Innotek IUC-4100, IUC-5200, IUC-4200 User Manual

Installation Manual
Please read the entire manual before installing this in-ground pet fencing system.
In-ground Pet Fencing Systems
IIUUCC--44110000,, IIUUCC--44220000,, IIUUCC--55110000,, IIUUCC--55220000
Thank you for purchasing this INNOTEK®UltraSmart®In-ground Pet Fencing System.This electronic dog fencing system is among the safest, most humane, and effective training products you can buy. Used properly, the collar receiver’s electronic stimulation serves as an annoying sensation that your dog finds undesirable. Your dog quickly learns to shut off the stimulation by staying away from the fencing boundary. Once your dog is properly trained, he will enjoy hours of freedom within his new boundaries, and you will enjoy the comfort of knowing that he has learned to stay safely in your yard.
Please take a few minutes to read this Owner’s manual and the included
Training and Troubleshooting Guide
prior to your first use and retain the manual for future reference. This product is also supported by an included step-by-step training DVD.
SSyysstteemmss CCoommppoonneennttss::
AAbboouutt UUllttrraaSSmmaarrtt IInn--ggrroouunndd PPeett FFeenncciinngg SSyysstteemmss::
Easy-to-install in-ground fencing is great for any sized dog. You design the configuration to keep your dog safely at home, but clear of out-of-bounds areas such as gardens, ponds, and pools. Patented run-through prevention offers secure and reliable containment. Only UltraSmart’s ReadyTest
tells you when the collar receiver is properly fitted on your dog and working properly. The audible click sound from the collar receiver assures you of perfect receiver contact with your dog’s skin, and that the fit is neither too snug or too loose — Ready Fit
— an INNOTEK exclusive feature!
Other than in the Installation Overview section, text with gray background like this indicates
iimmppoorrttaanntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
for you.
2 UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual
500’ Boundary Wire
Training Flags
AC Adapter
Test Light
Long Contacts
Pre-Twisted Wire
LP-4100 Lightning Protection Module
Waterproof Splices and Wire Nuts
Installation Manual — Training & Troubleshooting Guide
Training DVD
Mounting Screws
Wall Anchors
Black Plastic Training Contacts
These drawings are not to scale. They are provided here for identification purposes only.
MMaajjoorr SSyysstteemm CCoommppoonneennttss IIUUCC--44110000 IIUUCC--44220000 IIUUCC--55110000 IIUUCC--55220000
FastTrak™Pre-twisted Wire
UltraSmart collar
Contain N Train collar
Contain N Train Remote
Training DVD
Contact Wrench
Rechargeable Collar Receiver
IImmppoorrttaanntt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
1. Read the complete manual and follow all directions, including the enclosed If you have any questions, please call 1-800-826-5527.
2. This device is intended for use only on dogs. Never attempt to use it for any purpose not described in this manual.
3. Keep out of the reach of children.
4. Never perform set-up procedures while the collar receiver is on your dog.
5. Any collar receiver worn for extended periods can cause a condition similar to bedsores, known as Pressure Necrosis. To reduce the possibility, you must do the following:
• Never leave the collar receiver on the dog for more than 12 hours per day.
• Check the fit to prevent excessive pressure; you should be able to insert one finger between the collar strap and your dog’s skin.
• Examine the dog’s neck daily for any signs of a rash or sores.
• Wash the dog’s neck area and the contacts of the collar receiver weekly with a damp cloth.
• If the condition (described in #5) persists beyond 24 hours, see your veterinarian.
6. Other collars and metal tags should be removed as they may interfere with proper operation.
7. Do not attempt to dismantle or repair any components of this system; doing so will void the warranty in full. The computerized circuitry should be serviced only by an authorized expert.
8. Realize that because dogs have unique temperaments, there is no way of knowing how your dog will react to its introduction to an in-ground pet fencing system. For the safety of your dog, a long lead should be used during initial training so you have control of the situation.
9. If you have reason to believe that your dog may pose a danger to others, harm itself, or react adversely to the collar receiver, do not rely solely on this product to train your dog. If your dog shows signs of growling, snarling, or biting while using the collar receiver, stop immediately. Aggression in dogs has many causes. We recommend that you consult a knowledgeable professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist experienced with aggressive dogs if your dog has shown any of these characteristics.
