Infinity 880FL Owner's Manual

880FL & 880FL Basket
6.6kw – 7.6kw
Please read these instructions carefully before you start installing or using this appliance
Keep this booklet handy for future reference
This appliance is
for use in Great Britain or
Charlton & Jenrick LTD
2 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Instructions
SECTION ONE Introduction Consumer Protection Information 3
Heath & Safety Notice 3 Introduction 3 Important Information 4
SECTION TWO Operating Appliance Lighting the Appliance 5
Replacing Hand Set Battery 6 Replacing Appliance Battery 7
SECTION THREE Cleaning Cleaning Pilot Assembly 8
Cleaning Glass panel 8 Removing Glass Panel 9
SECTION FOUR Fuel Bed Cleaning & Layout Cleaning Fuel Bed 9
Log Fuel Bed Layout & Liner Fitting 9
SECTION SIX Appliance Data 19 SECTION SEVEN Regulations and Warnings 20 SECTION EIGHT Siting the Appliance Flue (Class1) 21
SECTION NINE To Install Appliance Checking the Flue and Fire Opening 22
Gas Supply Routing 23 Optional Basket fitting 24 Check Gas soundness 25
SECTION TEN Checking Fire Operation
Checking Product Clearance 26 Advice To Customer 26
SECTION ELEVEN Maintenance General 27
Pilot Linting 27 To remove the burner tray 27 Replacement of gas control 27 Replacement of injectors 28 Replacement of Oxy-pilot assembly 29 Replacement of Control Unit (EDB) 29
SECTION THIRTEEN Wiring Diagram 29
3 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION ONE Introduction
Consumer Protection Information
As manufacturers and suppliers of heating products, we take every care, as far as is reasonably practicable, that these products are so designed and constructed as to meet the general safety requirement when properly used and installed. To this end, our products are thoroughly tested and examined before despatch. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any alteration that is not approved by the appliance manufacturer could invalidate the approval of the appliance, operation of the warranty and could affect your statutory rights.
Health and Safety Notice
This appliance could contain some of the materials, indicated below, that could be interpreted as being injurious to health and safety. It is the users / installers responsibility to ensure that the necessary personal protective clothing is worn when handling these materials, see below for information.
Artificial Fuels, Mineral Wool, Insulation Material, Refractory/Ceramic Fibres, Glass Yarn - may be harmful if inhaled, may be irritating to skin, eyes, nose and throat. When handling, avoid inhaling and contact with skin or eyes. Use disposable gloves, facemasks and eye protection. After handling wash hands and other exposed parts. If a vacuum is used for cleaning the coals or cleaning after servicing / installation it is recommended that it be of the type fitted with a HEPA filter.
Disposal of refractory/ceramic materials. To keep dust to a minimum these materials should be securely wrapped in polythene and be clearly labelled ‘RCF waste’. These materials are not classified
as ‘hazardous waste and should be disposed of at a site licensed for the disposal of industrial waste.
The 880 FL as been designed and tested to the requirements of EN 613 and is suitable for use in
GB (Great Britain) and IE (Ireland).
The 880 FL incorporates a single gas control, which selects ignition pilot, with variable setting
between low and high settings and is operated via remote control. The system is powered by a battery pack; therefore no mains electrical supply is required.
Like all appliances incorporating an aerated burner a low frequency noise may be heard, this may
be more noticeable on the low setting.
The 880 FL incorporates a safety device in the form of an Oxygen Depletion System, which
constantly monitors the oxygen in the room and will cause the fire to switch off if the oxygen level reduces, for instance due to insufficient ventilation or a blocked flue. If this regularly occurs do not attempt to relight the appliance until a qualified engineer has checked it, the problem may not be due to lack of air or a defective flue.
The pilot can be left on (standby setting) or the pilot can be extinguished and relit each time the
fire is used.
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880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION ONE Introduction Continued
The 880 FL is battery operated; therefore no mains electrical supply is required. Power to the appliance is provided by 6 high power alkaline 1.5V batteries (C size) (a spare set of 6 C batteries is supplied with the appliance).
