Intel Embedded Intel486, Intel486 Series, IntelDX4, IntelDX2, Ultra-Low Power Intel486 SX, Ultra-Low Power Intel486 GX Hardware Reference Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Embedded Intel486™ Processor
Hardware Reference Manual
Release Date: July 1997
Order Number: 273025-001
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1.4.1FaxBa c k S e rv ic e .. ... ....... ....... ... ....... .. ........ .. ....... ........ .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ..1-5
1.4.2World Wide Web ........................................................................................................1-5 Collision with a Current Cache Line Operation........................................4-54 under AHOLD.... .. ................... ........................... .. ........................... .........4-54 During Replacement Write-Back..............................................................4-59 under BOFF#............ ................... ........................... .. ........................... ....4-61 under HOLD....... ........... .......... ........................... ................... .......... .........4-64 under HOLD duri ng Re placement Write-Back...................... ...................4-66
4.4.4Locke d C y cl es...... ... ....... .. ........ ....... .. ........ .. ....... ........ .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... .......4-6 7 c k C o lli si o n. .. ........ .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... ....... .. ........ ....... .. ........ .. ..... 4 -6 8
4.4.5Flush O p er a tio n ... ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... .. ........ .. ....... ........ .. ....... ...4-6 9
7.3.1Read C yc le T imi n g.. ....... ....... ... ....... .. ........ .. ....... ........ .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... .......7-2 9
7.3.2Write C yc le Ti m in g s .. ....... ... ....... .. ........ ....... .. ........ .. ........ .. ....... ........ .. ....... ... ....... ..... 7 -3 1
AND Intel386™ PROCESSORS........ ................................. .. .. .. ....................................7-33
4-35Bus Sta te D ia g ra m .... ....... ....... ... ....... .. ........ ....... .. ........ .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... .......4-4 5
4-1Byte Enables and Associated Data and Operand Bytes..............................................4-1
4-2Generating A31–A0 from BE3#–BE0# and A31–A2........ .. .......... .. .. .......... .. ................4-2
4-3Next Byte Enable Valu es for BS
4-4Data Pins Read with Different Bus Sizes .....................................................................4-5
4-5Generati ng A1, BHE# and BLE# fo r Addressing 16-Bit Devi ces...... ........................... .4-7
4-6Generating A0, A1 and BHE# from the In tel 486™ Processor Byte Enables..............4-10
4-7Transfer Bus Cy cles for Bytes, Words and Dwords.................... .......... ................... ..4-11
4-8Burst Order (Both Read and Write Bursts).................................................................4-27
4-9Special Bus Cycle Encoding ......................................................................................4-42
4-10Bus Sta te D es c ri pt io n....... .. ........ .. ....... ........ .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ....... ... .......4-4 6
4-11Snoop Cycles under AHOLD, BOFF#, or HOLD......................... .................... .. .........4-52
4-12Various Scenarios of a Snoop Write-Back Cycle Colliding with
an On-Going Cache Fill or Replacement Cycle..........................................................4-54
5-1Access Length of Typical CPU Functions ....................................................................5-2
5-2Clock Latencies for DRAM Functions...........................................................................5-6
6-1Level-1 Cache Hit Rates ..............................................................................................6-3
7-1Next Byte-Enable Values for the BS
7-2Valid Data Lines for Valid Byte Enable Combinations..................................................7-5
7-932-Bit to 16-Bit Bus Swapping Logic Truth Table.......................................................7-12
7-1032-Bit to 32-Bit Bus Swapping Logic Truth Table.......................................................7-16
7-11Bus Cyc le D e fin it io n s ......... ........ .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... .. ........ .. ..... 7 -2 1
1.4Elect ro n i c S u ppo r t S y st ems ........ ... ....... .. ........ .. ........ .. .. ........1-5
1.5Techn i cal Supp o rt .... .. ........ .. .. ........ .. ....... ... ....... ... ....... .. ........1-5
1.6Product Literature .................................................................1-6
This manual describes the embedded Intel486™ processors. It is intended for use by hardware
designers familiar with the principles of embedded microprocessors and with the Intel486 processor archit ecture.
