Image Access WideTEK 25-600 Setup Manual

Setup Manual
permission of
t to change the described products, the specifications or
2012 by Image Access GmbH, Wuppertal, Germany.
Printed in Germany. All rights reserved. Reproduction in who le or in part in an y form or medium without express written Image Access is prohibited. Scan2Net® is a registered trademark of Image Access. O designated brands herein are trademarks of Image Access. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Image Access reserves the righ documents at any tim e with out pr i or not ic e. For t he most recent version, al wa ys c hec k our web site or the customer service portal at
Setup Manual Page 3


Dear Customer,
We congratulate you on the acquisition of this innovative product from Image Access. We at Image Access are proud of the work we do; it is the result of our extremely high
standards of production and stringent quality control.
With this scanner, Im ag e Ac ce ss of f er s a n ef f ici ent scanner which covers a wide scope of applications due to its versatility. Its integrated web based user interface makes all functions available in structured menus.
This manual is designed to lead the user through all necessary setup steps after the WideTEK 25-600 has been delivered.
For this reason, we ask you to read this manual attentively before starting to work with the scanner. By doing so, you will avoid errors from the beginning and you will be able to control all functions from easily.
In addition please consider the following points:
Damages to your unit may have occurred during shipping. Please check for damages immediately after delivery of the unit. Inform your supplier if damage has occurred.
Read and ensure that you understand the safety notes. They were developed for your protection and safety as well as to protect the unit.
Regular maintenance conserves the high quality and safety of your WideTEK 25 scanner during the entire service life.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact your local dealer or Image Access directly. Our staff will be happy to help you.
For your daily work with your new scanner, we wish you success and complete satisfaction.
Regards Your Image Access Team
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About this Manual

Setup Manual
The Setup and Assembly Manual is written for technical staff with some basic mechanical as well as software skills. Many resellers will offer on-site installation; therefore, large parts or all of the s etup manual might not be of interest to the reader. The access level at which the setup and adjustment processes are performed is called “Power user”. This “Power user” level is password protected from access by the normal operator.
All information about the normal operation and behavior of this device is found in the Operation Manual.
All available manuals for this device can be downloaded from our customer service portal at manuals.
This manual is divided into the sections A to F.
Section A contains the safety notes and the safety precautions. These safety
precautions must be followed carefully to avoid injury to the user while working with the scanner.
. Be sure to always check for the latest versions of these
Section B describes the scanner hardware and the first steps to take after the device
has been delivered.
Section C describes the setup and the adjustments which can be executed with the
Section D describes the content and the functions of the Poweruser setup menu. A
wide variety of parameters of the scanner can be set and modified in this level. It includes information about the firmware update procedure.
Section E contains information about troubleshooting and the lists of error codes and
Section F shows all technical data and necessary declarations.
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Published in
September 2012
Preliminary version.
EMC information according to the standard EN 55022
device. Operation of these equipment in a residential area is likely to
cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the

