Instrumentarium Dental Express Imaging Plate System User Manual



Digital Intraoral Imaging Plate System
User Manual
209638 rev. 4
Copyright Code: 209638 rev 4 Date: March 4, 2014
Copyright © 3/4/14 by Instrumentarium Dental. All rights reserved.
EXPRESS™ / INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL™ / IDOT™ are common law trademarks of Instrumentarium Dental, PaloDEx Group Oy.
Documentation, trademark and the software are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws the documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form in whole or part, without the prior written permission of Instrumentarium Dental.
The original language of this manual is English.
Instrumentarium Dental reserves the right to make changes in specification and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your Instrumentarium Dental representative for the most current information.
Manufacturer Instrumentarium Dental, PaloDEx Group Oy
Nahkelantie 160 (P.O. Box 20) FI-04300 Tuusula FINLAND Tel. +358 10 270 2000 Fax. +358 10 270 2230
For service, contact your local distributor.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Unit with accessories ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 System setup ........................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Controls and indicators ......................................................................................... 3
2 Basic use......................................................................................................................7
2.1 Preparing the imaging plates ................................................................................ 9
2.2 Positioning and exposure.................................................................................... 10
2.3 Processing the imaging plates ............................................................................ 11
3 Advanced use ............................................................................................................ 13
3.1 EXPRESS™ Origo setup options ....................................................................... 13
3.1.1 Status ....................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Image Scanning ....................................................................................... 14
3.1.3 Using the dental chart .............................................................................. 14
3.1.4 Resolution ................................................................................................ 14
3.1.5 Image Processing - Noise Filtering .......................................................... 14 Retrieve last image....................................................................14
3.1.6 Scanner Unit Serial number .....................................................................15
3.2 Settings ............................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Workflow ............................................................................................................. 16
3.3.1 Readout start............................................................................................16
3.3.2 Plate eject mode ...................................................................................... 18
3.4 Power options ..................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Occlusal 4C projection imaging (not included in delivery) ............................... 19
4 Accessories introduction..........................................................................................21
4.1 Hygiene accessories ...........................................................................................21
4.2 Imaging plates..................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Imaging plate storage box................................................................................... 22
4.4 Holders................................................................................................................23
4.5 Occlusal projection imaging with Occlusal 4C start-up kit and accessories........ 23
4.6 Microfibre cloth.................................................................................................... 23
4.7 Imaging plate care............................................................................................... 24
4.8 Imaging plate cleaning ........................................................................................ 25
5 Introduction to imaging plate technique ................................................................. 27
5.1 Imaging plate....................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Hygiene accessories ...........................................................................................28
5.3 Processing .......................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Background radiation .......................................................................................... 30
5.5 Light .................................................................................................................... 31
6 Installation of the imaging plate system ................................................................. 33
6.1 Positioning the unit.............................................................................................. 33
6.2 Connecting the unit to a network......................................................................... 34
6.3 Install the Application software............................................................................ 35
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6.4 Accessing the unit from the software .................................................................. 36
6.4.1 Direct connection method (uses the unit s/n)........................................... 36
6.4.2 IP method (using the unit static address)................................................. 37
6.4.3 EXPRESS Share...................................................................................... 38
6.5 Other devices ......................................................................................................39
7 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 41
7.1 Error images........................................................................................................ 41
7.1.1 Improper use of the hygiene accessories and imaging plates ................. 41
7.1.2 Application errors ..................................................................................... 42
7.1.3 Imaging plate wearing .............................................................................. 45
7.2 Error messages................................................................................................... 46
8 Other information ......................................................................................................47
8.1 Quality control ..................................................................................................... 47
8.2 Unit care.............................................................................................................. 47
8.3 Unit cleaning ....................................................................................................... 47
8.4 Disinfecting the unit............................................................................................. 48
8.5 Maintenance........................................................................................................ 48
8.6 Repair.................................................................................................................. 48
8.7 Disposal .............................................................................................................. 48
9 Technical specifications ........................................................................................... 49
9.1 Unit...................................................................................................................... 49
9.2 System requirements and connections ............................................................... 51
9.3 Imaging plate specifications ................................................................................ 52
9.4 Hygiene bag specifications ................................................................................. 53
9.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tables....................................................... 54
10 Symbols and labeling................................................................................................ 59
10.1 Symbols .............................................................................................................. 59
10.2 Main label............................................................................................................ 60
10.3 Warnings and precautions .................................................................................. 61
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1 Introduction
1. ON/OFF key
2. START key
3. Display
4. Imaging plate collector
5. Plate slot and plate carrier
6. Power supply
Only use the power supply delivered with the unit or an approved spare power supply supplied by an author­ized distributor (See chapter Techni­cal Specifications).
7. Documentation and imaging application software media
8. Hygiene accessories
9. Imaging plates
10. Imaging plate storage box
INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL™ EXPRESS™ Origo system is intended to be used by dentist and other qualified dental professionals to process x-ray images exposed to the imaging plates from the intraoral complex of the skull.

