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Owner's Manual

D ForyoursatistacUonandsafety,readat1ins_-ucUons,cauUons,warningsanddangersbeforeinstalling
D Thisparticularunitisnotintendedfor commercialuse.
[_ Makesurethatat!electricalwiringandconnectionsconformto localcodes.
D Astandard115wo}tgroundedeleclncalouUetisrequiredunderthesink1orthedispenserseiectric_power.
D Thewalloutletpoweringyourdispensermusthavepowersuppliedtoit continuously.
D Thisoutletmustbefusedandshoutdnotbecontrolledbythesamewallswitchthatoperatesthe
D Movingpartsinsidethetankcauenga rattlingnoiseisnormal.
[_ Thisunitdoesnotcontainadrainpiugandshouldnotbeinstaliedwhereperiodicdraining_srequired,
These instructions are separated into main sections, indicated by numbers and subsections,
indicated by capital letters. The manual is setup this way to al!ow you to take a break at any
point after completing a section or subsection without affecting the installation process.
What you'll see in the
instruction manual:
._, Provides a step-by-step narrative describing the installation step, with check boxes that
can be marked as you progress through the insta!Iation.
_ Contains simple illustrations that prowde visual instruction to support the narrative.
,_ CAUTIONS, WARNINGS and DANGERS that will requ,re your attention dunng the step.
_An imminentlyhazardoussituation,which,it'notavoided,willresultindeathorseriousznju_, l
Equipment You May Need:
D HoLe punch _ Drill
[] HoLe saw [] Level
[] Basin wrench
Ifyou_ntendto usethesprayerholemyoursinktotyourdispenser,youmayneeda basinwrenchand
a1/8" plugor a1/4"cap(notsupplied)forthefaucetsprayhoseline.SeeStepI-B,
t1youneedtocuta mountingholeinyourstainlesssteelsink,youmayneeda t_" - 1#' holesaw
madetotcuttingstainlesssteelora holepunch.Consultaprotesmonafifyouaredrillingroteasurface
Wing Nut Mounting Nut
RubberGasket Ferrule
I '_WARNING !Apoten_a_yhaza_doussitu_"_n_w_Ich_Ifno_av_I_e_co_l_re_ul_in_ath_r_e_e_s`_j_/_I
I _ CAUTION IApotentiallyh_ardous s@a_on,v4_ich,if notavoided,mayresultin minoror moderateinjury..I
Note:The wall outlet for your
dispenser must have power
supplied to # continuously and
must be fused. It should not be
controlled by the same wall switch
that operates your disposer.
A t 15welt g_unded J_.._._ 11
outJetwithin30 inches
required to provide
power iothetank.
A mlnlmurn ol
.._ 3};" o| Space
is required
between the
center ot the
dispenser beau
and sp_ashbo_d/
wall in order for
the app]iance to
operate propeIIy.

Spout Holder
(Opposite Side)
Set Screw
Width ot
Unit 5W'
Required minimum from
Thewall outletfor yourdispensermusthavepowersuppliedto it continuously
andmustbefused.It shouldnotbecontrolledbythe samewaltswitch
It'youhaveto drillthroughsink er
purchasethe appropriatetoots.
center of hole to wall
Maximum counter
thickness (depth)
D Identify location for the dispenser.
[] Check to make sure there Is proper
clearance tor dispenser handle to be
fully opened.
El Check to make sure counter is not
too thick.
D Make sure there is a grounded
electrical outlet under the sink.
D Turn off water supply.
D If using the sink sprayer hose hole,
remove nut that connects sprayer
hose at bottom ot faucet
[] Using adjustable wrench, remove
nut connecting sprayer washer
flange m sprayer hole.
[] Plug hose opening with either a t/8"
plug or a t/4" cap Inot supplied).
Whatif youdon'thavea sprayerholeor
don'twantto useit?.
W' Copper Tube
16" Long
Cold Water Line
Required Hole Diameter
Consutta professionalbetoredrillinginto
asu_aco other_an stainlesssleet,
[] Many homeowners replace the soap
dispenser in their sink with an instant
hot water dispenser.
[] If drilling a hole into a stainless steef
sink or counter top, you can cut a
mounting hole for the dispenser with a
hole saw for stainless steel, or you can
use a hole punch.
4 5