10. Occasionally, a dog cannot be trained to respond to an in­ground fencing system’s collar receiver. Sometimes even a properly-trained dog may disobey a command. Therefore, INNOTEK that the system will, in all cases, keep the customer’s animal from disobeying commands.
11. If the pet fencing system should stop working, find an alternate method to protect your pet and call our Consumer Services department at 1-800-826-5527 to determine the cause and appropriate remedy to repair the system.
, its distributors, and its dealers cannot guarantee
Training and Troubleshooting Guide
This INNOTEK forth by United States telecommunications authorities. Note that in some countries, use may be limited due to national frequency
planning requirements. The user is responsible for respecting those rules.
product is designed to meet requirements set
WWee ccaarree.. CCaallll uuss ffiirrsstt.. 11--880000--882266--55552277
LLiimmiitteedd LLiiffeettiimmee WWaarrrraannttyy
Invisible Technologies, Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser, that INNOTEK defects in material and workmanship, under normal use, for a period of one year from the date of the original retail purchase. This Limited Warranty excludes: accidental damage due to dog chews; lightning damage where an INNOTEK lightning protection component is not in use (in-ground pet fencing
systems); or neglect, alteration, or misuse. INNOTEK offers several product exchange options during the warranty period. If service is required, call 1-800-826-5527 to discuss the service plan that best serves your needs. Proof of purchase is required. Costs are dependent on the processing time and the desired shipping options. Please do not return this product to your retailer. After one year from date of original retail purchase, we will repair, replace, or upgrade your product at a fixed rate based on the component. Invisible Technologies, Inc., shall not be liable or responsible for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of the product or caused by any defect, failure, or malfunction of the product, whether a claim is based upon warranty, contract, negligence, or otherwise.
FREE Professional Training Support
Looking for the best way to get a well-behaved dog?
Just call our FREE Professional Training Support hotline
brand products will be free from
Additional behavior or training issues?
RReeggiisstteerr YYoouurr PPrroodduucctt
Your product can be registered on our website at
Note: Features & Specifications are subject to change without notice.
INNOTEK omissions in this manual or on its packaging. To check for updates to this manual, visit our website at
is not responsible for unintentional errors or
UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual 3
Installation Overview (all of these steps are explained with more detail in this manual)
SStteepp 11 DDeessiiggnn YYoouurr CCoonnttaaiinnmmeenntt AArreeaa
Have your local utility companies mark all your underground utility lines. Draw a sketch of your house and yard. Draw a line around your property that represents the desired fencing area. Always cross buried utility lines at 90° angles as shown.
SStteepp 22 IInnssttaallll tthhee TTrraannssmmiitttteerr
Most people find the inside of an exterior garage or basement wall an ideal transmitter location. You will need a 110VAC grounded outlet within 5 feet for power. Using the screw holes in base of the transmitter as a template, mark location of holes with a pencil. Attach transmitter base to the wall using supplied wall anchors and mounting screws. Place transmitter onto the mounting plate.
SStteepp 33 LLaayy OOuutt tthhee FFeennccee WWiirree
Route the boundary wire around your property as sketched in your plan. Route twisted wires from the transmitter to outside where they connect to the boundary loop. Either run the twisted wires through a window, or you can drill a ¼” hole at the base of the wall
to pass the twisted wires through. (After final installation and testing is complete, you can caulk the hole to keep it weathertight.)
SStteepp 44 MMaakkee BBoouunnddaarryy WWiirree CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
TThhiiss sstteepp iiss vveerryy iimmppoorrttaanntt..
rreeaadd ppaaggee 99
for detailed instructions on making splices. Connect the boundary loop wires to the twisted wires using the supplied wire nuts and waterproof splices. Connect the other end of the twisted wires to the transmitter’s LOOP connector. Plug in the AC adapter into a nearby 110VAC outlet. Connect the AC adapter cable to the transmitter, and turn on the transmitter. The transmitter’s green light should come on to show that the boundary loop and all splices are good.
