Instrumentarium Dental OP-200 Troubleshooting manual

Troubleshooting Manual
OC200 & OC200 D
OP200 & OP200 D
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Copyright Code: 200214 rev 3 Date: 22 May 2008
Document code: D500211 rev 3 Copyright © 05/2008 by PaloDEx Group Oy.
All rights reserved.
Orthopantomograph® and Orthoceph® are registered trademarks of Instrumentarium Dental. U.S. patents 4,641,336; 5,016,264; 5,425,065, 5,444,754, 6,731,717 and 6,829,326. German patent 4,344,745. Finnish patents 112594 and 114383. Windows trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other countries. Pentium of Intel Corporation. Iomega
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is a registered trademark
The original language of this manual is English. Instrumentarium Dental reserves the right to make changes in
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Manufactured by Instrumentarium Dental
Nahkelantie 160 (P.O. Box 20) FI-04300 Tuusula FINLAND Tel. +358 45 7882 2000 Fax. +358 9 851 4048
For service, contact your local distributor.
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Table of Contents
1 General trouble shooting............................................................................................1
1.1 OP200 Does not operate at all..............................................................................1
1.2 No exposure, no error message, but movements ok............................................1
1.3 Exposure ok, but no movements...........................................................................2
1.4 OP200 Malfunctions, but no error message..........................................................3
1.5 Positioning lights do not operate...........................................................................3
1.6 Cephalostat programs cannot be selected............................................................4
1.7 DAP reading in Control panel is incorrect.............................................................4
1.8 Ceph lateral program can’t be selected................................................................4
1.9 Automatic collimator not detected (digital unit) ....................................................5
1.10 Problem with film image quality.............................................................................5
1.11 Problems with digital image quality.......................................................................7
1.11.1 Image is grainy or noisy.............................................................................7
1.11.2 Image is striped..........................................................................................8
1.11.3 Image is too dark / light..............................................................................9
2 Electric trouble shooting..........................................................................................11
2.1 Microswitches and position indicators.................................................................11
2.2 General, failure messages..................................................................................1 1
2.3 Film unit failure messages ..................................................................................14
2.3.1 Ch 1 CAS.................................................................................................14
2.3.2 Ch 2 CAS (film unit).................................................................................16
2.3.3 Ch 3 COL (film unit) ..............................................................................19
2.3.4 Ch 4 COL..............................................................................................22
2.3.5 Sy 25 AEC..............................................................................................24
2.3.6 Sy 28 PoC..............................................................................................25 Cassette movement, principle.................................... .... ...........26
2.3.7 Sy 30 PoH..............................................................................................27 Rack movement, principle.........................................................29
2.4 Digital unit failure messages...............................................................................29
2.4.1 Ch 1 PC....................................................................................................29 Fiber test....................................................................................32
2.4.2 Ch 2 PAc (digital unit) ..................... .... ..... ..... ............................ .... ..... ......33
2.4.3 Ch 2 CEc (digital unit)..............................................................................33
2.4.4 Ch 3 COL (digi).....................................................................................35
2.4.5 Ch 15 bPL................................................................................................37
2.4.6 Ch 17 HSP...............................................................................................38
2.4.7 Sy 25 AEC (digital unit)..........................................................................38
2.4.8 Sy 28 CCd................................................................................................40 AEC Frequency generation, block diagram......................... ..... .44
2.4.9 Sy 30 PoC................................................................................................45
2.4.10 Sy 38 COL................................................................................................47
2.4.11 Sy 32 PoA................................................................................................49
2.5 Digital image chain trouble shooting...................................................................52
2.6 Digital image faults ..............................................................................................55
2.6.1 Detector fail..............................................................................................55
2.6.2 Data bits missing.................................................... ..... .... .........................56
2.6.3 PC............................................................................................................58
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2.6.4 Poor beam alignment............................................. ............................ ..... .61
