Intel E2160 - Cpu Pentium Dual-Core 1.80Ghz Fsb800Mhz 1M Lga775 Tray, Core 2 Duo E6400, Core 2 Duo E4300, Pentium Dual-Core E2160 Design Manual

Intel® Core
2 Duo E6400, E4300,
and Intel
Pentium® Dual-Core
E2160 Processor
Thermal Design Guide
October 2007
Order Number: 315279 - 003US
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Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor TDG October 2007 2 Order Number: 315279 - 003US
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................7
1.1 Document Goals and Scope ..................................................................................7
1.1.1 Importance of Thermal Management...........................................................7
1.1.2 Document Goals.......................................................................................7
1.1.3 Document Scope......................................................................................7
1.2 References.........................................................................................................9
1.3 Definition of Terms..............................................................................................9
2.0 Processor Thermal/Mechanical Information ............................................................11
2.1 Mechanical Requirements...................................................................................11
2.1.1 Processor Package.................................................................................. 11
2.1.2 Heatsink Attach .....................................................................................12
2.2 Thermal Requirements.......................................................................................14
2.2.1 Processor Case Temperature....................................................................14
2.2.2 Thermal Profile ...................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 T
2.3 Heatsink Design Considerations...........................................................................17
2.3.1 Heatsink Size.........................................................................................17
2.3.2 Heatsink Mass........................................................................................18
2.3.3 Package IHS Flatness.......................................... ... .. ...............................18
2.3.4 Thermal Interface Material....................................................................... 18
2.4 System Thermal Solution Considerations..............................................................19
2.4.1 Chassis Thermal Design Capabilities.......................................................... 19
2.4.2 Improving Chassis Thermal Performance...................................................19
2.4.3 Summary..............................................................................................19
2.5 System Integration Considerations ......................................................................20
3.0 Thermal Metrology ..................................................................................................21
3.1 Characterizing Cooling Performance Requirements.................................................21
3.1.1 Example................................................................................................ 22
3.2 Processor Thermal Solution Performance Assessment.............................................23
3.3 Local Ambient Temperature Measurement Guidelines .............................................23
3.4 Processor Case Temperature Measurement Guidelines............................................ 25
4.0 Thermal Management Logic and Thermal Monitor Feature....................................... 26
4.1 Processor Power Dissipation................................................................................26
4.2 Thermal Monitor Implementation.........................................................................26
4.2.1 PROCHOT# Signal..................................................................................27
4.2.2 Thermal Control Circuit ........................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Thermal Monitor 2..................................................................................28
4.2.4 Operation and Configuration ....................................................................29
4.2.5 On-Demand Mode ..................................................................................30
4.2.6 System Considerations............................................................................30
4.2.7 Operating System and Application Software Considerations..........................31
4.2.8 THERMTRIP# Signal ...............................................................................31
4.2.9 Cooling System Failure Warning ................................................. .. ............31
4.2.10 Digital Thermal Sensor............................................................................ 31
4.2.11 Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI) ........................................32
5.0 Intel® Reference Thermal Solution..........................................................................33
5.1 Thermal Solution Requirements...........................................................................33
5.2 PICMG 1.3 Form Factor......................................................................................34
5.3 ATX/BTX form factors ........................................................................................36
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Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor—
5.4 Altitude ............................................................................................................36
5.5 Geometric Envelope for Intel Reference PICMG 1.3 Thermal Mechanical Design..........37
6.0 Intel® Quiet System Technology (Intel® QST).........................................................38
6.1 Intel
QST Algorithm.................................................................. .......................38
6.1.1 Output Weighting Matrix..........................................................................39
6.1.2 Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) .......................................................39
6.2 Board and System Implementation of Intel® QST..................................................41
6.3 Intel
QST Configuration and Tuning.......................... .. .. .................................... ..43
6.4 Fan Hub Thermistor and Intel® QST.....................................................................43
A LGA775 Socket Heatsink Loading .............................................................................44
