Orthopantomograph® and Orthoceph® are registered trademarks
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is a registered trademark
The original language of this manual is English.
Instrumentarium Dental reserves the right to make changes in
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Contact your Instrumentarium Dent al repr esent ativ e fo r the most
current information.
Instrumentarium Dental Ortopantomograph® OP200 is a
panoramic X-ray unit to produce images of the dentition,
TM-joints and skull (hereafter called “OP200”).
OP200 has two kinds of programs, user programs (Pr) and
service programs (Sr).
User programs (Pr) are accessible by the user and allows
unit configuration for daily use and changing technique
factors to optimize image quality. See OP200 UserManual.
Maintenance & Service programs (Sr) are intended for
technical personnel for use during installation and service.
The Pr and Sr letters in the kV display indicate the unit in
user or service programming mode. The mA display
indicate number of the currently selected program. Each
program has a short name describing its purpose in the
time/dose disp lay.
1.2Exhibition mode
OP200 has a special exhibition mode in which no X-ray
radiation is generated. It is activated by setting the I/O
board jumper X11 to ON.
5140241-100 rev 3Instrumentarium Dental1
Reviewed: Rintamäki Markus 2008-05-16 15:20
Approved: Äärynen Teemu 2008-05-19 06:07
See PDM system to determine the status of this document. Printed out: 2015-04-10 11:50:57
3.Press the left and right button to enter service
programming mode in the following order:
press and hold le ft,
press and hold right,
release left, release right.
A tone confirms that service mode is entered.
4.Press the up button to scroll pass the user programs
and to access the service programs.
5.Press the up and down buttons to scroll the list of
service programs. Select the desired Sr program by
pressing OK.
6.See chapter 2 Service program fea tures on how to use
the programs.
7.Press OK to exit the program.
NOTE! Changed settings are stored when a program is
exited if not stated otherwise in the program description. If
the unit is switched off while a pro gram is still running, t he
settings may not be stored.
8.Press (and hold for five seconds) OK to enter back to
normal operating mode.
WARNING! Always reset the unit by switching power off
and on again after accessing the service programming
mode. This prevents unauthorized access to service
programs and leaves the unit in state that is safe for the
user and patient.
4Instrumentarium Dental5140241-100 rev 3
Reviewed: Rintamäki Markus 2008-05-16 15:20
Approved: Äärynen Teemu 2008-05-19 06:07
See PDM system to determine the status of this document. Printed out: 2015-04-10 11:50:57
Each time a failure occurs in OP200, a counter
corresponding to the failure is incremented. This program
is used to view the readings of these counters.
NOTE! Only failures that are relevant for troubleshooting
and failure diagnostics are rec orded (see the table below
for details). Some failure counters have non-zero values at
the time of installation. This is normal.
2 Service program features
1.Select Sr 70 Log.
2.Press the up and down buttons to scroll the list of
counters. The contro l pane l shows the curr ent count er,
continually switching between its failure code and
counter value.
3.Press OK to exit the program.
OP200 D
Ch / Sy /
Second /
dose -
Error name
Second /
dose -
Error name
5140241-100 rev 3Instrumentarium Dental5
Reviewed: Rintamäki Markus 2008-05-16 15:20
Approved: Äärynen Teemu 2008-05-19 06:07
See PDM system to determine the status of this document. Printed out: 2015-04-10 11:50:57
Allows limited quantity of exposures. After this exposure is
prohibited and the control panel displays Er 46 PAy
message. For equipm en t l ea si ng an d tr i al period purpose s.
The lease number can be set within the range 0...2000 or
to the special value OFF (feature disabled). Number zero
(0) activates Er 46 PAy, which prevents exposures. Other
numbers adjust the stored e xposure counter into a number
above the total exposure count.
5140241-100 rev 3Instrumentarium Dental7
Reviewed: Rintamäki Markus 2008-05-16 15:20
Approved: Äärynen Teemu 2008-05-19 06:07
See PDM system to determine the status of this document. Printed out: 2015-04-10 11:50:57