Image Access WideTEK WT42, WideTEK WT48 Operation Manual

WTT4422 //
Keyboard Operation Manual
For your notes
File: WT48_Keyboard_en.doc
WideTEK WT42 / WT48
Version history:
Version Published in Content/Changes/Supplements
A December 2004 Description of the elements of the keyboard, the content
displayed in the TFT color display and how to control and setup the WideTEK 48 by the keyboard.
B January 2005 Minor changes in description of details.
C May 2005 Minor changes in parts of the text.
WideTEK WT42 / WT48 Keyboard Operation Manual, Version C, May 2005
Valid for devices with software version 4.00. Printed in Germany. All rights reserved. Copying in any form, including electronically, is prohibited.
The producer reserves the right to make changes or improvements in the product described in this document or in the manual at any time and without notice, if necessar
for the technical progress.
© 2004 – 2006 by Image Access Computer GmbH, Hatzfelder Strasse 161-163
42281 Wuppertal, Germany
Keyboard Operation Manual Page 3
WideTEK WT42 / WT48
Table of Contents
1 Names, used in the Manual ------------------------------------------------ 9
2 The Keyboard in General --------------------------------------------------- 9
3 Section Overview ------------------------------------------------------------ 10
3.1 START / STOP Buttons ........................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Switching from Stand-by Mode to Operating Mode 11
3.1.2 Switching from Operating Mode to Stand-by Mode 11
3.1.3 Switching from Stand-By Mode to Setup Mode 12
3.1.4 Switching from Setup Mode to Stand-by Mode 13
3.2 TFT Color Display with Function Keys ..................................................... 14
3.3 Cursor Keys with ENTER button.............................................................. 15
3.4 Numeric Keypad ...................................................................................... 16
3.4.1 Decimal point 17
3.4.2 CLEAR button 17
4 The Status Screen Information ----------------------------------------- 18
4.1 Status Information.................................................................................... 18
4.2 Scan Mode............................................................................................... 18
4.3 Settings .................................................................................................... 19
4.3.1 Color Mode 19
4.3.2 Document Size 19
4.3.3 Preview 20
4.3.4 Scan Resolution 20
4.3.5 Print Resolution (only displayed in scan mode “Scan2Copy”) 20
4.3.6 Printer (only displayed in scan mode “Scan2Copy”) 20
4.4 Slider........................................................................................................ 20
4.5 Copy Counter (only displayed in scan mode “Scan2Copy”) .......................... 20
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Table of Contents, Part 2
5 First Step: Setting the Network Parameters ------------------------ 21
5.1 Starting Setup Mode .................................................................................21
5.2 Selecting Parameters ...............................................................................22
5.3 Network Parameters Entry Criteria ...........................................................22
5.4 Entering New Values ................................................................................22
5.5 Reset Values ............................................................................................23
5.6 Saving New Values...................................................................................23
5.7 Exiting Setup Mode...................................................................................24
6 Scan2File Mode -------------------------------------------------------------- 25
6.1.1 Definition of directories for scanned images 25
6.2 Key Function Overview.............................................................................25
6.3 Setting General Parameters .....................................................................26
6.3.1 Brightness 26
6.3.2 Contrast 27
6.3.3 Gamma (color mode “Color” and “Gray”) 27
6.3.4 Invert (with all “Bitonal” and “Photo” color modes) 28
6.3.5 Blackpoint 28
6.3.6 Whitepoint 28
6.4 Selecting Scan2File Color Mode...............................................................29
6.5 Scan2File Parameter Menu ......................................................................30
6.5.1 Document Size 30
6.5.2 Resolution 31
6.5.3 Data Format 32
6.5.4 Sharpness 33
6.5.5 Margins 34
6.5.6 Mirror 35
6.5.7 ICC Profile 36
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Table of Contents, Part 3
7 Scan2Copy Mode ------------------------------------------------------------ 37
7.1 Scan2Copy Status Screen ....................................................................... 39
7.2 Key Function Overview ............................................................................ 39
7.3 Setting General Parameters .................................................................... 40
7.4 Scan2Copy Parameter Menu................................................................... 40
7.4.1 Color Mode 41
7.4.2 Document 41
7.4.3 Print 43
7.4.4 Sharpness 45
7.4.5 Margins 46
7.4.6 Mirror 47
7.4.7 Config.1 Printer (available with Postscript PJL and HP Designjet printer) 48
7.4.8 Config.2 Printer (available with Postscript PJL printer) 50
8 Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------- 51
8.1 Preview .................................................................................................... 52
8.2 Language ................................................................................................. 53
8.3 Units......................................................................................................... 54
8.4 Smooth Scan ........................................................................................... 55
8.5 Paper Feed Delay .................................................................................... 56
8.6 Backlight .................................................................................................. 57
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
Table of Pictures
Picture 1: WideTEK WT42 / WT48 keyboard with S2N start screen .................................10
Picture 2: START / STOP buttons on WideTEK WT42 / WT48 keyboard .........................11
Picture 3: S2N start screen................................................................................................ 12
Picture 4: Setup mask for network parameters..................................................................12