A.1 LGA775 Socket Heatsink Considerations ...............................................................44
A.2 Metric for Heatsink Preload for Designs Non-Compliant with Intel Reference Design....44
A.3 Heatsink Selection Guidelines..............................................................................49
B Thermal Interface Management ...............................................................................50
B.1 Bond Line Management ......................................................................................50
B.2 Interfa ce Mate rial Area.................................................................. .. .. .................50
B.3 Interface Material Pe rformance............................................................................50
C Case Temperature Reference Metrology ...................................................................51
C.1 Objective and Scope .................................................... .. .................................. ..51
D Mechanical Drawings ...............................................................................................53
E Intel® Enabled Reference Solution Information.......................................................56
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel TDG October 2007 4 Order Number: 315279 - 003US
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
1 Package IHS Load Areas ...........................................................................................11
2 Processor Case Temperature Measurement Location .....................................................15
3 Example Thermal Profile ...........................................................................................16
4 Processor Thermal Characterization Parameter Relationships .........................................22
5 Locations for Measuring Local Ambient Temperature, Active Heatsink..............................24
6 Locations for Measuring Local Ambient Temperature, Passive Heatsink............................25
7 Concept for Clocks under Thermal Monitor Control........................................................28
8 Thermal Monitor 2 Frequency and Voltage Ordering......................................................29
10 Thermal Characterization Parameters for Various Operating Conditions ...........................34
11 PICMG 1.3 Copper Heatsink.......................................................................................35
12 PICMG 1.3 Heatsink Performance...............................................................................36
13 Intel® QST Overview ...............................................................................................39
14 PID Controller Fundamentals ..................................................................................... 40
15 Intel® QST Platform Requirements.............................................................................41
16 Example Acoustic Fan Speed Control Implementation....................................................42
17 Digital Thermal Sensor and Thermistor ......................................................................43
18 Board Deflection Definition........................................................................................46
19 Example: Defining Heatsink Preload Meeting Board Deflection Limit................................48
20 PICMG 1.3 Motherboard Keep-out Footprint Definition and Height Restrictions for Enabling
Components, Primary Side........................................................................................54
21 PICMG 1.3 Motherboard Keep-out, Secondary Side....................................................... 55
for Digital Thermal Sensor ............................................................................. 32
1 Referenced Documents...............................................................................................9
2 Terms Used...............................................................................................................9
3 Thermal Characterization Parameter at various T
4 Board Deflection Configuration Definitions ...................................................................45
5 Intel Reference Component PICMG 1.3 Thermal Solution Providers .................................56
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Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor—
Revision History
Date Revision Description
October 2007 003 Updated to include the Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 processor
March 2007 002 Updated to include the Intel® E4300 processor
September 2006 001 Initial release
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel TDG October 2007 6 Order Number: 315279 - 003US
Introduction—Intel Processor
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Document Goals and Scope
1.1.1 Importance of Thermal Management
The objective of thermal management is to ensure that the temperatures of all components in a system are maintained within their functional temperature range. Within this range, a component is expected to meet its specified performance level. Operation outside the functional temperature range can degrade system performance, cause logic errors or cause component and/or system damage. Temperatures exceeding the maximum operating limit of a component may result in irreversible changes in the operating characteristics of this component.
In a system environment, the processor temperature is a function of both system and component thermal characteristics. The system level thermal constraints consist of the local ambient air temperature and airflow over the processor as well as the physical constraints at and above the processor. The processor temperature depends on the component power dissipation, the processor package thermal characteristics and the processor thermal solution.
All of these parameters are affected by the continued push of technology to increase processor performance levels and packaging density (more transistors). As operating frequencies increase and packaging size decreases, the power density increases while the thermal solution space and airflow typically become more constrained or remains the same within the system. The result is an increased importance on system design to ensure that thermal design requirements are met for each component, including the processor, in the system.
1.1.2 Document Goals
Depending on the type of system and the chassis characteristics, new system and component designs may be required to provide adequate cooling for the processor. The goal of this document is to provide an understanding of these thermal characteristics and discuss guidelines for meeting the thermal requirements imposed on single processor systems using the Intel Dual-Core E2160 Processor.