This manual contains 10 chapters and an index. This section summarizes the contents of the remaining chapters. The remainder of this chapter describes conventions and special terminology
used throughout the manual and provides references to related documentat ion.
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
“Bus O p erat ion”
Chapter 5:
“Memory Subsystem
Chapter 6:
“Cache Subsystem”
This chapter provides an overview of the current embedded Intel486
processor family, including product features, system components,
system architecture, and applications. This chapter also lists product
frequency, voltage and package offerings.
This chapter de s cribes the Intel486 processor internal architecture, wit h
a descripti on of the processor’s functi onal units.
This chapter describes the features of the processor bus, including bus
cycle handling, interrupt and reset signals, cache control, and floatingpoint error control.
This chapter designing a memory subsystem that supports features of
the Intel4 86 processor such as burst cycles and cache. This chapter also
discusses using write-posting and interleaving to reduce bus cycle
This chapter di scusses cache theory and the impact of caches on performance. This cha pter de tails di fferent cache con figur at ions, inc lud ing direct-mapped, set associative, and fully associative. In addition, writeback and write-through methods for updating main memory are described.
This chapter describes the connection of peripheral devices to the
Intel486 processor bus. Design techniques are discussed for interfacing
a variety of devices, including a LAN controller and an interrupt
This chapter provides an overview of s ystem bus design considerations,
includi ng implementing of the EISA and PCI s yst em buses.
This chapter focuses on the system parameters that affect performance.
External (L2) caches are also examined as a means of improving
memory system performance.
The higher clock speeds of Intel486 processor systems require design
guidelines. This chapter outlines basic design considerations, including
power and ground, thermal environment, and system debugging issues.
The following notations are used throughout this manual.
#The pound symbol (#) appe nded to a signal name i ndicates that the signal
is ac ti v e lo w .
VariablesVariables are shown in italics. Variables must be replaced with correct
New TermsNew terms are shown in italics. See the Glossary for a brief definition of
commonly u sed term s.
InstructionsInstruction mnemonics are shown in uppercase. When you are
programming, instructions are not case-sensitive. You may use either
upper- or lowercase.
NumbersHexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of hexadecimal digits
followed by the character H. A zero prefix is added to numbers that begin
with A through F. (For example, FF is shown as 0FFH.) Decimal and
binary numbers are represented by their customary notations. (That is,
255 is a decimal number and 1111 1111 is a binary number. In some
cases, the letter B is adde d for clarity.)
Units of MeasureThe following abbreviations are used to represent units of measure:
Register BitsWhen the text refers to more that one bit, the range of bits is represented
by the highest and lowest numbered bits, separated by a long dash
(example: A15–A8). The first bit shown (15 in the example) is the mostsignificant bit and the second bit shown (8) is the least-si gnificant bit.
Register NamesRegister names are shown in uppercase. If a register name contains a
lowercase italic character, it represents more than one register. For
example, PnCFG represent s three registers: P1CFG, P2CFG, a nd P3CFG.
Signal NamesSignal names are shown in uppercase. When several signals share a
common name, an individual signal is represented by the signal name
followed by a number, while the group is represented by the signal name
followed by a variable (n). For exa mp l e, t h e l o w er c hi p -s el ec t s ign al s a r e
named CS0#, CS1#, CS2#, and so on; they are collectively called CSn#.
A pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name identifies an active-low
signal. Port pins are represented by the port abbreviation, a period, and
the pin number (e. g., P1.0, P1.1).
The following terms have special meanings in this manual.
Assert and Deasse rtThe terms assert and deassert refer to the acts of making a signal
active and ina ctive, respectively. The active pol arity (high/low) is
defined b y the signal name. Active-low signals are designated by the
pound symbol (#) suffix; active-high signals have no suffix. To
assert RD# is to dr ive it low; to ass ert HOLD is to drive it high; to
deas sert RD # is to dr ive it hi gh ; to dea ss ert HO L D is to dr ive it lo w .
DOS I/O AddressPeripherals that are compatible with PC/AT system architecture can
be mapped into DOS (or PC/AT) ad dres ses 0H–03FFH. In this
manual, the ter ms DOS address and PC/AT address are s ynonymous.