Picture 5: TFT color display with Scan2File status screen ................................................14
Picture 6: 4-way cursor keys and ENTER button ..............................................................15
Picture 7: Numeric keypad with “CLEAR” button and decimal point..................................16
Picture 8: Available color modes for “Scan2File”...............................................................16
Picture 9: Slider for brightness setting ...............................................................................17
Picture 10: Information in the status screen ......................................................................18
Picture 11: Document width displayed in Document Size ”Auto”.......................................19
Picture 12: Setup mode screen .........................................................................................21
Picture 13: Status message after saving new values ........................................................23
Picture 14: Scan2File status screen ..................................................................................25
Picture 15: Brightness slider..............................................................................................26
Picture 16: Contrast slider .................................................................................................27
Picture 17: Gamma slider ..................................................................................................27
Picture 18: Invert is selected..............................................................................................28
Picture 19: Blackpoint slider ..............................................................................................28
Picture 20: Whitepoint slider..............................................................................................28
Picture 21: Scan2File Color Modes menu .........................................................................29
Picture 22: Parameter menu, Document Size ...................................................................30
Picture 23: Available scan resolutions...............................................................................31
Picture 24: List of data formats..........................................................................................32
Picture 25: Sharpness slider.............................................................................................. 33
Picture 26: Margins available with document size AUTO ..................................................34
Picture 27: Margins available with fixed formats................................................................34
Picture 28: Mirror function..................................................................................................35
Picture 29: ICC Profile function..........................................................................................36
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Table of Pictures, part 2
Picture 30: Available printers in Scan2Copy ..................................................................... 37
Picture 31: IP address of the printer.................................................................................. 37
Picture 32: Color Modes in Scan2Copy ............................................................................ 38
Picture 33: Scan2Copy status screen ............................................................................... 39
Picture 34: Document parameters..................................................................................... 41
Picture 35: Scan2Copy, Document Size ........................................................................... 42
Picture 36: Scan2Copy, Resolution................................................................................... 42
Picture 37: Print parameters.............................................................................................. 43
Picture 38: HP Designjet settings..................................................................................... 43
Picture 39: Paper formats for output ................................................................................. 43
Picture 40: Print quality slider............................................................................................ 44
Picture 41: Print resolution ................................................................................................ 44
Picture 42: Sharpness slider ............................................................................................. 45
Picture 43: Margins available with AUTO document size.................................................. 46
Picture 44: Margins available with fixed formats ............................................................... 46
Picture 45: Mirror function ................................................................................................. 47
Picture 46: Configuration menu 1 for printer output .......................................................... 48
Picture 47: Paper sources ................................................................................................. 48
Picture 48: Color Matching method ................................................................................... 49
Picture 49: Antialiasing...................................................................................................... 49
Picture 50: Configuration menu 2 for printer output .......................................................... 50
Picture 51: Configuration menu, initial screen................................................................... 51
Picture 52: Slider for preview quality ................................................................................. 52
Picture 53: Language selector........................................................................................... 53
Picture 54: Available units of measurements .................................................................... 54
Picture 55: Smooth scan ................................................................................................... 55
Picture 56: Slider for paper feed delay .............................................................................. 56
Picture 57: Backlight slider ................................................................................................ 57
Page 8 Keyboard Operation Manual
WideTEK WT42 / WT48
1 Names, used in the Manual
In the manual the WideTEK WT42 / WT48 Large Format Scanner will be referred to as WideTEK WT42 / WT48.
