General notes
Technical Documentation guidelines
You can find herewith some generic information to simplify cunsulting of technical documentation:
1. Models of same range share the same exploded views, which report the richest set of spare parts:generally, a model does not
necessarly have a related spare part for each particular shown on exploded views.
2. Some spare parts can not be represented directly on the exploded views (instruction booklets, specific kit, etc...). You can find
those codes in the spare parts list with the same reference of particular where spares are installed or with references 099, 999.
Instruction booklets, once managed, appear with 000 reference.
3. On the higher right site of each exploded view there is a serial number which indicates the beginning of the production of
certain range:some models might have more than an exploded view for a given category, each distinguished by a different serial
no.and linked to another spare parts list, In this case, serial no. is required to supply the right spare part code. Exploded view to be
considered is the one with a more recent serial no. but previous than the one of the model that needs assistance.
4.Exploded views might require further updates even after publishing. Addition of new spares will go on following the already
existing numeration references. Revision number of an exploded view is shown into last four digits of serial number into upper
right hand corner.
5.The spare parts list associated to an exploded view shows related codes of spares managed for a certain model; for each spare
part other informations are available:
REF: reference no of spare into a table; SUBSTITUTE: list of spare(s) which can replace a code but that keeps same functional
INDUSTRIAL CODE: list of variables of a model (shown into model label) where such spare is used; NOTICE: code of
information(s) to refer to complete technical intervention, track for changes or to find correct spare part code.
6. Some notices, into a same section are generic therefore cannot be directly linked to a spare part. In order to assist a model in
the best way as possible, it is helpful to pay attention to all notices and constantly verify documentation updates
7.Technical documentation cover shows model name and its commercial codes
mod.W63TK page 2

1180110 Spare parts list
Ref. Code С сер.№ По Substitute Description Notice Industrial
000 C00078841 user instructions booklet tk
002 C00075420
003 C00075417
003 C00083796
004 C00078839 dashboard + handle
005 C00075317
007 C00075319
008 C00075320
008 C00081890
009 C00075323
1 x C00090583
колпачок электромагн. клапана n1040200
верх в сборе
белая тумба n1040200
белая клавиша
рукоятка белого таймера
дверца люка в сборе n1040213
дверца люка в сборе
ручка люка в сборе
010 C00075418
011 C00050320
012 C00059869
013 C00075325
014 C00002497
014 C00019846
8 x C00309312
2 x C00096210
1 x C00255430
белый плинтус
регулируемая опора m 8 h = 41
пружина ножки d =11 mm h =
21 mm
петля смотрового 3.5 mm indesit
гайка m4x3,2x7
винт t 1/2 t m4x12
mod.W63TK page 4

014 C00057568
015 C00044085 заглушка для мебели
1 x C00065185
bolt kfr
016 C00064755
017 C00046924
019 C00076402 panel paraspray
099 C00040932
099 C00044115
099 C00056932 bolt
099 C00058925
099 C00065878 bracket
099 C00065879
самоконтрящаяся гайка m6
прокладка упаковки l = 34 mm
прокладка упаковочная бака
панель задняя белая 27
винт бака пластмас.
mod.W63TK page 5

1180220 Spare parts list
Ref. Code С сер.№ По Substitute Description Notice Industrial
001 C00034335
винт крепежный ведомого
шкива m10
002 C00034337
002 C00058039
004 C00056443
005 C00055043
006 C00056949
006 C00081781
009 C00038453
1 x C00038358
1 x C00089642
1 x C00034335
1 x C00038358
1 x C00089734
шайба 10,5 x 21 n1040259
шайба 10,5 x 25 x 3
ремень j4 1279/80/85 mm n1040305
ведомый шкив d= 280 mm n1040259
крышка пласт. ванны 800-1000-
крышка бака пластм. без
отверстий th
крестовина барабана 600-800
011 C00040897
012 C00036059
013 C00047133
014 C00014342
014 C00055019 винт m8x60 te
014 C00081630 винт самонарезающийся l 60 /
1 x C00089735
уплотнительная резина
барабан 400-600-800-1000 obg
зажимн.кольцо пружины бел.
винт m8x75 te n1040184
56 mm x 9,5
mod.W63TK page 7

015 C00034336
шайба d33xd9xsp2 n1040184
015 C00055018
016 C00058677
017 C00055017
018 C00065959
019 C00055038 пластинка n1040235
020 C00066420
020 C00081216
021 C00066183
1 x C00014855
1 x C00066615
1 x C00066421
коническая зубчатая шайба m8 n1040184
bolt m8x8,8x90
пружина ванны
upper counterweight
пластмас. ванна без сбора
втулка стальная комплект d=10
mm l=10 mm
сильфон загрузки
022 C00041843
022 C00057933
023 C00057932
024 C00064546
025 C00054768
1 x C00081633
шайба плоская 8,5x17x1,5
пружинное кольцо бака
прокладка смотрового окна
пружинное кольцо
front counterweight 9,8 kg. n1040184
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