Insignia NS-BRDVD User Manual [en, es, fr]

User Guide | Guide de l’utilisateur | Guía del Usuario
Blu-ray Disc Player| Lecteur de disques Blu-ray | Reproductor de discos Blu-ray
Printed in China E7A03CD / 1VMN25094*****
Congratulations on your purchase of a high-quality Insignia product. Your DVD recorder is designed for reliable and trouble-free performance. Use this guide for initial setup of your DVD recorder. If you have questions, see your User Guide for more information.
Félicitations d’avoir acheté ce produit Insignia de haute qualité. Ce graveur de DVD a été conçu pour des performances et une abilité exceptionnelles. Utiliser ce guide pour la première mise en service du graveur de DVD. Pour toutes questions, consulter le guide de l’utilisateur.
Package contents/ Contenu de la boîte
DVD recorder / Graveur de DVD Remote control / Télécommande AA batteries (2) / Piles AA (2) Audio cables / Câbles audio Composite video cable / Câble vidéo composite RF cable / Câble RF
User Guide / Guide de l’utilisateur Quick Start Guide / Guide d’installation
Setup Guide I Guide d’installation
Step 1
Connect your DVD recorder using the illustrations below as a guide. / Connecter le graveur de DVD en se référant aux schémas ci-dessous.
Connecting an antenna or cable/satellite box 1 Disconnect the 75 ohm RF cable from the back of your TV. 2 Connect the 75 ohm RF cable from the antenna or cable
wall jack to the ANTENNA IN jack on your DVD recorder.
3 Connect the ANTENNA OUT jack on your DVD recorder to
the ANT IN jack on your TV using a 75 ohm RF cable.
Connexion d'une antenne ou d'un décodeur câble/satellite
1 Déconnecter le câble RF de l'antenne de 75 ohms de
l'arrière du téléviseur.
2 Connecter le câble RF d'antenne de 75 ohms de la prise
3 Connecter la prise de sortie antenne (ANTENNA OUT) du
Connecting your DVD recorder Étape 1
d'antenne ou câble murale à la prise d'entrée antenne (ANTENNA IN) du graveur de DVD.
graveur de DVD à la prise d'entrée antenne (ANT IN) du téléviseur avec un câble RF de 75 ohms.
Cable or antenna / Câble ou antenne
Connexion du graveur de DVD
Connecting to your TV using composite cables
Connect the provided composite video cable (yellow plug) from the VIDEO OUT jack on your DVD recorder to the VIDEO
IN jack on the back of your TV.
Connexion au téléviseur avec des câbles composites
Connecter le câble vidéo composite fourni (connecteur jaune) de la prise de sortie vidéo (VIDEO OUT) du graveur à la prise d'entrée vidéo (VIDEO IN) à l'arrière du téléviseur.
Back of TV / Arrière du téléviseur
Connecting the audio
Connect the provided audio cable (left-white plug and right-red plug) from the AUDIO OUT jacks on your DVD recorder to the
AUDIO IN jacks on the back of your TV.
Connexion de l’audio
Connecter le câble audio fourni (connecteur gauche/blanc et droit/rouge) des prises de sortie audio (AUDIO OUT) du graveur de DVD aux prises d'entrée audio (AUDIO IN) à l'arrière du téléviseur.
Back of TV / Arrière du téléviseur
Antenna wall jack / Prise d’antenne murale
75 ohm RF cable / Câble RF de 75 ohms
Back of DVD recorder / Arrière du graveur de DVD
Refer to your User Guide for more information about other types of connections. / Voir le Guide de l’utilisateur pour plus d’information sur les autres types de connexions.
Step 2 Getting to know your DVD recorder • Étape 2 Présentation du graveur de DVD
Check out the front and back panels to familiarize yourself with buttons and jacks. Refer to your User Guide for more information about how to get the most out of your DVD recorder.
L’utilisateur doit inspecter les panneaux avant et arrière, an de se familiariser avec les touches et les prises. Voir le Guide de l’utilisateur pour plus d’informations sur la façon d’utiliser toutes les possibilités de ce graveur de DVD.
1 Disc tray • Plateau à disque 2 Display • Achage 3 OPEN/CLOSE button • Touche OUVRIR/FERMER
4 Channel buttons • Touches Canal 5 REV button • Touche RETOUR RAPIDE 6 FWD button • Touche AVANCE RAPIDE 7 STOP button • Touche ARRÊT 8 PLAY button • Touche LECTURE 9 POWER button • Touche MARCHE/ARRÊT
10 Remote control sensor • Capteur de télécommande 11 REC SPEED button • Touche VITESSE D'ENREGISTREMENT 12 REC/OTR button • Touche ENREGISTREMENT IMMÉDIAT 13 S-VIDEO (L2) input jack • Prise d'entrée S-VIDEO [S-Vidéo] (L2) 14 VIDEO (L2) input jack • Prise d’entrée VIDEO [Vidéo] (L2) 15 AUDIO L/R (L2) input jack •Prises d’entrée AUDIO G/D (L2)
Composite video cable / Câbles audio (G/D)
Back of DVD recorder / Arrière du graveur de DVD
Step 3 Install remote control batteries
Back of DVD recorder / Arrière du graveur de DVD
Étape 3 Installation des piles de la télécommande
Audio cables (L/R) / Câbles audio (G/D)
Remove the cover from the back of the remote control, insert the batteries as indicated, then replace the cover.
Retirer le couvercle à l’arrière de la télécommande, insérer les piles tel qu’illustré, puis remettre le couvercle.
Setup and recording options can be found on the back of this guide.
La conguration et les options d’enregistrement sont détaillées au verso de ce guide.
Setup Guide I Guide d’installation
Step 4
Selecting basic options
Étape 4
Sélection des options de base
The rst time you turn on your DVD recorder, you are prompted to select initial settings.
La première fois que le graveur de DVD est mis en service, l’utilisateur est invité à sélectionner les paramètres d’installation.
1 Make sure that your DVD recorder is connected to a TV and that the
power cord is plugged into a power outlet.
Vérier que le graveur de DVD est connecté à un téléviseur et que le cordon d’alimentation est branché sur une prise secteur.
2 Turn on your TV, then select the TV input source for the jacks your
DVD recorder is connected to.
Mettre le téléviseur sous tension, puis sélectionner la source d’entrée du téléviseur à laquelle vont être connectées les prises du graveur de DVD.
3 Press POWER to turn on your DVD recorder.
Appuyer sur POWER (Marche/Arrêt) pour mettre le graveur de DVD en marche.
Initial Setting
4 Press or
Appuyer sur ou pour sélectionner la langue des menus d’écrans, puis appuyer sur ENTER (Entrée).
to select the on-screen menu language, then press ENTER
5 Press ENTER again. Your DVD recorder searches for channels and
stores the channel information in the channel list. When the search
is complete, the Clock Setting screen opens.
Appuyer une nouvelle fois sur ENTER (Entrée). Le graveur de DVD recherche les canaux et enregistre l’information qui les concerne dans la liste des canaux. Quand la recherche est terminée, l'écran Clock Setting (Réglage de l'horloge) s'ache.
Initial Setting
Clock Setting
6 Press SETUP.
Appuyer sur SETUP (Conguration).
7 Press or to select Clock, then press ENTER.
Appuyer sur ou pour sélectionner Clock (Horloge), puis sur ENTER (Entrée).
Auto Clock Setting
Press or to select Clock Setting, press ENTER, then press ENTER again.
Appuyer sur ou pour sélectionner Clock Setting (Réglage de l'horloge), appuyer sur ENTER, puis appuyer de nouveau sur ENTER.
Recording a program • Enregistrement d'un programme 1 Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the disc tray, then insert a
formatted DVD into the tray with the label facing up.
Appuyer sur OPEN/CLOSE pour ouvrir le plateau à disque, puis
insérer un DVD formaté dans le plateau avec l’étiquette tournée vers le haut.
2 Press OPEN/CLOSE to close the disc tray. Your DVD recorder
reads the disc. This may take a while.
Appuyer sur OPEN/CLOSE (Ouvrir/fermer) pour fermer le plateau à disque. Le graveur de DVD identie le disque. Ceci peut prendre un certain temps.
3 Press REC SPEED to select a recording speed.
Appuyer sur REC SPEED (Vitesse d'enregistrement) pour
sélectionner une vitesse d’enregistrement.
XP 0:58
4 Press CH or CH or press the number buttons to select the
channel you want to record.
Appuyer sur CH ou CH ou sur les touches numériques pour
sélectionner le canal à enregistrer.
CH 12
5 Press REC/OTR to start the recording.
Appuyer sur REC/OTR (Enregistrement immédiat) pour commencer l'enregistrement.
6 To stop the recording, press STOP .
Pour arrêter l'enregistrement, appuyer sur STOP (Arrêt).
You can pause the recording, change channels, then continue recording a dierent channel to the same DVD.
Il est possible d'arrêter momentanément l'enregistrement, de changer de canal, puis de continuer à enregistrer un canal diérent sur le même DVD.
9 Press or to adjust the month, day, year, hour, minutes, or AM or
PM. Press or to move from eld to eld.
Appuyer sur ou pour régler le mois, le jour, l’heure, les minutes et AM ou PM. Appuyer sur ou pour passer d'un champ à un autre.
10 When you have set the date and time, press ENTER.
Quand la date et l’heure ont été réglés, appuyer sur ENTER.
11 Press SETUP to close the menu.
Appuyer sur SETUP (Conguration) pour fermer le menu.
Finalizing a DVD • Finalisation d’un DVD
After your have recorded a DVD, you can nalize it so you can play it on another DVD.
Quand l'enregistrement d'un DVD est terminé, celui-ci peut être nalisé an d'être lisible sur un autre lecteur DVD.
1 Press SETUP. The Setup menu opens. Appuyer sur SETUP (Conguration). Le menu Setup s’ache. 2 Press or to select Disc, then press ENTER.