Version History

This is a class A interference at his own expense.
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Table of Content
Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 About this Manual ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 A Safety Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
A.1 Safety Notes ...................................................................................................... 14
A.1.1 Marking of Safety Notes 14
A.2 Certification ........................................................................................................ 14
A.3 General Notice ................................................................................................... 14
A.4 Safety Precautions ............................................................................................. 15
B Hardware ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
B.1 Content on Delivery ............................................................................................ 16
B.1.1 Removing the Transport Box 18
B.2 Transportation Locks .......................................................................................... 19
B.2.1 Removing the transportatio n locks 19 B.2.2 Inserting the transportation locks 20
B.3 Device Location.................................................................................................. 21
B.5 Device Overview ................................................................................................ 22
B.5.1 Connectors on the Back 22
B.6 Connecting to the Power Source ........................................................................ 23
B.7 Connecting to the Network ................................................................................. 24
B.7.1 Connecting to the Power Source 24
B.8 Powering up the WideTEK 25-600 ..................................................................... 25
B.8.1 Starting the WideTEK 25-600 from Standby Mode 25 B.8.2 Switching the WideTEK 25-600 to Standby Mode 25 B.8.3 The Help Function 25
B.9 Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 26
B.9.1 Touchscreen 26 B.9.2 Surfaces 26 B.9.3 Glass plate 26
B.10 Repair ................................................................................................................ 26
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Table of Content, part 2 C Setup and Adjustment ----------------------------------------------------- 27
C.1 White Balance ................................................................................................... 28
C.1.1 Helpful information about White Balance Adjustment 28
C.1.1.1 Executing the White Balance Adjustment 29
C.2 IP Address ......................................................................................................... 30
C.3 User Settings ..................................................................................................... 31
C.3.1 Change GUI 32 C.3.2 Configure GUI Selection 32
C.4 Time and Date ................................................................................................... 33
C.5 User Preset........................................................................................................ 34
C.5.1 Creating user defined presets 34
C.5.1.1 Activating a function in the menus 35 C.5.1.2 Saving the functions of the preset 36 C.5.1.3 Deleting a preset 36
D Poweruser Level ------------------------------------------------------------- 37
D.1 Setup Menu ....................................................................................................... 38
D.1.1 Selecting the Login Level 38
D.1.1.1 Navigating through the menus 39
D.2 Poweruser Login Level ...................................................................................... 40
D.3 Base Settings .................................................................................................... 41
D.3.1 User Settings 41
D.3.1.1 Display 42 D.3.1.2 Show Warnings 43
D.3.2 Network Configuration 44
D.3.2.1 IP Configuration Method 44 D.3.2.2 IPv4 (Network Interface 0) 45 D.3.2.3 IPv4 (Network Interface 1) 46 D.3.2.4 Domain Name Server 48 D.3.2.5 SMB Settings 49 D.3.2.6 Wireless LAN (Basic Settings) 50 D.3.2.7 Wireless LAN (LAN Interface) 51 D.3.2.8 Wireless LAN (Security) 52 D.3.2.9 Wireless LAN (DHCP) 53
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Table of Content, part 3
D.3.3 Adjust Time & Date 54
D.3.3.1 Time Format 55 D.3.3.2 Time Zone 56 D.3.3.3 Manual Adjustment 56 D.3.3.4 NTP Server 57
D.3.4 Sound System 58
D.3.4.1 Set Volume 58 D.3.4.2 Sound Files 59 D.3.4.3 Link Events 60
D.3.5 Install Options 61
D.4 Updates & Uploads ............................................................................................ 62
D.4.1 Update Scanner Firmware 62 D.4.2 ICC Profiles 64
D.4.2.1 Scanner Profile 64 D.4.2.2 Monitor Profiles 66 D.4.2.3 Printer Profiles 68
D.4.3 Touchscreen / Desktop 70 D.4.4 Java Apps 71
D.5 Adjustments & Support....................................................................................... 72
D.5.1 Adjustments 72
D.5.1.1 White Balance 73 D.5.1.2 Brightness Correction 75
D.5.2 Log Files 76
D.5.2.1 Show Log Files 76 D.5.2.2 Stitching Log enabled 77
D.5.3 Scan Test Targets 78
D.5.3.1 Scan CSTT Test Target 78 D.5.3.2 Scan UTT Test Target 80 D.5.3.3 Scan IT8 Test Target 80
D.5.4 Network Analyzer 81
D.5.4.1 Perform Speed Test 81 D.5.4.2 Network Packet Statistics 82
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Table of Content, part 4
D.6 Administrative Settings ...................................................................................... 83
D.6.1 Wake up Remote Host 83 D.6.2 Change Password 84 D.6.3 Backup Settings 85 D.6.4 Restore Settings 86 D.6.5 Lock Web App 87
D.7 Resets & Default Values .................................................................................... 88
D.7.1 Set Scanner Defaults 88 D.7.2 Reset Factory Defaults 88 D.7.3 Reset Scanner Defaults 88 D.7.4 Reset Hardware Defaults 88
E Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------- 89
E.1 Recovery Function ............................................................................................. 89
E.1.1 Important Notes Before Recovering to Factory Defaults 89 E.1.2 How to Recover to Factory Defaults 90
E.2 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 92
E.3 Error Codes and Warnings ................................................................................ 93
E.3.1 Error Codes 93 E.3.2 Warnings 95 E.3.3 Information 95
F Technical Data ---------------------------------------------------------------- 96
F.1 Scanner Specifications ...................................................................................... 96
F.2 Ambient Conditions ............................................................................................ 96
F.3 Electr ical Specificat ions ..................................................................................... 97
F.4 Dimensions and Weight ..................................................................................... 97
F.5 CE Decla ration of Conformity ............................................................................ 98
F.6 FCC Declaration of Conformity ........................................................................ 100
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Table of Pictures
Picture 1: Transport box ...................................................................................................16
Picture 2: Scanner covered cushion foils .........................................................................16
Picture 3: WideTEK 25-600in transport box, cover removed ............................................17
Picture 4: Transportation locks at bottom side .................................................................19
Picture 5: Minimum distances ..........................................................................................21
Picture 6: WideTEK 25-600 front view .............................................................................22
Picture 7: Connectors on the WideTEK 25-600 backside .................................................22
