Instrumentarium ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH Installation Manual

3D Dental X-Ray System Installation Manual
216363 rev. 1
Copyright Copyright © 2017 by PaloDEx Group Oy.
All rights reserved. ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ and CLINIVIEW™ are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of PaloDEx Group Oy in the United States and/or other countries.
KaVo™ and EasyScout™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Kaltenbach & Voigt GmbH in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Documentation, trademark and the software are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws the documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form in whole or part, without the prior written permission of PaloDEx Group Oy.
The original language of this manual is English. PaloDEx Group Oy reserves the right to make changes in
specification and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your PaloDEx Group Oy representative for the most current information.
Manufacturer Instrumentarium Dental, PaloDEx Group Oy
Nahkelantie 160 FI-04300 Tuusula FINLAND
Tel. +358 10 270 2000
For service, contact your local distributor.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................1
1.1 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D Pro ............................................................1
1.2 Intended use .........................................................................................................2
1.3 Associated documentation....................................................................................2
1.4 References............................................................................................................2
1.5 Abbreviations used in this manual ........................................................................3
1.6 Warnings and precautions ....................................................................................4
1.6.1 Warnings for cross infection. ......................................................................4
1.6.2 Warnings to be observed during installation and service...........................4
1.6.3 Cautions for Electrostatic discharge...........................................................6
1.6.4 General warnings.......................................................................................6
1.7 Disclaimer .............................................................................................................9
1.8 Disposal ................................................................................................................9
2 Unit description .........................................................................................................11
2.1 Main parts and controls.......................................................................................11
2.2 Patient positioning lights .....................................................................................13
2.3 Patient positioning panel.....................................................................................17
2.3.1 Cephalometric unit positioning panel.......................................................17
2.4 Main control panel...............................................................................................18
2.5 Unit identification labels ......................................................................................19
2.6 Unit movements..................................................................................................20
2.7 Emergency stop switch.......................................................................................21
3 Pre-installation requirements...................................................................................23
3.1 The unit...............................................................................................................23
3.2 Space requirements............................................................................................25
3.3 Fixing hardware and Installation and Setup tools ...............................................26
4 PC requirements........................................................................................................27
4.1 Minimum PC requirements..................................................................................27
4.2 The dental imaging software...............................................................................29
5 Installing the unit.......................................................................................................31
5.1 Content of delivery..............................................................................................31
5.2 The column .........................................................................................................31
5.3 The carriage........................................................................................................37
5.4 Check leveling.....................................................................................................42
5.5 Installing additional set screws and connecting cables.......................................43
5.6 Attaching the touch screen display to the column (new model)..........................45
5.7 Exposure button..................................................................................................47
5.8 External warning light (optional)..........................................................................48
5.9 Installing the cephalometric unit..........................................................................49
5.9.1 Enabling carpus imaging..........................................................................60
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6 Panoramic and 3D calibrations and adjustments...................................................61
6.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................61
6.2 When to calibrate the unit ...................................................................................62
6.3 Reset maintenance counter................................................................................63
6.4 Preparing for calibration......................................................................................63
6.5 The calibration sequence....................................................................................66
6.5.1 Calibration of the preheat of the tube.......................................................66
6.5.2 Calibration of the tube current..................................................................66
6.5.3 3D collimator calibration...........................................................................67
6.5.4 3D Beam size verification (optional).........................................................69
6.5.5 Panoramic collimator calibration..............................................................70
6.5.6 Panoramic geometry calibration...............................................................74
6.5.7 3D geometry calibration...........................................................................75
6.5.8 SFOV (Small panel) 3D lasers alignment ................................................76
6.5.9 MFOV (Medium panel) 3D lasers alignment............................................78
6.5.10 Panoramic laser alignment.......................................................................82
6.5.11 3D pixel calibration...................................................................................84
6.5.12 Panoramic pixel calibration......................................................................84
6.5.13 3D Quality Check ....................................................................................85
6.5.14 Panoramic Quality Check (optional).........................................................90
7 Cephalometric calibration and alignment...............................................................93
7.1 Preparations........................................................................................................93
7.2 Cephalometric calibration sequence...................................................................93
7.2.1 Balancing the cephalostat........................................................................94
7.2.2 Primary collimator calibration...................................................................94
7.2.3 Rotation angle calibration.........................................................................95
7.2.4 Mechanical adjustment program..............................................................97
7.2.5 Secondary collimator horizontal adjustment ..........................................108
7.2.6 Cephalostat laser alignment...................................................................110
7.2.7 Cephalostat pixel calibration..................................................................111
7.2.8 Cephalostat Quality Check (optional).....................................................111
7.2.9 Ear holder alignment..............................................................................113
7.2.10 Horizontal adjustment ............................................................................115
7.2.11 Vertical adjustment.................................................................................116
8 Special procedures..................................................................................................117
8.1 General .............................................................................................................117
8.2 Cephalometric upgrade kit................................................................................117
8.3 Changing the cephalostat arm side...................................................................117
8.4 Changing the cephalostat arm side in service mode ........................................126
8.5 Adjusting and calibrating the cephalostat..........................................................127
8.6 Connecting the unit to the mains.......................................................................128
8.6.1 Preparing the PC....................................................................................131
8.6.2 Configuring the communication link to the PC.......................................131
8.7 Firmware update...............................................................................................133
8.7.1 Preparing for update ..............................................................................133
8.7.2 Software update.....................................................................................134 Automatic update.....................................................................134 Manual update.........................................................................134
8.8 Volatile installation ............................................................................................138
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8.8.1 Installation procedure.............................................................................139
8.9 Special cases....................................................................................................142
8.9.1 Programming a R3220 Main CPU board having wrong unit
type configured.......................................................................................142
8.9.2 Programming a non-responsive cephalostat CPU.................................143
8.10 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................147
8.10.1 Problem: No connection to the X-ray unit / R3220 circuit board............147
8.10.2 Problem: Automatic software update fails..............................................148
8.10.3 Problem: Manual update fails.................................................................148
8.10.4 Problem: S2terminal is unable to find binary files..................................148
8.11 Configurable panoramic mAs limit ....................................................................149
9 OP 3D Pro Pre-sales check list...............................................................................151
9.1 Physical Environment Requirements................................................................151
9.2 Radiation Shielding Requirements....................................................................151
9.3 Mechanical Specifications ................................................................................152
9.4 Electrical Specifications ....................................................................................152
9.5 Networking Specifications.................................................................................153
9.6 Computer Specifications...................................................................................154
9.7 Backup Specifications.......................................................................................154
9.8 DICOM Services SCP.......................................................................................154
9.9 Software configuration ......................................................................................155
9.10 Other information ..............................................................................................156
9.11 Notes / comments.............................................................................................157
9.12 Dimensions .......................................................................................................158
9.13 Dimensions with cephalostat.............................................................................159
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1 Introduction


ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D Pro is a dental X-ray system for producing high quality digital images of dentition, TM-joints and skull. In order to take images with OP 3D Pro you need a suitable PC hardware connected to the OP 3D Pro unit and CLINIVIEW™ imaging software to capture and manage images. The OP300 performs the following procedures:

1 Introduction

Standard panoramic
Pediatric panoramic
Wide arch panoramic
TMJ, posterior-anterior (PA) projection
TMJ, lateral projection (axially corrected)
Ortho TMJ, axial corrected lateral projection
Maxillary sinus
Ortho Zone enhanced panoramic
Orthogonal panoramic
Cephalometric (optional)
Cephalometric lateral projection
Cephalometric pediatric lateral projection
Cephalometric postero-anterior (PA) projection
Reverse Towne projection
Waters view
Carpus program (optional) (Not available in USA and Canada)
3D Small panel (optional) H x W
61 x 41 mm Field of View
61 x 78 mm Field of View
3D Medium panel, H x W (optional)
50 x 50 mm Field of View
61 x 78 mm Field of View
78 x 78 mm Field of View
78 x 150 mm Field of View
130 x 150 mm Field of View (optional)
NOTICE! The FOV heights are maximum values measured at the center of the FOV, the measured heights at the edges of the FOV are smaller.

1.2 Intended use

The unit is intended for dental radiographic examination of teeth, jaw and TMJ areas by producing conventional 2D x­ray images as well as x-ray projection images of an examined volume for the reconstruction of a 3D view.
The unit is also intended for carpus imaging in assisting cephalometric analyses (Not in USA).
CAUTION! USA only: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dentist or other qualified professional.