The concepts given in this document are applicable to any system form factor. Specific examples used will be the Intel enabled reference solution for PICMG 1.3 server systems. Please refer to the applicable ATX and BTX form factor reference documents and thermal design guidelines to design a thermal solution for those form factors.
1.1.3 Document Scope
In this document, when a reference is made to "the processor", it is intended that this includes all the processors described and supported in this document. If needed for clarity, the specific processor will be listed.
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium®
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Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor—
This design guide supports the following processors:
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400 Processor for Embedded Applications
CoreTM 2 Duo E4300 Processor for Embedded Applications
• Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor for Embedded Applications
In this document, when a reference is made to "the datasheet", the reader should refer to the Intel® Core™2 Extreme Processor X6800 and Intel® Core™2 Duo Desktop
Processor E6000 and E4000 Sequences Datasheet and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core Processor E2000 Sequence Datasheet. For more information on a specific processor,
reference the specific processor datasheet.
Section 2.0 of this document discusses package thermal mechanical requirements to
design a thermal solution for the processor in the context of personal computer applications.
Section 2.0 discusses the thermal solution considerations and metrology
recommendations to validate a processor thermal solution.
Section 4.0 addresses the benefits of the processor's integrated thermal management
logic for thermal design.
Section 5.0 gives information on the Intel reference thermal solution for the processor. Section 6.0 discusses the implementation of Intel Quiet System Technology (Intel®
QST). The physical dimensions and thermal specifications of the processor that are used in
this document are for illustration only. Refer to the datasheet for the product dimensions, thermal power dissipation and maximum case temperature. In case of conflict, the data in the datasheet supersedes any data in this document.
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel TDG October 2007 8 Order Number: 315279 - 003US
Introduction—Intel Processor
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160
1.2 References
Material and concepts available in the documents listed in Table 1 may be beneficial
Table 1. Referenced Documents
when reading this document.
Intel® Core™2 Duo Desktop Processor, Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core Processor, and Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 6x1 Sequence Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines
LGA775 Socket Mechanical Design Guide
Intel® Core™2 Extreme Processor X6800 and Intel® Core™2 Duo Desktop Processor E6000 Sequence Datasheet
Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core Processor E2000 Sequence Datasheet
Intel® Core™2 Processor and Intel® Pentium® Dual Core Processor Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor on 90 nm Process in the 775-Land LGA Package Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines
Fan Specification for 4-wire PWM Controlled Fans Performance ATX Desktop System Thermal Design Suggestions Performance microATX Desktop System Thermal Design Suggestions Balanced Technology Extended (BTX) System Design Guide
Document Comment design/processor/designex/
1.3 Definition of Terms
Table 2. Terms Used (Sheet 1 of 2)
Term Description
The measured ambient temperature locally surrounding the processor. The ambient
October 2007 TDG Order Number: 315279 - 003US 9
temperature should be measured just upstream of a passive heatsink or at the fan inlet for an active heatsink. Also referred to as T
The case temperature of the processor, measured at the geometric center of the topside of the IHS.
The ambient air temperature external to a system chassis. This temperature is usually measured at the chassis air inlets. Also referred to as T
Heatsink temperature measured on the underside of the heatsink base, at a location corresponding to T
The maximum case temperature as specified in a component specification. Case-to-ambient thermal characterization parameter (psi). A measure of thermal solution
performance using total package power. Defined as (T Note: Heat source must be specified for Ψ measurements.
Case-to-sink thermal characterization parameter. A measure of thermal interface material performance using total package power. Defined as (T referred to as Ψ
- TA) / Total Package Power.
- TS) / Total Package Power. Also
Note: Heat source must be specified for Ψ measurements.
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor—
Table 2. Terms Used (Sheet 2 of 2)
Term Description
Sink-to-ambient thermal characterization parameter. A measure of heatsink thermal
LGA775 Socket
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
Thermal Monitor
Health Monitor Component
performance using total package power. Defined as (T Note: Heat source must be specified for Ψ measurements.
Thermal Interface Material: The thermally conductive compound between the heatsink and the processor case. This material fills the air g aps and vo ids, and enhances the tr ansfer of the heat from the processor case to the heatsink.
The maximum power dissipated by a semiconductor component. Thermal Design Power: a power dissipation target based on worst-case applications.