-"_\ _< _' H the set screw m spout holder
_-J_, // ' I t Make sure the valve lever is in the
--/- _ t I up position and teed the spout end
/_/--_/ I1 mounting hole.
_w_ ) I approximately 2 furl turns and
_--qI pull out spout.
// _ _ I I _ Mount the unit through the 1 3/8"
// / /// I I diameter (35 mm) hole in the sink.
_ t t of the dispenser through the sink
Compressionvalve orT-fittingoption
Inot supplied):
CJEnsure that a shutoff valve Is installed
on the cold water supply line. If so, a
T-fitting or compression valve can be
used to connect the dispenser.
t_ Connect the 16" (40.6 cm) long, 1/4"
diameter copper tube on the
dispenser to the T-fitting as shown
(see step 4).
Rubber !_! |
Gasket _ ',
Thedispensermust he mounted in
Spoutand spout holder shouldnotbe loose
after mounting. [Firsttighten mounting nut
and then tighten w_ngnut securely.
[] While holding the dispenser in
place with spout removed, slip
the rubber gasket and mounting
nut over the valve lever and
hand tighten the nut on the
threaded barrel.
[] Align spout so water runs into the
sink and secure the dispenser by
tightening the wtng nut from the
underside of the sink.
D Reassemble the spout ensuring
the rubber seal is in place on inner
spout tube grove before re-inserting
spout into tank outlet.
[_ If rubber seal is not on spout, check
inside tank outlet. Remove and
install seal per diagram.
E] Push spout into dispenser as far as
it wilt go and tighten set screw.
Saddle valves are susceptible
to clogging.
Attach the valve to a
cold water supply line,
Saddlevalveoption (not supplied):
_-j Follow the directions for
"self-piercing attachment"
included with the vane.
{_qConnect the 16" (40.6 cm) long, t/4"
diameter copper tube on the dispenser
to the saddle valve as shown (see step 4).
C] Open the valve and let a small amount
of water run through it into a pan.
This wilt flush the line of sediment.
Shutoff valve option(notsupplied):
El The water connection can be made
using a shutoff valve. This is a more
complex installation and should only
be attempted by an experienced
=nstalIer with the proper knowledge
I and tools.
6 7
. swerLia¢"

Property OamaJ]e;Make sure _e bondsintubinga_e
smooth andnot _nked. Don'tuse paste-typesealantson
water lineconnections.Tightencompressionfittings
snugbut don_tovertigh|en.
line from the dispenser so it fits into
the cold water supply. With one hand,
support the copper line coming out
of the tank and bend the tube with
the other hand.
Do not kink, Bend tube carefully.
D When connecting to a compression
type T-fitting or valve, remove the
nut and ferrule (round brass piece)
from the fitting. Then, place the nut
followed by the ferrule over the end
of the tube coming from the
L_ Push the tube end all the way into
the T-fitting or valve. Hold the tube
end in position and push the terrule
down as far as it wilt go. Then,
tighten the nut over the ferrule with
your fingers. Make sure the tube
end {s going straight into the hole.
Then tighten the nut firmly with a
t/2" wrench.
<_'-_ _r _- way ano see n your connections are
j__ "_q/_z_-- watertight. ]f there are any leaks
_ carelutfy re-tighten alt connections,
PropertyDamage:l',!everpi_'ear_on nnthedeliwry
of_t_ fromthespot&Su_ a r_tri_onprevents dm_ing
theexp_on c_araber&_dcoulddamagethe
satetyfus& I!yoususpectthethermalfuse_sopen,
[] Press valve lever down tor about 20
seconds until water freely runs out of
the spout. Hold valve open at least 60
seconds to let the water run to flush
out the lines.
Water will be cold since tank has not
been plugged in yet.
Check all connections to ensure they
are tight and that there are no leaks,
then plug m _nstant hot water tank.
Allow10-15minutesfor waterto reach
normalduringtheinitial heatingcycle.
isalsonormal,If steamisstill emittedafter
8 9