1.3 Associated documentation

OP 3D Pro User manual
OP 3D Pro Service manual
CLINIVIEW software user manual
CLINIVIEW software installation manual
The user manual supplied with the 3D imaging software
The installation manual supplied with the 3D imaging software

1.4 References

The following instructions are delivered with in the OP 3D Pro installation manual:
Firmware update instructions
1 Introduction
Calibration instructions
Cephalostat upgrade instructions
Cephalostat side changing instructions

1.5 Abbreviations used in this manual

FOV = Field Of View. The cylindrical 3D volume that is reconstructed by the system.
ROI = Region Of Interest. The anatomical area or region of the patient that you are interested to examine.
FH = Frankfort-Horizontal H = Horizontal ADC = Automatic Dose Control LDT = Low Dose Technology™ MAR = Metal Artifact Reduction
1 Introduction

1.6 Warnings and precautions

1.6.1 Warnings for cross infection

Always use available disposable protective covers with the patient positioning accessories:
• Bite fork cover
• Chin support cover
• Head support cover
• Nose support cover
• Ear holder cover

1.6.2 Warnings to be observed during installation and service

In case the transportation package has been damaged, make sure the actual product is fully intact.
Before attempting to service the device make sure that you know how to operate it. Read the user’s manual.
Read and familiarize yourself with the warnings and precau­tions listed in the user’s manual.
Only use original spare parts from the manufacturer when repairing the device or replacing parts.
Warning - Radiation Safety
Before servicing the unit familiarize yourself with local and national radiation safety standards and requirements relat­ing to dental x-ray equipment.
Warning - Electrical Safety
Disconnect the unit from the main power supply before re­moving any covers.
Disconnect the unit from the main power supply before re­pairing or replacing mechanical parts or installing accesso­ries.
Be careful when operating the unit not to get body parts or clothing trapped between moving parts.
Disconnect the unit from the mains power connection be­fore servicing the unit, e.g. replacing circuit boards or other electrical components.
1 Introduction
If you have to leave the unit unattended with covers re­moved during servicing or maintenance, disconnect the unit from main power supply so that anyone who inadvertantly touches the unit does not receive an electric shock.
This unit should only be used in areas that are provided with a protective earth connection to ensure an equipotential ground connection.
Warning - Explosion hazard
Some disinfectants and cleaning agents may vaporize to form an explosive vapour. If such disinfectants and cleaning agents are used the vapour should be allowed to disperse before switching the unit on.
Warning - Cleaning the unit
Switch the unit off and disconnect it from the main power supply before cleaning or disinfecting the unit.
The aperture plate and the tube housing are made of lead (Pb), which is a toxic material. Do not touch it with your bare hands.
The installer must ensure that:
- The fixing screws are suitable for the wall material.
- The wall for fixing the unit is strong enough for attaching
the unit. It must withstand loads of 5000N or more.
- Pull out strength of the screws is 5000N or more.
- The wall fixing screws are adequately tightened.
To avoid the unit from tipping over, fix the unit with floor bolts appropriate to the surface the unit is mounted on. The bolts and the floor material must endure force of 5000 N.
The installer must ensure that the upper shelf attachment screws are tightened.
The unit should be installed in a place with enough space for safe operation. See the unit installation manual for rec­ommended minimum site dimensions. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the site is large enough for the patients.
Be aware of hot surfaces when removing covers during in­stallation and maintenance.
When installing a dental X-ray unit always observe local and national safety, radiation control and electrical regulations.
1 Introduction

1.6.3 Cautions for Electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage or destroy elec­tronic components.
When servicing the device take precautions to avoid elec­trostatic build up and discharge (ESD). Follow the recom­mendations for the prevention of ESD that are used in the country in which you are working. If no recommendations are available follow the guide lines below.
Leave all new or replacement circuit boards and electrical parts in their protective packaging until the boards are needed.
Before handling circuit boards and electrical parts make sure that any static electricity charge that has built up in you body is discharged.
When handling circuit boards hold them by their edges and do not touch any connectors or components.
When examining and checking circuit boards use an elasti­cated wrist wrap which is connected to a ground point through a 1 Mohm current limiting cable. For a ground point use water pipes, radiators or other objects that are known to be connected to the ground. Also use a cable to connect the x-ray unit to the same ground potential as the wrist wrap.
If an antistatic mat is used, connect the wrist wrap to the mat and the mat to the ground potential.
Wash the wrist wrap and check that it is in good condition frequently.