2.7 Common errors...................................................................................................63
2.7.1 Ch 5 *** .................................................................................................63
2.7.2 Ch 6 POS...............................................................................................63
2.7.3 Ch 7 *** .................................................................................................66
2.7.4 Ch 8 PSE ..............................................................................................67
2.7.5 Ch 9 rEo................................................................................................68
2.7.6 Ch 11 PAr.................................................................................................69
2.7.7 Ch 12 dCC ...............................................................................................70
2.7.8 Ch 16 StP.................................................................................................71
2.7.9 Sy 20 ***...................................................................................................71
2.7.10 Sy 21 HHo................................................................................................73
2.7.11 Sy 22 Arc..................................................................................................74
2.7.12 Sy 23 Inu..................................................................................................76
2.7.13 Sy 24 FIL..................................................................................................77
2.7.14 Sy 26 EEP................................................................................................78
2.7.15 Sy 27 Por .................................................................................................78 Rotation movement, principle...................................................80
2.7.16 Sy 29 PoL.................................................................................................82 movement, principle........................................................83
2.7.17 Sy 31 PoU................................................................................................84 movement, principle....................................................85
2.7.18 Er 40 Core Module...................................................................................86
2.7.19 Er 41 Core Module...................................................................................87
2.7.20 Er 42 Core Module...................................................................................88
2.7.21 Er 43 *** ...................................................................................................88 Control Board self check principle..............................89
2.7.22 Er 44 FIL ..................................................................................................90
2.7.23 Er 45 InP..................................................................................................9 1
2.7.24 Er 46 PAy.................................................................................................93
2.8 Indicators and test points....................................................................................93
2.8.1 Led-indicators...........................................................................................93
2.8.2 Test points................................................................................................94
3 Appendix A: Optical Link Test..................................................................................95
3.1 PCI board driver check........................................................................................96
3.2 PCI board, PAN-AEC Term inal bo ard an d Ceph Term inal bo ard l eds status che ck 96
3.2.1 Standard PCI board.................................................................................96
3.2.2 Low profile PCI board
(combined supply voltage led) .................................................................97
3.2.3 PCI board (60187) leds status check.......................................................97
3.2.4 PAN AEC Terminal board (60247) leds status check..............................97
3.2.5 Ceph t erminal board (60191) leds status check
3.3 PCI Board Fiber Test ..........................................................................................98
3.4 PAN AEC Terminal Board (60247) Fiber Test..................................................100
3.5 Ceph Terminal Board (60191) optical loop test (optional).................................102
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1 General trouble shooting
Trouble shooting guides listed in this manual are for solving imaging problems. In case there is no solution found, contact the technical customer service of the manufacturer.
Parts are identified in the wiring diagram with letter(s) followed by number eg. cable or capacitor (C), coil/inductor (L), fuse (F), lamp (LA), motor (M ), switch (S), coile d cable (SC), and connector (X).
1.1 OP200 Does not operate at all
Possible causes: Check that:
1 General trouble shooting
No power or OP200 is not receiving power.
Power switch turned off.
Wrong mains voltage setting.
Problem with secondary voltages.
Emergency stop switch is pressed.
Site’s circuit breakers are ok Mains cables are connected inside the
OP200 and the unit is properly connected to the mains voltage.
Mains fuses are ok and have the correct rating.
The power on/off switch is at I position. Green indicator under the carriage should be lit.
OP200 mains voltage setting on the Power Supply Board matches the power line.
Fuses of secondary voltages are ok and that individual circuit boards are receiving the power (green LED’s).
Make sure the problem, why the switch was pressed, is solved before relea sing the switch and turning the unit on.
1.2 No exposure, no error message, but movements ok
Possible causes: Check
Remote exposure button does not operate.
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Signal EXPSW switch and its wiring. Use Sr 74 IOC.
D500211, 3
1 General trouble shooting
Possible causes: Check
Panel exposure button does not operate.
Unit is used in Test mode.
Signal PNLEXPSW switch and its wiring. Use Sr 74 IOC.