Thermal solutions should be designed to dissipate the thermal design power. Integrated Heat Spreader: a thermally conductive lid integrated into a processor package
to improve heat transfer to a thermal solution through heat spreading. The surface mount socket designed to accept the processors in the 775-Land LGA
Bypass is the area between a passive heatsink and an y object that can act to form a duct. For this example, it can be expressed as a dimension away from the outside dimension of the fins to the nearest surface.
A feature on the processor that attempts to keep the processor die temperature within factory specifications.
Thermal Control Circuit: Thermal Monitor uses the TCC to reduce die temperature by lowering effective processor frequency when the d i e temperature has exceeded its operating limits.
Temperature reported from the on-die thermal diode. Fan Speed Control: Thermal solution that includes a variable fan speed which is driven by
a PWM signal and uses the on-die thermal diode as a reference to change the du ty cycle of the PWM signal.
is the specification limit for use with the on-die thermal diode.
Pulse width modulation is a method of controlling a variable speed fan. The enabled 4 wire fans use the PWM duty cycle percent from the fan speed controller to modulate the fan speed.
Any standalone or integrated component that is capable of reading the processor temperature and providing the PWM signal to the 4 pin fan header.
Thermal Module Assembly. The heatsink, fan and duct assembly for the BTX thermal solution.
- TA) / Total Package Power.
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel TDG October 2007 10 Order Number: 315279 - 003US
§ §
Processor Thermal/Mechanical Information—Intel Pentium
Dual-Core E2160 Processor
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel®
2.0 Processor Thermal/Mechanical Information
2.1 Mechanical Requirements
2.1.1 Processor Package
The processor is packaged in a 775-Land LGA package that interfaces with the motherboard via a LGA775 socket. Refer to the datasheet for detailed mechanical specifications.
The processor connects to the motherboard through a land grid array (LGA) surface mount socket. The socket contains 775 contacts arrayed about a cavity in the center of the socket with solder balls for surface mounting to the motherboard. The socket is named LGA775 socket. A description of the socket can be found in the LGA775 Socket Mechanical Design Guide.
The package includes an integrated heat spreader (IHS) that is shown in Figure 1. Refer to the processor datasheet for more information. In case of conflict, the package dimensions in the processor datasheet supersedes dimensions provided in this document.
Figure 1. Package IHS Load Areas
Top Surface of IHS
Top Surface of IHS
to install a he atsink
to install a he atsink
IH S St ep
IH S St ep
to in te rface with LGA775
to in te rface with LGA775
Socket Load Plate
Socket Load Plate
October 2007 TDG Order Number: 315279 -003US 11
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor—Processor
Thermal/Mechanical Information
The primary function of the IHS is to transfer the non-uniform heat distribution from the die to the top of the IHS, out of which the heat flux is more uniform and spread over a larger surface area (not the entire IHS area). This allows more efficient heat transfer out of the package to an attached cooling device. The top surface of the IHS is designed to be the interface for contacting a heatsink.
The IHS also features a step that interfaces with the LGA775 socket load plate, as described in the LGA775 Socket Mechanical Design Guide. The load from the load plate is distributed across two sides of the package onto a step on each side of the IHS. It is then distributed by the package across all of the contacts. When correctly actuated, the top surface of the IHS is above the load plate allowing proper installation of a heatsink on the top surface of the IHS. After actuation of the socket load plate, the seating plane of the package is flush with the seating plane of the socket. Package movement during socket actuation is along the Z-direction (perpendicular to substrate) only. Refer to the LGA775 Socket Mechanical Design Guide for more information about the LGA775 socket.
The processor package has mechanical load limits that are specified in the processor datasheet. The specified maximum static and dynamic load limits should not be exceeded during their respective stress conditions. These include heatsink installation, removal, mechanical stress testing and standard shipping conditions.
• When a compressive static load is necessary to ensure thermal performance of the thermal interface material between the heatsink base and the IHS, it should not exceed the corresponding specification given in the processor datasheet.
• When a compressive static load is necessary to ensure mechanical performance, it should remain in the minimum/maximum range specified in the processor datasheet.
