Intel IoT Gateway Development KitDK200 Series, DK200 Series Getting Started Manual

Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Getting Started Guide
April 2015
Order No.: 330295-004
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IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel Getting Started Guide April 2015 2 Order No.: 330295-004
Quick Power-On—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series

Quick Power-On

The following terms are used in these steps:
Target Device refers to the Intel® IoT Gateway - DK200 Series.
Host System refers to a Linux system that you provide.
1. Connect the Serial Interface to a Host System running PuTTY.
2. Connect the Power Supply.
At the login prompt, use root for both the login ID and password.
The Target Device is now booted with the sample runtime image. This sample runtime image is for evaluation purposes only. After you have explored its features, use the rest of this document to build a production-ready runtime image.
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 3
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series

Revision History

Date Revision Description
April 2015 004 Changed information related to recommended development
February 2015 003 First Intel® IoT Gateway 2.1 release
October 2014 002 Corrected References. Added steps to use Workbench to
August 2014 001 First public release
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Revision History
hosts Updated errata
Modified Workbench steps Added Triage Tool appendix to aid in debugging Command and other modifications throughout
build project
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 4 Order No.: 330295-004
Contents—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series


Quick Power-On.................................................................................................................. 3
Revision History..................................................................................................................4
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 About the Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series.......................................9
1.2 Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Kit Contents................................. 10
1.3 About this Guide...................................................................................................11
1.4 Reference Documents............................................................................................12
1.5 Before you Begin.................................................................................................. 14
2.0 Connect the Hardware................................................................................................ 17
3.0 Connect the Target Device to a Host System............................................................... 18
3.1 Connecting with a Wireless Network Connection........................................................19
3.2 Connecting with a Wired Ethernet Connection........................................................... 20
3.3 Remotely Logging in to the Target Device with ssh.................................................... 20
4.0 Prepare to Build Your Runtime Image.........................................................................22
4.1 Task Checklist and Completion Times...................................................................... 22
4.2 Prepare Host System for Wind River Software Installation.......................................... 23
5.0 Register Your Development Kit................................................................................... 25
6.0 Install Linux Packages and Wind River Linux Host Tools on the Host System............. 30
7.0 Build Intelligent Device Platform XT Runtime Software.............................................. 38
8.0 Put Intelligent Device Platform XT Runtime Image onto USB Flash Drive................... 40
9.0 Install Intelligent Device Platform XT Runtime on Target Device................................43
Appendix A Intel® IoT Gateway Knowledge Forum........................................................... 44
Appendix B Use Wind River WebIF to Configure the Target Device (Optional).................. 49
Appendix C Building an Intelligent Device Platform Project Using Wind River
Workbench.............................................................................................................. 51
Appendix D Installing and Using CAN............................................................................... 68
Appendix E Using Bluetooth* Functionality.......................................................................71
Appendix F Enabling Audio Components........................................................................... 72
Appendix G Using the Accelerometer................................................................................ 74
Appendix H Triage Tool..................................................................................................... 75
Appendix I Installing and Configuring PuTTY....................................................................76
Appendix J Troubleshooting..............................................................................................82
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 5
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Figures