If you hear a repeated ‘bleep’ sound come from the appliance this indicates the appliance battery
pack is low and should be changed. If this is ignored the system will go into a lock out mode, which will not allow the appliance to be use until a new set of batteries are loaded. (See Page 6)
The appliance is for use on Natural Gas (G20 @ 20mbar) only. The chimney or flue (unless new or previously used with a gas appliance) shall be swept before
installation if it has been used for solid fuel.
Failure to install appliance correctly could lead to prosecution.
In GB (Great Britain), the appliance must be installed by a competent person i.e. GAS SAFE­registered, in accordance with the GAS SAFETY (INSTALLATION AND USE) REGULATIONS, The Building Regulations (or The Building Regulations (Scotland) or The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland)) and The Current I.E.E. Wiring Regulations, if appropriate. In IE (Ireland), the appliance must be installed by a competent person and installed in accordance with the current edition of I.S.813 Domestic Gas Installation, the current Building Regulations and the current ETCI rules for electrical installation, if appropriate.
The glass front of this fire acts as a dress guard, conforming to BS 1945 (1997) however; a
fireguard conforming to BS6539 (1997) must be used to protect young children, the elderly or infirm.
The appliance MUST NOT be used with the glass safety screen removed or if it is damaged or
During initial firing, an odour may be evident. This is the starch binder used during the
manufacture of the fibre components of the fire, and there are no harmful effects produced.
During the normal operation of the fire some black staining may appear on some parts of the fuel
bed. This is quite normal and adds to the appearance of the appliance. However, if excessive black staining does occur it may be due to the fuel bed being incorrectly laid. This should be checked prior to contacting a service engineer.
When using black glass liners care should be taken to ensure flames do not make contact with
them as this will result in staining or permanent marking.
5 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION ONE Introduction Continued
Care must be taken to prevent any damage being caused to surrounding soft furnishing or
decoration; e.g. many embossed vinyl wall coverings may become discoloured if placed too close to the appliance. Combustible material i.e. wall panelling or wallpaper must be removed from behind the fire and fire trim.
It is advised that this appliance is serviced annually as recommended by Gas Safe. This is more
likely to provide trouble-free operation and is a requirement of the extended parts warranty.(see page 20)
In GB (Great Britain) the fire does not normally require purpose built ventilation, but if for any
special reason purpose built ventilation is provided it should be checked periodically to ensure freedom from obstructions.
In IE (Ireland) permanent ventilation must comply with the current edition of IS813.
SECTION TWO Operating the Appliance
To light the appliance using the remote hand set:
a. Press the button. Continue to hold the button for
approximately 2 seconds and release. When released a bleep should be heard and the appliance will automatically go through the ignition sequence and the pilot should ignite. Once the pilot is alight the appliance will automatically go to the high setting (approximately 20-25sec).
b. If the ignitor stops sparking and the pilot has failed to
light press the button for at least 2 seconds and release again a bleep should be heard. Then repeat the lighting procedure.* See note on page 7
c. With the appliance lit, by pressing key the operational mode is switched from manual to Room
Thermostat setting and vice versa. When Room Thermostat mode is active, the display shows the set temperature value and the “AUTO” icon will appear on the LCD display. By using the arrow
key the desired room temperature can be set. When manual mode is active, the display shows the “MAN” icon plus the flame icon and a five level bar icon setting. By pressing the arrow key,
the flame picture can be adjusted at five stages between high and low flame. If level 5 is currently active, the icon max below the flame icon will appear.
d. To switch off the appliance press the button for at least 2 seconds and on releasing the button
the appliance will bleep and then shut off. For pilot setting press the button for 1 second and release. The pilot symbol will appear on the LCD display. Pressing the will bring the fire back
on to main flame.
e. The appliance can be switch off with out using the hand set by removing the appliance batteries
located below the air grill cover. When the batteries are removed there will be a delay (up 3minutes) after which double bleeps may be heard and shortly after the appliance will extinguish. Ensure that the battery is reconnected once the fire as been extinguished. The appliance cannot be operated without the use of the handset.
