Intel CORE 2 DUO MOBILE - THERMAL DESIGN GUIDE 6-2008, Core 2 Duo Mobile Design Manual

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications
Thermal Design Guide
June 2008
Order Number: 320028-001
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications TDG June 2008 2 Order Number: 320028-001
Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors—Contents
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Design Flow ......... .......................... .. ......................... .. .......................... .. ........... 6
1.2 Definition of Terms ..................................... .......................... .. .. .. ........................ 7
1.3 Reference Documents.......................................................................................... 8
1.4 Thermal Design Tool Availability ........................................................................... 8
2.0 Package Information ................................................................................................ 9
3.0 Thermal Specifications.............................................................................................10
3.1 Thermal Design Power.......................................... .. ......................... .. .................10
3.2 Maximum Allowed Component Temperature ..........................................................10
4.0 Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................................11
4.1 Package Mechanical Requirements.......................................................................11
4.1.1 Die Pressure/Load Upper Limit..................................................................11
4.1.2 Die Pressure/Load Lower Limit..................................................................11
4.2 Package Keep Out Zones Requirements................................................................11
4.3 Board Level Keep Out Zone Requirements .............................................................11
5.0 Thermal Solution Requirements...............................................................................15
5.1 Thermal Solution Characterization........................................................................15
5.1.1 Calculating the Required Thermal Performance for the Intel
processor ..............................................................................................16
6.0 Reference Thermal Solutions ...................................................................................18
6.1 ATCA Reference Thermal Solution................................ .. .. ............................ ........18
6.2 Keep Out Zone Requirements..............................................................................19
6.3 Thermal Performance................................................... .. .. .......................... .. .. ....19
6.4 1U+ Reference Heatsink.....................................................................................19
6.4.1 Keep Out Zone Requirements...................................................................20
6.4.2 Thermal Performance.............................. .. .. .. ......................... .. ...............20
6.5 Compact PCI Reference Heatsink .........................................................................21
6.5.1 Keep Out Zone Requirements...................................................................22
6.5.2 Thermal Performance.............................. .. .. .. ......................... .. ...............22
6.6 Heatsink Fastener Assembly................................................................................22
6.7 Thermal Interface Material (TIM) ................................................................... .. .. ..22
6.8 Heatsink Orientation ..........................................................................................23
7.0 Thermal Metrology...................................................................................................24
7.1 Die Temperature Measurements ..........................................................................24
7.2 Power Simulation Software .................................................................................24
7.3 Additional Thermal Features......................... .. ... ......................... .. .......................24
7.4 Local Ambient Temperature Measurement Guidelines..............................................24
7.4.1 Active Heatsink Measurements .................................................................25
7.4.2 Passive Heatsink Measurements................................................................25
8.0 Reliability Guidelines ...............................................................................................28
A Thermal Solution Component Suppliers....................................................................29
B Mechanical Drawings ...............................................................................................30
Core™2 Duo
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process-Thermal Design Guide TDG June 2008 3 Order Number: 320028-001
Figures—Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors
1 Thermal Design Process..............................................................................................7
2 Primary Side Keep Out Zone Requirements— Micro-FCPGA ............................................12
3 Primary Side Keep Out Zone Requirements— Micro-FCBGA............................................13
4 Secondary Side Keep Out Zone Requirements............................................. ... ..............14
5 Processor Thermal Characterization Parameter Relationships .........................................16
6 AdvancedTCA* Reference Heatsink Assembly...............................................................18
7 AdvancedTCA* Heatsink Thermal Performance vs. Volumetric Airflow Rate .................. .. ..19
8 1U Reference Heatsink Assembly .................................................... ...........................20
9 1U Heatsink Thermal Performance vs. Volumetric Airflow Rate .......................................21
10 CompactPCI Reference Heatsink Assembly ..................................................................21
11 cPCI Reference Heatsink Thermal Performance vs. Volumetric Flow Rate .........................22
12 Heatsink Orientation Relative to Airflow Direction .........................................................23
13 Measuring TLA with an Active Heatsink .......................................................................26
14 Measuring TLA with a Passive Heatsink .......................................................................27
15 AdvancedTCA* Reference Heatsink PCB Keep Out Zone Requirements (Sheet 1 of 2) ........ 31
16 AdvancedTCA* Reference Heatsink PCB Keep Out Zone Requirements (Sheet 2 of 2) ........ 32
17 AdvancedTCA* Reference Heatsink Assembly...............................................................33
18 AdvancedTCA* Reference Heatsink.............................................................................34
19 CompactPCI* Reference Heatsink PCB Keep Out Zone Requirements (Sheet 1 of 2).......... 35
20 CompactPCI* Reference Heatsink PCB Keep Out Zone Requirements (Sheet 2 of 2).......... 36
21 CompactPCI* Reference Heatsink Assembly................................ .. .. ........................... ..37
22 CompactPCI* Reference Heatsink...............................................................................38
23 1U Reference Heatsink PCB Keep Out Requirements (Sheet 1 of 2).................................39
24 1U Reference Heatsink PCB Keep Out Requirements (Sheet 2 of 2).................................40
25 1U Reference Heatsink Assembly ................................................ .. .. .. .........................41
26 1U Reference Heatsink..............................................................................................42
1 Definition of Terms.....................................................................................................7
2 Thermal Specifications for the Intel
3 Required Heatsink Thermal Performance (ΨJA).............................................................17
4 Reliability Requirements............................................................................................28
5 Reference Heatsink ..................................................................................................29
6 Mechanical Drawings..................................... .. .. .......................... .. .. .........................30
Core™2 Duo processor..........................................10
June 2008 TDG Order Number: 320028-001 4
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications
Revision History
Date Revision Description
June 2008 1.0 First Public release.
Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors—Tables
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process-Thermal Design Guide TDG June 2008 5 Order Number: 320028-001
Introduction—Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors
1.0 Introduction
The power dissipation of electronic components has risen along with the increase in complexity of computer systems. T o ensure quality, reliability, and performance goals are met ov er the product’s life cycle, the heat generated by the device must be properly dissipated. Typical methods to improve heat dissipation include selective use of airflow ducting, and/or the use of heatsinks.
The goals of this document are to:
• Identify the thermal and mechanical specification for the device.
• Describe a reference thermal solution that meets the specifications.
A properly designed thermal solution will adequately cool the device at or below the thermal specification. This is accomplished by providing a suitable local-ambient temperature, ensuring adequate local airflow, and minimizing the die to local-ambient thermal resistance. Operation outside the functional limits can degrade system performance and may cause permanent changes in the operating characteristics of the component.
This document describes thermal design guidelines for the Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications in the micro Flip Chip Pin Grid Array (micro-FCPGA) package and the micro Flip Chip Ball Grid Array (micro-FCBGA) package. The information provided in this document is for reference only and additional validation must be performed prior to implementing the designs into final production. The intent of this document is to assist each original equipment manufacturer (OEM) with the development of thermal solutions for their individual designs. The final heatsink solution, including the heatsink, attachment method, and thermal interface material (TIM) must comply with the mechanical design, environmental, and reliability requirements delineated in the processor datasheet. It is the responsibility of each OEM to validate the thermal solution design with their specific applications.
This document addresses thermal and mechanical design specifications for the Intel Core 2 Duo processor only. For thermal design information on other Intel components, refer to the respective component datasheets.
1.1 Design Flow
Several tools are available from Intel to assist with the development of a reliable, cost-effective thermal solution. Figure 1 illustrates a typical thermal solution design process with available tools noted. The tools are available through your local Intel field sales representative.
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications
Figure 1. Thermal Design Process
Step 1: Thermal Simulation
Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors—Introduction
P ackage Level Thermal Models
Therm al Model User’s Guide
Step 2: Heatsink Design and Selection
Reference Heatsinks
Ref erence Mounting Hardware
Vendor Contacts
1.2 Definition of Terms
Table 1. Definition of Terms (Sheet 1 of 2)
Term Definition
°C Degrees in Celsius
CFM Volumetric airflow rate in cubic feet per minute
in. Inches LFM Airflow velocity in linear feet per minute PCB Printed circuit board
Flip Chip Pin Grid Array. A pin grid array packaging tech nology where the die is exposed on the package substrate.
Flip Chip Ball Grid Array. A ball grid array packaging technology where the die is exposed on the package substrate.
Maximum allowed component (junction) temperature. Also referred to as T Thermal Design Power. Thermal solutions should be designed to dissipate this
target power level. Local ambient temperature. This is the temperature measured inside the chassis,
approximately 1 inch upstream of a component heatsink. Also referred to as T Junction-to-ambient thermal characterization parameter. A measure of heatsink
thermal performance using the total package power. Defined as (T Total Package Power
Thermal interface material thermal characterization parameter. A measure of thermal interface material performance using total package power. Defined as (T
– T
Sink-to-ambient thermal characterization parameter. A measure of heatsink thermal performance using total package power. Defined as (T Total Package Power.
Heatsink temperature measured on the underside of the heatsink base.
)/ Total Package Power. Also referred to as Ψ
Step 3: Thermal Validation
Thermal Testing Software
Thermal Test Vehicle
User Guides
– T
– TLA) /
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process-Thermal Design Guide TDG June 2008 7 Order Number: 320028-001
Introduction—Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors
Table 1. Definition of Terms (Sheet 2 of 2)
Term Definition
Thermal Interface Material – the thermally conductive compound between the heatsink and die. This material fills air gaps and voids, and enhances spreading of the heat from the die to the heatsink.
A unit of measure used to define server rack spacing height. 1U is equal to 1.75 inches, 2U equals 3.50 inches, etc.
1.3 Reference Documents
The reader of this specification should also be familiar with material and concepts presented in the following documents:
• Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor for Intel® Centrino® Duo Mobile Technology Datasheet
Documents are located at Contact your Intel field sales representative for additional information.