Picture 8: Touchscreen, Kiosk application ........................................................................27
Picture 9: Setup menu items ............................................................................................27
Picture 10: Setup menu, start screen ...............................................................................29
Picture 11: White Balance result ......................................................................................29
Picture 12: Content of IP Address menu ..........................................................................30
Picture 13: User Settings menu .......................................................................................31
Picture 14: Selectable presets .........................................................................................32
Picture 15: Presets selection screen ................................................................................32
Picture 16: Time and Date screen ....................................................................................33
Picture 17: User Preset screen ........................................................................................34
Picture 18: Start screen ...................................................................................................37
Picture 19: Login level screen ..........................................................................................38
Picture 20: Poweruser main menu ...................................................................................40
Picture 21: Display parameters ........................................................................................42
Picture 22: Show Warnings selector ................................................................................43
Picture 23: IP Configuration Method ................................................................................44
Picture 24: Settings of IPv4 (Network Interface 0) ............................................................45
Picture 25: Settings of IPv4 (Network Interface 1) ............................................................46
Picture 26: Domain Name Server parameters ..................................................................48
Picture 27: SMB Settings .................................................................................................49
Picture 28: Wireless LAN Basic Settings ..........................................................................50
Picture 29: Wireless LAN (LAN Interface) ........................................................................51
Picture 30: Wireless LAN (Security) .................................................................................52
Picture 31: Wireless LAN (DHCP) ....................................................................................53
Picture 32: Time Format ..................................................................................................55
Picture 33: Time Zone screen ..........................................................................................56
Picture 34: Manual Adjustment ........................................................................................56
Picture 35: NTP Server setting .........................................................................................57
Picture 36: Set Volume ....................................................................................................58
Picture 37: Sound Files list...............................................................................................59
Picture 38: Upload new sound files ..................................................................................59
Picture 39: Link Events list ...............................................................................................60
Picture 40: Options List ....................................................................................................61
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Table of Pictures, part 2
Picture 41: Update Scanner Firmware ............................................................................. 62
Picture 42: Scanner Profile .............................................................................................. 64
Picture 43: ICC Profile installed ....................................................................................... 65
Picture 44: ICC Profile information .................................................................................. 65
Picture 45: Monitor Profiles ............................................................................................. 66
Picture 46: ICC Profile inf ormation .................................................................................. 67
Picture 47: Touchscreen menu, ICC profile selected ....................................................... 67
Picture 48: Printer Profiles ............................................................................................... 68
Picture 49: List of ICC profiles ......................................................................................... 68
Picture 50: Printer profile information ............................................................................... 69
Picture 51: Java Apps ..................................................................................................... 71
Picture 52: Adjustment start screen ................................................................................. 72
Picture 53: White Balance start screen ............................................................................ 73
Picture 54: White Balance results .................................................................................... 74
Picture 55: Brightness Correction .................................................................................... 75
Picture 56: Log files overview .......................................................................................... 76
Picture 57: Log file content .............................................................................................. 77
Picture 58: Available test target ....................................................................................... 78
Picture 59: Example for test target position ..................................................................... 78
Picture 60: Request after scanning the test target ........................................................... 79
Picture 61: UTT test target on glass plate ........................................................................ 80
Picture 62: IT8 test target on glass plate ......................................................................... 80
Picture 63: Network analyzer start screen ....................................................................... 81
Picture 64: Network Analyzing Parameters ...................................................................... 81
Picture 65: Measured Time ............................................................................................. 82
Picture 66: Packet Statistics values ................................................................................. 82
Picture 67: Wake up Remote Host .................................................................................. 83
Picture 68: Change password menu ................................................................................ 84
Picture 69: Small window at bottom line with inquiry for action ........................................ 85
Picture 70: Restore setting from ZIP file .......................................................................... 86
Picture 71: Message after r estorin g ................................................................................. 86
Picture 72: Enter password to lock the Scan2Net user interface ...................................... 87
Picture 73: Recovery Key ................................................................................................ 89
Picture 74: Connectors on the WideTEK 25 .................................................................... 90
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A Safety Notes

