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
Getting Started Connecting with GDB
Below are the GDB commands entered from the command prompt. Be sure system path is set to access “xscale-elf-gdb.exe”. File name in example “hello”. Bold type represents input by user:
>xscale-elf-gdb -nw hello
Start GDB executable, loads debug information and symbols.
(GDB) set remotebaud 115200
Set baud rate for the IQ80219.
Conn ect COM port:
When using Windows command prompt:
(GDB) target remote com1 Example: screen output from board to host (GDB) target remote com1:
Remote debugging using com1. (GDB)
When using Linux
(GDB) target remote /dev/ttyS0
(GDB) load
Load the program to the board , may hav e to wai t a few seconds.
(GDB) break main
Set breakpo int at main.
(GDB) continue
Start the program using 'continue' verse the usual 'run'.
Program hits break at main() and wait.
1. To be supplied separately.
28 Board Manual
Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose P CI Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm

2.6.5 ARM Extended Debugger

For further information on the AXD Debugger, refer to the content of the ARM ADS. This setup assumes that Angel is Flashed on the board:
Descriptio n: Terminal emu lator runs on hos t and communi cates with t he board via the serial c able. Start: Power up the target board. After the ‘reset’ is asserted, the two 7-segment LEDs
display blank. The time for reset is approximately 1 or 2 seconds.
Assumptions: ARM Developer Suite (ADS) is loaded to Win32 Host, Angel is Flashed to ROM,
Host com port is connected to board serial port ## and compiled project file Worchester.mcp
Following are the steps from setup to running a project file that has been previously created and named Worchester.mcp:
1. From Windows start m enu: a. Programs -> ARM Developer Suite v1.1 -> Metrowerks CodeWarrior
2. From CodeWarrior open project and start debugger: a. File -> Open (All files) -> W orchester.mcp
Getting Started
b. Project -> Enable Debugger c. Project -> Debug (AXD Interface comes up)
3. From AXD (ARM extended debugger) configure and connect: a. Connect Host to Target with s er ial cable
Options -> Configure Target … -> Set Target Environment = ADP
Select Configure
Select … , A RM Serial Driv er, OK Endian: Little Configure… , Serial Port:= COM1, Baud Rate:=115200, OK, OK, OK
b. Load Image and Start
On AXD menu: File -> Load Image… -> File name: Cyclone.axf -> Open ->
c. Execute -> Select Go, Breakpoints
4. The LEDs now Flashes ‘80219’. You can set breakpoints and step to control speed or stop
1. To be supplied separately.
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Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PC I Proce ssor Evaluation Platfo rm
Getting Started
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