1.6.4 General warnings

Personnel operating the device must be adequately trained with respect to the technological principles of operation and radiation protection when using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging.
This unit complies with the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) according to IEC 60601-1-2. Radio transmitting equipment, cellular phones etc. shall not be used in close proximity of the unit as they could influence the performance of the unit.
1 Introduction
Always ensure to fulfill the requirements of the local and na­tional regulations.
The correct software and settings in the workstation are essential to the performance of the unit. Consult technical support to ensure correct setup.
Danger - Explosion hazard
Do not use in the presence of flammable anesthetics, gases or vapors.
The unit is factory set to operate using a 230-240 ±10 VAC power supply. Never connect the unit to a power supply different to the voltage marked on the unit.
If the unit needs to be connected to a multiple socket-outlet, the socket shall not be placed on the floor.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, the unit must only be connected to a supply mains with protective earth.
The site must fulfill the environmental requirements in the installation manual chapter technical specifications.
There should be free space around the unit for safe operation.
The PC / Ethernet switch to which the unit is connected, should be approved appropriately (e.g. EN 60950, IEC 60950, UL 60950). After installation, check that the IEC 60601-1 leakage current levels are not exceeded.
This product itself complies with IEC 60601-1 medical safety standard but in order to the system incorporating also a PC to comply the standard, EITHER the PC has to be a medical PC OR the PC has to be located over 1,5 meters apart from the unit. The installer and the user of the system shall confirm that at least one of the above requirements is fulfilled. A PC is a medical one if it complies IEC 60601-1 standard and that is indicated in the accompanying documents of the PC.
The unit shall be connected directly to the acquisition PC with an Ethernet cable. Connection through the LAN-net­work of the site is not allowed. Two network ports are needed in the PC in order to connect also to the site network.
All service operations must be made by authorized service personnel only.
The annual service as described in manual is mandatory for the correct and safe operation of the unit.
1 Introduction
When taking exposures, operators and service personnel must protect themselves from radiation and remain at least two meters (six feet) away from the unit during exposure. Protect the patient from scattered radiation by placing a protective lead apron over the patient.
The unit must be installed and serviced according to the unit Installation & adjustments manual by a qualified technician.
Only personnel trained and approved by the manufacturer of the unit are allowed to service the unit.
3D imaging should not be used for routine or screening examinations in which a radiograph is taken regardless of the presence or absence of clinical signs and symptoms. 3D imaging examinations must be justified for each patient to demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the risks.
Where it is likely that evaluation of soft tissues will be required as part of the patient’s radiological assessment, the imaging should be done using conventional medical CT or MR, rather than 3D imaging using Cone Beam technology.
Cone beam computed tomography images are not adequate for the analysis of soft tissue.
Panoramic and 3D exposures should not be used if conventional intraoral radiographic images (like bitewing exposures) would be sufficient.
Make sure that patient’s thyroid glands are protected by a lead apron during the exposure.
The place where the unit is to be installed and the position from where the user will take exposures must be correctly shielded from the radiation that is generated when the unit is operated. Ensure to fulfill or exceed the requirements of your local regulations.
The unit or its parts must not be changed or modified in any way without approval and instructions from the manufacturer.
When servicing use only approved replacement parts supplied by the manufacturer.
The use of accessories not complying with the equivalent safety requirements of this equipment may lead to a reduced level of safety of the resulting system.
If this device is used with 3rd party imaging application software not supplied by the manufacturer, the 3rd party imaging application software must comply with all local laws on patient information software. This includes the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC and/or relevant legal requirements in the USA.
Do not connect any equipment to the unit that has not been supplied with the unit or that is not recommended by the manufacturer. The use of accessory equipment not complying with the equivalent safety requirements of this equipment may lead to a reduced level of safety of the resulting system.
All protective covers must be properly installed before handing unit to the user or when operating the unit.

1.7 Disclaimer

1 Introduction
The manufacturer shall have no liability for consequential damages, personal injury, loss, damage or expense directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products. No agent, distributor or other party is authorized to make any warranty or other liability on behalf of the manufacturer with respect to its products.