1.4 Thermal Design Tool Availability
Intel provides thermal simulation models of the device and a thermal model user’s guide to aid system designers in simulating, analyzing, and optimizing thermal solutions in an integrated, system­level environment. The models are for use with commercially available Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-based thermal analysis tools including Flotherm* (version 7.1 or higher) by Flomerics, Inc. or Icepak* by Fluent, Inc. Contact your Intel representative to order the thermal models and associated user’s guides.
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications
Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors—Package Information
2.0 Package Information
The Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor (XE and SV) is available in 478-pin Micro-FCPGA packages as well as 479-ball Micro-FCBGA packages. The Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor SFF processor (LV and ULV) is available in 956-ball Micro-FCBGA packages. The package mechanical dimensions can be found in the product’s datasheet.
The Micro-FCBGA package incorporates land-side capacitors. The land-side capacitors are electrically conductive. Care should be taken to prevent the capacitors from contacting any other electrically conductive materials. Doing so may short the capacitors and possibly damage the device or render it inactive.
The processor package has mechanical load limits that are specified in the processor datasheet. These load limits should not be exceeded during heatsink installation, removal, mechanical stress testing, or standard shipping conditions. The heatsink mass can also add additional dynamic compressive load to the package during a mechanical shock event. Amplification factors due to the impact force during shock must be taken into account in dynamic load calculations. The total combination of dynamic and static compressive load should not then exceed the processor datasheet compressive dynamic load specification during a vertical shock. It is not recommended to use any portion of the processor substrate as a mechanical reference or load bearing surface in either static or dynamic compressive load conditions.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process-Thermal Design Guide TDG June 2008 9 Order Number: 320028-001
Thermal Specifications—Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors
3.0 Thermal Specifications
3.1 Thermal Design Power
The Thermal Design Power (TDP) specification is listed in Table 2. Heat transfer through the micro­FCBGA, micro-FCPGA package and socket via the base board is negligible. The cooling capacity without a thermal solution is also minimal, so Intel requires the use of a heatsink for all usage
3.2 Maximum Allowed Component Temperature
The device must maintain a maximum temperature at or below the value specified in Table 2. The thermal solution is required to meet the temperatures specification while dissipating the Thermal Design Power.
Table 2. Thermal Specifications for the Intel® Core™2 Duo processor
CPU Processor SKU# TDP (W)
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process
Standard Voltage (Core 2 Duo-6M, Celeron-2M) 35
Ultra Low Voltage (Core 2 Duo -2M, Celeron) 10
105 0Low Voltage (Core 2 Duo -3M) 17
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications
Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors—Mechanical Specifications
4.0 Mechanical Specifications
4.1 Package Mechanical Requirements
4.1.1 Die Pressure/Load Upper Limit
From a die mechanical integrity standpoint, the maximum allowable normal die load is the lesser of 15 lbs or 100 psi. Considering the 15 lbs load limit and the nominal die area of 1.45 cm this equates to a die pressure of 66.7 psi (below 100 psi specification). Considering the maximum pressure specification, the die load at this pressure would be 22.4 lbs, exceeding the 15 lbs. load limit. Thus, the heatsink clamping mechanism (spring loaded fasteners, spring clips, etc.) should not exceed 15 lbs.
(0.22 in.2),
4.1.2 Die Pressure/Load Lower Limit
From a TIM performance standpoint, a minimum die pressure is required to ensure consistent and minimal TIM thermal resistance. This lower value is a function of the TIM used. F or the phase-change TIM specified for thermal solutions mentioned later, die pressure should not be lower than approximately 138 kPa (20 psi). This will keep TIM resistance better than approximately
0.30 oC-cm2/W.
4.2 Package Keep Out Zones Requirements
The heatsink must not touch the package in the areas shown in Figure 2 and Figure 4. The heatsink should include a means to prevent the heatsink from forming an electrical short with the capacitors placed on the top side of the package. The reference thermal solutions include z-stops machined into the base of the heatsink. The z-stops prevent the heatsink from inadvertently tilting when installed. Other methods are suitable including using electrically insulated gasket material at the base of the heatsink.
4.3 Board Level Keep Out Zone Requirements
A general description of the keep-out zones and mounting hole pattern for the reference thermal solutions are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Detailed drawings for the PCB keep out zones are in
Appendix B.
Components placed between the underside of the heatsink and motherboard cannot exceed 4.75 mm in height when using heatsinks that extend beyond the socket envelope shown in Figure 2 for the micro-FCPGA package.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process-Thermal Design Guide TDG June 2008 11 Order Number: 320028-001
Mechanical Specifications—Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors
Figure 2. Primary Side Keep Out Zone Requirements— Micro-FCPGA
1. Dimension in millimeters [inches].
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors on 45-nm process for Embedded Applications
Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processors—Mechanical Specifications
Figure 3. Primary Side Keep Out Zone Requirements— Micro-FCBGA
1. Dimension in millimeters [inches].
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