• The heatsink mass can also generate additional dynamic compressive load to the package during a mechanical shock event. Amplification factors due to the impact force during shock must be taken into account in dynamic load calculations. The total combination of dynamic and static compressive load should not exceed the processor datasheet compressive dynamic load specification during a vertical shock.
For example, with a 0.550 kg [1.2 lb] heatsink, an acceleration of 50G during an 11 ms trapezoidal shock with an amplification factor of 2 results in approximately a 539 N [117 lbf] dynamic load on the processor package. If a 178 N [40 lbf] static load is also applied on the heatsink for thermal performance of the thermal interface material, the processor package could see up to a 717 N [156 lbf]. The calculation for the thermal solution of interest should be compared to the processor datasheet specification.
No portion of the substrate should be used as a load- bearing surface. Finally, the processor datasheet provides package handling guidelines in terms of
maximum recommended shear, tensile and torque loads for the processor IHS relative to a fixed substrate. These recommendations should be followed in particular for heatsink removal operations.
2.1.2 Heatsink Attach General Guidelines
There are no features on the LGA775 socket to directly attach a heatsink. A mechanism must be designed to attach the heatsink directly to the motherboard. In addition to holding the heatsink in place on top of the IHS, this mechanism plays a significant role in the robustness of the system in which it is implemented, in particular:
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel TDG October 2007 12 Order Number: 315279 -003US
Processor Thermal/Mechanical Information—Intel Pentium
Dual-Core E2160 Processor
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel®
• Ensuring thermal performance of the thermal interface material (TIM) applied between the IHS and the heatsink. TIMs based on phase change materials are very sensitive to applied pressure: the higher the pressure, the better the initial performance. TIMs, such as thermal greases, are not as sensitive to applied pressure. Designs should consider a possible decrease in applied pressure over time due to potential structural relaxation in retention components.
• Ensuring system electrical, thermal and structural integrity under shock and vibration events. The mechanical requirements of the heatsink attach mechanism depend on the mass of the heatsink and the level of shock and vibration that the system must support. The overall structural design of the motherboard and the system have to be considered when designing the heatsink attach mechanism. Their design should provide a means for protecting LGA775 socket solder joints. One of the strategies for mechanical protection of the socket is to use a preload and high stiffness clip. This strategy is implemented by the reference design and described in this document.
Note: Package pull-out during mechanical shock and vibration is constrained by the LGA775
socket load plate (refer to the LGA775 Socket Mechanical Design Guide for more information). Heatsink Clip Load Requirement
The attach mechanism for the heatsink developed to support the processor should create a static preload on the package between 18 lbf and 70 lbf throughout the life of the product for designs compliant with the Intel reference design assumption:
• 72 mm x 72 mm mounting hole span (refer to Figure 20)
The minimum load is required to protect against fatigue failure of socket solder joint in temperature cycling.
It is important to take into account potential load degradation from creep over time when designing the clip and fastener to the required minimum load. This means that, depending on clip stiffness, the initial preload at beginning of life of the product may be significantly higher than the minimum preload that must be met throughout the life of the product. For additional guidelines on mechanical design, in particular on designs departing from the reference design assumptions, refer to Appendix A.
For information on Clip loading, refer to the Intel® Core™2 Duo Desktop Processor
E6000? Sequence Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines Supporting the Intel® Core™2 Duo desktop processor E6000 Sequence. Additional Guidelines
In addition to the general guidelines given above, the heatsink attach mechanism for the processor should be designed to the following guidelines:
• Holds the heatsink in place under mechanical shock and vibration events and applies force to the heatsink base to maintain desired pressure on the thermal interface material. Note that the load applied by the heatsink attach mechanism must comply with the package specifications described in the processor datasheet. One of the key design parameters is the height of the top surface of the processor IHS above the motherboard. The IHS height from the top of board is expected to vary from 7.517 mm to 8.167 mm. This data is provided for information only, and should be derived from:
— The height of the socket seating plane above the motherboard after reflow,
given in the LGA775 Socket Mechanical Design Guide with its tolerances.