1 Software Stack........................................................................................................10
2 Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Cables Connected............................ 11
3 Sample "You Are Here".............................................................................................12
4 Target Device Boot Menu..........................................................................................19
5 Register a Product................................................................................................... 25
6 Create Support User Account.................................................................................... 26
7 Wind River License Key Request Confirmation............................................................. 26
8 Logged Into Intel Registration Center......................................................................... 27
9 Intel Registration Center Product Page....................................................................... 27
10 Email Message: Intel® Premier Support Registration Successfully Completed...................28
11 Message: Thank you for registering Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series.... 28
12 Wind River Installer Package Updates.........................................................................31
13 Online Update Settings, Part 1.................................................................................. 32
14 Online Update Settings, Part 2.................................................................................. 32
15 Activation Type....................................................................................................... 33
16 License Authorization Code Location...........................................................................34
17 Choose Installation Filters.........................................................................................35
18 Select Products....................................................................................................... 35
19 Confirm and Install.................................................................................................. 36
20 USB Flash Drive File System Name............................................................................ 40
21 Folder Error for wr_usb_boot.....................................................................................41
22 Knowledge Forum Opening Screen.............................................................................45
23 Ask Question.......................................................................................................... 46
24 Title Question......................................................................................................... 46
25 Categorize Question.................................................................................................46
26 Tagged Question..................................................................................................... 47
27 Submit Question......................................................................................................47
28 Subscribe to Forum Tags.......................................................................................... 48
29 Untrusted Certificate................................................................................................49
30 WebIF Application....................................................................................................50
31 Workspace Location Selection................................................................................... 51
32 Create a New Workbench Project...............................................................................52
33 Selecting Target Operating System............................................................................ 52
34 Select Build Type.....................................................................................................53
35 Specify Project Name...............................................................................................53
36 Enable Addons........................................................................................................ 54
37 Reload Configurations.............................................................................................. 55
38 glib_idp Option Available.......................................................................................... 56
39 Add Layers............................................................................................................. 57
40 Add wr-intel-support................................................................................................58
41 Add wr-mcafee Layer...............................................................................................59
42 Adding Options........................................................................................................59
43 enable jobs=50.......................................................................................................60
44 -enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=<number of CPUs>........................................................... 61
45 Finalize Configuration...............................................................................................62
46 Configuration Script Progress.................................................................................... 63
47 Build Configuration Completed.................................................................................. 64
48 Build Project........................................................................................................... 65
49 Build Project Progress Window...................................................................................66
50 Config File.............................................................................................................. 66
51 Build Console Displaying Project Completion................................................................67
52 CAN Connector Pin Assignment..................................................................................68
53 Example CAN Network with Termination..................................................................... 68
54 CAN Termination..................................................................................................... 69
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 6 Order No.: 330295-004
Figures—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
55 PuTTY Configuration Screen...................................................................................... 76
56 Change to Serial with Speed of 115200...................................................................... 77
57 Change Flow Control................................................................................................78
58 Change to SCO Function Keys................................................................................... 79
59 Save Settings..........................................................................................................80
60 Update Session with Correct tty Port.......................................................................... 81
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 7
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Tables


1 Reference Documents.............................................................................................. 12
2 Items to Obtain.......................................................................................................14
3 Recommended Development Hosts............................................................................ 15
4 Login IDs and Passwords.......................................................................................... 15
5 Target Device Errata................................................................................................ 82
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 8 Order No.: 330295-004
Introduction—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series

1.0 Introduction


About the Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series

The Intel® IoT Gateways provide pre-integrated hardware and software building blocks. The gateways connect legacy and new systems, and enable seamless and secure data flows between edge devices and the cloud. Using a single, integrated solution allows you to focus your resources on innovating for new services, bug data solutions, and other IoT-focused applications.
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series includes the following:
Processor: Intel® Quark™ SoC X1020D
Software: Wind River® Linux (Host), Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT, Wind River Workbench, McAfee* Embedded Control
Security: Open SSL* Library, McAfee* Embedded Control, SRM Signing Tool, Certificate Management, Secure Boot, Application Integrity Monitor, Application Resource Control, Secure Package Management, Encrypted Storage
Manageability and provisioning: OMA DM, TR-069, Web-based configuration interfaces
Communications and connectivity: Serial, USB, VPN, WI-Fi* Access Point, Bluetooth*, MQTT, ZigBee* (ZigBee is enabled by third-party hardware)
Runtime environments: Java*, OSGi*, Lua*
I/O: 2x Ethernet* 10/100, USB 2.0 host & device, RS-232, Audio line in/out, mini PCIe (for CAN* WI-Fi* / Bluetooth* / 3G modules), 3 axis accelerometer (internal), 12-bit 8 channel ADC, ZigBee*
Memory and storage: 512 KB SRAM, 512 MB ECC DDR3, onboard microSD card
The Intel® IoT Gateway - Development Kit DK200 Series provides a key ingredient for enabling the connectivity of legacy or new transportation devices to the IoT. It integrates technologies and protocols for networking, embedded control, enterprise­grade security, and easy manageability on which application-specific software can run. This product offers:
Speed: By integrating hardware and software building blocks.
Protection of legacy investments by connecting new and legacy systems with intelligent compute platforms for communication to the cloud.
Secure data with standards-based interfaces.
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April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 9
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Blank line. Do not delete.
and end-user enabled cloud connector, applications, and services
OMA DM TR-069 Web-Base d Configuration Interfaces
Open SSL Library SRM Signing Tool Certification Management Secure Boot Application Integrity Monitor Application Resource Control Secure Package Management Encrypte d Storage
Bluetooth* Serial USB VPN Wi-Fi* Access P oint MQTT CAN Audio in/out ZigBee* (enabled by third-party hardware)
McAfee Embedded
Wind River Development Environment
Wind River Linux 5.0.1
Intel Processor-Based Solution
(Intel® Quark SoC X1020D Processor)
Runtime Environment
Lua* Java* OSG
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Blank line. Do not delete.
Blank line. Do not delete.
The following diagram illustrates the software components that are included in the Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Software Stack.
Figure 1. Software Stack
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Introduction

Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Kit Contents

Your kit contains the following items:
One Intel® IoT Gateway DK200 Series with pre-loaded Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT image
One power supply
Two Wi-Fi* antennas
One cable harness for I/O interfaces (audio, CAN, serial, A/D, GPIO, power)
One cable for Ethernet ports
Two cables for USB ports
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 10 Order No.: 330295-004
Introduction—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Figure 2. Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Cables Connected

About this Guide

This guide is organized as follows:
Chapters 1 - 4: How to set up your Target Device, including connecting it to your Host System.
Chapters 5 - 7: How to build your own runtime software and install it on your Target Device.
The appendices provide information about:
— Using the Intel® IoT Gateway Knowledge Forum.
— Building an Intelligent Device Platform Project using Wind River Workbench.
— Using the Wind River Workbench to perform a Project Export / Import.
— Using the Triage Tool to aid in debugging.
For help with typing commands to your Linux terminal, use Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series - Getting Started Guide Commands at https:// agr=Y&DwnldID=24331&lang=eng&wapkw=dk300. This text file includes all of the
commands in this Getting Started Guide. The purpose is to provide you with an easy way to copy and paste commands to your Linux terminal.
Document Conventions
This document uses the following conventions:
"Development Kit" refers to the Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series. This term includes the gateway hardware, the board firmware, and the software from Wind River Systems, Inc.
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 11
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Put Runtime Software on Flash Drive
Install Linux and Wind River Packages on Host System
Build Runtime on Host System
Update SPI
Firmware on
Target Device
Install Runtime on Target Device
Before you Begin
Connect Hardware / Connect Target Device to Host
Connect Target Device to Host
Target Device
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Introduction
"Target Device" refers to the gateway device onto which you will install Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT runtime software.
"Host System" refers to a Linux system that you will use to configure your Target Device. You will install development tools from Wind River Systems, Inc. on this system. The Host System is not included in this kit.
The examples in this publication use a Host System that has an Intel® Core™ i5 second generation processor and Ubuntu* Desktop 14.04 distribution software. If you are using a different operating system, substitute the instructions in this publication with instructions that are appropriate for your system.
This font is used for commands, API names, parameters, filenames, directory paths, and executables.
Bold text is used for graphical user interface entries, buttons, and keyboard keys.
This font in a gray box is used for commands or scripts that you must type.
This font in a green box displays responses to your commands.
To help you keep track of your progress, illustrations are used at the beginning of each key task. The following is an example of these illustrations.
— A white background indicates steps you have completed.
— A blue background indicates the step you are about to work on.
— A gray background indicates future steps.
Figure 3. Sample "You Are Here"