1.8 Disposal

The device, its spare parts, its replacement parts and its accessories may include parts that are made of or include materials that are non-environmentally friendly or hazardous. These parts must be disposed of in accordance with all local, national and international regulations regarding the disposal of non-environmentally friendly or hazardous materials.
Unit has at least the following parts that should be regarded as non-environmental friendly waste products:
Tubehead (Pb, oil)
Collimator (Pb)
All electronic circuits, electronic boards inside
Sensor covers (EMC painted)
1 Introduction
2 Unit description
1. Column
2. Carriage
3. Main support
4. Rotating unit
5. On/off switch (rear of carriage) and main fuses
6. Tubehead assembly
7. Touch screen display
8. Patient positioning panel
9. Sensor head
10.Head support
11.Chin rest
13.Cephalostat unit
14.Cephalostat sensor
15.Secondary collimator
16.Patient positioning panel
On/off switch (used to power the unit on and off) and main fuses.

2.1 Main parts and controls

2 Unit description

PC with MDD approved dental imaging software and 3D viewing software (not included).
All software must conform to the MDD and the relevant legal requirements in the USA.
The PC must conform to all the unit and dental imaging software requirements.
2 Unit description
1. Sensor holder (panoramic units without 3D option)
2. Panoramic sensor
1. 3D sensor (units with 3D option)
2. Panoramic sensor

2.2 Patient positioning lights

2 Unit description
1. Midsagittal light
2. Frankfort horizont al (FH) light / Horizontal light, top of 130 mm high FOV (Medium Panel 3D option only)
3. Image layer light
4. Cephalometric FH light
5. TMJ light
6. Horizontal light, top of 78 mm high FOV
7. Horizontal light, top of 61 mm high FOV
8. Horizontal light, top of 50 mm FOV
9. Horizontal light, bottom of FOV
2 Unit description
Panoramic lights
1. Midsagittal light
2. FH light
1. Image layer
2. TMJ light
Cephalometric lights (optional)
1. FH light
2 Unit description
3D lights (optional)
NOTICE! Appropriate lights are turned automatically on based on selected FOV.
1. Midsagittal light
2. Horizontal light, top of FOV
NOTICE! With Medium Panel 3D option, Optional 130 mm height is indicated with Frankfort horizontal (FH) light. Move FH light to 130 mm position (locked in up­position).
3. Horizontal light, bottom of FOV
2 Unit description

2.3 Patient positioning panel

1. Carriage UP
2. Carriage DOWN
3. Positioning lights ON/OFF
4. Patient positioning
5. Start position
6. Chin support UP
7. Chin support DOWN
8. Move the image layer anterior before exposure 3 mm, with sinus program 10 mm
9. Normal occlusion/ reset position
10.Move the image layer posterior before exposure 3 mm, with sinus program 10 mm.

2.3.1 Cephalometric unit positioning panel

1. Carriage UP
2. Carriage DOWN
3. Positioning lights ON/OFF

2.4 Main control panel

2 Unit description
1. Modality / imaging program section
2. Status of the unit
3. Settings
4. End examination
5. Automatic Dose Control
6. Manual mode
7. Test mode
8. Patient size selection
9. Exposure settings
2 Unit description

2.5 Unit identification labels

1. Main label
2. 10A & 15A Fuse labels (next to the fuse holder)
3. Laser class 1 warning label IEC 60825-1:2007
4. Ethernet label
5. Sensors
6. (Primary) collimator label
7. (Secondary) cephalosta t collimator label
8. Tubehead label (on the tubehead and on the tubehead cover)
9. Warning label for deadly voltages (inside the tubehead cover)
10.Cephalostat main label

2.6 Unit movements

Panoramic unit movements
2 Unit description
2 Unit description
Cephalometric unit movements

2.7 Emergency stop switch

In case of malfunction of the exposure button or other protective devices of the unit, an emergency stop switches are located near the handles and on the cephalostat unit, so that the patient can easily reach them.
If the emergency stop switch is pressed during an exposure, the exposure is terminated immediately and the x-ray unit is completely stopped. An interrupted exposure cannot be continued later, but has to be retaken from the beginning after the emergency stop switch is released.
Press to stop the unit, rotate to release.
2 Unit description
2 Unit description
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