Expanded I/O AddressAll peripheral registers reside at I/O addresses 0F000H–0FFFFH.
PC/AT-compat ible integrated peripherals can also be mappe d into
DOS (or PC/AT) address space (0H–03FFH).
PC/AT AddressIn tegrated pe rip h er als tha t ar e co mpati b le wi t h P C /A T sy st em
architect ure c an be mapped into PC/AT (or DOS) addresses 0H–
03FFH. In th is manual, the terms DOS address and PC/AT addres s
are synonymous.
Set and ClearThe terms set and clear refer to the value of a bit or the ac t of giving
it a value. If a bit is set, its value is “1”; setting a bi t g i v es it a “1”
value. If a bit is clear, its value is “0” ; clearing a bit give s it a “0”
Intel’s FaxBac k* service provides up-to-date technic al information. Intel also offers a variety of
information on th e World Wide Web. These syst ems are availabl e 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
providing technical information whenever you need it.
1.4.1FaxBack Service
FaxBack is an on -demand publ ishi ng s ystem t hat sends document s to yo ur fax machine. You can
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1.4.2World W i de Web
Intel offers a variety of information through the World Wide Web (
In the U.S. and Canada , te chnical support re presentative s ar e available to answe r your questions
between 5 a. m. and 5 p .m. PST. You can also fax your que stion s to u s. (Pl ease i ncl ude your voic e
telephone number and indicate whether you prefer a response by phone or by fax). Outside the
U.S. and Canada, pleas e contact your local distributor.
1-800-628-8686U.S. and Canada
916-356-7599U.S. and Canada
916-356-6100 (fax)U.S. and Canada
The following Intel documents contain additional information on designing systems that incorporate the Intel 486 processors.
Intel Document NameIntel Order Number
Embedded Intel486™ SX Processor
Embedded IntelDX2™ Processor
Embedd ed Ultra-L ow Power Inte l4 86 ™ S X Pr oc es s or
Embedded Ultra Low-Power Intel486™ GX Processor
Embedded Write-Back Enhanced IntelDX4™ Processor
MultiProcessor Specification
Intel Architecture Software Deve loper's Manual
Embedded Intel486™ Process or Family Develo per’s Manual
Ultra-Low Power Int el486™ SX Processor Evaluation Board Manual
Intel486™ Processor Family Programmer’s Reference Manual
AP-505–Picking Up the Pace: Designing the IntelDX4™ Processor into
Intel486™ Processo r-Base d Designs
Intel486™ Microp rocess or Performa nc e Brief
IntelDX4™ Processor Performance Brief
datas heet27273 1- 0 01
, Volu mes 1 and 2243190-001
Application Notes/Performance Briefs
You can obtain the following resources from the Word Wide Web at the s ites listed.
Document NameWeb Site
Standard 1149.1—1990, IEEE Standard Test Access Port and BoundaryScan Architecture
The Intel486™ processor family enables a range of low-cost, high-performance embedded system designs cap able of runni ng the e ntire i nstalle d base o f DOS *, Win dows*, OS/2 *, and UNIX*
applications written for the Intel architecture. This family includes the following processors:
•The IntelDX4™ processor is the fastest Intel486 processor (up to 50% faste r than an
IntelDX2™ processor). The IntelDX4 processor int egrates a 16-Kbyte unifie d ca che and
floating-poi nt hardware on-chip for improved performance.
The IntelDX4 processor is also available with a write-back on-chip cache for improved
entry-level performance.
•The IntelDX2™ processor integrates an 8-Kbyte unified cache and floating-point
hardware on-chip.
The IntelDX4 and IntelDX2 processors use Intel’s speed-multiplying technology, allowing
the p roc es sor core to op erate at fre q u en c ie s hi g h er th an th e ex t er n al m emory bus .
•Th e Int el486 SX processor offers the features of the IntelDX2 processor without floating-
point hardware and clock multiplying.
