Intel AC 9260 with vPro User Manual

Product brief
Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 5th Generation Intel 802.11ac, Dual Band, 2x2 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth+ 5
Intel® Wireless-AC 9260
Ultra Wi-Fi. Ultra Features. Ultra Connected Experience
The Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 adapter supports Bluetooth+ 5 and 2x2 802.11ac Wi-Fi including wave 2 features such as 160MHz channels, delivering up to
1.73Gbps1 and downlink MU-MIMO. These new features deliver a signicant increase in user speeds in dense deployments, supporting fast downloads and long battery life compared to legacy 802.11ac devices. Combined with Intel® Core™ processors and exceptional Intel wireless innovations, the Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 can provide Gigabit download speed1 and dramatically improve your connected experience at home, work, or on the go.
Faster Speed Better Cover age Larger Capacity
802.11ac, 2x2, Dual B and, 160MHz, MU-MIMO
Bluetooth+ 5 Bluetooth+ 5 provides 4x4 range over BT4.2 with the same power, enabling coverage throughout the
Microsoft Windows 10* Ready Full support for latest Microsoft Windows 10* OS.
M.2 2230 Form Fac tor M.2 2230 modules enable system conguration and plat form usages exibility with the use of a
Worldwide Regulatory Support Intel® Dynamic Regulatory Solution
Wireless Functionality in Pre-boot Environment
Wirelessly Project to the Big Screen Watch your 2-in-1 or laptop content instantly without wires on the big HD screen with stunning image
Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 enables smoother streaming of higher resolution videos, fewer dropped connec tions, less congestion, and faster speeds far ther away from the router, enabling DL MU-MIMO and 160MHz channel use.
When using 160MHz channels, Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 can deliver over 5x faster Wi-Fi speeds (up to 1.73Gbps) than 802.11n and double the speed of legacy 802.11ac2.
Downlink MU- MIMO allows an Access Point to simultaneously transmit data to multiple clients and potentially improve over all downlink network capacity by over 3x3.
home. BT5 also doubles the transmit speed for f aster transmissions thereby reducing the overall power.4 Additionally, BT5 adds new enhanced data broadcasting enabling seamless services such as location-based services and simpler pairing for BT devices.
standard Key A or E socket for attaching the module.
Enables worldwide regulatory compliance on a single adapter SKU. The Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 detects its location and automatically optimizes the Wi-Fi settings to local regulatory requirements, ma ximizing performance in each geography, simplifying travel experience and global enterprise procurement. Future regulatory changes are easily managed during the product life cycle.
Support for Wi-Fi network and BLE HID connectivity in the platform’s UEFI (Unied Extensible Firmware
Inter face) environment during its boot st age. This capability enables use cases like OS recovery over Wi-Fi and BLE-based keyboard and mouse connectivit y in this pre-boot environment.
clarity and sound using Wi-Fi Mir acast*. Stream movies, videos, games, photos , connect with friends, and more— experience it all, bigger and better than ever before.
Intel® vPro™ Technology
Intel® Active Management Technology
Supports Intel’s hardware-based security and management features built into Intel® Core™ vPro™ processors and chipsets that enables IT to manage PCs virtually any where, anytime while reducing deployment costs, improving security and ROI.
Using integrated platform capabilities and popular third-party management and security applications, Intel® AMT allows IT or managed service providers to better discover, repair, and help protect their networked computing asset s. Intel® AMT is a feature of Intel® Core™ processors with Intel® vPro™ technology.
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Dimensions (H x W x D) M.2 2230 : 22mm x 30mm x 2.4mm [1.5mm Max ( Top Side)/ 0.1mm Max (Bottom Side)]
Weight M.2 2230 : 2.9g
Antenna Diversity Supported
Radio ON/OFF Control Supported
Connector Interface M.2: PCIe, USB
Operating Temperature (Adapter Shield) 0°C to +80°C
Humidity Non-Operating 50% to 90% RH non-condensing (at temperatures of 25°C to 35°C)
Operating Sys tems Microsoft Windows 10*, Linux* (limited feature support), Chrome*
Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi CERTIFIED* a/b/g/n/ac with wave 2 features, WMM*, WMM-PS*, WPA*, WPA2*, WPS2*, Protected
Management Fr ames, Wi-Fi Miracast* as Source, and Wi-Fi Direct
IEEE WLAN Standard IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, 802.11d, 802.11e, 802.11h, 802.11i, 802.11w; 802.11r, 802.11k, 802.11v pending
OS support; Fine Timing Measurement based on 802.11REVmc
Supports seamless roaming between access points
Bluetooth+ 5
Authentication WPA* and WPA2*, 802.1X (EAP-TLS, TTLS, PE AP,EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, EAP-AKA’)
Authentication Protocols PAP, CHAP, TLS, MS-CHAP*, MS-CHAPv2
Encryption 64-bit and 128-bit WEP, TKIP, 128-bit AES -CCMP
Wi-Fi Direct* Encryption and Authentication WPA2-PSK, AES-CCMP
Regulatory For a list of country approvals, please contac t your local Intel representatives.
US Government FIPS9, FISMA
Product Safety UL, C-UL, CB (IEC 60950-1)
Intel® Wireless-AC 9260 9260NGW 802.11ac wave 2, 2x2, Bluetooth+ 5, PCIe, USB, M .2 2230
For more information on Intel® Wireless products, visit
Based on t he theoretic al maximum ban dwidth enabl ed by 2x2 802.11ac 160M hz implementa tions. Actu al wireless thr oughput and/or r ange will vary d epending on your s pecic oper ating system , hardware and
soft ware congu rations. Che ck with your devic e manuf acturer fo r deta ils.
802.11ac 160MHz pr ovides 1.73Gb ps maximum t hroughput , 2x more than 8 02.11ac 80MH z (867Mbps) an d 5x more than 802 .11n 40MHz (30 0Mbps) ba sed on indus try stand ards.
802.11ac downlink MU-MIMO technology allows concurrently serving multiple devices simultaneously, in turn increasing network capacity potentially by over 3x while improving per-user throughput based on
industry standards.
Bluetooth+ 5 Specications,les/specication/bluetooth-5-faq.ashx?la=en
Intel® vPr o™ Technolo gy is sophisti cated and requ ires setup and ac tivation. Ava ilabilit y of featu res and results wi ll depend upon th e setup a nd congurati on of your hardwar e, softwa re and IT environm ent. To
learn more visit:
Requi res activa tion and a sys tem with a corp orate net work connec tion, an Int el® AMT-enab led chipset , network h ardware a nd softw are. For noteb ooks, Int el® AMT may be una vailable or l imited over a ho st
OS-b ased VPN, whe n conne cting wirele ssly, on batter y power, sleepin g, hibernatin g or powered o. Result s dependent up on hardware , setup & congur ation. For more in format ion, visit htt p://www.
Roami ng is suppor ted only with in each respe ctive band a nd mode of acces s points.
Some se curity so lutions may not b e support ed by your devi ce operatin g system and/o r by your device m anufact urer. Check wi th your device m anufact urer for det ails on avai lability.
Microsoft Windows 7*, Microsoft Windows 8.1* and Microsoft Windows 10*.
The Blu etooth® word m ark and logos a re registe red tradem arks owned b y the Bluetoot h SIG, Inc . and any use of suc h marks by [li censee name] i s under licen se.
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