A.1 Safety Notes

Read and ensure that you understand the safety notes. They are designed for your protection and for your safety. Follow all safety notes to avoid damage to the device.

A.1.1 Marking of Safety Notes

All safety notes are marked with a warning sign. A description of the potential hazard is found at the right side beside the warning sign.
<Text with description of potential hazard.>

A.2 Certification

The WideTEK 25-600 scanner fulfills all requirements of the following safety standards:
IEC 60950-1, International Safety Standard for Information Technology Equipment UL 60950-1, Safety for Information Technology Equipment (US standard) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1, Safety for Information Technology Equipment
(Standard for Canada) EN 60950-1, Safety for Information Technology Equipment (European standard)
All approval marks can be found on the type label of the device.

A.3 General Notice

This manual describes the functions of a complete equipped WideTEK 25-600 scanner. If your device is not equipped with all features, deviations are possible.
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this device to rain

A.4 Safety Precautions

Warning: Please read all the safety precautions before you operat e the scanner. Serious
injury can occur to you or to others if you do not know how to use it safely.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose or any type of moisture.
Follow all safety precautions to avoid personal injury or damage to the device.
1. Place the scanner in a clean, well-ventilated room. Do not operate the scanner in an area with poor ventilation.
2. Openings in the scanner’s housing in the front or at the back are provided for air circulation. Do not cover or block the openings.
3. Do not place the scanner near a heat or cold emitting source such as a space heater, furnace, or air conditioning unit.
4. Do not place the scanner near any devices or electrical boxes emitting high voltage.
5. Always place the scanner on a stable surface.
6. Do not lean on the scanner.
7. Do not place cups containing liquids or other such objects on the scanner. If liquid spills into the scanner it can cause damage.
If this occurs, turn the scanner off, unplug the power cord fr om the wall receptacle and contact the Image Access Technical Support (
8. Do not put any objects into any scanner housing openings unless specifically instructed to do so by Image Access Technical Support.
9. Do not disassemble the scanner. If there is a need to disassemble the scanner, please contact the Image Access Technical Support.
10. Do not use the scanner if it has been physically damaged. If this occurs, turn the scanner off, unplug the power cord from the wall receptacle and contact the Image Access Technical Support.
11. The scanner should be used only with the external power supply that is delivered with the scanner. If you are unsure, please contact the Image Access Technical Support.
12. Always turn the power off and unplug the power cord from the wall receptacle before cleaning the scanner.
13. When cleaning, only use Image Access approved cleaners. Do not use any type of solutions, abrasives, or acids such as acetone, benzene, kerosene, mineral spirits, ammonia, or nitric acid. Do not use any cleaners that contain these chemicals.
14. Use a dry or damp lint free cloth for cleaning the scanner.
15. Do not spray any liquids directly onto the scanner. Spray cleaning fluids only onto the cleaning cloth and use the cloth to clean the scanner.
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B Hardware

B.1 Content on Delivery

When delivered, the scanner is placed at a Euro pallet, bordered at all sides by a stable wooden frame and covered with a wooden top cover.
Picture 1: Transport box
Remove the plastic straps and lift the cover. Remove the cushion foils, which cover the scanner.
Picture 2: Scanner covered cushion foils
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Picture 3 gives an overview of the contents of the transport box.
Picture 3: WideTEK 25-600in transport box, cover removed
1: Folder with
Color Scanner Test Target CSTT-1 Manuals 2: Cardboard box with Power supply and connecting cable Network cable to connect the scanner to an existing network Plastic bag with “Recovery Key”
3: Scanner WideTEK 25-600 in plastic protection bag 4: Plastic bag with
3x White Referenc e Target WT36C-Z-01-A Stitching adjustment target WT36C-Z-02-A
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B.1.1 Removing the Transport Box

Specially formed foam plastic inserts hold the scanner and the accessories in the transport box.
At first, remove the plastic foam inserts and the cardboard boxes out of the transport box. Start with the plastic foam elements at the corners of the scanner. Pull it out upwards. Take the cardboard boxes out of the transport box at next. Lift the wooden frame from the pallet.
Important! Because of safety reasons and because of the weight of the scanner,
execute the following step always with two persons.
Lift the scanner from pallet and place it on a flat and solid base. The load bearing capacity of the base must correspond to the device weight. The
dimensions of the base must correspond to the length and depth of the scanner.
Note: Keep the wooden transport box and the foam plastic inserts for future use! In
case of guarantee the scanner must be sent back in the original transport box to avoid transport damages.
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remove the transportation locks at both sides

B.2 Transportation Lock s

B.2.1 Removing the transportat ion locks

Before initial start-up
of the device!
The transportation locks are located at the left and right bottom side of the scanner. A label is attached to each transportation locks.
Picture 4: Transportation locks at bottom side
The transportation locks are easily identified by their orange-colored heads. To remove, turn the transportation lock counterclockwise. Remove the transportation locks completely. Important: Keep t he transport locks for future use! The transportation locks must be inserted before each transport to protect the camera box
against damage.
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B.2.2 Inserting the transportation locks