Appuyer sur ou pour sélectionner Disc (Disque),
puis sur ENTER (Entrée).
3 Press or to select Finalize, then press ENTER.
Appuyer sur ou pour sélectionner Finalize (Finaliser),
puis sur ENTER (Entrée).
4 Press or to select Yes, then press ENTER. Finalizing starts
automatically and a progress screen opens. Finalizing is complete when the progress bar reaches 100%.
Appuyer sur ou pour sélectionner Yes (Oui), puis sur ENTER (Entrée). La nalisation démarre automatiquement et un écran de progression s'ache. La nalisation est terminée lorsque la barre de progression atteint 100 %.
5 To cancel nalizing, press STOP . A conrmation message
opens. (DVD-RW only)
Pour annuler la nalisation, appuyer sur STOP (Arrêt) . Un message de conrmation s'ache. (DVD-RW uniquement)
Note: Remarque:
After nalizing has started, you may not be able to cancel. DVD-R only) nalizing.
Une fois la nalisation commencée, il peut être impossible de l'annuler. (DVD-R uniquement) Si en appuyant sur STOP le symbole s’ache, la nalisation ne peut pas être interrom­pue. (DVD-RW uniquement)
Press or to select Yes , then press ENTER. (DVD-RW only)
Appuyer sur ou pour sélectionner Yes (Oui), puis sur ENTER (Entrée). (DVD-RW uniquement)
If you press STOP and appears, you cannot stop
(for DVD-RW only)
Do you want to cancel ?
Yes No
Your DVD recorder can record to DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs Ce graveur de DVD peut eectuer des enregistrements sur des DVD-R et des DVD-RW.
DVD-Rs can only be recorded once and cannot be erased. DVD-Rs can be recorded only in Video mode.DVD-RWs can be recorded and erased times. DVD-RWs can be recorded in either Video mode or VR mode.
Les DVD-R ne peuvent être enregistrés qu'une fois et ne peuvent pas
être eacés. Les disques DVD-R ne peuvent être utilisés que pour un enregistrement en mode Vidéo.
Il est possible d'enregistrer et d'eacer de nombreuses fois les disques
DVD-RW. Les DVD-RW peuvent être utilisés pour un enregistrement en mode Vidéo ou en mode VR.
Recording modes / Modes d’enregistrement
Video mode is the same recording format as DVD movies purchased in stores. You can play them in most DVD players after you have nalized them
VR (Video Recording) mode is a basic recording format for DVD-RW. You can record and edit repeatedly. Only DVD players with are capable of playing DVD-RWs recorded in VR mode.
Le mode Video (Vidéo) est le même format que les lms DVD achetés dans les magasins. Il est possible de les reproduire dans la plupart des lecteurs DVD quand ils ont été nalisés. Le mode VR (enregistrement vidéo) est un format d'enregistrement de base pour les DVD-RW. Il permet un nombre illimité d'enregistrements et de modications. Seuls les lecteurs DVD portant le logo sont capables de lire des DVD-RW enregistrés en mode VR.
Finalizing discs / Finalisation des disques
After recording, you must nalize the DVD to play it on other DVD players.
After nalizing:
DVD-RW/R (Video mode) cannot record more content or be edited. DVD-RW (VR mode) can record more content and be edited.
Après l'enregistrement, il faut naliser le DVD pour pouvoir le lire sur d'autres lecteurs DVD. Après la nalisation : Les DVD-RW/R (mode Vidéo) ne peuvent plus être utilisés pour enregistrer un contenu supplémentaire, ni être modiés. Un DVD-RW (mode VR) peut enregistrer du contenu supplémentaire et
être modié.
The following instructions are for playing a pre-recorded DVD that you buy or an audio CD. For instructions on playing DVDs recording in Video or VR mode, see your User Guide. 1 Turn on your TV and DVD recorder. 2
On the TV, select the video source that your DVD recorder is connected to.
3 Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the disc tray, then insert a DVD into the
tray with the label facing up. 4 Press OPEN/CLOSE to close the disc tray. Your DVD recorder reads the DVD. This may take a while. 5 If the disc does not automatically start playing, press PLAY .
Les instructions qui suivent s'appliquent à un DVD préenregistré
acheté en magasin ou à un CD audio.
Pour les instructions relatives à l’enregistrement de DVD en mode
vidéo ou VR, voir le Guide de l’utilisateur.
1 Mettre le téléviseur et le graveur de DVD sous tension. 2 Sur le téléviseur, sélectionner la source vidéo à laquelle est connecté
le graveur de DVD.
3 Appuyer sur OPEN/CLOSE (Ouvrir/Fermer) pour ouvrir le plateau
à disque, puis insérer un DVD dans le plateau avec l’étiquette tournée vers le haut.
4 Appuyer sur OPEN/CLOSE (Ouvrir/Fermer) pour fermer le
plateau à disque. Le graveur de DVD identie le DVD. Ceci peut prendre un certain temps.
5 Si la lecture ne commence pas automatiquement, appuyer sur
PLAY (Lecture) .
Distributed by/ Distribué Best Buy Purchasing, LLC/Distribué par Best Buy Purchasing, LLC 7601 Penn Avenue South, Richeld, MN USA 55423-3645 877-467-4289
Setup Guide / Guide d’installation / Guía de instalación
Blu-ray Disc Player / Lecteur de disques Blu-ray /
Reproductor de discos Blu-ray
Congratulations on your purchase of a high-quality Insignia product. Your Blu-ray Disc player is designed for reliable and trouble-free performance. Use this guide for initial setup of your player. If you have questions, see your User Guide for more information.
Félicitations d’avoir acheté ce produit Insignia de haute qualité. Ce lecteur de Disques Blu-ray a été conçu pour fournir des performances et une  abilité exceptionnelles. Utiliser ce guide pour la première mise en service du lecteur. Pour toutes questions, consulter le Guide de l’utilisateur.
Felicitaciones por su compra de un producto de alta calidad de Insignia. Su reproductor de Discos Blu-ray está diseñado para proveer un rendimiento con able y libre de problemas. Utilice esta guía para la con guración inicial de su reproductor. Si tiene preguntas, re érase a su Guía del usuario para obtener más información.
Package contents / Contenu de la boîte / Contenido del paquete
Blu-ray Disc player / Lecteur de Disques Blu-ray / Reproductor de Discos Blu-ray
Remote control / Télécommande / Control remoto
AA batteries (2) / Piles AA (2) / Pilas AA (2)
RCA audio cable / Câble audio RCA / Cable de audio RCA
RCA video cable / Câble vidéo RCA / Cable de video RCA
Power cord / Cordon d’alimentation / Cable de alimentación
User Guide / Guide de l’utilisateur / Guía del usuario
Setup Guide / Guide d’installation / Guía de instalación
Playable discs and  les / Disques et  chiers compatibles / Discos y archivos compatibles
Region codes / Codes régionaux / Codi cación regional
Your NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc player plays Blu-ray discs with region A and DVDs with region 1 or ALL.
You cannot play Blu-ray Discs or DVD discs labeled for other regions. Look for these symbols on your Blu-ray Disc or DVD. If these symbols do not appear on your Blu-ray Disc or DVD, you cannot play the disc in this player.
Ce lecteur de Disques Blu-ray NS-BRDVD reproduit des Disques Blu-ray de la région A et des DVD de la région 1 ou Toutes (ALL).
Il n’est pas possible de reproduire des Disques Blu-ray ou des DVD étiquetés pour d’autres régions. Identi er ces symboles sur le Disque Blu-ray ou le DVD. Si ces symboles ne sont pas sur le le Disque Blu-ray ou le DVD, il n’est pas possible de reproduire le disque avec ce lecteur.
Su reproductor de Discos Blu-ray NS-BRDVD reproduce Discos Blu-ray de la región A y DVDs de la región 1 o Todas (ALL).
No se puede reproducir Discos Blu-ray o discos DVD etiquetados para otras regiones. Busque estos símbolos en
su Disco Blu-ray o DVD. Si estos símbolos no aparecen en su Disco Blu-ray o DVD, no se puede reproducir el disco en este reproductor.
DVD video / DVD vidéo /
DVD video
BD video / BD vidéo /
BD video
1 Insert remote control batteries / Insérer les piles de la
télécommande / Insertar las pilas del control remoto
Remove the cover from the back of the remote control, insert the batteries as indicated into the compartment, then replace the cover. / Retirer le
couvercle à l’arrière de la télécommande, insérer les piles tel qu’illustré dans le compartiment, puis remettre le couvercle. / Retire la cubierta de la parte posterior del control remoto, inserte las pilas como se indica en el compartimiento y vuelva a colocar la cubierta.
2 Make connections / E ectuer les connexions / Hacer las
All devices should be turned o and disconnected from the power outlet before making connections. Tous les périphériques doivent être mis hors tension et déconnectés de la prise secteur avant d’e ectuer les connexions. Todos los equipos tienen que estar apagados y desenchufados del tomacorriente antes de hacer las conexiones.
Connecting to a TV / Connexion à un téléviseur / Conexión a un televisor
HDMI audio and video connection (best audio and video) / Connexion audio et vidéo HDMI (qualité
vidéo et audio optimale) / Conexión audio y video HDMI (audio y video óptima)
Use an HDMI cable (not supplied) to provide both digital audio and video (RCA audio cable connection unnecessary). You will enjoy the best quality pictures from 480p/720p/1080i/1080p/1080p24 if your TV or audio system is compatible. Press HDMI on your remote control to cycle through the modes.
Utiliser un câble HDMI (non fourni) pour obtenir l’audio et la vidéo numérique (la connexion d’un câble audio RCA n’est pas nécessaire). Des images d’une qualité optimale sera obtenue avec les résolutions 480p/720p/1080i/1080p/1080p24, si le téléviseur ou le système audio est compatible. Appuyer sur HDMI de la télécommande pour basculer entre les modes.