The exposure mode selecti on in the control panel. Select A or M instead.
Installation. The I/O board jumper X11. Set X11
jumper to OFF or turn S2 to OFF. Exhibition mode is set when exposure lights are on but no buzzer is heard during the exposure.
Problem with Core Module signal
The generator and exposure
signals. Replace boards if needed. PREHREL. Sometimes this error does not generate an error message.
Problem with Inverter Board signals KVREF or KVFB. Sometimes
KVREF signal line broken or KVFB
D10 shorted. Replace Inverter
Board. this error does not generate an error message.
1.3 Exposure ok, but no movements
Possible causes: Remedy:
Unit is in the user programming mode.
Unit is in the service programming mode.
Film unit is in cephalostat mode.
Exit from the user programming mode to the normal operating mode by pressing and holding OK button for three seconds.
Exit from the service programming mode to the normal operating mode by pressing and holding OK button for three seconds.
Tests. Normal operat ion.
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1 General trouble shooting
1.4 OP200 Malfunctions, but no error message
Possible causes: Remedy:
Problem with Core Module memory contents.
Set Pr 53 nor to on. If this does not help, replace the Core Module.
1.5 Positioning lights do not operate
Possible causes: Remedy:
Collimator in CEPH or QA position. No ligh ts
Collimator in TOMO position. Only TOMO laser lights operate.
Problem with lights and their wiring.
Problem with pos.panel connectors or lights key(s).
Select the PAN collimator.
Check the 12 VAC power line wiring, Interface Boar d and X19 signals.
Check the panel keys and wiring. Check both side panels. In CEPH mode check the collimator po sition - if CEPH ­make sure that ear holders are in lateral position.
NOTE! See patient positioning instructions in OP200 User Manual.
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1 General trouble shooting
1.6 Cephalostat programs cannot be selected
Possible causes: Remedy:
Collimator in wrong position. Check the position. Cephalostat slot is not
Check the jumper position on I/O board.
Note! If ceph side selection jumper is not installed, the collimator apertures in Sr 82 COL service progra m are no t able to be determined (film unit).
Cephalostat collimator is not
Check collimator position.
1.7 DAP reading in Control panel is incorrect
Possible causes: Remedy:
Either radiation ra te con sta nt is not set or collimator aperture settings undefined.
Check collimator aperture settings and radiation rate constant in Sr 82 COL and S r 78 THA service programs.
1.8 Ceph lateral program can’t be selected
Possible causes: Remedy:
Core Module doesn’t sense LAT/PA switch changes.
Overexposed image at the end of CEPH LAT program.
Check Ceph LAT-switch function. Check Ceph main cable in Digital unit.
Check that Ceph LAT-switch senses LAT position - if not ­there isn’t soft-tissue compensation in Ceph LAT image.
Check that nasion potentiometer frequency (caecfrq) is detected by Core Module
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1 General trouble shooting
1.9 Automatic collimator not detected (digital unit)
Check detected collimator type by entering service program "Sr 82 COL". If automatic collimator is detected, text "Auto" along with collimator position information is displayed. Otherwise, if manu al collimator i s detected, text "Std" is displayed.
Possible causes: Remedy:
Cable or connector fault.
Check that pins 5 and 10 are shorted on connector X114 on C76 (autocollimator cable).
Embedded SW version too old.
Check that the unit SW revision is R2.5 or newer. Update if necessary.
1.10 Problem with film image quality
Possible causes: Remedy:
Problem with patient positioning
Technique fact ors not correct or not optimal for film-screen combination.
See OP200 User Manuals for detail s.
Check that image density is ok for AEC and manual modes.
Check that constant contrast value (GCO) is set optimum for film-screen used. Lower value increases contrast.
Problem with beam alignment
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Check the AEC offset for each program and density settings.
Check that the preprogrammed exposure values match to the needs and preferences of the customer.
Check that a newly taken Quality Assurance film compares to the customer’s QA reference film.
Verify that OP200 panoramic beam alignment is ok.
