i5-3570K BX80637I53570K Q2'12 LGA1155 3.4 3.8 6 4/4 No 77W 2011D 4000 650/1150 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
BX80637I53570 Q2'12 LGA1155 3.4 3.8 6 4/4 No 77W 2011D 2500 650/1150 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
BX80637I53550 Q2'12 LGA1155 3.3 3.7 6 4/4 No 77W 2011D 2500 650/1150 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
BX80637I53470 Q2'12 LGA1155 3.2 3.6 6 4/4 No 77W 2011D 2500 650/1100 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
BX80637I53450 Q2'12 LGA1155 3.1 3.5 6 4/4 No 77W 2011D 2500 650/1100 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-2550K BX80623I52550K Q1'12 LGA1155 3.4 3.8 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D No No Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2500K BX80623I52500K Q1'11 LGA1155 3.3 3.7 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D 3000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2500 BX80623I52500 Q1'11 LGA1155 3.3 3.7 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D 2000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2450P BX80623I52450P Q1'12 LGA1155 3.2 3.5 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D No No Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2400 BX80623I52400 Q1'11 LGA1155 3.1 3.4 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D 2000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2380P BX80623I52380P Q1'12 LGA1155 3.1 3.4 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D No No Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2320 BX80623i52320 Q3'11 LGA1155 3 3.3 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D 2000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2310 BX80623I52310 Q2'11 LGA1155 2.9 3.2 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D 2000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2300 BX80623I52300 Q1'11 LGA1155 2.8 3.1 6 4/4 No 95W 2011D 2000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-760 BX80605I5760 Q3'10 LGA1156 2.8 3.33 8 4/4 No 95W 09B No No No Yes No 45 nm 1333 Go
i5-750 BX80605I5750 Q3'09 LGA1156 2.66 3.2 8 4/4 No 95W 09B No No No Yes No 45 nm 1333 Go
i5-680 BX80616I5680 Q2'10 LGA1156 3.6 3.86 4 2/4 Yes 73W 09A Yes 733 Yes Yes No 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-670 BX80616I5670 Q1'10 LGA1156 3.46 3.73 4 2/4 Yes 73W 09A Yes 733 Yes Yes No 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-661 BX80616I5661 Q1'10 LGA1156 3.33 3.6 4 2/4 Yes 87W 09B Yes 900 Yes Yes No 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-660 BX80616I5660 Q1'10 LGA1156 3.33 3.6 4 2/4 Yes 73W 09A Yes 733 Yes Yes No 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-655K BX80616I5655K Q2'10 LGA1156 3.2 3.46 4 2/4 Yes 73W 09A Yes 733 Yes Yes No 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-650 BX80616I5650 Q1'10 LGA1156 3.2 3.46 4 2/4 Yes 73W 09A Yes 733 Yes Yes No 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-3570T BX80637I53570T Q2'12 LGA1155 2.3 3.3 6 4/4 No 45W 2011B 2500 650/1150 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-3570S Not Boxed Q2'12 LGA1155 3.1 3.8 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 4000 650/1150 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-3550S BX80637I53550S Q2'12 LGA1155 3 3.7 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 2500 650/1150 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-3475S Not Boxed Q2'12 LGA1155 2.9 3.6 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 4000 650/1100 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-3470T Not Boxed Q2'12 LGA1155 2.9 3.6 3 2/4 Yes 35W 2011A 2500 650/1050 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-3470S BX80637I53470S Q2'12 LGA1155 2.9 3.6 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 2500 650/1100 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-3450S BX80637I53450S Q2'12 LGA1155 2.8 3.5 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 2500 650/1100 Yes Yes Yes 22 nm 1600 Go
i5-2500T Not Boxed Q1'11 LGA1155 2.3 3.3 6 4/4 No 45W 2011B 2000 650/1250 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2500S BX80623I52500S Q1'11 LGA1155 2.7 3.7 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 2000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2405S BX80623I52405S Q2'11 LGA1155 2.5 3.3 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 3000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2400S BX80623i52400S Q1'11 LGA1155 2.5 3.3 6 4/4 No 65W 2011C 2000 850/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-2390T Not Boxed Q1'11 LGA1155 2.7 3.5 3 2/4 Yes 35W 2011A 2000 650/1100 Yes Yes Yes 32 nm 1333 Go
i5-750S BX80605I5750S Q1'10 LGA1156 2.4 3.2 8 4/4 No 82W 09A No No No Yes No 45 nm 1333 Go
Intel® Core™ i5 Desktop Processor Top Support Documents
Intel® Desktop Processor Suppport Resources This document contains the most commonly sought after information on Intel® Desktop Processors.
Overview of Intel® Processor Tools This document provides links to popular Intel® processor tools, with a description on what they do.
Desktop Processor Warranty Frequently Asked Questions This documents provides answers to the most frequent questions we receive regarding processor warranty.
LGA1155 Socket
Desktop Processor Installation and Integration Document
LGA1156 Socket
Desktop Processor Installation and Integration Document
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Low Power Desktop Processors