Use un cable HDMI (no se incluye) para obtener ambos audio y video digital (no se necesita conectar un cable de audio RCA). Podrá disfrutar de una calidad de imagen óptima con las resoluciones 480p/720p/1080i/1080p/1080p24 si su televisor o sistema de audio es compatible. Presione HDMI en su control remoto para seleccionar los modos.
HDMI cable (available at Best Buy)
Câble HDMI (disponible à Best Buy)
cable HDMI (disponible en Best Buy)
Your TV port locations and labels may vary
L’emplacement des ports du téléviseur et les
étiquettes peuvent varier
La posición de los puertos de su televisor y las
etiquetas pueden variar
Blu-ray Disc player Lecteur de Disques Blu-ray Reproductor de Discos Blu-ray
Basic audio and video connection / Connexion audio et vidéo de base / Conexión audio y video básicas
Note: For the best surround sound experience, see “Connecting to a surround sound receiver” below. / Remarque°: Pour un son ambiophonique de qualité optimale, voir « Connexion à un récepteur de son ambiophonique » ci-après. / Nota: Para una experiencia de sonido envolvente óptima, re érase a “Conexión a un receptor de sonido envolvente” a continuación.
Good picture/ Bonne image/
Buena imagen
Better picture/
Meilleure image/
Mejor imagen
Best picture/ Image
optimale/ Imagen
Blu-ray Disc player
Lecteur de Disques Blu-ray
Reproductor de Discos Blu-ray
RCA audio cable (supplied)
Câble audio RCA (fourni)
Cable de audio RCA (suministrado)
Audio out/ Sortie audio/
Salida de audio
RCA video cable
Câble vidéo RCA
Cable de video RCA
Video out/ Sortie vidéo/
Salida de video
Component video cable
(available at Best Buy)
Câble vidéo à composantes
(disponible à Best Buy)
Cable video de componentes
(disponible en Best Buy)
Component video out/ Sortie
vidéo à composantes/ Salida
de video de componentes
HDMI/DVI video cable (available at Best Buy)
Câble vidéo HDMI/
DVI (disponible
à Best Buy)
Cable video HDMI/
DVI (disponible en
Best Buy)
HDMI out/ Sortie
Connecting to a surround sound receiver / Connexion à un récepteur de son ambiophonique / Conexión a un receptor de sonido envolvente
AV receiver (ampli er)
Récepteur AV (ampli cateur)
Receptor AV (ampli cador)
digital audio optical cable
câble audio optique numérique
cable de audio óptico digital
alida digital (óptica)
Blu-ray Disc player
Lecteur de Disques Blu-ray
Reproductor de Discos Blu-ray
digital audio coaxial cable
câble audio coaxial numérique
cable de audio coaxial digital
Digital out (coaxial) / Sortie numérique
(coaxiale) / Salida digital (coaxial)
Digital out (optical) / Sortie numérique
(optique) / S
3 Connect power / Connexion de l’alimentation / Conecte la
Connect the power cord to a power outlet, pressing  rmly to ensure connection. / Brancher le cordon d’alimentation sur une
prise secteur, en l’enfonçant fermement pour assurer la connexion. / Enchufe el cable de alimentación en un tomacorriente, presionando  rmemente para asegurar la conexión.
4 Play a disc / Lecture d’un disque / Reproducción de un disco
1 Press POWER on the remote control, then turn on the TV and select the input on the TV to which your Blu-ray Disc
player is connected. / Appuyer sur POWER (Marche/Arrêt) de la télécommande, puis mettre le téléviseur sous tension et sélectionner l’entrée sur le téléviseur à laquelle le lecteur de Disques Blu-ray est connecté. / Presione POWER (Encendido) en el control remoto, y luego encienda el televisor y seleccione la entrada en el televisor correspondiendo a la del reproductor de Discos Blu-ray.
ouvrir le plateau à disque. / Presione OPEN/CLOSE
3 Place a disc in the tray with the label facing up, then press OPEN/CLOSE
tray. / Mettre le disque sur le plateau avec l’étiquette tournée vers le haut, puis appuyer sur OPEN/CLOSE de la télécommande pour fermer le plateau. / Ponga el disco en la bandeja con la etiqueta hacia arriba, y luego presione OPEN/CLOSE en el control remoto para cerrar la bandeja.
4 Press play on the remote control to start playback. / Appuyer sur Lecture de la télécommande pour commencer la
lecture. / Presione reproducir en el control remoto para comenzar la reproducción.
on the remote control to open the disc tray. / Appuyer sur OPEN/CLOSE (Ouvrir/Fermer) pour
(Abrir/Cerrar) para abrir la bandeja del disco.
on the remote control to close the
For customer service please call 1-877-467-4289 / Pour le service à la clientèle, appeler le 1-877-467-4289 /
Para servicio al cliente favor llamar al 1-877-467-4289
Distributed by Best Buy Purchasing, LLC 7601 Penn Avenue South, Rich eld, Minnesota, U.S.A. 55423-3645
© 2008 Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. All rights reserved. INSIGNIA is a trademark of Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. Registered in some countries.
All other products and brand names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Distribué par Best Buy Purchasing, LLC, 7601 Penn Avenue South, Rich eld, Minnesota 55423-3645, É.-U.
© 2008 Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. Tous droits réservés. INSIGNIA est une marque de commerce de Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. déposée dans certains pays.
Tous les autres produits et noms de marques sont des marques de commerce appartenant à leurs propriétaires respectifs.
Distribuido por Best Buy Purchasing, LLC, 7601 Penn Avenue South, Rich eld, Minnesota 55423-3645 E.U.A.
© 2008 Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. INSIGNIA es una marca comercial de Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. registrada en ciertos países.
Todos los otros productos y los nombres de marca son marcas comerciales de sus respectivos dueños.
Printed in China E5E25UD/ E5E27CD/1VMN25436*****
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Remote control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Setting up your player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Installing remote control batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Connecting a TV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Connecting an audio system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Connect the AC power cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Setting up speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Adjusting speakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Using your player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Playable discs, memory cards, and files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Playing a Blu-ray Disc or DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Controlling Blu-ray Disc or DVD playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Playing an audio CD or JPEG/MP3/WMA disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Controlling audio CD or JPEG/MP3/WMA disc playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Playing a Kodak Picture CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Controlling Kodak Picture CD playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Playing from an SD Memory Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Formatting an SD Memory Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Displaying status information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Creating a playback loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Creating a program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Controlling program playback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Using random play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Controlling random play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Searching for a chapter, title, track, or time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Searching using markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Using PIP (picture-in-picture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Selecting a camera angle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Selecting subtitle languages or style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Switching the audio soundtrack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Adjusting the black level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Reducing video noise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Adjusting the HDMI video resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Adjusting the component resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Selecting the audio CD audio mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Setting the Blu-ray audio mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Using disc menus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Adjusting the still image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Setting parental controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Changing the parental control password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Using the Quick menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Using the Custom menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Resetting setup options to the defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Maintaining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Cleaning the cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Handling discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Cleaning discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Cleaning the disc lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Checking the remote control signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Language codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
One-year limited warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Français. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xx
Español . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xx
Congratulations on your purchase of a high-quality Insignia product. Your NS-BRDVD represents the state of the art in Blu-ray Disc player design and is designed for reliable and trouble-free performance.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Safety information
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the cover or back. No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose your player to rain or moisture.
To prevent electric shock, match the wide blade on the power cord plug to the wide slot on an electric outlet. If the plug does not fit, consult a licensed electrician to replace the obsolete outlet. Do not modify the power cord plug, or you will defeat this safety feature.
This symbol indicates that dangerous voltage constituting a risk of electric shock is present within your player. This label is located on the back of your player.
This symbol indicates that there are important operating and maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying your player.
Your player employs a laser system.
Use of controls, adjustments, or the performance of procedures other than those specified may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Visible laser radiation is present when open and interlocks defeated. Do not stare into beam.
1 Read instructions—Read all safety and
operating instructions before you use your player.
2 Retain instructions—Retain the safety and
operating instructions for future reference.
3 Heed warnings—Heed all warnings on your
player and in the operating instructions.
4 Follow instructions—Follow all operating
and use instructions.
5 Cleaning—Unplug your player from the
power outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Exception: A player that is meant for uninterrupted service and, that for some specific reason, such as the possibility of the loss of an authorization code for a CATV converter, is not intended to be unplugged for cleaning or any other purpose, may exclude the reference to unplugging the player in the cleaning description.
6Attachments—Do not use attachments not
recommended by your player’s manufacturer because they may cause hazards.
7 Water and moisture—Do not use your
player near water. For example, do not use it near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool.
8 Accessories—Do not place
your player on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. Your player may fall, causing serious injury to someone, and serious damage to your player. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with your player. Any mounting of your player should follow the manufacturer’ s instructions and should use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer. A player and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause your player and cart combination to overturn.
9 Ventilation—Slots and openings in the
cabinet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of your player and to protect it from overheating. These openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing your player on a bed, sofa, carpet, rug, or other similar surface. Your player should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. Your player should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to.
10 Power sources—Your player should be
operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your player’s dealer or local power company.
11 Grounding or polarization—Your player is
equipped with a polarized alternating-current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other). This plug will fit into the power outlet only one way. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug.
12 Power cord protection—Power-supply
cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
13 Outdoor antenna grounding—If an outside
antenna or cable system is connected to your player, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70, provides information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna-discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements for the grounding electrode.
1 Electric service equipment 2 Power service grounding electrode
system 3 Ground clamps 4 Grounding conductors 5 Antenna discharge unit 6 Grounding clamp 7 Antenna lead-in wire
14 Power lines—An outside antenna system
should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light of power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits because contact with them might be fatal.