Verify that OC200 cephalometric beam alignment is ok.
D500211, 3
1 General trouble shooting
Possible causes: Remedy:
Problem with cephalostat
Check that OC200 cephalostat head assembly is lo c k e d .
Verify that OC200 ear holder adjustment is ok.
Soft tissue not clear in ceph image
Check that the nasion support value mathces with the soft tissue filter value.
Dark room Check that dark room is light tight.
Check that proper safelight (red color) and bulb max. 15W are used.
Check that the green lights of OP200 are not fogging the film being loaded, if OP200 and film processor are in the same room.
X-ray film Verify that film is processed
immediately after exposure. Check that films are stored in a cool
dry dark place in vertical position. Opened film packages are light tight. Film lot is not expired. Older lot should be used first.
Film processor Check that processing chemicals
strength and temperature are ok. Check that processor chemicals are
changed frequently. Check that processor operation lights
are not fogging the film. Check that processor is maintained
according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
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1 General trouble shooting
Possible causes: Remedy:
Film Cassettes Check that cassettes are light tight
and do not have dents. Verify that intensifying screens are
clean and without scratches. Check that cassette has been
mounted with fl at side to wards the x­ray tube.
Check that panoramic cassette lid does not have lead sheet inside it.
Verify that intensifying screens and film used match to each other. Please consult the dealer for details.
1.11 Problems with digital image quality
High quality images with sharp contrast and good detail present optimum diagnostic information. Images with less quality are usually the result of one or more common problems, which are described here.
Possible causes: Remedy:
Sharp image layer is not correct
See OP200 / OC200 User Manuals for patient positioning details
Overexposed image at the end of CEPH LAT program
Check that Ceph LAT-switch senses LAT posi tion - if not ­there isn’t soft-tissue compensation in Ceph LAT image.
1.11.1 Image is grainy or noisy
Possible causes: Remedy:
Not enough dose to achieve diagnostic image i.e. x-ray beam not correctly positione d compared to the camera
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Verify that OP200 pan oramic beam alignment is ok. Verify that OC200 cephalometric beam alignment is ok. Check AEC frequency value.
D500211, 3
1 General trouble shooting
Possible causes: Remedy:
Too low exposure values Increasing PCo / gCo and
density settings decreases image noise. Check the AEC offset and density settings. Check that the preprogrammed exposure values match to the needs and preferences of the customer. Check AEC frequency value.
Broken main cable, Inverter Board or Filament Control Board
Check that darkness of the columns in a newly taken Quality Assurance reference image increases stepwise
1.11.2 Image is striped
Possible causes: Remedy:
Too high exposure values Check that your exposure
settings are reasonable ­overexposure makes image striped in the areas where is little media on the beam.
Decreasing PCo / gCo and density settings decreases the amount of stripes in image.
Check the AEC offset and density settings.
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Check that the preprogrammed exposure values match to the needs and preferences of the customer.
D500211, 3
1 General trouble shooting
1.11.3 Image is too dark / light
Possible causes: Remedy:
Monitor settings are wrong See monitor and Cliniview
user manual for preferred settings Verify that you are usin g min. 24-bit colour. Less colours makes gray scale changes quantized. For detailed decription see Windows and / or graphics board installation manuals.
Cliniview settings are wrong See Cliniview user manual
for preferred and optimized settings
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1 General trouble shooting
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2 Electric trouble shooting
The OP200 has many safety functions and features assuring the safe operation of the equipment. In the event of certain user failures or system malfunction the unit does not produce x-rays and a failure code is displayed on the control panel.
2.1 Microswitches and position indicators
There are 15 to 18 microswitches a nd opto sensors in OP200 models to detect the position of the various movements of the equipment. All switches are wired to the I/O Board, and the microprocessor reads the status of the switches every 20 ms. The name of the swit ch is the same as the name of the signal to the microprocessor. Open switch is 5 V, and closed switch is 0 V signal level in I/O Board. Their operation can be checke d by using Servic e Prog ram Sr 74 IOC.