All other trademarks and product names used in this manual belong to their respective owners.
2 The Keyboard in General
This manual describes the functions and settings that are controlled by the keyboard of the WideTEK WT42 / WT48. On the 6.4” wide TFT color display, the current settings are displayed while using the scanner.
The keyboard and display can be shifted on the scanner housing to provide the most favorable viewing angle for each operator.
The keyboard consists of four sections. The uses of a keyboard section may change to support the scanner’s current operating mode.
The definitions of the six function keys below and to the right of the TFT color display are always displayed next to the function keys. Pressing a function key repeatedly will cycle through the available selections.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3 Section Overview
Picture 1: WideTEK WT42 / WT48 keyboard with S2N start screen
Picture 1 shows the keyboard with the start screen. The TFT color display shows the start screen during the start-up sequence of the WideTEK WT42 / WT48 scanner.
The four sections are:
— START / STOP buttons
— TFT color display with function keys below and right beside the display
— Cursor keys with the ENTER button in the middle
— Numeric keypad with “CLEAR” button and decimal point.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3.1 START / STOP Buttons
Picture 2: START / STOP buttons on WideTEK WT42 / WT48 keyboard
The START and STOP buttons perform several functions. Depending on the WideTEK WT42 / WT48 mode, they are used to:
switch from stand-by mode to operating mode
switch from operating mode to stand-by mode
switch from stand-by mode to setup mode
switch from setup mode to stand-by mode.
3.1.1 Switching from Stand-by Mode to Operating Mode
Press the START button. The green LED beside the button starts blinking.
The start sequence lasts approx. 45 seconds.
During the startup sequence, the hardware and the software of the scanner is tested internally. At the end of the start sequence the TFT color display shows the animated S2N start screen and the green LED stops blinking. After a short moment the TFT color display changes to the status screen (see Picture 5) and the WideTEK WT42 / WT48 is ready to use.
3.1.2 Switching from Operating Mode to Stand-by Mode
Press the STOP button for at least three seconds to switch the device from operating mode to stand-by mode. Release the STOP button when the TFT color display switches off.
The green LED blinks while the internal system terminates all functions. If the green LED lights continuously the device is in stand-by mode.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3.1.3 Switching from Stand-By Mode to Setup Mode
Press and hold the STOP button, then while the stop button is pressed, press the START button. The green LED starts flashing rapidly.
The start sequence lasts approx. 45 seconds. At the beginning of the start sequence, the TFT color display turns on and rapidly cycles through various system messages.
After the test sequence has completed, the TFT color display switches to the S2N start screen and displays the SYSTEM START message.
Picture 3: S2N start screen
The S2N SYSTEM START screen is followed by the setup mode screen. The setup mode screen displays the IP address, the subnet mask and the gateway address.
Picture 4: Setup mask for network parameters
While the WideTEK WT42 / WT48 is in setup mode the green LED beside the START button lights up when keys are is pressed.
To close the setup mode, press and hold the STOP button until the TFT color display turns off.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3.1.4 Switching from Setup Mode to Stand-by Mode
Press the STOP button for at least three seconds to switch the device from setup mode to stand-by mode. Release the STOP button when the TFT color display switches off.