15 Lightning—For added protection for your
player during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the power outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system. This will prevent damage to your player due to lightning and power-line surges.
16 Overloading—Do not overload wall outlets
and extension cords because this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.
17 Object and liquid entry—Never push
objects of any kind into your player through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on your player.
18 Servicing—Do not attempt to service your
layer yourself because opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
19 Damage requiring service—Unplug your
player from the power outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.
If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into your player.
If your player has been exposed to rain or water.
If your player does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions, because incorrect adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore your player to its normal operation.
If your player has been dropped or damaged in any way.
When your player exhibits a distinct change in performance, this indicates a need for service.
20 Replacement parts—When replacement
parts are required, be sure the service technician uses replacement parts specified by the manufacturer that have the same characteristics as the original parts. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock, injury to persons, or other hazards.
21 Safety check—Upon completion of any
service or repairs to your player, ask the service technician to perform routine safety checks to determine that the apparatus is in correct operating condition.
22 Heat—Your player should be situated away
from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
The model and serial numbers of your player can be found on the cabinet. You should record and retain those numbers for future reference.
Serial No. Model No.
Do not place your player on furniture that is capable of being tilted by a child or an adult leaning, pulling, standing next to, or climbing on it. If your player falls it can cause serious injury or even death.
Avoiding electrical shock and fire
Do not handle the power cord with wet hands.
Do not pull on the power cord when disconnecting it from a power outlet. Grasp it by the plug.
Do not put your fingers or objects into your player.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Installation location
For safety and optimum performance of your player:
Install your player in a horizontal and stable position. Do not place anything directly on top of your player. Do not place your player directly on top of the TV.
Shield your player from direct sunlight and keep it away from devices of intense heat. Avoid dusty or humid places.
Avoid places with insufficient ventilation for correct heat dissipation. Do not block the ventilation holes on the back and sides of your player. Avoid locations subject to strong vibration or strong magnetic fields.
Make sure that you remove the disc and unplug the power cord from the power outlet before carrying your player.
Moisture condensation
Moisture condensation may occur inside your player when it is moved from a cold place to a warm place or after heating a cold room or under conditions of high humidity. Do not use your player for at least for two hours so the inside gets dry.
Your player’s packaging materials are recyclable and can be reused. Dispose of any materials in accordance with your local recycling regulations. Batteries should never be thrown away or incinerated but disposed of in accordance with your local regulations concerning chemical wastes.
Full high-definition video playback at up to 1080p resolution for an amazing viewing experience.
Upconversion of standard definition DVDs for enhanced picture quality at up to 1080p over an HDMI connection.
Full backward compatibility with standard definition DVDs and audio CDs.
Can play slide shows of JPEGs recorded on discs or SD Memory Cards.
Rich multi-channel surround sound.
Easy and simple HDTV connection using a single HDMI cable (cable not included).
Multiple outputs for connecting your home theater system or amplifier.
PIP functionality that lets you display primary and secondary video at the same time (if available on the Blu-ray Disc).
Pop-up menu display without interrupting playback (if available on the Blu-ray Disc).
HDMI Deep Color that reduces the posterization effect (color banding or striping) of the playback image.
HDMI 1080p/fps output (Blu-ray Disc only) that provides smooth playback of video with a frame rate of 24 frames per second (TV must be connected with an HDMI cable and be compatible with 1080p24 frame).
SD Memory Card playback of JPEG, MP3, or WMA files.
SD Memory Card playback of picture-in-picture commentary, subtitles, or other extras for BD-ROM Profile 1 ver.1.1 files with Blu-ray-video.
Component Description
1 Disc tray Place a disc with the label
2 OPEN/CLOSE button Press to open or close the
3 Display Displays status information.
4 Remote control sensor Receives signals from the
5 POWER indicator Lights red when your player
6 STOP button Press to stop playback. 7
PAUSE button
PLAY button
9 SD Memory Card slot Insert an SD Memory Card
POWER button
side up in this tray.
disc tray.
For more information, see “Display” on page 7
remote control. Do not block.
is turned on. Turns off when your player is turned off.
Press to pause playback. Press to start or resume
into this slot to play from the SD Memory Card. For more information, see “Playing from an SD Memory Card” on page 15.
Press to turn your player on or off.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Back Remote control
Component Description
1 VIDEO OUT jack Connect a TV, AV receiver, or
3 HDMI OUT jack Connect a TV or AV receiver
4 AUDIO OUT jacks Connect a TV, AV
6 DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) Connect a TV, Dolby
7 AC IN jack Connect the AC power cord
Do not touch the inner pins on the jacks. Electrostatic discharge (static electricity) may cause permanent damage to your player.
Your player does not have an RF modulator.
video device to this jack using a composite video cable. For more information, see “Connecting a TV using standard video” on page 9.
Connect a TV or AV receiver with component video input jacks to these jacks using a component video cable. For more information, see “Connecting a TV using component video” on page 9.
with an HDMI input jack to this jack using an HDMI cable. For more information, see “Connecting a TV using HDMI” on page 8 or “Connecting a receiver with HDMI” on page 10.
receiver/amplifier, or audio device to these jacks using a standard audio cable. For more information, see “Connecting standard audio” on page 9.
Connect a TV, Dolby Digital/DTS decoder, AV receiver/amplifier, or digital audio device with a coaxial input jack using a digital audio coaxial cable. For more information, see “Connecting a digital audio coaxial system” on page 9.
Digital/DTS decoder, AV receiver/amplifier, or digital audio device with an optical input jack using a digital audio optical cable. For more information, see “Connecting a digital audio optical system” on page 10.
to this jack and to a power outlet. For more information, see “Connect the AC power cord” on page 10.
Button Description
1 DISPLAY Press to open the on-screen
3 Number buttons Press to enter the title,
4 SEARCH Press to open the search
5 Red/Green/Blue/Yellow Press to select items on
6 TOP MENU Press to open the top menu. 7 Press to select items or
8 SETUP Press to open the setup
display menu. For more information, see “Display” on page 7.
Press to turn your player on or off.
chapter, track, or file number.
Press to enter the parental password or values in menu options.
menu. For more information, see “Searching for a chapter, title, track, or time” on page 19 and “Searching using markers” on page 19
Blu-ray Disc menus, depending on the Blu-ray Disc.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Button Description
9 SUBTITLE Press to open the subtitle
14 HDMI Press to select the HDMI
15 OPEN/CLOSE Press to open or close the
16 PIP During Blu-ray Disc
17 ANGLE During Blu-ray Disc or DVD
18 REPEAT Press one or more times to
19 A-B Press to repeat a section of
20 CLEAR Press to clear (delete)
21 POP MENU/MENU During Blu-ray Disc
22 ENTER Press to confirm or select
menu. For more information, see “Selecting subtitle languages or style” on page 19.
During playback, press to fast reverse.
Press to start or resume playback.
During disc playback, press once to return to the beginning of the current title, chapter, or track. Press twice to return to the previous title, chapter, or track.
During JPEG playback, press to return to the previous file.
Press to pause playback. When playback is paused, press repeatedly to play forward step by step.
output mode.
disc tray.
playback, press to turn the picture-in-picture (PIP) mode on or off. Not all Blu-ray Discs support this feature. For more information, see “Using PIP (picture-in-picture)” on page 19.
playback, press to switch the camera angle, if the disc has multiple camera angles. For more information, see “Selecting a camera angle” on page 19.
During JPEG playback, press to rotate the picture 90° clockwise.
select a repeat mode.
the disc. For more information, see “Creating a playback loop” on page 18.
information you have entered, to clear marker settings, or to cancel programming.
playback, press to open the POP menu.
During DVD playback, press to open the disc menu.
During audio CD, JPEG, MP3, or WMA playback, press to open the file list.
menu items. Press to return to the
previous on-screen menu.
Button Description
28 MODE During playback, press to
Press to open the audio menu. For more information, see “Switching the audio soundtrack” on page 20 or “Selecting the audio CD audio mode” on page 21.
During playback, press to fast forward. In pause mode, press to play forward slowly.
Press to stop playback. During playback, press to
skip to the next title, chapter, track, or file.
open the picture adjustment menu.
During JPEG playback, press to open menus for changing visual effect displayed when you move from one picture to the next, or press to change the size of the picture.
In stop mode when a Blu-ray Disc is inserted, press to open a menu for setting the audio mode.
In stop mode when an audio CD, disc, or SD Memory Card with JPEG, MP3, or WMA files is inserted, press to open menus for program and random playback.
Using the remote control
To use the remote control:
Make sure that there are no obstacles between the remote control and the remote control sensor on the front of your player.
Make sure that strong sunlight or fluorescent lighting does not shine on the remote control sensor. Strong light can interfere with the reception of signals from the remote control.
Avoid using a remote control for another device near your player. The signals from different remote controls can interfere with each other.
Replace the batteries when you notice a shortening in the operating range of the remote control.
The maximum operable ranges between the remote control and the remote control sensors are:
Line of sight: About 23 feet (7 m)
Either side of the center: About 16 feet (5 m) within a 30° angle
Above: About 16 feet (5 m) within a 15° angle
Below: About 10 feet (3 m) within a 30° angle
16 ft. (5 m) 23 ft. (7 m) 16 ft. (5 m)
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
1 Displays the playback status icon. For
more information, see “Playback status icons” on page 7.
2 Displays status information, such as
title number, elapsed time, and repeat mode. For more information, see “Status information displays” on page 7 and “Displaying status information” on page 16.
Playback status icons
Playback status icon
SD Memory
Setting up your player
Installing remote control batteries
To install remote control batteries:
1 Open the battery compartment cover.
2 Insert two AA batteries into the battery
compartment. Make sure that the + and – symbols on the batteries match the + and – symbols inside the battery compartment.
Playback in progress
Stop mode
Pause mode
Fast forward mode
Fast reverse mode
Slow forward mode
Repeat mode
Status information displays
The following are examples of status information displays.