2.2 General, failure messages
In case of malfunction, the unit displays a failure message. Various letters and numbers are disp la yed in the technique factors display positions next to kV, mA and s. Failure code classification is displayed next to kV. A special failure code number is displayed next to mA with alphanumeric information in the s-display.
kV display
Letters in the kV-display indicate the nature of the failure, whether it is caused by user (eg. wrong collimator selected), environment (eg. low line voltage) or protection in the unit (eg. tubehead too hot), or whether there is a serious defect in the unit, which disables the complete operation (eg. program memory error):
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2 Electric trouble shooting
Ch Check. A failure caused by
the user.
Sy Safety. Temporary
malfunction or protection in the unit, caused by the un it or environment. Operation is prohibited or te rminated to protect the operator, patient and the unit itself. (Eg. the temperature in th e tu be head assembly is too high due to intensive use). After the corrective action or the wait time, the unit can be used.
Er Error. There is a serious
defect in the unit, and the operation is therefore prohibited to protect the operator, patient and the unit itself. (E g. Fa ilu re in the Co re Module).
WARNING! If the unit is further used, FAIL failure may cause malfunctio n.
mA display
The mA-display shows the actual numeric failure code. Each failure code has a unique number, to differ one malfunction from anoth er :
kV Ch Sy Er mA 1 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 50
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2 Electric trouble shooting
s display
The exposure time display indicates the alphanumeric short form explanation of the malfunction. This reminds the user or the servicema n of what the actual numeric failure code means, or sometimes numeric information of the malfunction, eg. PC for personal computer and COL for collimator.
kV Time display
Ch-failure PC, PAC, CEC, COL, POS, rEL,
PSE, rEo, EAr, PAR, LbL, bPL, StP, HSP or numbers
Sy-failure HHo, ArC, Inu, FIL, AEC, EEP, Por,
CCD, PoL, PoH, PoU, nSY, COL or numbers
Er-failure CPU, FIL, InP
Failure code resetting
Ch failure codes can be reset by correcting the reason for
the failure code (eg. changing collimator po s ition). Ch and Sy failures can be reset by pushing any key in the
control panel (up-down-right-left-OK) or in the patient positioning panel.
Er failures can not be reset. Switch the unit off and on, to test whether the failure was only temporary.
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2 Electric trouble shooting
2.3 Film unit failure messages
2.3.1 Ch 1 CAS
Problem: “ Ch 1 CAS “ error message is displayed.
Why? Cassette not ready for the exposure in QA
and panoramic progr ams .
How is it detected?
At the beginning of the exposure the state of the PANCASSW signal is read. The indicator for panoramic film cassette, optical sensor (D1), is located inside the cassette holder, behind the cassette carriage. When the cassette is inserted the actuator on the cassette carriage moves the cam away from the optical fork, thus activating the PANCASSW signal. Error occurs when the exposure, other than cephalometric, is initiated and 1) the signal is not active or 2) the signal has not been inactive since the previous exp osure. The exposure is prevented.
To ensure maximal image quality the panoramic cassette can not be placed in it’s holder while aqcuiring cephalostatic image and vice versa.
Possible causes:
Panoramic or tomographic cassette not properly installed or not in place.
Panoramic or tomographic cassette not replaced since the previous exposure.
Trying to aqcuire ceph image while pan cassette installed.
Check or test: Parts related:
Remove the cassette
Cassette and reinsert unexposed one.
- Error should clear.
- If not check the microswitch operation.
Remove pan cassette.
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2 Electric trouble shooting
Possible causes:
Signal PANCASSW passive in the Core Module.
Check or test: Parts related:
Check the microswitch operation & adjustment: Press the cassette
assembly against the cassette tunnel.
- If the error message clears then problem with the cassette sensor alignment, adjust the microswitch or opto coupler.
- If the error stays then check the wiring.