SStteepp 55 CChhaarrggee CCoollllaarr RReecceeiivveerr
Plug the Charging Cradle into a 110VAC outlet. Place the Collar Receiver on the charging cradle (as shown at right). Proper placement is important for charging the receiver, be sure that the charging cradle pin touches the charge contact of the Collar Receiver (more details are elsewhere in this manual).
SStteepp 66 TTeesstt tthhee BBoouunnddaarryy WWiirree SSiiggnnaall
Start with your Field Width Adjustment Control set to the 9 o’clock position. Place the test light onto the receiver contacts as shown at far right, and walk the collar receiver up to the boundary wire. Listen for the warning tone, and look for the test light to light up. Do not touch the receiver contacts. Try a number of different places around the boundary area to verify the field width is consistent (see page 10).
SStteepp 77 BBuurryy FFeennccee WWiirree
Make a trench 3” deep with a flat-edge spade or use a gas-powered edger. Making the trench at an angle helps keep the boundary wire in the ground as you place it. Repeat Step 6 and place flags at the inside edge of selected boundary field where the warning tone is first heard, NOT right at wire.
SStteepp 88 TTrraaiinn YYoouurr DDoogg
Watch the included training DVD and follow the training steps outlined in the separate
Training and
Troubleshooting Guide
. Your dog may respond immediately to the training, however, continue to follow
the training instructions to fully train your dog. The convenience that your new in-ground pet fencing offers, plus the added safety for your dog, are well worth the time invested.
4 UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual
Boundary Wire
Buried Cable
Field Width Adjustment Control
Collar receiver light glows red when properly placed on the Charging Cradle.
Inside the Boundary Field
Boundary Wire
To Transmitter
This pin touches the charge contact of the Collar Receiver.
TToooollss ffoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
You will need the following tools to install your fencing system:
• drill with drill bits • screwdriver
• wire strippers • flat edge spade or optional gas­powered edger (many rental centers carry these for a reasonable time-based fee).
Depending upon your particular installation, you might need:
• hammer
• silicone caulk
• circular saw with masonry blade
• sections of PVC pipe, or a length of garden hose.
HHooww tthhee SSyysstteemm WWoorrkkss
There are three parts to an In-ground Pet Fencing System:
FFaammiilliiaarriizzee YYoouurrsseellff wwiitthh TTrraannssmmiitttteerr CCoonnttrroollss
The Transmitter is the fencing system’s control center. The front cover lifts to reveal these switches and controls that customize your system.
TTrraannssmmiitttteerr CCoonnttrroollss
10. Indicator Light
1. Field Width Adjustment
2. Field Size Switch
3. Stimulation Level Switch
9. Alarm Volume Control
8. ON/OFF Switch
7. Battery Backup Monitor Switch
1. The
sends a coded radio signal through the
boundary loop wire.
BBoouunnddaarryy LLoooopp WWiirree
2. The
is waterproof insulated wire. You bury it in the yard and connect it to the Transmitter. This makes the boundary that your dog has to stay inside, and not cross. Twisted wires are used to get the signal from the Transmitter to the boundary wire. Twisted wire cancels the signal to the receiver, providing a safe, signal-free area in which your dog can play.
3. Your dog wears the
CCoollllaarr RReecceeiivveerr
. The receiver picks up the coded radio signal when it gets within a pre-determined (by you) distance from the buried boundary wire. When at the inside edge of the boundary field, the collar receiver gives off a warning tone. When the collar receiver goes further into the boundary field, an annoying correction is delivered, and the dog returns to the safe part of the yard. With proper training, your dog learns to stay within the boundary of the containment area.
4. Loop Wire Terminals
FFiieelldd WWiiddtthh AAddjjuussttmmeenntt
5. Collar Receiver Charge Reminder
- Controls how close your dog can get to the boundary wire before hearing the warning tone. FFiieelldd SSiizzee SSwwiittcchh
SM) for installations of less than 1000 feet of boundary wire.