When a title is playing, the display shows the current title number and elapsed time.
The current chapter is in chapter repeat mode.
Your player is loading a disc.
Dolby Digital audio is being played back.
3 Close the battery compartment cover.
• Do not mix new and old batteries together.
• Do not use different kinds of batteries together. Although they may look similar, different batteries may have different voltages.
• Make sure that the + and – symbols on the batteries match the + and – symbols in the battery compartment.
• If you will not use the remote control for a month or more, remove batteries to avoid leakage.
• Dispose of batteries according to local hazardous waste regulations.
• Do not short-circuit, heat, burn, or disassemble batteries.
• Do not recharge batteries that are not intended to be recharged.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Connecting a TV
Connect your player directly to the TV. If you connect your player to the TV through a VCR, the video may be distorted because of the copy-protection system.
If you connect your player to the TV with HDMI or component video cables and the picture is not displayed correctly, press and hold PLAY on the front of your player for more than five seconds. Your player resets to the default video resolution automatically.
You cannot change the video resolution during Blu-ray Disc playback. To change the resolution, stop playback.
Copyright protection system
To play back the digital video images of a Blu-ray Disc or DVD through the HDMI connection, the TV (or an AV amplifier) must support the copyright protection system called (high-bandwidth digital content protection system). HDCP is copy protection technology that comprises data encryption and authentication of the connected AV device. See the operating instructions for your TV (or AV amplifier) for more information.
Connecting a TV using HDMI
• We recommend that you use High Speed HDMI Cable (also known as HDMI category 2 cable) for better compatibility.
• When using HDCP-incompatible TV, the image will not be displayed correctly.
• Your player cannot be controlled by another device through the HDMI jack.
• The audio signals from the HDMI OUT jack (including the sampling frequency, the number of channels, and bit length) maybe limited by the device that is connected.
• If the device connected to the HDMI OUT jack does not support audio output (for example, a projector), no audio is output from the HDMI OUT jack.
To connect a TV using HDMI:
1 Make sure that your player and the TV are
turned off.
2 Connect one end of an HDMI cable (not
provided) to the HDMI OUT jack on the back of your player.
HDMI cable
3 Connect the other end of the cable to the
HDMI IN jack on the TV.
If you are connecting a TV to the HDMI OUT jack, you do not need to make audio connections. The HDMI cable carries both audio and video.
Connecting a TV using DVI
A DVI connection provides better video than component or standard video.
To connect a TV using DVI:
1 Make sure that your player and the TV are
turned off.
2 Connect an HDMI-DVI cable (not provided) to
the HDMI OUT jack on the back of your player.
An HDMI connection provides the best audio and video.
Your player is compatible with progressive scan. The feature provides you with higher quality pictures than a traditional output system. You may need to adjust the HDMI Video Resolution setting. For more information, see “Adjusting the HDMI video resolution” on page 20.
The HDMI cable carries both audio and video. You do not need to make additional audio connections.
HDMI-DVI cable
3 Connect the other end of the cable to the
DVI IN jack on the TV.
4 Complete the steps in “Connecting standard
audio” on page 9 to connect the standard audio.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Connecting a TV using component video
A component video connection provides better video than standard video.
Your player is compatible with progressive scan. The feature provides you with the higher quality pictures than traditional output system does. You may need to adjust the Component Output setting. For more information, see “Adjusting the component resolution” on page 21.
To connect a TV using component video:
1 Make sure that your player and the TV are
turned off.
2 Connect one end of a component video cable
(not provided) to the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks on the back of your player.
Component video cable
Connecting standard audio
To connect standard audio:
1 Connect one end of the standard audio cable
(provided) to the AUDIO OUT L/R jacks on the back of your player.
Audio cable
2 Connect the other end of the cable to the
AUDIO IN L/R jacks on the TV.
Connecting an audio system
You can connect a digital or analog audio system.
Connecting a digital audio coaxial system
3 Connect the other end of the cable to the
4 Complete the steps in “Connecting standard
audio” on page 9 to connect the standard audio.
Connecting a TV using standard video
To connect a TV using standard video:
1 Make sure that your player and the TV are
turned off.
2 Connect one end of the standard video cable
(provided) to the VIDEO OUT jack on the back of your player.
Video cable
To connect a digital audio coaxial system:
1 Make sure that your player and the TV are
turned off.
2 Connect one end of a digital audio coaxial
cable (not provided) to the DIGITAL OUT (PCM/BITSTREAM) COAXIAL jack on the back of your player.
Digital audio coaxial cable
3 Connect the other end of the cable to the
the digital audio system.
3 Connect the other end of the cable to the
VIDEO IN jack on the TV.
4 Complete the steps in “Connecting standard
audio” on page 9 to connect the standard audio.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Connecting a digital audio optical system
To connect a digital audio optical system:
1 Make sure that your player and the TV are
turned off.
2 Connect one end of a digital audio optical
cable (not provided) to the DIGITAL OUT (PCM/BITSTREAM) OPTICAL jack on the back of your player.
3 Connect the other end of the cable to the
the digital audio system.
Connecting a receiver with HDMI
To connect a receiver with HDMI:
1 Make sure that your player and the TV are
turned off.
2 Connect one end of an HDMI cable (not
provided) to the HDMI OUT jack on the back of your player.
Digital audio optical cable
Connect the AC power cord
To connect the power cord:
1 Connect one end of the AC power cord to the
AC IN jack on the back of your player.
AC power cord
2 Connect the other end of the AC power cord
into a power outlet.
Make sure that the AC power cord is connected securely. If the cord is loose, your player will generate noise or static.
Setting up speakers
To set up speakers:
Use the following illustration as an example:
Left front Right front
Surround left Surround right
HDMI cable
HDMI cable
3 Connect the other end of the cable to the
HDMI IN jack on the receiver.
4 Connect an HDMI cable to the HDMI OUT
jack on the receiver.
5 Connect the other end of the cable to the
HDMI IN jack on the TV.
Surround back left
Surround back right
Adjusting speakers
You can specify the speaker size and adjust the speaker volume and delay time.
You can also access HDMI Audio option from the
To adjust speakers:
1 Press SETUP. 2 Press or to select , then press ENTER.
3 Press or to select Audio, then press
4 Press or to select HDMI Audio, then
5 Press or to select HDMI Multi(LPCM),
menu opens.
press ENTER.
then press ENTER.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
6 Press or to select a speaker setting,
then press ENTER. You can select:
Speaker Size—See “Speaker Size
setting” on page 11.
Channel Level—See “Channel Level
setting” on page 11.
Delay Time—See “Delay Time setting” on
page 11.
7 Press or to select a sub-setting. 8 Press or to adjust the sub-setting.
• If you select Test Tone in the Channel Level setting, press or to select Off, Manual, or
Auto, then press ENTER.
• If you select Manual, press speaker, then press or to adjust the
• If you select Auto, press or to adjust the volume of the speaker that automatically outputs a test tone.
• If you select Default on any setting, press ENTER. All sub-settings for the setting you selected are reset to the default settings.
or to select a
9 Press SETUP to close the menu.
• All speaker sizes must be the same. For example, is you set the front speaker to Small, you cannot set another speaker to Large.
• In the Delay Time setting, the distance between speakers cannot exceed 15 ft. (4.5 m).
Speaker Size setting
The Speaker Size setting specifies the size individual speakers.
Setting Options Description
Front Large Large:
Center Large
Small Subwoofer On Surround Large
Small Surround
Default Select Default, then press ENTER to
For large speakers with strong low frequency reproduction capabilities.
For small speakers which do not provide strong bass sound.
You cannot change the Subwoofer setting. If the connected device is not compatible with a subwoofer, Subwoofer will be displayed in gray.
reset the Speaker Size setting to the default.
Channel Level setting
The Channel Level setting tests each speaker or sets the volume for each speaker.
Setting Option Description
Test Tone Off The test tone can be output from the
Manual Auto
Front Lch 0 dB to - 12 dB
Center 0 dB to - 12 dB
Subwoofer 0 dB to -12 dB
Front Rch 0 dB to -12 dB
Surround Rch
Surround Back Rch
Surround Back Lch
Surround Lch
Default Select Default, then press ENTER to
(0 dB default)
(0 dB default)
(0 dB default)
(0 dB default) 0 dB to -12 dB
(0 dB default) 0 dB to -12 dB
(0 dB default) 0 dB to -12 dB
(0 dB default) 0 dB to -12 dB
(0 dB default)
speakers so that you can adjust the volume for each speaker.
Select Off to deactivate the test tone. Select Manual, then press ENTER to
manually set the volume for the each speaker.
Select Auto, then press ENTER to automatically output the test tone from each speaker.
If you set Test Tone to Manual, select a speaker and adjust the volume.
If you set Test Tone to Auto, a test tone is automatically output to each speaker in order. Adjust the volume for the speaker that outputs the test tone.
reset the Channel Level settings to the defaults.
Delay Time setting
The Delay Time setting optimizes the timing at which the sounds are output from the speakers according to their distance from the listening position.
Setting Option Description
Distance Feet Select the distance measurement,
Front 0 ft. to 60 ft.
Center 0 ft. to 60 ft.
Surround 0 ft. to 60 ft.
Surround Back
Default Select Default, the press ENTER.
(0 m to 18 m) Default is
12 ft. (3.6m)
(0 m to 18 m) Default is
12 ft. (3.6m)
(0 m to 18 m) Default is
10 ft. (3.0m) 0 ft. to 60 ft.
(0 m to 18 m) Default is
10 ft. (3.0m)
then press ENTER.
Select the distance between the speaker and the listening position.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Using your player
All tasks are written for use with the remote control unless otherwise noted.