1.1 Unit with accessories

1 Introduction

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1 Introduction

1.2 System setup

An example of a typical system set up in a local area network (LAN).
1. EXPRESS™ Origo unit
2. Ethernet cable
3. Workstation (WS) computer (not included) contains­patient data, images and a license server
4. Internet connection (optional, recommended)
5. Optional workstation (WS) computers (not included)
For more options and details of installing and setting up the EXPRESS™ Origo system see chapters 6 Installation of the imaging plate system and 9 Technical specifications.
2 Instrumentarium Dental 209638 rev 4

1.3 Controls and indicators

Control panel layout
1. ON/OFF key
2. START key
3. Plate feeding indicator
4. Status display
1 Introduction
ON/OFF key
Press ON/OFF key to turn the unit on.
Press and hold for 3 seconds to turn the unit off.
They key has a light when the unit is on.
The light is softly blinking when the unit is in a stand
by mode.
Press the ON/OFF key or the START key to wake
the unit.
Use the start key to wake the unit from the stand by
mode or
to start processing in the manual mode or to cancel
(skip) the 2nd plate in the Occlusal 4C mode.
to access startup screen-information (IP, serial
number) when the scanner is not reserved by any user.
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1 Introduction
Display and plate feeding indicators
During startup the unit serial number, IP address and other information will appear on the unit display.
Waiting dental imaging software
Software not open, not ready or waiting for user action. Device name is displayed.
Software active
Unit has a connection to a software. Device not in use.
Express Share reservation
The unit has been reserved using Express Share. The workstation identifier is shown in the padlock. The name of the current patient is shown.
The green plate feeding indicator is showing readiness for plate insert.
Express Share ready
Unit has a connection to a software using Express Share. The unit is not reserved by any workstation in the sys­tem.
Unit is activated
The unit is activated for image processing. The name of the current patient is shown.
The green plate feeding indicator is showing readiness for plate insert.
4 Instrumentarium Dental 209638 rev 4
1 Introduction
to treat the first plate as a single size 3 image.
Insert 2nd plate
Insert the second plate of the Occlusal 4C format.
Image processing complete
Exposure level OK.
Image processing complete
Image considered over exposed. Check exposure set­tings.
Image processing complete
Image considered under exposed. Check exposure set­tings.
Remove plate
Remove the imaging plate from the plate carrier.
Rotate the plate
Rotate the imaging plate. Light blue side to the left.
Remove cover
Remove the hygienic cover gently leaving the imaging plate in the plate carrier.
209638 rev 4 Instrumentarium Dental 5
1 Introduction
Unit disconnected
Missing ethernet connection. Check the connectors, ca­bles and the network.
Error ID and a short description is displayed. Contact service.
Press the START button to wake the unit from a standby mode.
6 Instrumentarium Dental 209638 rev 4
2 Basic use

2 Basic use

Prepare imaging plates. See chapter 2.1 for more information.
Activate the EXPRESS™ Origo from the imaging application. Refer to the application software manual for more information.
Position and exposure. See chapter 2.2 for more information.
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2 Basic use
5. Process the imaging plate.
See chapter 2.4 for more information.
Caution! Process unexposed imaging plates to erase potentially accumulated background radiation when
Taking new imaging plates into use.
Imaging plates have been packaged and unused
for more than 24 hours.
Imaging plates have stored in dark (not exposed to
ambient light) susceptible for background radiation for more than 24 hours.
This will remove any potential fogging due to collected natural background radiation.
8 Instrumentarium Dental 209638 rev 4

2.1 Preparing the imaging plates

Apply Instrumentarium Dental protective cover and package the plates into the original Instrumentarium Dental hygiene bag.
Seal the bag properly.
Observe the orientation of the plates, cover and the bag.
Active side of the imaging plate has a light blue color.
2 Basic use
Note! Keep the imaging plates packed max. 24 hours be­fore using. Packaged plates accumulate radiation from the background. Plates can be erased by reading the plate.
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2 Basic use

2.2 Positioning and exposure

Position the imaging plate according to the anatomical area of interest. Holders (petitioners) are recommended for the best positioning accuracy. See the chapter 4.4 Holders, for more information.
Apply X-ray according to the anatomical area of interest and on the intraoral X-ray tube in use.
Find guidelines of exposure times in seconds for a standard DC X-ray unit in the table below.
Correct exposure settings depend on the X-ray unit type in use. For an AC-unit or for a low tube current (i.e. portable X-ray) apply higher exposure times.
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2 Basic use
Exposure factors close to F-speed film are often appropriate.
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2 Basic use

2.3 Processing the imaging plates

Unpack and process the imaging plates immediately after unpacking.
Note! Ambient light harms the image information when not protected by the EXPRESS™ protective cover.
Insert the imaging plate with the cover.
Note! Do not partially slide the imaging plate from the cover. You can place the plate with cover and leave it to the plate carrier. Unit will not start the processing before removing the cover.
Remove the cover.
12 Instrumentarium Dental 209638 rev 4
2 Basic use
The image appears on the imaging application screen.
Note! Process within one hour after exposure.
Processed imaging plate is ready to be packed and exposed again.
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2 Basic use
14 Instrumentarium Dental 209638 rev 4
3 Advanced use

3.1 EXPRESS™ Origo setup options

The EXPRESS™ Origo setup options allow you to configure the EXPRESS™ Origo to the user’s clinical preferences.
From the imaging application software you are using select unit Setup/Scanner page (for more instruction on how to access setup page review application software manual).

3 Advanced use

3.1.1 Status

Shows the scanner type, firmware version and unit serial number.
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