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Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor—Processor
— The height of the package, from the package seating plane to the top of the
IHS, and accounting for its nominal variation and tolerances that are given in the corresponding processor datasheet.
• Engages easily, and if possible, without the use of special tools. In general, the heatsink is assumed to be installed after the motherboard has been installed into the chassis.
• Minimizes contact with the motherboard surface during installation and actuation to avoid scratching the motherboard.
2.2 Thermal Requirements
Refer to the datasheet for the processor thermal specifications. The majority of processor power is dissipated through the IHS. There are no additional components, e.g., BSRAMs, which generate heat on this package. The amount of power that can be dissipated as heat through the processor package substrate and into the socket is usually minimal.
Thermal/Mechanical Information
The thermal limits for the processor are the Thermal Profile and T Profile defines the maximum case temperature as a function of power being dissipated. T die thermal diode and a fan speed control method. Designing to these specifications
is a specification used in conjunction with the temperature reported by the on-
. The Thermal
allows optimization of thermal designs for processor performance and acoustic noise reduction.
2.2.1 Processor Case Temperature
For the processor, the case temperature is defined as the temperature measured at the geometric center of the package on the surface of the IHS. For illustration, Figure 2 shows the measurement location for a 37.5 mm x 37.5 mm [1.474 in x 1.474 in] 775­Land LGA processor package with a 28.7 mm x 28.7 mm [1.13 in x 1.13 in] IHS top surface. Techniques for measuring the case temperature are detailed in Section 3.4.
Note: In case of conflict, the package dimensions in the processor datasheet supersedes
dimensions provided in this document.
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel TDG October 2007 14 Order Number: 315279 -003US
Processor Thermal/Mechanical Information—Intel Pentium
Dual-Core E2160 Processor
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel®
Figure 2. Processor Case Temperature Measurement Location
37.5 mm
37.5 mm
2.2.2 Thermal Profile
The Thermal Profile defines the maximum case temperature as a function of processor power dissipation. The TDP and Maximum Case Temperature are defined as the maximum values of the thermal profile. By design, the thermal solutions must meet the thermal profile for all system operating conditions and processor power levels.
37.5 mm
37.5 mm
Meas ure TCat this point
Meas ure TCat this point
(geometric center of the package)
(geometric center of the package)
The slope of the thermal profile was established assuming a generational improvement in thermal solution performance of about 15% over the previous Intel reference design, less than the Intel RCBFH-3 reference design and about 28% less than the BTX Type II reference design. Refer to the Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor on 90 nm Process in the 775-Land LGA Package Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines, available on for details on the RCBFH-3 thermal solution.
This performance is expressed as the slope on the thermal profile and can be thought of as the thermal resistance of the heatsink attached to the processor, Ψ
Section 3.1). The intercept on the thermal profile assumes a maximum ambient
(Refer to
operating condition that is consistent with the available chassis solutions. T o determine compliance to the thermal profile, a measurement of the actual processor
power dissipation is required. The measured power is plotted on the Thermal Profile to determine the maximum case temperature. Using the examp l e in Figure 3 for a processor dissipating 70W, the maximum case temperature is 61°C. Refer to the datasheet for the thermal profile.
October 2007 TDG Order Number: 315279 -003US 15
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor—Processor
Figure 3. Example Thermal Profile
75 70 65 60
Thermal/Mechanical Information
Heatsink Desi gn P o in t
2.2.3 T
when the thermal solution fan speed is being controlled by the digital thermal sensor. The T speed can be reduced. This allows the system integrator a method to reduce the acoustic noise of the processor cooling solution, while maintaining compliance to the processor thermal specification.
Note: The T
Dual-Core E2160 processor is relative to the Thermal Control Circuit (TCC) activation set point which will be seen as 0 (zero) when using the digital thermal sensor. As a result, the T discussion on thermal management logic and features and Chapter 6.0 on Intel® Quiet System Technology (Intel® QST).