The green LED blinks while the internal system terminates all functions. If the green LED lights continuously the device is in stand-by mode.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3.2 TFT Color Display with Function Keys
Picture 5: TFT color display with Scan2File status screen
The TFT color display has three function keys (FK) on its right side and three function keys on its bottom side. In this manual, the function keys are referred as FK1 through FK6.
The TFT color display shows the status screen (Picture 5) while the scanner is in normal operating mode. Depending on the scanners mode the content, of screens may vary.
Typical uses of the function keys:
FK1 / FK2: These keys are used to move a slider which is displayed on the TFT.
Sliders are displayed when a range of values is available.
FK3: If the status screen is displayed, this key is used to open a menu with three
— Scan2File
— Scan2Copy
— Configuration
FK4 to FK6: These keys vary in use. Their function is always displayed on the TFT color
display beside the function key.
In normal scanning mode, FK4 starts preview scanning.
FK6 switches the preview mode off and on. If the preview mode is off, the menu item “Preview Scan” will not be displayed beside FK4.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3.3 Cursor Keys with ENTER button
Picture 6: 4-way cursor keys and ENTER button
ENTER button
Operating mode:
The ENTER button starts the scan sequence using the selected settings.
Setup mode:
In setup mode, the ENTER button saves the settings for IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
Cursor keys
The functions that these keys perform depends on the current mode of the WideTEK WT42 / WT48 scanner.
1. Before scanning a document. The document to be scanned is inserted:
The upper button () will transport the document forward in scanning direction. The lower button () will transport the document reverse to scanning direction.
2. After scanning a document, “Preview” is active and the TFT color display will show a preview of the scanned document.
Depending on the document size and the selected preview scaling, the TFT color display may show only a part of the complete image. The four cursor keys (up / down / left / right) move the preview window across the document’s preview.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3.4 Numeric Keypad
Decimal point. See chapter 3.4.1
CLEAR button. See chapter 3.4.2
Picture 7: Numeric keypad with “CLEAR” button and decimal point
The purpose of the numeric keypad also depends on the WideTEK WT42 / WT48 operating mode.
Numeric keypad in Setup mode:
The numeric keypad is used to enter the values for IP address, subnet mask and gateway. If a valid value is entered in the fields, pressing the decimal point will move the cursor to the next field to the right.
Numeric keypad in Operating mode:
The numeric keys are used to select an item from the menu list. All available settings in the menu lists are marked with a number in brackets. Pressing the corresponding numeric key selects the setting.
Picture 8: Available color modes for “Scan2File”
Picture 8 shows as an example the list of available “Scan2File” color modes.
The keys “1” to “6” on the numeric keypad select the desired mode.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
3.4.1 Decimal point
When a slider is used to set a value, pressing the decimal point key toggles an accelerator function on/off.
The slider is controlled with FK1 and FK2, two of the function keys below the TFT color display. See Picture 9.
Picture 9: Slider for brightness setting
If the accelerator function is off, pressing FK1 or FK2 moves the slider one unit to the left or to the right. If the accelerator function is active, each keystroke moves the slider ten units to the left or to the right.
3.4.2 CLEAR button
The CLEAR button “C” on the numeric keypad is used to clear entry fields or to return to an initial value.
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WideTEK WT42 / WT48
4 The Status Screen Information
Picture 10: Information in the status screen
The WideTEK WT42 / WT48 status screen shows information while the scanner is in operation mode.
4.1 Status Information
Ready to Scan … The scanner is ready to scan. Documents can be inserted. If a
document is inserted into the paper transport, the scanner will retract it and position it at the start position.
Ready … The scanner is ready to accept settings such as scan mode,
document size, resolution and many more.
ERROR <xxx> Error messages. The error messages contain an error number <xxx>
or a normal text message.
4.2 Scan Mode
The scan mode section indicates the selected output method for the scanned images. Additionally it shows some information about the selected color mode.
Scan2File Scans the document and saves the image to the selected directory.
Scan2Copy Scans the document and print it on the selected printer.
Postscript and Postscript PJL printer as well as HP Designjet® Series printers are supported.
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