Playable discs, memory cards, and files
Playability of dual discs is not guaranteed. The following table includes a list of the playable
Disc type Logo
Blu-ray Disc
• Blu-ray Video (single or double layer)
• Blu-ray Disc-RE (single or double layer recorded in BDMV format)
• Blu-ray Disc-R (single or double layer recorded in BDMV format) Unclosed discs cannot be played.
DVD+RW (single layer)
DVD+R (single and double layer)
CD-DA (audio CD)
• Your player cannot play a disc if the contents are protected by Windows Media™ Digital Rights Management (DRM).
• Windows Media™ Audio is an codec developed by Microsoft® Corporation in the United States.
• Your player supports SD Memory Cards with FAT12/FAT16 file systems and SDHC Memory Cards with FAT32 file systems.
You cannot play the following discs and files
CD-I (compact disc-interactive)
VSD (video single disc)
BD-RE (ver.1 / ver.3)
•video CD
Unfinalized disc
BD-RE/-R recorded in BDAV format
DVD, CD, or SD Memory Card that contains DivX® files
Super audio CD (Only the sound on the CD layer can be heard. The sound on the high-density super audio CD layer cannot be heard.)
Region codes
Your player can play discs with the following region codes. Look for the symbols on the disc or disc packaging.
Kodak Picture CD
The following table includes a list of playable files and related media types.
Playable files Media
CD-R, SD Memory Card (including SDHC), miniSD Card, microSD Card
The following table includes a list of the playable SD Memory Cards.
Readable cards Playable files/data
SD Memory Card (8 MB to 2 GB) JPEG, MP3, or WMA SDHC Memory Card (4 GB) miniSD Card (8 MB - 2 GB) microSD Card (8 MB to 2 GB)
files and picture-in-picture commentary, subtitles or other extras for BD-ROM Profile 1 ver.1.1
Disc type and region code Region code
Blu-ray (region code A)
DVD (region codes 1 and All)
Playing a Blu-ray Disc or DVD
To play a Blu-ray Disc or DVD:
1 Press POWER . Your player turns on. 2 Turn on the TV, then select the input setting
on the TV that matches the connection method you used to connect your player.
3 Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the disc tray. 4 Place a disc on the disc tray with the label
facing up, then press OPEN/CLOSE to close the disc tray. It may take a few seconds for the disc to load.
If the DVD was recorded in VR mode, you can press POP MENU/MENU to open the DVD menu. Press or to select Original or Playlist, press
or to select a title, then press ENTER.
5 If the disc does not start playing
automatically, press PLAY .
6 If a Blu-ray Disc or DVD menu opens, press
or to select Play, then press
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
7 To stop playback, press STOP . If you press
this button once then press PLAY , playback resumes where it stopped. If you press this button twice then press PLAY , playback begins at the beginning of the disc.
Not all Blu-ray Discs support the resume feature. The resume information is saved even when the
power is turned off. The resume information is cleared if you:
• Open the disc tray
• Press STOP twice
• Switch between Disc mode and SD Memory mode
• Change the BD Rating Level or DVD Rating Level setting in the
• Open the disc tray or turn off your player when in SD Memory mode
8 To eject the disc, press OPEN/CLOSE .
may appear at the top-right corner on the TV screen when an operation is prohibited by the disc or your player.
• During the playback of a two-layered disc, the video may stop for a moment. This happens when your player switches from the first layer to the second layer. This is not a malfunction.
• The operation may vary when you play back Blu-ray Discs and DVDs using the disc menu. Refer to the documentation accompanying the disc for details.
Controlling Blu-ray Disc or DVD playback
To control Blu-ray or DVD playback:
To pause playback, press PAU SE . To resume playback, press PLAY .
To skip to the next chapter, press SKIP . If
the disc does not have any chapters, pressing this button goes to the next title (if available).
To skip to the beginning of the current
chapter, press SKIP .
To skip to the previous chapter, press
SKIP twice. If the disc does not have any chapters, pressing this button goes to the previous title (if available).
To repeat the current title, press REPEAT
once. To repeat the current chapter, press REPEAT twice. To resume normal playback, press PLAY . You can also press STOP to cancel repeat mode.
• Repeat mode may not work with all scenes.
• Repeat mode does not work during A-B repeat mode.
Playing an audio CD or JPEG/MP3/WMA disc
To play an audio CD or JPEG/MP3/WMA disc:
1 Press POWER . Your player turns on. 2 Turn on the TV, then select the input setting
on the TV that matches the connection method you used to connect your player.
3 Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the disc tray. 4 Place a disc on the disc tray with the label
facing up, then press OPEN/CLOSE to close the disc tray.
5 If the file list does not open automatically,
If the picture is blurred when paused, change the Still Mode setting to Fields in the For more information, see “Adjusting the still image” on page 23.
To fast forward or fast reverse, press FWD or REV . Each time you press one of these buttons, the fast-forward or fast-reverse speed changes from 2×, 8×, 20×, 50×, to 100×. To resume normal playback, press PLAY .
To play forward slowly, press PAU SE , then press FWD . Each time you press FWD , the slow-forward speed changes from 1/16×, 1/8×, to 1/2×. To resume normal playback, press PLAY .
If the picture is blurred during slow forward play, change the Still Mode setting to Fields in the
menu. For more information, see “Adjusting
the still image” on page 23.
To play forward step by step, press PAUSE repeatedly. Each time you press this button, the video advances one step (frame).
If the picture is blurred during step-by-step play, change the Still Mode setting to Fields in the
menu. For more information, see “Adjusting
the still image” on page 23.
2 / 4
1 Disc type: For audio CDs, CD-DA appears.
For JPEG, MP3, or WMA files, the current folder name appears. For Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, or SD Memory Cards, the disc or card name appears if not within a folder.
2 List of audio CD track numbers and times or
JPEG, MP3, or WMA folders or files.
3 Currently selected audio CD track number
and time or JPEG/MP3/WMA disc file or folder name.
4 Current page and total number of pages in
the list.
5 Indicates that a next or previous page
exists. Press SKIP or SKIP to go to the next or previous page.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Folder icon
Audio CD track icon
JPEG icon
MP3 icon
WMA icon
6 Press or to select a folder or file, then
press ENTER. Press or to move backward or forward between files and folders. If you select a file, then press
ENTER, playback starts automatically.
7 To return to the top of the list, press
8 To stop playback, press STOP . If you press
this button once then press PLAY , playback resumes where it stopped. If you press this button twice then press PLAY , playback begins at the beginning of the disc.
The resume information is saved even when the power is turned off.
The resume information is cleared if you:
• Open the disc tray
• Press STOP twice
• Switch between Disc mode and SD Memory mode
• Change the BD Rating Level or DVD Rating Level setting in the
• Open the disc tray or turn off your player when in SD Memory mode
9 To eject the disc, press OPEN/CLOSE .
JPEG files: should be recorded with the following specifications:
• Upper limit: 2,560 × 1,900 pixels (sub sampling is 4:4:4) 5,120 × 3,840 pixels (sub sampling is up to 4:2:2)
• Lower limit: 32 x 32 pixels
• Maximum file size of image: 12 MB
MP3 and WMA files should be recorded with the following specifications:
• Sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz
• Constant bit rate: 112 kbps to 320 kbps (MP3) 48 kbps to 192 kbps (WMA)
• Your player can recognize up to 255 folders and 999 files for a CD and 999 folders and 9999 files for a DVD and SD Memory Card.
• The first 28 characters of folder or file names are displayed. Unrecognizable characters are replaced with asterisks.
• Your player can only display the first eight levels of folders on a CD and the first nine levels of folders on a DVD or SD Memory Card.
• Your player only plays files with jpg, jpeg, mp3, or wma extensions. Files with other extensions are not displayed.
• Your player may display some unplayable folders or files because of the recording status.
• High-resolution JPEG files take longer to display.
• Your player cannot display progressive JPEG files (JPEG files saved in progressive format).
Controlling audio CD or JPEG/MP3/WMA disc playback
To control audio CD or JPEG/MP3/WMA disc playback:
To pause playback, press PAU SE . To resume playback, press PLAY .
To fast forward or fast reverse, press FWD or REV . Each time you press one of these buttons, the fast-forward or fast-reverse speed changes from 2×, 8×, to 30×. (Audio CD, MP3, and WMA only)
• When playing an audio CD, fast forwarding and reversing between different tracks is not available during program or random playback.
• When playing MP3 or WMA files, fast forwarding and reversing between different files is not always available.
To repeat the current audio CD track or
JPEG, MP3, or WMA folder, press REPEAT. To resume normal playback, press PLAY .
To repeat all audio CD tracks, press REPEAT
twice. To repeat all the JPEG, MP3, or WMA files in the current folder, press REPEAT twice. To repeat all the JPEG, MP3, or WMA files on the disc or card, press REPEAT three times. To resume normal playback, press PLAY . You can also press STOP to cancel repeat mode.
To skip to the next track, press SKIP .
To skip to the beginning of the current track,
press SKIP .
To skip to the previous track, press SKIP
Repeat mode does not work during A-B repeat mode.
Playing a Kodak Picture CD
Your player can play JPEG files on a Kodak Picture CD. The CD must be in the Kodak Picture CD version 7.0 format. If you are not sure what version your CD is recorded in, check with a retailer that develops Kodak Picture CDs.
To play a Kodak Picture CD:
1 Press POWER . Your player turns on. 2 Turn on the TV, then select the input setting
on the TV that matches the connection method you used to connect your player.
3 Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the disc tray.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
4 Place a disc on the disc tray with the label
facing up, then press OPEN/CLOSE to close the disc tray. The menu opens automatically.
1 Current picture and total number of
2 Indicates that a next or previous page
exists. Press SKIP or SKIP to go to the next or previous page.
5 Press or to select the picture you
want to view, then press PLAY or ENTER. Your player displays the picture you selected, then automatically goes to the next picture.
6 To stop playback, press STOP . If you press
this button once then press PLAY , playback resumes where it stopped. If you press this button twice then press PLAY , playback begins at the beginning of the CD.