Reference Documents

The following documents will help you complete your installation.
Table 1. Reference Documents
Title Link Description
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series - Getting Started Guide Commands
Wind River® Linux 5.0 / 5.1 Recommended Development Host Distributions Detail_Desc.aspx? agr=Y&DwnldID=24331&lang=eng&wapk w=dk200
Wind River Online Support: deki/files/153500/041441.pdf
Text file of the commands used in this document
• Recommended Development Host Distributions
• Required Host Packages by Host Distribution
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 12 Order No.: 330295-004
Introduction—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Title Link Description
Wind River® Linux 5.0.1 ­Users Guide
Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT 2.0 ­Product Brief
Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT 2.0 ­Programmer's Guide
Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT 2.0 ­Release Notes
Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT 2.0 Security Guide
Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT EMS Profile - User's Guide
Wind River® EMS Device Management - User's Guide
Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT EMS Profile - Release Notes content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-linux-user-guide.html content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-idp-xt2-product­brief.html?wapkw=wind+river content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-idp-xt2­programmers-guide.html?wapkw=wind +river content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-idp-release­notes.html content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-idp-security­guide.html?wapkw=wind+river content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-intelligent-device­platform-xt-ems-profile-user-guide.html content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-ems-device­management-user-guide.html content/www/us/en/embedded/design­tools/evaluation-platforms/gateway­solutions/wind-river-intelligent-device­platform-xt-ems-profile-release­notes.html
• Wind River Linux Overview
• Development & Build Environment
• Configuration and Build
• Layers & Recipes
• Userspace & Kernel Development
• Debugging
• Product Overview
• Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Architecture
• Technical Specifications
• Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Overview
• Architecture
• Security, Connectivity & Management
• Validation
• System Owner, Device & Application Development Vendor Tasks
• Changes in this release
• Requirements
• Issues & Customer Service
• Platform Security Overview
• Security Planning
• Risks, Threats & Intelligent Device Platform Security Mechanisms
• BKMs, Keys & Certificates
• Secure Repository
• Encrypted Data Storage
• Device Management Overview
• Mashery API Reference and Examples
• Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Edge Management System Overview
• Device side and Cloud side components Device Onboarding, Application Development and Target component updates
• Alarm workflow and error recovery
• Product Overview
• Host and Target Requirements
• Usage Caveats and Known Issues
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 13
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Before you
Connect Hardware / Connect Target Device to Host System
Put Runtime Software on Flash Drive
Prepare Host System for Wind River Software
Register Target Device
Install Linux and Wind River Packages on Host System
Build Runtime on Host System
Update SPI Firmware on Target Device
Install Runtime on Target Device
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Introduction

Before you Begin

Review the following information to make sure you have everything you need.
Required Experience Level
You need basic experience using the Linux command line interface.
Items and Software You Need to Provide
You will need to provide the following items to complete your installation:
Table 2. Items to Obtain
What you need First Needed in Notes
USB keyboard Connect the Hardware on page
Host System hardware (recommended):
• 3rdGeneration Intel® Core™ i5 processor or better
• CPU with four or more cores and with Intel® Hyper­Threading Technology
• 150 GB or more of free disk space
• 4 GB or more RAM
• One USB 2.0 port
Host Operating System Connect the Target Device to a
• PuTTY utility or equivalent
• Serial to USB cable
USB flash drive with at least 4 GB capacity
Connect the Target Device to a Host System on page 18
Host System on page 18
Connect the Target Device to a Host System on page 18
Use Wind River WebIF to Configure the Target Device (Optional) on page 49
The minimum hardware requirements are:
• Intel® Pentium® 2 processor
• 80 GB free disk space
• 768 MB RAM With these minimum
requirements, your performance may not be adequate.
The Wind River Systems, Inc. development tools may be installed on many different Linux* based host systems. See
Recommended Development Hosts
on page 15 These instructions have been
validated on an Ubuntu 14 64-bit host system.
The contents of this flash drive will be overwritten.
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Blank line. Do not delete.
Blank line. Do not delete.
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 14 Order No.: 330295-004
Introduction—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Recommended Development Hosts
The following recommended development host distributions have been tested by Wind River to run Wind River Linux 5.0 / 5.0.1. Intel recommends the Ubuntu Desktop
14.04 (base version) 64-bit OS for your Host System.
Table 3. Recommended Development Hosts
Distribution Architecture
Ubuntu* Desktop 14.04 (base version) or 12.04 x86 32-bit, x86 64-bit
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 6.5 x86 32-bit, x86 64-bit
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 7 x86 64-bit
OpenSUSE* 12.2 x86 32-bit, x86 64-bit
Novell* SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 x86 32-bit, x86 64-bit
Fedora* 18 x86 32-bit, x86 64-bit
These instructions in this guide were validated on an Ubuntu 14.04 (base version) 64­bit host system, which is available at as ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso
Caution: To maintain Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT compatability, do not perform
sudo apt-get upgrade
For detailed information on supported Linux development hosts, and for additional Linux host requirements, see the Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT 2.0 ­Release Notes at
Login IDs and Passwords
You will be prompted for several login IDs and passwords throughout these installation procedures. The following is a quick reference to them.
Table 4. Login IDs and Passwords
Logging into... ID and Password
Target Device
Target Device local wireless network
Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Administration Console (WebIF)
Technical Support
For users with a registered product, Intel provides technical support for this Development Kit
through Intel® Premier Support. If you do not already have an Intel Premier Support account, you may apply for one when you register this Development Kit in Register Your Development Kit on page 25.
ID: root
Password: root
Password: windriveridp
ID: admin
Password: admin
April 2015 Getting Started Guide
Intel® IoT Gateway
Order No.: 330295-004 15
Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Introduction
To submit a support request using Intel Premier Support, go to https:// Click the Product Support Tab -> Intel Premier Support
Home. Submit your issue using one of these product names:
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel® Development Toolkit for Data Gateways
In addition to Intel® Premier Support, registered users can use the Intel® IoT Gateway - Knowledge Forum to ask "how-to" questions. Follow the instructions in Intel
IoT Gateway Knowledge Forum on page 44 to register, login, and submit questions
in this online support forum.
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 16 Order No.: 330295-004
Hardware / Connect
Target Device to Host System
Put Runtime Software on Flash Drive
Prepare Host System for Wind River Software
Register Target Device
Install Linux and Wind River Packages on Host System
Build Runtime on Host System
Update SPI Firmware on Target Device
Install Runtime on Target Device
Before you
Connect the Hardware—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series