Room Thermostat mode
The remote handset checks the room temperature at a fixed time intervals. Depending on the difference between set room temperature and the actual room temperature the remote proceeds to modulate in one level steps. Once the room temperature is reached it moves to standby position pilot only. The icon “PILOT” will appear on the LCD display. As soon as the actual room temperature falls
6 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION TWO Operating the Appliance Continued
below the SET room temperature, the system will move from standby to the high flame level. From this point it will proceed again the modulation process.
Note: Due to the temperature checks at timed intervals, the display temperature on the handset may exceed the room setting temperature before the appliance defaults to the pilot setting.
Remove the cover from the rear of the handset and fit replacement battery.
Clock Regulation
As soon as the batteries are fitted the timer digits will blink. Using the arrow key increase or decrease the hour, minutes and week`s value. Pressing the O
will set and shift setting until complete.
Note: This time setting is for guidance only and does not have a guaranteed accuracy level.
Changing Clock Setting During Operation To amend clock setting press both the and O keys simultaneously for three seconds, the written clock will appear. To change the clock settings, repeat the above described operation.
Change From Celsius to Fahrenheit With remote OFF, keeping pressed key at least for 5 seconds, the temperature unit changes from Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees and vice versa.
Battery level indication (Handset)
When the batteries have to be changed in the handset, the related icon will appear.
Setting the sleep mode
To activate the sleep mode: With the fire switched on press the O button. The sleep symbol will appear top right . The sleep symbol replaces the time indicator in this mode. Using the
arrow key increase the sleep mode in 15 minute intervals (a small star will be visible next to the sleep symbol once any time is set) .Once the set time is reached, the fire will completely switch off
without any further intervention. When the fire is next operated, the sleep mode will automatically appear unless it is re-set to zero.
This can be done by pressing the O key and using the button to decrease the time set by 15 minute intervals until back to zero. If you experience unexplained outing on the fire please check that the sleep mode is switched off.
Child Lock (Handset)
To activate `Child Lock` : Press and hold the Mode Key O button for 5 seconds, this will lock and
disable the handset and a “padlock” symbol will appear on the bottom of the screen. This can be
done while the fire is “off” or “on”. To deactivate this function press and hold the Mode Key O for 5 seconds and the “padlock” symbol will disappear.
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880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION TWO Operating the Appliance Continued
If you hear a repeated ‘bleep’ sound come from the appliance this indicates the appliance battery pack is low and should be changed. If this is ignored the system will go into a lock out mode, which will not allow the appliance to be use until a new set of batteries are loaded.
NOTE: The appliance cannot be used when the battery is completely discharged.
a. Remove the fireplace frame covers which are held in place with magnets. b. Lift out the air grill cover from the bottom of the frame assembly.
c. The battery power pack holder is located in a compartment at the left hand side of the burner.
Carefully lift the battery holder out of the compartment and replace the six high power alkaline C batteries as a complete set. WARNING, batteries will overheat if fitted incorrectly, when
fitting the batteries ensure that they are fitted as per the marking on the rear of the holder (i.e. minus of battery against spring).
e. Once the new batteries are loaded the fire will continue to bleep until re-set. Press the ON / OFF key for at least 2 seconds, on release a bleep sound be heard and the ignition process will start. If the fire continues to bleep this may indicate a loose connection or badly loaded batteries.
*Important : If the fire burner or pilot is extinguished for any reason, do not attempt to re-light
the pilot for at least 3 minutes.
880 FL Users Instructions
Warning: -
Before you clean any part of the appliance ensure that the appliance is turned off and cold.
(Before cleaning ensure that the appliance is turned off and cold) In some instances you may experience ignition problems even when the appliance is new. This may be due to the aeration hole in the pilot body being partial blocked with dust, pet hairs, or other foreign matter. The source of this debris could be such things as carpet fibres, decorating or pet etc.
8 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION THREE Cleaning continued
To gain access to the pilot, please do the following.