Playing from an SD Memory Card
Your player can play JPEG, MP3, or WMA files recorded on an SD Memory Card.
Some Blu-ray Discs provide additional picture-in-picture commentary, subtitles, or other extras in BD-ROM Profile 1 ver.1.1 files. You can download these files from the Internet to a computer, then copy them to an SD Memory Card. You can play the BD-ROM file while you watch the related Blu-ray Disc. Check the documentation that came with the Blu-ray Disc to see if a BD-ROM file is available.
Before you can play from an SD Memory Card, you have to select SD Memory as the media mode.
Your player can play the following SD Memory Cards:
SD Memory Card (8 MB to 2 GB)
SDHC Memory Card (4 GB)
miniSD Card (8 MB to 2 GB)
microSD Card (8 MB to 2 GB) You need an adapter for the miniSD Card and
microSD Card.
microSD Card adapter
The resume information is saved even when the power is turned off.
The resume information is cleared if you:
• Open the disc tray
• Press STOP twice
• Switch between Disc mode and SD Memory mode
• Change the BD Rating Level or DVD Rating Level setting in the
• Open the disc tray or turn off your player when in SD Memory mode
7 To eject the disc, press OPEN/CLOSE .
Controlling Kodak Picture CD playback
To control Kodak Picture CD playback:
To pause playback, press PAU SE . To resume playback, press PLAY .
To skip to the next picture, press SKIP or .
To skip to the previous picture, press SKIP twice. You can also press .
To rotate the picture, press ANGLE. Each time you press this button, the picture rotates
To change the visual effect that occurs when you switch from picture to picture, press MODE once, then press or or ENTER to select Cut In/Out or Fade In or Out.
To change the size of the picture, press MODE twice, then press or or ENTER to select Normal (100%) or Small (95%). If the picture is small, you may not see a difference.
microSD Card
miniSD Card adapter
miniSD Card
To select SD Memory as the media mode:
1 Press POWER . Your player turns on. 2 Place a disc on the disc tray with the label
facing up, then press OPEN/CLOSE to close the disc tray. The menu opens automatically.
3 Make sure that your player is in stop mode,
then press SETUP. Press or to select ,
then press ENTER. The
menu opens.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
4 Press or to select Media Select, then
press ENTER repeatedly to select SD
5 Press SETUP to close the menu.
To play from an SD Memory Card:
1 Insert an SD Memory Card, label side up,
into the SD Memory Card slot until it clicks into place.
SD Memory Card
2 When the file list opens, press or to
select a folder or file, then press ENTER. Press or to move backward or forward between files and folders. If you select a file, then press ENTER, playback starts automatically.
To remove the SD Memory Card:
1 Make sure that your player is in stop mode,
then push in on the card and release it. The card will pop out slightly.
2 Grasp the card and pull it out of the slot.
• Your player displays the first eight characters of SD Memory Card files and folders.
• Your player can recognize up to 999 folders and 9999 files for an SD Memory Card.
• Do not use a computer to delete files or folders on an SD Memory Card. Your player may not be able to read the card.
• Do not remove the SD Memory Card or turn off your player while the card is playing. The card may be damaged or files may be corrupted.
• Keep the SD Memory Cards in their cases when you are not using them.
• Do not try to open or modify the card.
• Do not touch the terminals with your fingers or any metals.
• Do not attach additional labels or stickers to cards.
• Do not remove the label of the SD Memory Cards.
• Your player supports SD Memory Cards with the FAT12/ FAT16 file system, and SDHC Memory Cards with the FAT32 file system.
• Your player may not read SD Memory Cards formatted on a computer. If that is the case, reformat the SD Memory Cards in your player and try again.
• Your player cannot play miniSDHC and microSDHC Memory Cards.
Formatting an SD Memory Card
To format an SD Memory Card:
1 Press SETUP. 2 Press or to select , then press ENTER.
menu opens.
3 Press or to select Erase/Format SD
Card, then press ENTER.
If you do not have an SD Memory Card inserted,
Erase/Format SD Card will be grayed.
4 When a message prompts you to confirm the
initialization, press ENTER again.
5 Press SETUP to close the menu.
Displaying status information
You can display status information about the currently playing disc.
To display status information:
During playback, press DISPLAY repeatedly.
Each time you press this button, the status information changes.
For Blu-ray Discs, the display sequence is title and chapter information, elapsed time for the title, remaining time for the title, HDMI information, then display off.
For DVDs, the display sequence is elapsed time for the chapter, remaining time for the chapter, elapsed time for the title, remaining time for the title, bitrate information, HDMI information, then display off.
For audio CDs, the display sequence is elapsed track time, remaining track time, elapsed CD time, remaining CD time, HDMI information, then display off.
For JPEG files, the display sequence is file name information, file information, HDMI information, then display off.
For MP3 files, the display sequence is file name information, elapsed time for the current file, HDMI information, then display off.
For WMA files, the display sequence is file name information, song title (based on tag information), artist’s name (based on tag information), elapsed time for the current file, HDMI information, then display off.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Chapter information
3 / 5 0 : 01 : 02
1 Current chapter number and total
number of chapters
2 Elapsed time and remaining time for
the current chapter
3 Angle icon (appears when multiple
viewing angles are available)
4 Current playback status
5 Current title number 6 Repeat setting if repeat mode is active.
C means chapter repeat. T means title repeat. AB means playback loop.
Title information
Disc information
1 Current track number and total number
of tracks
2 Elapsed and remaining time for the
current disc
WMA tag information
1 Title based on tag information 2 Artist’s name based on tag information
File name information
1 Current and total number of titles 2 Elapsed and remaining title time
Bitrate information
1 Bitrate (the amount of video data
currently being read).
2 Layer number (only for two-layer
discs). L0 means layer 0 is playing. L1 means layer 1 is playing.
For DVD-R/RWs, ORG (original) or PL (playlist) instead of the layer number.
Track and file information
1 Current track or file number and total
number of tracks or files.
2 Elapsed and remaining time for the
current track.
3 SD Memory Card indicator. SD appears
if an SD Memory Card is playing.
4 Repeat setting if repeat mode is active.
T means track or file repeat. G means group repeat. A means repeat all. AB means playback loop.
1 Media icon and file name. For example:
JPEG file
MP3 file
WMA file
HDMI information
/: : :
1 HDMI video format.
2 HDMI audio format. 3 HDMI output resolution. 4 Maximum number of channels that can
be accepted by the connected device.
If an HDMI cable is not connected, ––– appears instead of HDMI information.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Creating a playback loop
You can play a section of a Blu-ray Disc, DVD, or audio CD repeatedly.
To create a playback loop:
1 During playback, find the place where you
want the playback loop to begin, then press A-B. If you want to cancel the starting point, press CLEAR, then when you find the new starting point, press A-B.
2 Play the disc until you reach the place where
you want the playback loop to end, then press A-B. The playback loop starts playing immediately.
3 To cancel the playback loop, press A-B.
• The beginning and ending points of the playback loop must be in the same title or track.
• The playback loop feature may not work with all scenes.
• The playback loop feature does not work when your player is in regular repeat mode.
Creating a program
You can create a program for audio CD tracks and JPEG, MP3, or WMA files.
Controlling program playback
To control program playback:
To open the program screen, press STOP
twice. To close the program screen and return to the program, press RETURN ,
then press PLAY .
To repeat the current track or file in the
program, press REPEAT repeatedly until
Track appears on the display.
To repeat the entire program, press
REPEAT repeatedly until All appears.
• If you open the disc tray, remove the SD Memory Card, or turn off the power, the program is cleared.
• You cannot select a track to play or use random play during program playback.
Using random play
You can play audio CD tracks or JPEG, MP3, or WMA files in random order.
To use random play:
1 In stop mode, press MODE twice. The
screen opens.
To create a program:
1 In stop mode, press MODE. The program
screen opens.
2 For an audio CD, press or to select a
track, then press ENTER. Or, for a JPEG, MP3, or WMA disc or SD
Memory Card, press or to select a folder (if necessary), then press ENTER. Press or to select a file, then press ENTER.
3 Repeat Step 2 to add additional tracks or files
to the list.
4 To delete the last track or file you added,
press CLEAR. To delete all tracks and files you added, press or to select All Clear at the bottom of the list, then press ENTER.
5 Press PLAY to start playback.
2 Press PLAY . Tracks or files play back in
random order.
Controlling random play
To control random play:
To set a resume point, press STOP once. Press PLAY to resume playback. An audio CD track starts playing where you stopped. A JPEG slide show starts playing at the file where you stopped.
To cancel random play, press STOP twice.
The Random play is cancelled.
To repeat the current track or file, press REPEAT repeatedly until Track appears
on the display.
To repeat the entire random selection, press REPEAT repeatedly until All appears.
screen opens. Press MODE.
You cannot go to the previous track or file during random play.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Searching for a chapter, title, track, or time
To search for a chapter, title, track, or time:
1 During playback, press SEARCH repeatedly
to select a search mode.
2 Press the number buttons to enter the
chapter, title, track, or time.
• You cannot search during program and random playback.
• Time search only works in the same title, track, or file.
Searching using markers
You can add markers to a title or track so you can return to the marker at a later time.
To search using markers:
1 During playback, press SEARCH repeatedly
until the marker setting menu opens.
2 Press or to select a marker number. 3 When playback reaches the point you want to
add a marker, press ENTER. The title or track and elapsed playback time appear on the TV screen.
4 Press SEARCH or RETURN to close the
5 To return to the marker, press SEARCH
repeatedly to open the marker menu, press
or to select a marker, then press
• Opening the disc tray, turning off the power, or selecting AC in Step 2 and pressing ENTER erases all markers.
• To clear a marker, press or to select a marker, then press CLEAR.
• You can mark up to nine points.
• For Blu-ray Discs, marker search between different titles is not available.