( Move this switch to large (LG
- Your Transmitter is factory-set to small
) for installations of 1000 feet of wire or more. SSttiimmuullaattiioonn LLeevveell SSwwiittcchh
- Select from Stimulation levels Low, Medium, or High. This is the stimulation level your dog feels after a 2-second warning tone (Low and Medium selections only). The warning tone and stimulation are delivered at the same time when the stimulation level switch is set to High. LLoooopp WWiirree TTeerrmmiinnaallss
- The boundary loop wire connects to these spring-loaded connectors. CCoollllaarr RReecceeiivveerr CChhaarrggee RReemmiinnddeerr
- This feature is not used
with UltraSmart In-ground pet fencing systems, so set to
6. Power Connection (PWR)
OFF. The collar receiver status light lets you know the charge level of the collar receiver’s internal battery.
TThhee CCoorrrreeccttiioonn ZZoonneess AArroouunndd tthhee BBoouunnddaarryy WWiirree ((
vviieewweedd ffrroomm aabboovvee))
Power Connection - Power for the containment system supplied by the AC adapter plugged into nearby 110VAC outlet.
Outside edge of Boundary field.
ttteerryy BBaacckkuupp MMoonniittoorr
- If power is interrupted to the system, batteries keep the system working for up to 40 hours. Eight AA alkaline batteries (not included) provide
2/3 Field Width
Buried Boundary Wire
in thi
Inside edge of Boundary field.
backup power. The Battery Backup Monitor beeps once per second and flashes an amber transmitter light when batteries need to be replaced. When operating on battery power, the transmitter beeps once every 5 seconds with no light. For the safety of your dog, the Battery Backup Monitor should be turned on at all times. OONN//OOFFFF SSwwiittcchh
8. AAllaarrmm VVoolluummee
- Power up/power down the system.
- Alarm volume adjustment (this can not be used to silence the alarm). IInnddiiccaattoorr LLiigghhtt
- The light on the front of the transmitter indicates transmitter status. Refer to the table on the back
Warning Tone sounds at the edge of Boundary field.
UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual 5
cover of this manual for detailed Transmitter status indicator light information.
CCoollllaarr RReecceeiivveerr FFeeaattuurreess
Your dog wears the sleek waterproof collar receiver. The receiver sounds the warning tone and gives an annoying sensation should your dog attempt to leave the yard. Your collar receiver is rechargeable, and is recharged by placing the collar receiver on the charging cradle (plugged into a 110v AC outlet). More information about recharging the collar receiver is found later in this manual.
Important Notes:
• A small amount of hair thinning makes collar receiver contact with the dog’s skin easier. Never shave hair from the dog’s neck.
• This product is recommended for dogs six months of age and older.
• Occasionally, check the tightness of the receiver contacts.
OOvveerr--SSttiimmuullaattiioonn PPrreevveennttiioonn
In the unlikely event that your dog refuses to leave the Correction zone, the Over-Stimulation Prevention feature limits stimulation duration to 10 seconds. The system shuts off for 10 seconds before resuming stimulation for another 10 seconds. This pattern will repeat for a maximum of three cycles, a duration of 60 seconds.
The light on the collar receiver will pulsate red when stimulation is delivered, appear solid green when stimulation is locked out, and flash yellow if the 60 second Over-stimulation period has expired and the dog remains in the correction zone.
RRuunn--TThhrroouugghh PPrreevveennttiioonn
Special features are incorporated in the system so your dog cannot “run-through” the boundary field without activating a strong stimulation. The collar receiver automatically increases the stimulation level when your dog continues more than 1/3 of the way through the boundary signal field, regardless of the transmitter stimulation level switch setting. For example, if the signal is detected 12 feet from the wire and your dog enters the boundary field, this feature is activated when your dog is approximately eight feet from the boundary wire. At this point, your dog automatically receives the highest level of stimulation.
Refer to the table on the back cover for detailed status indicator light information.
BBoouunnddaarryy WWiirree aanndd TTwwiisstteedd WWiirreess
Your In-ground pet fencing system includes 500 feet of boundary single wire. IUC-4200, IUC-5100, and IUC-5200 systems include a 100 feet spool of pre-twisted FasTrak
wire. For larger fencing areas, kits of extra boundary wire, waterproof splices, and convenient FasTrak pre-twisted wire are available from your retailer, or call INNOTEK at 1-800-826-5527.
SSiinnggllee wwiirree
forms the biggest part of the boundary. The radio signal is transmitted along the single wire (see diagram below left). Anywhere a single wire is used as part of the boundary, in a
loop, the radio signal is active and the collar receiver will respond to the radio signal.