Check the wiring:
- Check the connectors and wires for open or broken wire. Use the wiring diagram.
or optocoupler,
SC4 or C19,
C18 in CR
units, X114,
C13, X6
- Check the wiring order on microswitch or optocoupler
Test the wiring :
- Use Sr 74 IOC. Press cassette sensor to check that the signal status changes. When signal is active (opto sensor D1 free or microswitch S23 closed), cassette is in the cassette holder. Signal is indica ted by In 0 LED8, lit LED indicates the presence of the cassette. If the signal does not change then use wiring diagram and DVM (digital voltmeter) to find the problem.
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2 Electric trouble shooting
2.3.2 Ch 2 CAS (film unit)
Problem: Ch 2 CAS “ error message is display ed.
Why? Cephalostat cassette not ready with the
program P11 and P12.
How is it detected?
Possible causes:
Cephalostat cassette not properly installed or not in place.
In OC200 models there is an indicator for the cephalometric film cassette. This microswitch (S 34) is located inside the cassette holder. At the beginning of the exposure the state of the CEPHCASSW signal is read. Error occurs when the cephalometric exposure is initiated and 1) the signal is not active or 2) the signal has not been inactive since the previous exposure. The exposure is prevented.
Error occur also if cephalometric cassette is installed and panoramic image acquicition started.
Check or test: Parts related:
Remove the cassette.
Ceph cassette
Reinsert it.
- Error should clear.
- If not check the microswitch operation.
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2 Electric trouble shooting
Possible causes:
Cephalostat cassette not replaced since the previous exposure.
Check or test: Parts related:
Remove cassette and replace with unexposed
Cassette sensor
one. Check the microswitch
operation & adjustment: Press the cassette against the cassette sensor.
- If the error message clears then problem is with the cassette sensor alignment. Adjust the microswitch.
- If the error stays then check the wiring or adjust the switch.
Ceph cassette installed while PAN exposure
Remove ceph cassette Ceph cassette
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2 Electric trouble shooting
Possible causes:
Signal CEPHCASSW passive in the Core Module.
Check or test: Parts related:
Check the wiring:
Microswitch S34, CC4,
- Check the connectors and wires for open or broken wire. Use wiring diagram.
X130, CC2, X110 or X121, C13, X8, Core Module
- Check the wiring order on microswitch.
Test the wiring :
- Use Sr 74 IOC. Press the cassette sensor to check if the signal status changes.
- If the signal does not change, then use wiring diagram and DVM to find the problem.
- When switch is closed, cassette is in the cassette holder. Note that the switch is connected normally closed, i.e. the switch is closed when the actuator is released. Signal is indicated by In4 LED5, lit LED indicates the presence of the cassette.
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2 Electric trouble shooting
2.3.3 Ch 3 COL (film unit)
Problem: “ Ch 3 COL “ error message is displayed. Why? Wrong collimator selected. How is it
detected ?
Error is generated wh en the pano ramic (P1 - P5), or special (P6 -P10) exposure is initiated while the panoramic collimator is not in the panoramic position. Error is also generated when the tomographic (P13 - P14) exposure is initiated while the collimator is not in TOMO position. Signals COL1SW to COL3SW are monitored in the Core Module.
Possible causes:
Collimator not in PAN position when panoramic (Program 1 to
5), TMJ or sinus (Program 6 to 10) selected.
Check or test: Parts
Move the collimator to
Collimator. correct position until it “clicks”.
- Error should clear.
- If not check the microswitch operation.
Collimator not in TOMO position when Program 13 or 14 selected.
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2 Electric trouble shooting
Possible causes:
Signal COL1SW passive and/or COL2SW active in the Core Module.
Check or test: Parts
Test the microswitch
Collimator. operation: Move the collimator.
- If the error stays then check the wiring and microswitch alignment.
- Remove THA cover. Visually check that the switches trigger according to the code bar and that switch levers move freely.
Check the wiring:
S31, S32,
S33, CC1,
- Check the connectors and wires for open or broken wire. Use wiring diagram.
