2010 – 2015 by Image Access GmbH, Wuppertal, Germany.
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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of
All other trademarks are the property
Image Access reserves the right to change the described products, the specifications or
documents at any time without prior notice.
For the most recent version, always check our web site
www.imageaccess.us or the customer service portal at portal.imageaccess.de
All rights reserved.
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, WideTEK® and Bookeye® are registered trademarks of Image Access.
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Manual Page 3
Dear Customer,
The Image Access team congratulates you on the acquisition of this innovative large
format scanner.
We at I mag e Access are proud of the work we do; it is the result of our extremely high
standards of production and stringent quality control.
With the WideTEK
which covers a wide scope of applications due to its versatility. Its integrated web
based user interface makes all functions available in structured menus.
36C / WideTEK® 48C, Image Access offers an efficient scanner
This operation manual is designed to lead you through all situations which will arise
when using the WideTEK
36C / WideTEK® 48C.
For this reason, we ask you to read the manual at tentively before starting to work with
the sanner. By doing so, you will avoid operation errors and you can control all
functions from the beginning.
In addition please consider the following points:
• Damages to your unit may have occurred during shipping. Please check for
damages immediately after delivery of the unit. Inform your supplier if damage
has occurred.
• Read and ensure that you understand the safety notes. They were developed
for your protection and safety as well as to protect the unit.
• Regular maintenance conserves the high quality and safety of the
36C / WideTEK® 48C during the entire service life.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact your local dealer or
Image Access, Inc. directly. Our staff will be happy to help you.
For your daily work with the WideTEK
36C / WideTEK® 48C scanner, we wish you
success and complete satisfaction.
Your Image Access Team
Page 4 Manual
About this Manual
Operation Manual
The Operation Manual gives all information about the normal operation and behavior
of the device. It is written for people who only operate the device and do not perform
setup and adjustment procedures. All device elements and software functions are
described in detail, although some of them might never be used. This manual does not
cover any application software. Refer to the appropriate application software manual to
learn about the application software.
Setup Manual
The Set up Manual is writ ten f or technical staff with some basic mechanical as well as
software skills. Many r esellers will offer on-site installation; therefore, large parts or all
of the setup and assembly manual might not be of interest to the reader. The access
level at which the setup and adjustment processes are performed is called “Power
user”. This “Power user” level is password protected from access by the normal
All available manuals for this device can be downloaded from our customer service
portal at http://portal.imageaccess.de
. Be sure to always check for the latest versions of
these manuals.
This manual is divided into the sections A to E.
Section A describes the hardware of the device and gives an overview of all
components and connectors of the scanner. Remember that t his device
is a precise optical instrument and should be handled accordingly.
Note:Optional the WideTEK® 36C can be delivered with an appropriate floor
stand. It is recommended to always use the WideTEK
36C in
combination with the floor stand.
Section B describes the functions of the touchscreen and how to operate the
scanner with the touchscreen.
Section C gives a short introduction and basic information about the new user
interface ScanWizard. All details about the interface can be found in the
integrated “Help” texts in the scanner.
Section D informs about the setup levels in general and descr ibes the access level
User in detail.
Section E describes test and troubleshooting procedures.
Section F contains all technical data of the scanner and the manufacturer
declarations concerning safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Manual Page 5
Published in
July 2011
Information after EMC and safety testing and certification added.
renumbered to
Content of chapter C.5.2 revised, new screenshots added.
October 2011
Chapter B.6.3.1 added. In Chapter C.3.3 additional information
Chapter C.3.7.2
FCC note added in chapter E.6.
December 2011
Update Technical Data
April 2012
Update of content of User Settings (FW Vers. 5.71).
New structure in chapter C.3.5 and its subfolder.
New screen screenshots of some kiosk application screens.
June 2013
Section D describes now the “ Setup Le vel”. Form er chapter D and
E have been renumbered.
Section C: Content change because of introduction of the new
user interface ScanWizard.
Chapter C.1.1 and C.1.1 added. Table in chapter E.1 modified.
EMC information according to the standard EN 55022
equipment in a residential area is likely to
cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
Version History
A May 2011 Preliminary version.
A3 September 2011 Chapter C.3. 9: New content, former chapt er C.3.9
about “Container” format for multipage output.
B1 March 2013 Valid with firmware 5.8.
Copyright note with updated trademark information.
The new WideTEK
New: Chapter B.5.1. Zonal OCR
Previous chapter B.5.1 and all following chapters renumbered.
36C logo has been intro duc ed .
C December 2013
WideTEK® 36C
manuals in one manual.
Differences between the scanner models will be highlighted.
Chapter B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.5 and B.3.6 with ne w conte nt .
WideTEK® 48C
This is a class A device. Operation of these
interference at his own expense.