Remove the two side covers LH and RH. Undo the two M4 nuts retaining the glass fixing bracket using the tool provided then pull clear
and from the location studs.
Carefully lift the glass panel from within the
bottom location slot.
Remove the log fuel bed shapes and bark
Lift out the air tray assembly from the location
points within the shelf. The pilot is located on the right hand side of the appliance, any debris in or around the aeration hole should be remove using the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner. It is advisable not to blow the debris into the hole as this may cause more of a restriction and not rectify the problem.
Note: - Take care when cleaning in this area so as not to damage the pilot assembly.
From time to time it will be necessary to clean the glass panel of your 880 FL. We recommend you use a Ceramic hob cleaner these are available for all leading super markets: - i.e. ASDA, TESCO, SAINSBURY’S Etc. Brands of hob cleaning we have tested and found suitable are - HOB BRITE & VITRO CLEAN.
Ensure the fire as been turned OFF for at least four
hours to ensure it is cool.
Remove the glass panel as described below. Lay the glass panel down on a flat working surface
on top of an old opened newspaper with the side to be cleaned uppermost.
Follow the instructions on the Hob Cleaner Bottle. On stubborn stains (where the appliance as been
used for a long period without glass panel being cleaned), use a new Brillo Pad well wetted with the Hob cleaner applied directly to it.
Ensure all the residues of the cleaner are removed with a damp cloth and the glass panel is
completely dry before fitting to the appliance.
Important: - The appliance must not be used if the glass panel is missing or damaged. Note: - The glass may discolour quickly when first installed, and it should be cleaned. This is
due to the burning off process of the refractory fuel bed shapes.
9 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTIONTHREE Cleaning Continued
Remove the two side covers LH and RH which are held on with magnets. Undo the two M4 nuts retaining the glass fixing bracket using the tool provided then pull clear
from location studs.
Carefully lift the glass panel from within the bottom location slot.
SECTION FOUR Fuel Bed Cleaning and Layout
Before you clean any part of the appliance ensures that the appliance is turned off and cold. Use only the fuel bed components provided and no additional parts must added. Incorrect positioning of the fuel bed components could result in the staining of the glass panel.
Important: - Refer to the ‘Health & Safety Notice located on page 3 of this booklet before cleaning or replacing any refractory material.
The fuel bed components are delicate and they should be handled with great care. The moulded shapes may be removed for cleaning. They can be brushed very gently with a soft
brush to remove dust or any deposits.
A vacuum cleaner may only be used after the loose components and moulded shapes have been
removed. CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID CONTACT WITH THE REFRACTORY LINING THIS IS A DELICATE SURFACE AND SHOULD NOT BE WIPED OR RUBBED. It is important that all the fuel bed moulded shapes are positioned as shown in these instructions.
Fitting the fire liners
Once the firebox is secured into position fit either the brick effect liners supplied.
Position the 2- piece rear liner behind the 3 lugs located at the bottom rear of the firebox. The
vermiculite liner has a vertical joint and the brick back has a horizontal joint. Ensure these are aligned centrally.
Rest the side liner against the firebox on either left or right hand side. Push up the securing
bracket to hold liner in position. The vermiculite liners are reversible but the brick back liners will only fit one way.
Once liners are in place fit the air-tray and lay fuel bed.
10 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION FOUR Fuel Bed Cleaning and Layout
Make sure that the cross Lighting port are keep clear of any obstruction.
Place the 2 log shapes along the front edge of the burner top plate. Place a single layer of
small bark chippings along the rear of the burner plate. (Please note vermiculite will be provided on LPG models).
11 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION FOUR Fuel Bed Cleaning and Layout Continued
Place the 2 log shapes along the rear of the air tray assembly. Position a single layer of bark
chippings along the front edge of the air tray.
Place the 2 log shapes as shown.
12 LT6387 Iss 4 (05/14)
880 FL Users Instructions
SECTION FOUR Fuel Bed Cleaning and Layout Continued
Place the 2 log shapes as shown.
Place the 2 log shapes as shown.
+ 28 hidden pages