X113, C13,
X8, Core
- Check the wiring order on
code disk microswitch.
- If error happens at OT upgrade, check the collimator code disk, there are two different models, OC200 and TOMO. Refer t o the Table on next page.
Test the wiring : Use Sr 74 IOC and move the coll imator to check that the signal status changes. Follow the Table below.
- If the signals do not change or are not correct then use wiring diagram and/or DVM to find the problem.
Valid OC200 & OC200 OT collimator switch combinations (closed switch is active = +5V). There are two different code bars, one for OC collimators and th e other for Ortho Trans collimators:
20 Instrumentarium Dental 200214 rev 3
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2 Electric trouble shooting
S 31 COL1S W
S 32 COL2S W
S 33 COL3S W
closed closed open Quality Assurance
collimator closed open open Panoramic collimator closed
collimator: 24 x 30 cm AV or 10 x 12 in AV or
*open open closed closed 18 x 24 cm
10 x 8 in AH
18 x 24 cm
AV 8 x 10 in AV
24 x 30 cm
AV or
8 x 10 in AV
10 x12 in AV
10 x 8 in AH
open open closed 18 x 24 cm
SV or 8 x 10 in SV
18 x 24 cm
SV or
8 x 10 in SV
open ope n open No valid collimator
200214 rev 3 Instrumentarium Dental 21
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2 Electric trouble shooting
2.3.4 Ch 4 COL
Problem: “ Ch 4 COL “ error message is displayed.
Why? Wrong collimator selected for ceph
How is it detected?
Possible causes:
Collimator not in cephalostat position when program P11 or P12 selected from the control panel.
Error is generated when the cephalometric exposure is initiated while the colli mator is not in one of the cephalostat positions. Signals COL1SW to COL3SW are monitored in the Core Module.
Check or test: Parts
Move the collimator to
Collimator. correct position until it “clicks”.
- Error should clear.
- If not check the microswitch operation.
22 Instrumentarium Dental 200214 rev 3
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D500211, 3
2 Electric trouble shooting
Possible causes:
Signal COL1SW active and/or COL2SW passive in the Core Module.
Check or test: Parts
Test the microswitch
Collimator. operation: move the collimator.
- If the error stays check the wiring and micros w it ch alignment.
- Remove THA cover. Visually check that the switches trigger according to the code bar and that switch levers move freely.
Check the wiring:
- Check the connectors and wires for open or broken wire.
- Check the wiring order on microswitch.
- If error happens at OT
S31, S32,
S33, CC1,
X113, C13,
X8, Core
code bar upgrade, check the type of the collimator code disk: there are two different models.
Test wiring :
- Use Sr 74 IOC. Move the collimator to check that the signal status changes. If the signal does not change, then use wiring diagram and/or DVM to find the problem.
200214 rev 3 Instrumentarium Dental 23
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2 Electric trouble shooting
2.3.5 Sy 25 AEC
Problem: “Sy 25 AEC“ error message
is displayed.
Why? AEC base frequency
How is it detected? Occurs in the AEC mode if
the AEC base frequency (AECFRQ during stand by) is below 5 kHz. Exposure sequence is interrupted.
NOTE! The unit can be used in Manual exposure mode.
Possible cause Check or test Parts rela ted
+25V or -25V operating voltages not ok
Wrong AEC base frequency.
Green LED’s on AEC board and Filament board. Check the power lines
Check base frequency with “Sr
AEC board, X39, Filament board, X35, C13, X27, Power Supply board
AEC board
90 INS” option “FRE” or “Sr 78 FrE”. Adjust to 5kHz.
AEC base frequency drifts.
Check with Sr 90 INS
AEC board
Problem with AEC board.
Open connector Check the wiring.
In CR models check the 15V regulator.
Broken Core Module: signal
Check the signal
and its wiring. FILT15. Optocoupler.
24 Instrumentarium Dental 200214 rev 3
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AEC board, X116, C13, X6, Core Module
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