Page 6 Manual
Table of Content
Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
About this Manual ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
A Hardware ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
A.9.1 WideTEK® 36C – Front Side Elements 22
A.9.2 WideTEK® 36C – Back Side Elements 22
A.9.3 WideTEK® 48C – Front Side Elements 23
A.9.4 WideTEK® 48C – Back Side Elements 23
A.9.5 Monitor Connector WideTEK® 36C24
A.9.6 Monitor Connector WideTEK® 48C24
A.9.7 Recovery Key Connector 25
A.10 Connect ing t o the Power Source ........................................................................ 26
A.10.1 Powering up the Scanner 27
A.10.2 Starting the Scanner from Standby Mode 27
A.10.3 Switching the Scanner to Standb y Mode 27
A.10.4 The Help Function 27
Manual Page 7
Table of Content, part 2
B Touchscreen Oper a t ion --------------------------------------------------- 28
B.5 Touchscreen – Viewer&Job Control ................................................................... 45
B.5.1 Zonal OCR 47
B.5.2 Job Mode 50
B.5.2.1 Navigating through the list of images 52
B.5.2.2 Moving an image to another position 53
B.5.2.3 Adding an image at an any position to the list 53
B.5.2.4 Deleting an image from the list 53
B.5.2.5 Rescan an image 53
B.5.2.6 Finalizing the Job mode 54
B. Job mode time out 54
B.6 Touchscreen – Send To ..................................................................................... 55
B.6.1 Changing a file name or other entries 56
B.6.2 USB Options 57
Read and ensure that you understand the safety notes.
They are designed for your protection and for your safety.
Follow all safety notes to avoid damage to the device.
A.1.1 Marking of Saf e ty Notes
All safety notes are marked with a yellow triangle warning sign.
Next to the warning sign, you’ll find a description of the danger.
Safety Note!
Example text.
A.2 Certification
The WideTEK® 36C / WideTEK® 48C scanners fulfill all requirements of the following
IEC 60950-1, International Safety Standard for Information Technology Equipment
UL 60950-1, Safety for Information Technology Equipment (US standard)
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1, Safety for Information Technology Equipment
(Standard for Canada)
EN 60950-1, Safety for Information Technology Equipment (European standard)
A.3 General Notice
This manual describes the functions of a complete equipped scanner. If your device is not
equipped with all features, deviations are possible.
Because of the identical content of the touchscreen menus and ScanWizard menus, the
pictures are valid for both scanner versions.
Page 14 Manual
this device to rain
A.4 Safety Precautions
Warning: Please read all the safety precautions before you operat e the scanner. Serious
injury can occur to you or to others if you do not know how to use it safely.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose
or any type of moisture.
Follow all safety precautions to avoid personal injury or damage to the device.
1. Place the scanner in a clean, well-ventilated room. Do not operate the scanner in an
area with poor ventilation.
2. Openings in the scanner’s housing in the front or at the back are provided for air
circulation. Do not cover or block the openings.
3. Do not place the scanner near a heat or cold emitting source such as a space heater,
furnace, or air conditioning unit.
4. Do not place the scanner near any devices or electrical boxes emitting high voltage.
5. Always place the scanner on a stable surface.
6. Do not lean on the scanner.
7. Do not place cups containing liquids or other such objects on top of the scanner or on
the scanner table. If liquid spills into the scanner it can cause damage. If this occ urs,
turn the scanner off, unplug the power cord from the wall receptacle and contact the
Image Access Technical Support.
8. Do not put any objects into any scanner housing openings unless specifically
instructed to do so by Image Access Technical Support.
9. Do not disassemble the scanner. If there is a need to disassemble the scanner,
please contact the Image Access Technical Support.
10. Do not use the scanner if it has been physically damaged. If this occurs, turn the
scanner off, unplug the external power supply and contact the Image Access
Technical Support.
11. The scanner should be used only with the external power supply that is supplied with
the scanner. If you are unsure, please contact the Image Access Technical Support.
12. Always turn the power off and unplug the external power supply before cleaning the
13. When cleaning, only use Image Access-approved cleaners. Do not use any type of
solutions, abrasives, or acids such as acetone, benzene, kerosene, mineral spirits,
ammonia, or nitric acid. Do not use any cleaners that contain these chemicals.
14. Use a dry or damp lint free cloth for cleaning the scanner.
15. Do not spray any liquids directly onto the scanner. Spray cleaning f luids directly onto
the cleaning cloth and use the cloth to clean the scanner.
Manual Page 15
A.5 Device Location
The installation location must have
— a minimum distance of not less than 150 mm (6 inch) between the sides of the
scanner and the wall,
— a minimum distance of not less than 300 mm (12 inch) between the backside of the
scanner and the wall,
— a minimum distance of not less than one meter (3 feet) from any door or entrance
way and the scanner.