2.0 Connect the Hardware

You will begin your installation by connecting the Target Device hardware. This chapter guides you through making the connections and plugging in your Target Device. Refer to Figure 2 on page 11 in making your connections.
Remember: Target Device refers to the gateway device that is included in the Development Kit.
Host System refers to the Ubuntu 14.04 system that you will use to build the runtime software.
1. Connect the cable harness, USB cables and Ethernet cables into the appropriate
interfaces on the Target Device.
2. Connect the Serial to USB cable.
3. Plug in the power adapter connector to the DC In connector on the Target Device.
4. Connect the Wi-Fi antennas.
5. Plug the power cord into a power outlet. The Target Device powers on.
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 17
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Hardware / Connect
Target Device to Host System
Put Runtime Software on Flash Drive
Prepare Host System for Wind River Software
Register Target Device
Install Linux and Wind River Packages on Host System
Build Runtime on Host System
Update SPI Firmware on Target Device
Install Runtime on Target Device
Before you
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Connect the Target Device to a Host System

3.0 Connect the Target Device to a Host System

This section shows you how to make a connection between your Host System and Target Device using the PuTTY utility for a serial console connection. The instructions in this section are specific to PuTTY, but you can use a different utility to make your connection if you prefer. See your instructions for your utility if you use another utility. If you need help configuring PuTTY on your Host System, see Installing and
Configuring PuTTY on page 76.
What you need to do
1. Save a session in your PuTTY configuration named Intel IoT Gateway. Under Serial line type /dev/ttyUSB0
From your Host System $HOME command prompt, display the available TTY ports. Use the following command:
ls /dev/tty*
Write down the resulting TTY port information. You will use this in the next step.
3. The RS-232 cable is already connected to your Target Device. Connect the other end to your Host System USB port.
4. Plug in your Target Device.
While still at the $HOME prompt, change the ownership and permissions for using PuTTY. This example uses ttyUSB0 for the port. Your port may be different; see the port you wrote down in the previous step. Use the following command, replacing ttyUSB0 with the port that you wrote down.
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
6. Start the PuTTY utility.
7. Load the IoT Gateway session that you saved in step 1.
8. Click Open to launch a PuTTY Virtual Terminal session. You are now connected to the Target Device.
9. At the boot prompt, shown below, select MMC device as the boot media.
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 18 Order No.: 330295-004
Connect the Target Device to a Host System—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Figure 4. Target Device Boot Menu
It will take about 3 minutes for the device to boot.
At the login prompt, use root for both the login ID and the password.
11. Leave the screen at this point. You will return to it later.