_esultin seriousinjuryor dealhtam electricaIshock.
This appliancemustbegrounded.This=nstanthotwaterdispenserts equippedwith a cordthat
outletthatisprepedyinstalledandgroundedinaccordancewith alt localcodesandordinances.
Donotmodifythepiugprovidedwiththeappliance- if it will notfit theoutlet,havea properoutlet
installedby aqualiliede_ectfictan,Checkwith aqualifiedelectricianorservicemanifyouarem
doubtasto whetherthe instanthotwaterdispenseris propedygrounded.
PersonalInjury:.Thistanktsanon-prcssunzedtank.DONOTmodilythis system.
An instant hot water dispenser, tike any water heater, has a limited life and will eventually
loll. To avoid possible property damage, this instant hot water dispenser should be
regularly examined for leakage and replaced when necessary. A dram pan, plumbed to an
appropnate drain or outfitted with a leek detector, should be used in those applications
where any leakage could cause property damage.
theleSinkEraterdispenserlancetsupplied.Useeniypa_ provided.Contactan
rags,paperoraerosolcansnearthetank.DONOTstareorusegasolineor other
_lammabIevaporsandliquidsinthevicinity Otthisoranyotherappliance.
PropertyDamage.:Toavoidwaterdamage,replaceanyiooseorsplit _ubing.
Periodicallyaspect theunit foranysignselIeakageandimmediatelyremovetree
1-Year Warranty
Covers afl replacement parts and labor to correct defects in materiat or workmanship in the
dispenser system, for the tuHwarranty period from the date of instatlation in your home. If
warranty service ts required during the warranty period, contact an authorized tnSinkErator
serv=ce agent to replace or repair the unit in your home at no cost to you. If your dispenser is
replaced rather than repaired, the warranty on the new unit shalt be tot the duration of the
remaining portion of the ongmat dispenser's warranty. Nole: Warranty nsdetermined by unit
senal number and/or date of installation. Purchase or Installation receipt may be required to
verify warranty status. When service is requtred, and for the location o1your nearest factory
authonzed servzce center, call tel! free t-800-558-5700.
The iorego=ngwarren[y does not apply to damage or _noperation resulting from accident,
alteration, misuse, abuse, improper installation0insfaIlation not in accordance with these
instructions or Inca! electrical and!or plumbing codes. We do not assume any responsibility tor
consequantiai damage. Install using genuine inSinkEratot _manufactured components only.
Use of non tnSinkErator components will void your warranty.
Some states do not aUow ]imitations on how tong an implied warranty tasts, or the
exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or
exclusion may not appiy to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may
also have other rights which va.ry from state to state.
Factory temperature
pro-set is 190"E
[_ Disconnect power
from unit.
D Toadjust water
temperature you'll
need to access the panel on the trent ot
the tank. Using a screwdriver, turn
thermostat screw cIockwise to increase
temperature or turn counter clockwise to
decrease temperature. The cover must
always be in place tot the thermostate to
respond properly.
D After adiusting, depress the dispenser
handle for 20 seconds forthe water to
re-heat tothe new setting. Iftemperature
sill! isnot to your liking,repeat the procedure
making sure that the handle is depressed
for 20 seconds.
,&WARNING watertoboil Mayr_suifin
Onfy use mild cleaners to dean the faucet
and plastic components.
[] Cleaners with acids, abrasives, aikaline
or organic solvents will result in deterioration
of the p_asticcomponents and void
the warranty.
Regutarly inspectthe unit tot any signs ot
leakage. If there are s_gnsot water damage,
immediateIy remove the unitfrom service.
C] To avoid water damage fromleakage,
replace alI cuL loose or split tubing.
A drain pan, pIumbed to an appropriate
dram or outfitted wilh a teak detector,
should be used in those applications where
any leakage could cause prope_ damage.
Anytimetheinstanthot water dispenser_snotused
tar extendedpenodsoftime, unphJgand dramunit.
tfit isbelowfreezingyouwillneed to unplugthe
[] Disconnect power _rom unit.
[_3Push hot water dispenser faucet lever
and al{ow water to flow until it is cool.
[] Shut the cold water ftow off at the
shut off valve.
[] Remove unit from smk and turn upside
down to drain.