Use illustration below as a guide.
Picture 1: Minimum distances to the scanner
Do not operate the scanner in an area that has poor air circulation, and/or that is nonventilated.
Place the scanner on a flat and solid base. The load bearing capacity of the base must
correspond to the device weight.
It is recommended to place the scanner always on the floor stand which comes with the
scanner. The floor stand gives the best ergonomic position when using the scanner.
Choose a location that complies with the limits of temperature and humidity. Refer to the
technical specification, chapter F.3.
Note:Before using the WideTEK® 36C / WideTEK® 48C scanner in the new
environment allow at least one hour for temperature adaptation.
Temperature adaptation means:
A fast change from cold to warm environmental conditions can build up
condensation inside the housing. This will result in unfavorable scanned images
and could cause permanent damages to the unit.
Page 16 Manual
A.6 Maintenance
Important: Ensure that no liquids will penetrate into the device housing.
A.6.1 Touchscreen
Before cleaning the touchscreen, switch the WideTEK® 36C / WideTEK® 48C off and
set the main power switch to position 0.
The touchscreen can be cleaned with a micro fiber cloth.
A.6.2 Surfaces
Use a soft, dampened cloth to clean the housing of the scanner. Recommended is a micro
fiber cloth.
A.6.3 Glass plates
Important: Do not use any cleanser with solvents to clean the glass plates!
The glass plates of the WideTEK® 36C / WideTEK® 48C have a special surface
It is recommended to clean the glass plates always with a micro fiber cloth.
Dampen the micro fiber cloth slightly before cleaning.
Clean the glass plate with minimum pressure. Do not rub the glass plate on isolated
After cleaning dry the glass plate with a soft cloth – micro fiber cloth recommended.
A.7 Repair
Note: There are not any parts or components of the WideTEK® 36C /
WideTEK® 48C scanner which can be repaired by the user.
All repairs and service works should be done by a trained technician only.
Manual Page 17
WideTEK® 36C
1: Paper output tray
A.8 Content on Delivery
When delivered, the scanner is placed at a Euro pallet, bordered at all sides by a stable
wooden frame and covered with a wooden top cover.
After removing the top cover of the transport box the paper output tray is visible.
Picture 2: Transport box opened
The WideTEK® 36C scanner as well as the cardboard box of the floor stand is held in the
transport box with a total of six foam inserts.
Remove the paper output tray and the foam mat to get access to the next parts.
Page 18 Manual
2: Patch cable
External power supply
with power connector
Floor stand in cardboard
Picture 3: Parts in the transport box
Take the three parts out of the transport box.
3: Foot pedal switch
Remove the six foam inserts beside the scanner and the cardboard box.
The wooden frame will slide down when removing the foam inserts.
Lift the wooden frame to get access to the scanner and to the floor stand cardboard box.
Picture 4: Wooden frame remove
Manual Page 19
WideTEK® 48C
When delivered, the scanner is placed at a Euro pallet, bordered at all sides by a stable
wooden frame and covered with a wooden top cover.
After removing the transport box top cover the scanner and all accessories are visible.
The WideTEK
48C scanner and all other components are held in the transport box with
foam inserts in the corners and at the long sides.
Picture 5: Content of transport box with WT48C-300-BDL
1: Accessory box with external power supply, patch cable and foot pedal.
2: Paper output tray. (Optional. Contained in bundle WT48C-300 BDL)
3: Monitor arm for external monitor. (Optional. Contained in bundle WT48C-300 BDL)
4: External 19” monitor. (Optional. Contained in bundle WT48C-300 BDL)
5: Reference folder with test targets, e.g. CSTT- and IT8 test target.
6: Operation manual.
7: Two sets of document return guides.
8: White reference test target
9: Floor stand. (Optional. Contained in bundle WT48C-300 BDL)
Page 20 Manual
Take the parts out of the transport box.
WT48C-300: The box with floor stand is replaced by an empty box.
WT48C-300-BDL: Start with paper the output tr ay, then take out all boxes, the ref erence
folder and the all small accessories.
Pull up the foam inserts and remove them. Sometimes a little strength is necessary.
The wooden frame can be lifted after removing the foam insert s. Remove it to get access
to the scanner and to the floor stand cardboard box.
Note: High scanner weight. Lift the scanner with two persons from the pallet.
A.8.3 Keeping the Transport Box for later use
All elements used with the transport box can easily be stored.
The wooden frame can be folded. The foam inserts can be placed between the base plate
and the cover plate.
The wooden frame can be place on top of the cover plate.
