2 Evaluating iMOTION™ with Modular Application Development
Kits (MADK)
How do you begin to use iMOTION™? The easiest approach is to order a MADK kit which pairs an iMOTION™
product board with an inverter (and PFC) board to drive motors from 20 W to 1.5 kW. The MADK is ready to
use out of the box, and serves as a useful platform for prototyping your application or early stage evaluation
of a new motor.
Here are resources to get you going:
The MADK home page: www.infineon.com/madk
An overview of the MADK offerings including an ability to choose the right set of boards for your application.
iMOTION™ MADK evaluation platform [document]
A 2 pager that provides a nice overview of MADK. Note that several MADK boards have been released since
the publication of this product brief. Refer to the MADK home page for the most up to date list of MADKs.
Perfect Motor Startup with iMOTION™ 2.0 [video]
The first 3 minutes give a nice overview of what to expect with a typical MADK board. If just getting started,
stop at the 3 minute mark and continue through this document. The remainder of the video discusses the
iMOTION™ tools & software, details for which are better introduced in the next section.
How to run a motor with the iMotion™ IMM100 Starter Kit [video]
The first 3 minutes give a nice overview of what to expect with the MADK Starter Kit for IMM100 series. This
board features the fully integrated iMOTION™ Smart IPM (inverter + motor controller in one) thus presented
as one board. Other MADK kits come in pairs – an iMOTION™ motor control board coupled with an inverter
board (featuring CIPOS™ IPMs or other power inverter solutions).
CIPOS™ IPM Simulation Tool
Looking to verify that the inverter board you selected will work for your application? You can use the CIPOS™
IPM simulation tool to evaluate the performance of the inverter IPM in your application. You will need to
know key parameters like the motor RMS current and PWM frequency to properly use the tool. Skip this step
if you do not have this information
Have questions about MADK?
Ask your question in the iMOTION™ MADK forum: www.infineonforums.com