TTwwiisstteedd wwiirree
is essentially two single wires twisted together. Twisting wires together hides the radio signal from the receiver collar. Anywhere twisted wire is used, the radio signal is not active, and the collar receiver will not respond to it. Both wires of twisted wire cannot be connected to a single wire. Each wire in twisted wire
mmuusstt bbee
connected to a
single wire with a waterproof splice.
If you choose, you can make your own twisted wire:
1. Cut two equal lengths of boundary wire and hold them side by side.
2. Insert one end of the two wires into a variable speed power drill.
3. Anchor the other end of the two wires to something secure or have a helper hold onto them.
4. Pull wires taught and run the drill slowly. You will see the wires twisting together. Keep twisting until you have one twist per inch.
The drill enables you to twist the wire quickly, however, you can twist the wire manually if you wish. Make sure you end up with at least one twist per inch.
DDiiaaggrraamm ooff RRiigghhtt aanndd WWrroonngg TTwwiisstteedd WWiirree UUssee::
6 UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual
FasTrak™Pre-Twisted Wire
500’ Boundary Wire (Single wire)
Twisted Wires
Boundary Wire
= Twisted Wires = Boundary Wire
= Waterproof Splice
Correct Wiring
of Twisted Wires
This is WRONG!
Buried Boundary Wire Warning Tone Zone Correction Zone Run-Through Prevention Zone
Place Training Flags where Warning Tone is first heard.
Outside the Boundary Wire
Inside the Boundary Wire
DDiiaaggrraamm ooff CCoorrrreeccttiioonn ZZoonneess..
SSiittee PPrreeppaarraattiioonn -- DDeessiiggnn tthhee
FFeenncciinngg AArreeaa LLaayyoouutt
The first thing you need to do is have your local utility companies mark all underground utility lines on your property.
Next, figure out where you want your dog to be able to go and where you want your dog to be kept out. It’s very helpful to make a sketch of your property, showing your house and any existing barriers (like fences, shorelines, etc.). In your sketch, be sure to include special areas you want your dog to stay out of, like gardens, ponds, and swimming pools.
Draw a single line (representing the fencing area for your dog) around your property. Always cross buried utility lines at 90° angles as shown.
If you have additional areas you want the dog to avoid, draw a line around these areas.
Some typical installation diagrams are shown in the Appendix starting on page 16. Right after the typical installation diagrams, you’ll find installation instructions for each of them.
• Although the boundary wire will be buried only 1” to 3”, make sure you contact your utility companies to mark underground cables, wires, and other utilities before you dig.
• Signal coupling can occur around large metal objects and buried electrical, telephone, cable TV, low voltage lighting wires, and undergournd sprinkler systems. Do not run boundary wire closer than 10’ from or parallel to any utility lines. If the fencing boundary signal couples onto utility lines, you can end up with unwanted boundary signals inside the safe part of the yard, or inside the house. You can minimize coupling by crossing perpendicular (90°) to these utility lines.
• Due to the inherent properties of radio signals, some locations may affect the maximum range that can be achieved. This may be particularly noticeable around metal objects.
• The boundary wire must form a complete, continuous loop from the transmitter.
• For your dog’s safety, it is recommended that you keep the boundary wire at least 10’ from the street.
• Keep in mind that you will place the wire to allow for an 6’ to 12’ boundary signal field width, measured from the wire.
Boundary Wire
Buried Cable
TTyyppiiccaall IInnssttaallllaattiioonn DDiiaaggrraammss
Look through the typical installation diagrams in the Appendix (starts on page 16) so you can get an idea of how you’d like to install your system on your property.
Decide where the Transmitter is going to be installed. More often than not, it is located inside an exterior garage wall or on a basement wall. Usually, you’ll want to install twisted wires between the Transmitter and the boundary wire. Some people use a window opening, while others choose to drill a small ¼” hole at the base of the wall to run the wires through, then caulk the hole to keep it weather-tight. For now, though, you’re just sketching your planned installation.