Picture 6: Transport box elements ready to store
Manual Page 21
WideTEK® 36C
WideTEK® 36C
A.9 Device Overview
The main components of the WideTEK® 36C are:
1: Upper unit. The upper unit contains the cameras and the paper transport.
2: Touchscreen. The touchscreen shows all menus to set up and control the scanner
3: On/Off button. This button is used to power up the scanner from standby mode and
4: USB connectors. Enable the user to connect qualified USB storage media to the
to power down the scanner to standby mode.
– Front Side Elements
Picture 7: WideTEK 36C front view
Seen from the operators view (i.e. from the front of the scanner), the connectors are
positioned at the right back side of the housing.
A label beside the connectors shows and names each connector.
Picture 8: WideTEK 36C Main power switch and connectors
– Back Side Elements
Page 22 Manual
WideTEK® 48C
WideTEK® 48C
The main components of the WideTEK
1: Upper unit. The upper unit contains the cameras and the paper transport.
2: Touchscreen. The touchscreen shows all menus to set up and control the scanner
3: On/Off button. This button is used to power up the scanner from standby mode and to
power down the scanner to standby mode.
4: USB connectors. Enable the user to connect qualified USB storage media to the
Picture 9: WideTEK 48C front view
– Front Side Elements
48C are:
Seen from the operators view (i.e. from the front of the scanner), the connectors are
positioned at the right back side of the housing.
Picture 10: WideTEK 48C Main power switch and connectors
– Back Side Elements
A label beside the connectors shows and names each connector.
Manual Page 23
WideTEK® 36C
WideTEK® 48C
Although the scanners receptacle will accept DVI-D, DVI-A and DVI-I
A.9.5 Monitor Connec t or
To show previews of the scanned documents an external monitor c an be connected to the
A DVI video connectors allows connecting the monitor to the scanner.
Picture 11: WideTEK 36C DVI connector
A.9.6 Monitor Connec t or
To show previews of the scanned documents an external monitor c an be connected to the
A DVI video connector allows connecting the monitor to the scanner.
Picture 12: WideTEK 48C DVI conn ect or
Valid for both
scanner types
plugs, it only supports DVI-D.
DVI-I to VGA cables will not work on this connector.
Page 24 Manual
A.9.7 Recover y Key Connect or
Seen from the operators view (i.e. from the front of the scanner), the Recovery Key
connector is positioned at the left back side of the housing.
Picture 13: Recovery Key connector, covered with plastic cap
Detailed information about the recovery function can be found in the separate
Setup Manual.
Please note: The recovery function should only be activated by an administrator!
Manual Page 25
Ensure the electrical outlet is in perfect condition and that it is
Ensure that the electrical outlet is equipped with a fuse with the
The electrical outlet must be near this device and must be easily
A.10 Connecting to the Power Source
Before connecting the scanner to the external power supply and the power supply to the
electrical outlet, check the following items:
properly grounded.
proper capacity.
Inspect the power cable and ensure that it is undamaged.
Use only the power cable delivered with the scanner.
Turn the device off before plugging or unplugging any cable.
The connector for the external power supply and the main power switch are both located
at the right side of the back of the document bed.
After the power source is connected and the main power s witch is turned on, the symbol
in the on/off button lights up.
Red illumination of the on/off button signals that the scanner is in standby mode.
Page 26 Manual
Always turn off the scanner with the on/off button at the right side of
the scanner is disconnected from the
A.10.1 Powering up the Scanner
The main power switch is found at the back of the scanner.
Picture 8 resp. Picture 10 show the position of power supply connector and main power
After connecting the scanner to the external power supply, switch the main power switch
to position I. When the main power switch is in position I, the on/off button will be
illuminated and the scanner is in standby mode.
A.10.2 Starting the Scanner from Standby Mode
Push the red illuminated on/off button to start the scanner.
The button illumination changes to blue.
The scanner starts with self-test routines and verifies all system components. Status
messages will be displayed on the TFT flat screen (if connected) and on the touchscreen.
At the end of the start-up sequence, the touchscreen displays the start screen.
A.10.3 Switching the Scanner to Standby Mode
the front panel!
The main power switch should only be used when the scanner is in
stand-by mode and before
external power supply.
To turn off the scanner, press and hold the on/off button f or at least three seconds. While
pressing the button, a “click” sound is audible.
The content of the TFT flat screen and the touchscreen changes and display the
message: Going to shut down now …
Finally the TFT flat screen and the touchscreen switch off and the on/off button will be
illuminated red.
A.10.4 The Help Function
To support the user when working with the scanner, a help function is integrated into the
touchscreen menus. A Question Mark (?) symbol in the bottom lin e of the touchscreen
activates the help function.
After touching the question mark, an additional window opens in the touchscreen and
shows information about the menu items of the selected menu.
Touching the OK button will close the additional window.
Manual Page 27
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