Intel BX80619I73930K, Core i7-3960X, Core i7-3930K, Core i7-3820 Product Overview

PRODUCT BRIEF 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processor
Extreme Edition
Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Extreme Edition
Product Overview
The 2nd generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition is super-smart, ultra-threaded, and absolutely uncom­promising, making it the ultimate desktop processor for content creators and gamers.
The Ultimate Digital Creativity Engine
The 2nd generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition is the perfect engine for power users who demand unparalleled performance for unlimited digital creativity. Smart features like Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 Hyper-Threading Technology performance where and when you need it.
As the rst desktop platform to feature
4-channel memory, the Core i7-3960X processor has more than twice the memory bandwidth of the previous generation Core i7-990X you need to optimize your workow and maximize throughput with the ultimate desktop processor.
processor. Experience the power
and Intel®
give additional
Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Processor
Get the edge you need to dominate your gaming competition with the unlocked, unleashed, and uncompromising 2nd generation Intel Core i7 processor Extreme Edition. With a killer combination of features including Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0, Intel Hyper-Threading Technology, and over­clocking. The ultra-threaded 2nd generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition is exible and devastatingly powerful. It’s the ultimate weapon for gamers who demand unmatched PC performance. The only thing holding your gaming domination back now is you.
Unrivaled Performance and Overclocking
The new 2nd Generation Intel Core i7 processor Extreme Edition will give you the smoothest and most realistic desktop content creation and gaming experience. With Intel Hyper-Threading Technology
delivering unmatched 12-thread perfor­mance across six cores, the most memory channels available on any Intel desktop processor, and the largest cache size for super low latency and quick response times, these processors will perform when you need them to, in the applications that you need them in. Add in the ability to enable uncompromised 2 x 16 multi­card NVIDIA* SLI* and AMD CrossFireX*
graphics congurations and you have a
platform that is unrivaled.
If you are the type that wants to optimize performance on your system, the 2nd gen­eration Intel Core i7 processors on socket LGA2011 are for you. With enhanced system tuning for processor cores, memory, and
power levels, you will have the exibility
that allows you to attain extra performance for more complex multimedia applications and immersive gaming. Whether you are a novice overclocker or a seasoned veteran, these processors will have you singing their praises in no time at all.
2nd Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Comparison
2nd Generation Intel®
Core™ i7-3960X Processor
Extreme Edition
2nd Generation Intel®
Core™ i7-3930K Processor
2nd Generation Intel®
Core™ i7-3820 Processor
Number of Processor Cores 6 6 4
Number of Simultaneous Threads with Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology
12 12 8
Intel® Smart Cache Size 15 M B 12 M B 10 M B
Processor Base Frequency 3.3 GHz 3.2 GHz 3.6 GHz
Memory Frequency 1600 MHz 1600 MHz 1600 MHz
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
2.0 2.0 2.0
Number of DDR3 Memory Channels 4 4 4
Overclocking Enabled
Intel® Express Chipset X79 X79 X79
Socket LGA2011 LGA2011 LGA2011
Features and Benets of the 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors
Features Benets
Six Core/12 Thread Processing
Massive PCIe Graphics Bandwidth Provides up to 40 lanes of PCIe bandwidth for PCI Express* devices, which can include graphics cards, storage controllers, and additional L AN devices. This
Four Channel Integrated Memory Controller An integrated memory controller with four channels of DDR3 1600 MHz offers memory bandwidth up to 51.2 GB/s. Combined with the processor’s efcient
Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0
Intel® Smart Cache This large last-level cache enables dynamic and efcient allocation of shared cache to all six cores to match the needs of various applications for ultra-efcient
Intel AVX Processor instructions that signicantly improve oating point performance.
Intel HD Boost Includes the full SSE4 instruction set, signicantly improving a broad range of multimedia and compute-intensive applications. The 128-bit SSE instructions are
Provides six complete execution cores in a single processor package, delivering 12 computing threads to help operating systems and applications deliver additional performance, so users can experience better multitasking and multi-threaded performance across many types of applications and workloads.
processor has more than 2X the PCIe lanes vs. other 2nd Generation Intel Core desktop processors.
prefetching algorithms, this memory controller’s lower latency and higher memory bandwidth delivers amazing performance for data-intensive applications.
Delivers two processing threads per physical core for a total of 12 threads for massive computational throughput, allowing highly threaded applications to get more work done faster.
Dynamically increases the processor’s frequency as needed by taking advantage of thermal and power headroom when operating below specied limits. Get
more performance automatically, when you need it the most.
data storage and manipulation.
issued at a throughput rate of one per clock cycle, allowing a new level of processing efciency with SSE4-optimized applications.
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology, and Intel® Virt ualization Techn ology requir e a computer syst em with a proces sor, chipset, BI OS, enabling so ftware and /or operating sy stem, device dr ivers, and appl ications des igned for thes e features.
Perfo rmance will vary de pending on your con guration. Contact your vendo r for mor e informatio n.
Warni ng: Altering c lock frequen cy and/or volta ge may (i) reduce sy stem stabilit y and useful lif e of the system and pr ocessor; (i i) cause the pro cessor and oth er system compo nents to fail; (ii i) cause reduc tions in system p erformanc e; (iv) cause addi tional heat or ot her
damage; and (v) affect syste m data int egrity. Intel has not test ed, and does not warrant y, the oper ation of the proces sor beyond its speci cations.
Part ial Overcloc king: Partia l overclocki ng is available on t he 4 core LGA 2011 proce ssor. Partial ove rclocking w ill allow you to adj ust the core mul tiplier to a pre set maximum.
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* Other nam es and brands may be claime d as the pro perty of others. 0911/DL/ HBD/PDF 326150-001US