Connecting with a Wireless Network Connection

The Target Device advertises a wireless network with a service set identifier (SSID) of
IDPDK-xxxx, where xxxx is the last four digits of the wireless network card MAC
address. This section guides you through using this information to connect a Host System to the Target Device's wireless network to access the features on the Target Device.
1. From the PuTTY Virtual Terminal, issue the following command to determine the wireless SSID of the Target Device:
grep ssid /etc/config/wireless
The output displays the SSID:
option ssid IDPDK-xxxx
2. Write down your SSID.
3. Issue the following command from the Target Device command line to determine the IP address used for the wireless Access Point:
ifconfig br-lan
The output includes the IP address, denoted by inet addr
The Target Device ID address is likely set to the default
4. Write down your Target Device IP address.
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 19
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Connect the Target Device to a Host System
5. On the Host System (not in the PuTTY Virtual Terminal), select the System Settings icon.
6. Click the Network icon.
7. Click Wireless.
8. Click the dropdown arrow next to Network Name and then click the SSID that you wrote down.
When prompted, enter the password: windriveridp.
The Target Device and Host System are now connected through a wireless network. You can use ssh to log in to the Target Device from the Host System. See Remotely
Logging in to the Target Device with ssh on page 20.

Connecting with a Wired Ethernet Connection

Refer to Connect the Hardware on page 17 to make the following connections.
1. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Target Device LAN1 port to an I/O port on a router that has an integrated DHCP server. It is important to use the port, labeled Ethernet LAN 1 on your Target Device. This port connects as eth1.
2. Confirm on the PuTTY video display for the Target Device that the Target Device is connected at eth1. Your screen should display:
eth1 NIC Link is Up
3. Issue the following command from the PuTTY Virtual Terminal command line to determine the IP address used for the network Access Point:
ifconfig br-lan
The output includes the IP address, denoted by inet addr as shown:
The Target Device IP address is probably set to the default of
4. Write down your Target Device IP address.
The Target Device and Host System are now connected to a wired network. You can use ssh to log in to the Target Device from the Host System. See Remotely Logging in
to the Target Device with ssh on page 20.

Remotely Logging in to the Target Device with ssh

Once the Target Device and Host System are connected through a wired or wireless network, you can use ssh to remotely log in to the Target Device from the Host System.
1. Validate that both the Target Device and the Host System have a valid IP address and are on same subnet. Use the following command on both the Target Device and the Host System to see the IP address on each.
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 20 Order No.: 330295-004
Connect the Target Device to a Host System—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
2. Be sure both Host System and the Target Device return an IP address and the subnet addresses match. For example, the following addresses are valid and they are on the same subnet:
Target Device IP address
Host System IP address
3. On the Target Device execute the following command to start the sshd deamon:
service sshd start
You should see the following output:
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
4. (Optional): To automatically start sshd for all future reboots, execute the following command on the Target Device:
update-rc.d sshd defaults
5. To remotely login to the Target Device from the Host System, at the Host System execute the following command, substituting <TARGET_DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS> with the Target Device IP address that you wrote down earlier.
Your screen displays:
root@<TARGET_DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS>'s password:
6. Type the Target Device password:
When you successfully log in to the Target Device, the command prompt is displayed:
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 21
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Prepare to Build Your Runtime Image

4.0 Prepare to Build Your Runtime Image

The first part of this publication got you up and running with a sample runtime image that you used to explore some of the Target Device features. This part of the document guides you through creating your own runtime image. Although you will not be using your Target Device again for a while, the steps in the remainder of this publication assume that you have completed the setup steps.