55 50 45
Case Temperature (C)
40 35 30
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Thermal Profil TDP
defines the maximum operating temperature for the digital thermal sensor
parameter defines a very specific processor operating region where fan
value for Intel® Core™2 Duo desktop E6400,E4300, and Intel® Pentium®
value will always be a negative number. Refer to Chapter 4.0 for a
The value of T these is the processor idle power. As a result, a processor with a high T
dissipate more power than a part with lower value of T application.
The value of T T parts is offset by a higher value of T
value, the thermal solution should perform similarly. The higher power of some
virtually the same acoustically. This is achieved in part by using the Ψ RPM versus acoustics (dBA) performance curves from the Intel enabled thermal solution. A thermal solution designed to meet the thermal profile should have similar acoustic performance for any value of T
The value for T factory configured processor register. The result can be used to program a fan speed
control component. Refer to the appropriate datasheet for more details on reading the register and calculating T
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
Intel TDG October 2007 16 Order Number: 315279 -003US
is driven by a number of factors. One of the most significant of
when running the same
is calculated such that regardless of the individual processor's
in such a way that they should behave
vs. RPM and
is calculated by the system BIOS based on values read from a
Processor Thermal/Mechanical Information—Intel Pentium
Dual-Core E2160 Processor
CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel®
Refer to Chapter 6.0, Intel® Quiet System Technology (Intel® QST), for details on implementing a design using T
and the Thermal Profile.
2.3 Heatsink Design Considerations
To remove the heat from the processor, three basic parameters should be considered:
• The surface area on which the heat transfer takes place. Without any enhancements, this is the surface of the proce ssor pack age IHS. One method us ed to improve thermal performance is by attaching a heatsink to the IHS. A heatsink can increase the effective heat transfer surface area by conducting heat out of the IHS and into the surrounding air through fins attached to the heatsink base.
• The conduction path from the heat source to the heatsink fins. Providing a direct conduction path from the heat source to the heatsink fins and selecting materials with higher thermal conductivity typically improves heatsink performance. The length, thickness, and conductivity of the conduction path from the heat source to the fins directly impact the thermal performance of the heatsink. In particular, the quality of the contact between the package IHS and the heatsink base has a higher impact on the overall thermal solution performance as processor cooling requirements become stricter. Thermal interface material (TIM) is used to fill in the gap between the IHS and the bottom surface of the heatsink, and thereby, improve the overall performance of the stack-up (IHS-TIM-Heatsink). With extremely poor heatsink interface flatness or roughness, TIM may not adequately fill the gap. The TIM thermal performance depends on its thermal conductivity as well as the pressure applied to it. Refer to Section 2.3.4 and Appendix B for more information on TIM and on bond line management between the IHS and the heatsink base.
• The heat transfer conditions on the surface on which heat transfer takes place. Convective heat transfer occurs between the airflow and the surface exposed to the flow. It is characterized by the local ambient temperature of the air, TA and the local air velocity over the surface. The higher the air velocity over the surface, and the cooler the air, the more efficient is the resulting cooling. The nature of the airflow can also enhance heat transfer via convection. Turbulent flow can provide improvement over laminar flow. In the case of a heatsink, the surface exposed to the flow includes in particular the fin faces and the heatsink base.
Active heatsinks typically incorporate a fan that helps manage the airflow through the heatsink.
Passive heatsink solutions require in-depth knowledge of the airflow in the chassis. T ypically, passive heatsinks see lower air speed. These heatsinks are therefore typically larger (and heavier) than active heatsinks due to the increase in fin surface required to meet a required performance. As the heatsink fin density (the number of fins in a given cross-section) increases, the resistance to the airflow increases, and it is more likely that the air travels around the heatsink instead of through it, unless air bypass is carefully managed. Using air-ducting techniques to manage the bypass area can be an effective method for controlling airflow through the heatsink.
2.3.1 Heatsink Size
The size of the heatsink is dictated by height restrictions for installation in a system and by the real estate available on the motherboard and other considerations for component height and placement in the area potentially impacted by the processor heatsink. The height of the heatsink must comply with the requirements and recommendations published for the motherboard form factor of interest. Designing a heatsink to the recommendations may preclude using it in system adhering strictly to the form factor requirements, while still in compliance with the form factor documentation.
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Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo E6400, E4300, and Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2160 Processor
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