• For Blu-ray Discs, you can return to the marker only during playback.
Using PIP (picture-in-picture)
Some Blu-ray Discs have the PIP (picture-in-picture) feature that lets you display a secondary video in a small box on top of the main video.
To use PIP:
1 During playback, press PIP. If the Blu-ray
Disc has the PIP feature, PIP information appears.
2 Press or to select the secondary video
you want. The secondary video appears and the secondary audio plays.
Primary video
Secondary video
3 Press RETURN or PIP to remove the PIP
The secondary audio does not play if the secondary audio if set to Off or if BD Audio Mode is set to HD Audio Output. For more information, see “Switching the audio soundtrack” on page 20 and “Setting the Blu-ray audio mode” on page 21.
Selecting a camera angle
Some Blu-ray Discs and DVDs have scenes recorded from more than one camera angle. If the Angle Icon option is turned on, appears on the screen when multiple angles are available.
To select a camera angle:
1 During playback, press ANGLE. The
selected angle appears in a bar at the top of the screen.
2 Press or to select the angle you want to
If the Angle Icon option is turned off, appear on the screen. For more information, see “Others menu” on page 28.
Selecting subtitle languages or style
To select a subtitle language or style on a Blu-ray Disc:
1 During playback, press SUBTITLE
repeatedly to select:
Primary—Selects subtitles for the
primary video.
Secondary—Selects subtitles for the
secondary video.
Subtitle style—Select the subtitle style.
2 Press or to select the subtitle language
or style.
3 Press SUBTITLE to close the menu.
does not
To select a subtitle language for a DVD:
1 During playback, press SUBTITLE. 2 Press or to select the subtitle language.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
3 Press SUBTITLE to close the menu.
• Some discs only you change the subtitles only from the disc menu or pop-up menu. Press TOP MENU or POP MENU/MENU to display the disc menu or pop-up menu.
• If a 4-digit language code appears in the subtitle menu, see “Language codes” on page
• If the disc has no subtitle language or subtitle style, “Not Available” appears on the TV screen.
• During playback of the secondary video, the primary subtitle setting is not available except when there is no subtitle for the secondary video.
• The secondary subtitle setting is only available during playback of the secondary video.
• If you choose a language that has a 3-letter language code, the code is displayed every time you change the subtitle language setting. If you choose any other Languages, ––– appears instead.
Switching the audio soundtrack
To switch the audio soundtrack for a Blu-ray Disc or DVD:
1 During playback, press AUDIO repeatedly
to select Primary or Secondary. 2 Press or to select the soundtrack. 3 Press AUDIO to close the menu.
• For some Blu-ray Discs, secondary audio is not output when the secondary video is not displayed or when the BD Audio Mode option is set to HD Audio Output.
• The sound track cannot be changed during playback of discs that are not recorded in multiple audio.
• Some discs let you change the audio language setting on the disc menu. (Operation varies depending on the discs.)
AUDIO may not work on some discs with multiple audio streams or channels.
• If you select a language that has a three-letter language code, the code will be displayed every time you change the audio language setting. If you select any other languages, ––– appears instead.
• If the disc has no audio languages, “Not Available” appears on the TV screen.
Adjusting the black level
To adjust the black level:
1 During playback, press MODE. 2 Press or to select Black Level, then
press or to select On or Off.
3 Press RETURN repeatedly to close the
Your player retains the black level setting even when you turn off your player.
The Black Level option does not work with video output from the HDMI OUT jack.
Reducing video noise
To reduce video noise:
1 During playback, press MODE. 2 Press or to select Noise Reduction,
then press or to select:
1—Activates MPEG noise reduction,
which reduces the noise when subtitles are displayed.
2—Activates 3D noise reduction, which detects and deletes the noise by comparing video frames.
3—Activates both MPEG and 3D noise reduction.
3 Press RETURN repeatedly to close the
Your player retains the noise reduction setting even when you turn off your player.
The Noise Reduction option does not work with Blu-ray Discs.
Adjusting the HDMI video resolution
To adjust the HDMI video resolution:
Press HDMI repeatedly. Each time you press
this button, the resolution changes in the following sequence:
Front display Resolution
480P 480 progressive 720P 720 progressive 1080i 1080 interlaced 1080P 1080 progressive 1080P24 1080 progressive 24 frame
• You cannot select the video resolutions which are not supported by the connected TV, unless the device is a compatible DVI device connected to the HDMI OUT jack with an HDMI-DVI cable.
• When you select an HDMI output mode for a connected DVI device, the corresponding HDMI video resolution is output even if the TV is not compatible with the HDMI video resolution. If there is no image displayed, select another HDMI resolution.
• Video and audio signals may be distorted temporarily when switching to or from the HDMI output mode.
• In order to get natural and high-quality film reproduction of 24-frame film material, use an HDMI cable (a category 2 high-speed HDMI cable is recommended) and select 1080p24 if the connected TV is compatible with 1080p24 frame input.
• If you select 1080p24 for the HDMI video resolution and the disc you are playing is not compatible with 1080p24, the video is output at 1080p60.
• If video resolution is set to 1080p24 and the TV is connected to the VIDEO OUT or COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks, no signal is sent through these jacks.
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
Adjusting the component resolution
To adjust the component resolution:
1 In stop mode, press SETUP. 2 Press or to select , then press ENTER.
menu opens.
3 Press or to select VIDEO, then press
menu opens.
4 Press or to Component Output, then
press ENTER repeatedly to select a resolution.
5 Press SETUP to close the menu.
Selecting the audio CD audio mode
To select the audio CD audio mode:
1 During playback, press AUDIO repeatedly
to select:
Stereo—Both right and left audio
channels are active.
L-ch—Only the left audio channel is
R-ch—Only the right audio channel is
2 Press AUDIO to close the menu.
Setting the Blu-ray audio mode
Disc type
Blu-ray Dolby Digital
DVD Dolby Digital Dolby Digital Multi LPCM
Audio CD, MP3, WMA
Audio recording format
Dolby Digital Plus Dolby Digital
If the BD Audio Mode option is set to Mix Audio
Output, audio is output as multi LPCM.
Outputs audio signals decoded from an
independent substream.
Outputs audio signals decoded from the Dolby
Digital stream.
Outputs audio signals decoded from the DTS
core stream. If the connected device is not compatible with the
HDMI BITSTREAM, audio will be output as multi LPCM or 2-channel down-mixed LPCM depending, on the capability of the connected device, even if you set the HDMI Audio Out option to HDMI Multi (Normal).
When you select Audio Mute, audio signals from the HDMI OUT jack are muted and the signals are sent to the DIGITAL OUT jack.
HDMI Audio Out setting HDMI Multi
Dolby Digital
Plus Dolby TrueHD
2-channel LPCM
Multi LPCM
Multi LPCM
Multi LPCM Multi LPCM
Multi LPCM
2-channel LPCM
Selecting audio streams or channels is not available for DTS-CD (5.1 music disc).
Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
The DIGITAL OUT jack outputs Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD as Dolby Digital. The jack outputs DTS-HD as DTS.
Disc type
Blu-ray Disc
DVD Dolby Digital Dolby Digital 2ch Downmix
Audio CD, MP3, WMA
DTS-CD 2ch LPCM 2-ch Downmix
Audio recording format
Dolby Digital Dolby Digital 2ch Downmix
Dolby Digital Plus Dolby Digital 2ch Downmix
Dolby TrueHD Dolby Digital 2ch Downmix
DTS DTS* 2ch Downmix
DTS-HD DTS* 2ch Downmix
LPCM 2ch Downmix
DTS DTS 2ch Downmix
LPCM 2ch Downmix
Digital Out setting Bitstream LPCM
2ch Downmix LPCM
LPCM 2ch Downmix
The secondary or interactive audio for Blu-ray Discs is output as Dolby Digital when all of the following conditions exist:
• When the BD Audio Mode option is set to Mix Audio Output.
• When the HDMI Audio Out option is set to Audio Mute.
• When the Digital Out option is set to Bitstream.
If Blu-ray titles do not have secondary or interactive audio, the audio is output as shown in the table.
This table applies only when an HDMI cable is not connected or the HDMI Audio Out option is set to Audio Mute.
To output LPCM audio from the DIGITAL OUT jack while outputting the HDMI audio signal, set the BD Audio Out option to Mix Audio Output and the HDMI Audio Out option to
HDMI Multi (LCPM).
To adjust HDMI audio:
1 In stop mode, press SETUP. 2 Press or to select , then press ENTER.
menu opens.
3 Press or to select HDMI Audio Out. 4 Press ENTER repeatedly to select the HDMI
audio out mode.
Connected device
Device compatible with Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, or DTS-HD decoding
Device compatible with 3 or more channels of audio inputs (not Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, or DTS-HD compatible)
HDMI connection to a TV and digital audio connection (coaxial) to an AV amplifier
HDMI Audio Out setting
HDMI Multi (Normal)
Audio Mute HDMI audio is muted,
Output HDMI audio signal
Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, or DTS-HD bitstream are output from HDMI OUT jack. Make the speaker settings on the connected AV amplifier.
Multi-channel audio signals are output from HDMI OUT jack. Make the speaker settings with the speaker setting items that appear after you select HDMI Multi(LPCM).
and Dolby Digital/DTS bitstream or LPCM is output from the DIGITAL OUT jack depending on the Digital Out setting.
5 Press SETUP to close the menu.
Using disc menus
Many Blu-ray Discs or DVDs contain menus you can use to select playback options. A DVD may have a title or disc menu. A Blu-ray Disc may have a title menu or pop-up menu. The options on these menus vary from disc to disc.
When you open a Blu-ray Disc pop-up menu, the video continues to play in the background.
To use a Blu-ray Disc or DVD title menu:
1 Press TOP MENU. The title menu opens. 2 Press or to select an option, then
press ENTER.
3 Press TOP MENU to close the menu.
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