Task Checklist and Completion Times

Below are the key tasks you will complete in the remainder of the chapters. You must complete each of these tasks in order. Upon completing one chapter, continue to the next until you reach the optional information in the appendices.
The full installation process, including the steps to build your own runtime image takes several hours. The time required will vary, depending on your skills and experience, the processor speed of the system that you use to perform the configuration steps, and the speed of your internet connection.
The estimated completion times in the table below are based on Ubuntu* Desktop
14.04 running on an Intel® Core™ i5 second generation processor and with an internet connection running at approximately 3 MB per second.
You will prepare the Host System before working more with the Target Device.
Note: Host System refers to a computer system onto which the development tools from
Wind River Systems, Inc. will be installed. Target Device refers to the hardware that is included in your Development Kit.
Done Task Section Estimated Completion
Preliminary Steps 30 - 90 minutes
Gather necessary components Items and Software You
Connect the Target Device and a Host
Update Host System Linux Install Ubuntu Linux
Create Host System directories, and confirm Host System free space.
Need to Provide on page
Connect the Target Device to a Host System
on page 18
Updates on page 23
Create Directories and Confirm Disk Space on
page 23
10 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the number of updates to install
10 minutes
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 22 Order No.: 330295-004
Prepare Host
System for Wind River
Put Runtime Software on Flash Drive
Register Target Device
Install Linux and Wind River Packages on Host System
Build Runtime on Host System
Update SPI Firmware on Target Device
Install Runtime on Target Device
Before you
Prepare to Build Your Runtime Image—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Done Task Section Estimated Completion
Register your Development Kit to obtain a Wind River SW license. A license is required to complete the remaining steps in this publication.
Install and Build Runtime on Host System
The completion time is highly dependent on the Host System and the Internet connection speed.
Install base packages for Wind River Linux
5.0.1, Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT 2.0, Wind River Workbench
Build the runtime software image on the Host System and copy the image to a USB flash drive.
Install Runtime Image to Target Device 45 minutes
Install the runtime image on the Target Device.
Total Estimated Time to Complete Installation 6 - 12 hours
Register Your Development Kit on page
Installing the Wind River Host Tools on page 30
Build Intelligent Device Platform XT Runtime Software on page 38
Deploy Image to Micro­SD Flash Card
10 minutes to register. Up to 1 day to receive license
5 - 10 hours
2 - 4 hours
3 - 5 hours
45 minutes

Prepare Host System for Wind River Software Installation

Install Ubuntu Linux Updates
The Linux software on your Host System must be current before you install the Wind River Host Tools software. This section provides instructions to perform this update. From your Host System command line interface, use the following command to apply the Ubuntu updates:
sudo apt-get update
Create Directories and Confirm Disk Space
Create the following directories on your Host System:
$HOME/WindRiver - This directory is used to install the Wind River Host Tools.
The installation requires approximately 30 GB of free space in this directory.
$HOME/Installer - This is a temporary directory that you can delete after
completing your installation. The installation requires approximately 15 GB of free space in this directory.
April 2015 Getting Started Guide Order No.: 330295-004 23
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Prepare to Build Your Runtime Image
$HOME/Project - The project directory in which you will develop your Intelligent
Device Platform XT-based solution. The build requires approximately 20 GB of free space in this directory.
$HOME/Project/build-cache - The build cache directory. Using a build cache
can significantly reduce the time required to build the project after incremental changes are made. The build requires approximately 10 GB of free space in this directory.
Use these commands to create the directories:
cd $HOME
mkdir WindRiver
mkdir Installer
mkdir Project
mkdir Project/build-cache
You must also have approximately 15 GB of temporary disk space in the /tmp directory
In total, a minimum of approximately 100 GB is required to complete the full runtime build process.
Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series Getting Started Guide April 2015 24 Order No.: 330295-004
Put Runtime Software on Flash Drive
Install Linux and Wind River Packages on Host System
Build Runtime on Host System
Update SPI
Firmware on
Target Device
Install Runtime on Target Device
Before you Begin
Connect Hardware / Connect Target Device to Host
Connect Target Device to Host
Target Device
Register Your Development Kit—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series

5.0 Register Your Development Kit

Important: If you are using an Early Access Development Kit or a Loaner Development Kit from
the Intel Demo Depot, use the 90-day License Authorization Code provided in the Dear Customer Letter that came with your kit. in this case, you do not need to register your Target Device. Instead, skip ahead to Install Linux Packages and Wind River
Linux Host Tools on the Host System on page 30.
Before you begin the installation process, you must register your Development Kit. The registration process submits a license key request to Wind River to permit you to download Wind River Development software. You cannot use the Wind River installer to download the Wind River software without this license.
You will use the login ID and password that you create or use in these steps to access the Intel Registration Center. On the Intel Registration Center you can see a list of licensed products and download the installers for those software products.
1. In your Web browser on any computer, go to
The following screen is displayed:
Figure 5. Register a Product
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Intel® IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
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