Use twisted wires between the Transmitter and the boundary loop wire. This allows the signal to continue traveling through the wires, but keeps the signal from activating the dog’s collar receiver. Another reason to use twisted wire between the Transmitter and the boundary loop wire is to keep from having an active boundary signal near the Transmtter. (Without using twisted wire: If the Transmitter is installed on a garage wall, and your dog is in the garage wearing the collar receiver, the collar receiver could possibly react to the signal.)
The boundary signal starts at the Transmitter and goes out to the boundary loop wire, all around the property, and then comes back to the Transmitter to complete the circuit. If this “loop” develops a break, the boundary signal stops working, and your dog can roam freely.
If you run straight boundary wire out to the boundary loop (you choose to not use twisted wires between the transmitter and the boundary loop), your dog won’t be able to pass over the part of the yard where the wires go out to the boundary wires. The boundary signal acts like a wall there, just like it does around the property.
Review the Typical Installation diagrams and then draw your sketch of how you want to install your pet fencing system. These diagrams might give you ideas for your property sketch.
Following the Typical Installation diagrams, you’ll find instructions for installing each of them. These provide additional education on various installation techniques for pet fencing.
After you’ve made your sketch of how you want to install your pet fencing system, continue to Step 2.
UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual 7
IInnssttaallll tthhee TTrraannssmmiitttteerr
SSeelleecctt aa TTrraannssmmiitttteerr LLooccaattiioonn
Select a dry indoor location to install the Transmitter. Avoid areas that have large metal appliances (refrigerators, freezers, electrical panels, etc.). Large metal objects may interfere with the boundary signal. You will need a 110VAC grounded outlet within 5 feet for transmitter power. Most people find the inside of an exterior garage wall or basement wall works well. You will need an easy way to run the boundary wire to outside.
IInnssttaallll tthhee MMoouunnttiinngg PPllaattee
The mounting plate is attached to the back of the transmitter. Remove by lightly pressing the dot on the top tab and sliding the transmitter assembly up from the plate.
Using the mounting plate as a template, mark hole locations on the wall.
For hollow wall installation, drill ¼” holes into the wall. Insert wall anchors (no metal inside; if you see metal inside, you’ve got the wire nuts) into the ¼” holes (lightly tap into holes with a hammer). Use a screwdriver to fasten the mounting plate to the wall with supplied mounting screws.
For installation directly into a wall stud, drill 3/32” diameter pilot holes at the marked locations. Fasten with supplied screws.
IInnssttaallll BBaacckkuupp BBaatttteerriieess
(Optional, but strongly recommended)
In case of a power failure, the system can run for up to 40 hours on 8 AA batteries (not included). Remove the transmitter from the mounting plate and install batteries into the battery holder. Replace the transmitter onto the mounting plate. Set the Battery Backup Monitor switch to the ON position. If you choose to not use the battery backup, set the Battery Backup Monitor switch to the OFF position.
PPrroovviiddee WWiirree AAcccceessss BBeettwweeeenn TTrraannssmmiitttteerr aanndd BBoouunnddaarryy LLoooopp
You will need to get twisted wires between the transmitter and the boundary loop. Either use a window opening, or drill a ¼
hole at the base of the wall to pass wires through. From the inside, drilling at a slight downward angle will help keep rainwater out. After final testing is complete, caulk the hole to keep it weather-tight.
LLaayy OOuutt tthhee BBoouunnddaarryy WWiirree
AAmmoouunntt ooff WWiirree
Your fencing system includes 500 feet of boundary wire. Some systems also include 100 feet of pre-twisted FasTrak
wire. For larger in-ground pet fencing areas, kits of extra boundary wire, waterproof splices, and convenient FasTrak pre-twisted wire are available from your retailer, or call INNOTEK at 1-800-826-5527. Refer to the table at upper right for determining how much wire you will need.
PPllaacciinngg tthhee WWiirree iinn tthhee YYaarrdd
The boundary wire must make a continuous loop from the transmitter, out around the desired fencing area, and back to the transmitter. Keep in mind that you will want a 6’ to 12’ boundary signal field width from the wire. Don’t run the wire too close to the house, and don’t make passageways too narrow for your dog to get through (unless planned that way). You may need temporary anchors (like tent stakes) for the wire while laying it out. Follow your sketch.
RRoouunnddiinngg CCoorrnneerrss
Use gradual turns at corners with a minimum radius of 2½ feet. This will produce a more consistent boundary signal.
