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You may not use or facilitate the use of this document in connection with any infringement or other legal analysis concerning Intel
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The products described may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 v3 Product Family 3
Processor Specification Update
February 2016
Revision History
February 2016-010• Added errata HSE106 - HSE109
August 2015-009• Added errata HSE102 - HSE105
July 2015-008• Added errata HSE95 - HSE101
June 2015-007
March 2015-006• Added errata HSE88 - HSE92
January 2015-005
December 2014-004• Added errata HSE81 - HSE85
November 2014-003
October 2014-002• Updated the SKU list
September 2014-001• Initial Release
• Added errata HSE93 - HSE94
• Deleted erratum HSE79. Duplicate
• Added errata HSE86 - HSE87
•Added E5-EN/4S SKU info to Table 1, 2, 3.
• Added errata HSE77 - HSE80
• Added Document Change - Statement of Volatility
4Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 v3 Product Family
Processor Specification Update
February 2016
This document is an update to the specifications contained in the Affected Documents
table below. This document is a compilation of device and documentation errata,
specification clarifications and changes. It is intended for hardware system
manufacturers and software developers of applications, operating systems, or tools.
Information types defined in Nomenclature are consolidated into the specification
update and are no longer published in other documents.
This document may also contain information that was not previously published.
Errata are design defects or errors. These may cause the Intel® Xeon® Processor E5
v3 Product Family’s behavior to deviate from published specifications. Hardware and
software designed to be used with any given stepping must assume that all errata
documented for that stepping are present on all devices.
Specification changes are modifications to the current published specifications.
These changes will be incorporated in any new release of the specification.
Specification clarifications describe a specification in greater detail or further
highlight a specification’s impact to a complex design situation. These clarifications will
be incorporated in any new release of the specification.
Documentation changes include typos, errors, or omissions from the current
published specifications. These will be incorporated in any new release of the
S-Spec number is a five-digit code used to identify products. Products are
differentiated by their unique characteristics, such as core speed, L2 cache size,
package type, etc., as described in the processor identification information table. Read
all notes associated with each S-Spec number.
Document title
Note:Errata remain in the specification update throughout the product’s lifecycle, or until a
particular stepping is no longer commercially available. Under these circumstances,
errata removed from the specification update are archived and available upon request.
Specification changes, specification clarifications and documentation changes are
removed from the specification update when the appropriate changes are made to the
appropriate product specification or user documentation (datasheets, manuals, and
so forth).
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 v3 Product Family 5
Processor Specification Update
February 2016
Identification Information
Legend Mark Text (Production Mark)
Component Identification via Programming Interface
The Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 v3 Product Family stepping can be identified by the
following register contents:
1. The Extended Family, Bits [27:20] are used in conjunction with the Family Code, specified in Bits [11:8], to
indicate whether the processor belongs to the Intel® 386, Intel® 486, Pentium®, Pentium 4, or Intel®
Core™ Processor Family.
2. The Extended Model, Bits [19:16] in conjunction with the Model Number, specified in Bits [7:4], are used to
identify the model of the processor within the processor’s family.
3. The Family Code corresponds to Bits [11:8] of the EDX register after RESET, Bits [11:8] of the EAX register
after the CPUID instruction is executed with a 1 in the EAX register, and the generation field of the Device ID
register accessible through Boundary Scan.
4. The Model Number corresponds to Bits [7:4] of the EDX register after RESET, Bits [7:4] of the EAX register
after the CPUID instruction is executed with a 1 in the EAX register, and the model field of the Device ID
register accessible through Boundary Scan.
5. The Stepping ID in Bits [3:0] indicates the revision number of that model. See Table 1 for the processor
stepping ID number in the CPUID information.
6. Refer to the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual documentation for additional
1. Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 v3 and E5-2600 v3 Product Families VID codes will change due to temperature and/or
current load changes in order to minimize power of the part. For specific voltages, refer to the latest Intel® Xeon® Processor
E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume 1, Electrical, #330783.
2. Refer to the latest revision of the following documents for information on processor specifications and features: Intel® Xeon®
Processor E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume 1, Electrical, #330783; Intel® Xeon® Processor
E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families, Volume Two, Registers, #330784.
3. Refer to the latest Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and
Design Guide, #330786 for information on processor operating temperature and thermal specifications.
4. This SKU does not support Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology.
5. This SKU does not support Intel® Turbo Boost Technology.
6. This SKU is intended for workstations only and uses workstation specific use conditions for reliability assumptions.
7. Intel® Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
1. Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 v3 and E5-2600 v3 Product Families VID codes will change due to temperature and/or
current load changes in order to minimize power of the part. For specific voltages, refer to the latest Intel® Xeon® Processor
E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume 1, Electrical, #330783.
2. Refer to the latest revision of the following documents for information on processor specifications and features: Intel® Xeon®
Processor E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume 1, Electrical, #330783; Intel® Xeon® Processor
E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume Two, Registers, #330784.
3. Refer to the latest Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and
Design Guide, #330786 for information on processor operating temperature and thermal specifications.
4. This SKU does not support Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology.
5. This SKU does not support Intel® Turbo Boost Technology.
6. This SKU is intended for workstations only and uses workstation specific use conditions for reliability assumptions.
7. Intel® Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology Maximum Core Frequency (GHz)
1. Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 v3 and E5-2600 v3 Product Families VID codes will change due to temperature and/or
current load changes in order to minimize power of the part. For specific voltages, refer to the latest Intel® Xeon® Processor
E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume 1, Electrical, #330783.
2. Refer to the latest revision of the following documents for information on processor specifications and features: Intel® Xeon®
Processor E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume 1, Electrical, #330783; Intel® Xeon® Processor
E5-1600/2400/2600/4600 v3 Product Families Datasheet, Volume Two, Registers, #330784.
3. Refer to the latest Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and
Design Guide, #330786 for information on processor operating temperature and thermal specifications.
4. This SKU does not support Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology.
5. This SKU does not support Intel® Turbo Boost Technology.
6. This SKU is intended for workstations only and uses workstation specific use conditions for reliability assumptions.
7. Intel® Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
Intel® AVX Turbo Boost Technology Maximum Core Frequency
Cores 3
Cores 4Cores 5Cores 6Cores 7Cores 8Cores
12Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 v3 Product Family
Processor Specification Update
February 2016
Summary Tables of Changes
The following tables indicate the errata, specification changes, specification
clarifications, or documentation changes which apply to the Intel
v3 Product Family. Intel may fix some of the errata in a future stepping of the
component, and account for the other outstanding issues through documentation or
specification changes as noted. These tables uses the following notations:
Codes Used in Summary Tables
X:Errata exists in the stepping indicated. Specification Change or
Clarification that applies to this stepping.
(No mark)
or (Blank box):This erratum is fixed in listed stepping or specification change
does not apply to listed stepping.
(Page):Page location of item in this document.
Doc:Document change or update will be implemented.
Plan Fix:This erratum may be fixed in a future stepping of the product.
Fixed:This erratum has been previously fixed.
No Fix:There are no plans to fix this erratum.
Xeon® Processor E5
Change bar to left of table row indicates this erratum is either
new or modified from the previous version of the document.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 v3 Product Family 13
Processor Specification Update
February 2016
Table 4.Errata (Sheet 1 of 4)
HSE1XNo FixVM Exit May Set IA32_EFER.NXE When IA32_MISC_ENABLE Bit 34 is Set to 1