•The Ultra-Low Power Ultra-Low Power Intel486 SX and Ultra-Low Power Intel486 GX processors provide additional power-saving features for use in batteryoperated and hand-held embedded designs . Th e Ultra-Low Power Intel486 SX processor,
like the other Intel486 processors, supports dynamic data bus sizing for 8-, 16-, or 32-bit
bus sizes, whereas the Ultra-Low Power Intel486 GX processor has a 16-bit external data
The entire Intel486 processor family incorporates energy efficient “SL Technology” for mobile
and fixed embedded comput ing . SL Tec hnol ogy ena bles syste m de signs t hat exceed th e Envi ronmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star program guidelines without compromising performance. It also increases system design flexibility and improves battery life in all Intel486
processor-bas ed hand-held applications. S L Technology allows system de signers to di fferentiate
their power management schemes with a variety of energy efficient, battery life enhancing features.
Intel486 processors provide power management features that are transparent to application and
operating system software. Stop Clock, Auto HALT Power Down, and Auto Idle Power Down
allow software-transpare nt co ntrol over processor power management.
Equally important is the capability of the processor to manage system power consumption.
Intel486 processor System Management Mode (SMM) incorporates a non-maskable System
Management Interrupt (SMI#), a corresponding Resume (RSM) instruction and a new memory
space for sys tem m anage ment code. Althou gh t ran sparent to an y appl icati on or opera ti ng sy stem,
Intel's SMM ensures seamless power control of the processor core, system logic, main memory,
and one or more peripheral devices.
Intel486 p rocessors are availa ble in a f ull range o f speeds (16 MHz to 100 MHz), package s (PGA,
SQFP, PQFP, TQFP), and voltages (5 V, 3.3 V, 3.0 V and 2.0 V) to meet many system design
All Intel 486 processors consist of a 32-bit int eger processing unit, an on -chip cache, and a memory management unit. Th ese ensure full binary compa ti bility with t he 8086, 808 8, 80 186, 80286,
Intel386™ SX, and Intel386 DX processors, and with all versions of Intel486 processors. All
Intel486 processors offer the following features:
•32-bit RISC integer core — The Intel486 processor performs a complete set of arithmetic
and logical operations on 8-, 16-, and 32-bit data types using a full-width ALU and eight
general pur pose registers.
•Single Cycle Execution — Many instructions exec u te in a single clock cycle.
•Instruction Pipelining — The fet ching, decoding, address translation, and execution of
instructions are overlapped within the Intel486 processor.
•On-Chip Floating-Point Unit — The IntelDX2 and Intel DX4 processors support the 32-,
64-, and 80-bit formats sp ecified in IEEE standard 754. The unit is binary compatible wit h
the 8087, Intel287, and Intel387 coprocessors, and with the Intel OverDrive
•On-Chip Cache wi th Cach e Cons iste ncy Sup port — An 8-Kbyt e (16-Kbyt e on the Int elDX4
processor) int ern al ca che is u sed fo r bot h da ta and inst ru ction s. Ca che hi ts pro vide zero wait
state access times for data within the cache. Bus activity is tracked to det ect alterations in
the memory repre sented by the internal cach e. The internal cache can be in v alidated or
flushed so that an ex ternal cache controller can maintain ca che cons istency.
•External Cache Cont rol — Writ e- ba ck an d fl us h c ontr o ls fo r an ext er nal ca ch e a re pro vi de d
so the proces sor can maintain cach e consistency.
•On-Chip Memory Management Unit — Add ress m anagement a nd memory s pace protec tio n
mechanisms maintain the integrity of memory in a multi-tasking and virtual memory
environment. The memory management unit supports both segmentatio n and paging.
•Burst Cycles — Burst transfers all ow a new doubl eword to be read from memory on each
bus clock cycle. This capability is especially useful for instruction prefetch and for filling
the internal cache.
•Write Buffers — The processor contains four write buffers to enhance the performance of
consecuti ve writes to memory. The processor can continue internal operations after a write
to these buffers, without waiting for the write to be completed on the external bus.
•Bus Backoff — If another bus master nee ds c ontrol of the bus during a process or-initiated
bus cyc le, the In tel486 processo r floats its bus sign als, then restarts the cy cle when th e b u s
becomes avai lable again.
•Instructi on Restart — Programs can continue execution following an exception that is
generated by an uns uccessful at tempt to access memory. This feature is important for
supporti ng demand-paged virtual memory applications.
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