• DO NOT run wire within 10 feet or parallel to cable TV,
phone, and electrical lines. The signals can couple together causing collar receiver activation inside the house and in the safe parts of the yard.
• The wire must form one continuous loop from the transmitter.
• Use twisted wire to run between the transmitter and interior
loops around pools and gardens to allow your dog to safely pass around these areas (refer to diagrams in Appendix).
• Work carefully. Any nick in the wire can diminish signal
strength and create a "weak" area with the potential for your dog to escape.
8 UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual
Acres Linear Feet Needed
1 850 2 1200 3 1500 4 1700 5 1900
Back of Transmitter
WWiirriinngg CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo tthhee BBoouunnddaarryy WWiirree
Splice the ends of the twisted wire to the ends of the boundary wire with the supplied waterproof splices. Only use waterproof splices supplied by INNOTEK. Additional splices are available by calling 1-800-826-5527. Use of wire nuts alone, electrical tape, or solder will not provide a secure waterproof connection (required for your system to work properly).
UUssiinngg tthhee WWaatteerrpprrooooff SSpplliicceess
1. Strip ½” of insulation from wire ends. Hold one twisted wire end and one boundary wire end together. Insert them into a wire nut and twist the wire nut clockwise until tight. Repeat for the other twisted wire end and the other boundary wire.
2. Tie a simple knot in the wires around 5 to 6 inches from the wire nut. This prevents the wires from pulling free during later wire burial.
3. Insert wire nut into the splice.
4. Push the wire nut all the way into the waterproof gel. Avoid getting gel on your hands, it’s difficult to remove. Spread the wires apart where the wires come out of the splice as shown.
5. Snap the lids shut on both splices.
Waterproof Splice
Lids closed on both
Wire nut
Boundary Wire
Wire nut goes all the way in.
Spread wires out the openings.
Waterproof Splice
Wire nut
Twisted Wires
Wire nut
Boundary Wire
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg WWiirreess ttoo tthhee TTrraannssmmiitttteerr
1. Strip ½” of insulation from both twisted wire ends. Lift the tabs on top of the wire terminals marked “LOOP” on the transmitter and insert one wire into each connector. Release the tabs.
2. Plug the supplied AC adapter into a nearby household 110VAC outlet.
3. Route the AC adapter cable to the transmitter. Plug the AC adapter cable into the transmitter’s power connector (marked “PWR”).
LLiigghhttnniinngg PPrrootteeccttiioonn MMoodduullee LLPP--44110000 Some systems include a lightning protection module, which helps protect the transmitter from electrical power surges and lightning strikes near your boundary wire loop. A nearby lightning strike can cause failures due to high voltage damaging your transmitter. Lightning protection is available by calling 1-800-826-5527. Lightning damage is not covered under the warranty unless you use the INNOTEK LP-4100.
1. Strip ½” of insulation from the twisted wires coming from the boundary loop and connect into the LP-4100 connector marked “LOOP.”
2. Strip ½” of insulation from both ends of a short piece of twisted wires. Insert one pair into the terminals marked “Transmitter” on the LP-4100. Connect the remaining end to the “Loop” terminals on the transmitter.
3. Plug the LP-4100 into a nearby 110VAC outlet.
4. Plug the transmitter AC adapter directly into the AC socket of the LP-4100.
5. Route the AC adapter cable to the transmitter. Plug the AC adapter cable into the transmitter’s power connector (marked “PWR”).
Raise these Tabs to insert wires.
LP-4100 AC Adapter
To Outdoor Boundary Wire Loop
Power Connector
Loop Connectors
AC Adapter
Boundary Loop Wires
Twisted Wires to Transmitter “LOOP” connector.
PPoowweerr UUpp tthhee TTrraannssmmiitttteerr
Boundary Wire
UltraSmart Pet Fencing Installation and Owner’s Manual 9
Twisted Wires
Boundary Wire
1. Move the transmitter’s power switch to the ON position.
2. The transmitter’s green indicator light should come on, indicating a properly connected boundary loop. If the light does not come on, or an alarm sounds, refer to the tables on the back cover, and the included
Troubleshooting Guide
Training &
+ 19 hidden pages