Insert the transportation locks before tr ansporting the scanner
to protect the camera box against damage.
Before inserting the transportation locks the camera box unit must be moved into transport position.
The transport position of the camera box unit is at the back side of the scanner – seen from the operator’s position.
When the power down sequence ends normally, the camera box unit moves to its transport position. If the camera box unit is in any other position after switching off, restart the scanner.
Turn it off again. The power down sequence moves the camera box unit t o the transport position, finalizes all internal processes in the scanner and switches the device to stand-by mode.
Finally switch off the WideTEK 25-600 at the main power switch (see Picture 7).
Insert the transportation locks at both sides of the scanner carefully. Always use the transportation locks which come with the scanner. Important: T ighten the transportation locks only by hand. Using more force could result
in damage of the camera box unit.
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B.3 Device Location

Please allow a minimum of 150 mm (6 inch) from any side walls and 300 mm (12 inch) from a back wall. Leave one meter (3 feet) minimum distance from any door or entrance way. Use t he illustration below as a guide.
Picture 5: Minimum distances
Do not operate the scanner in an area that has poor air circulation and/or that is non­ventilated.
Place the WideTEK 25-600 on a flat and solid base. The load bearing capacity of the base must correspond to the device weight.
Choose a location that complies with the limits of temperature and humidity. Refer to the technical specification.
Important: Before using the WideTEK 25-600 scanner in the new environment allow at
least one hour for temperature adaptation.
Temperature adaptation means:
A fast change from cold to warm environmental conditions can build up condensation inside the housing. This will result in unfavorable scanned images and could cause permanent damages to the unit.
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B.5 Device Overview

Picture 6: WideTEK 25-600 front view
The main components of the WideTEK 25-600 are:
1. Internal loudspeakers
2. On/off button and status LEDs of the USB connectors.
3. Two USB connectors for storage mediums.
4. Touchscreen

B.5.1 Connectors on the Back

Picture 7: Connectors on the WideTEK 25-600 backside
1. Main power switch
2. Network cable connector
3. External power supply connector
4. Foot pedal connector
5. Serial port / Recovery key connector
6. DVI / VGA connector
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Ensure the electrical outlet is in perfect condition and that it is
the electrical outlet is equipped with a fuse with the
The electrical outlet must be near this device and must be easily

B.6 Connecting to the Power Source

Before connecting the scanner to the external power supply and the power supply to the electrical outlet, check the following items:
properly grounded.
Ensure that proper capacity.
Inspect the power cable and ensure that it is undamaged. Use only the power cable delivered with the scanner.
Turn the device off before plugging or unplugging any cable.
The connector for the external power supply and the main power switch are located at the right side of the back of the housing, seen from the operat or’s position (i.e. from the front of the scanner).
After the power source is connected and the main power s witch is turned on, the symbol in the on/off button lights up.
Red illumination of the on/off button signals that the WideTEK 25-600 is in standby mode.
Setup Manual Page 23
Ensure the electrical outlet is in perfect condition and that it is
with a fuse with the
The electrical outlet must be near this device and must be easily

B.7 Connecting to the Network

Insert the network cable (delivered with the scanner) into the network cable connector (Picture 7, #5). Connect the other side of the cable to a plug-in of an existing network.
Alternatively the scanner can be connected directly to a computer with network card by using the crossover cable. In this case ensure that the network addresses used by the computer and the scanner allow direct connection.

B.7.1 Connecting t o t he P ow e r S ource

Before connecting the scanner to the electrical outlet check the following items:
properly grounded.
Ensure that the electrical outlet is equipped proper capacity.
Inspect the power cable and ensure that it is undamaged. Use only the power cable delivered with the scanner.
Turn the device off before plugging or unplugging any cable.
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Always turn off the WideTEK 25-600 scanner with the on/off

B.8 Powering up the WideTEK 25-600

The main power switch is found at the back of the scanner. Picture 7 shows the position of power supply connector and main power switch. After connecting the scanner to the external power supply, switch the main power switch
to position I. When the main power switch is in position I, the on/off button will be illuminated and the scanner is in standby mode.

B.8.1 Star ti ng t he WideTEK 25 -600 from Standby Mode

Push the red illuminated on/off button to start the scanner. The button illumination changes to blue. The scanner starts with self-test routines and verifies all system components. Status
messages will be displayed on the touchscreen and on the TFT flat screen (if connected). At the end of th e start-up sequence, the touchscreen displays the start screen.

B.8.2 Swit c hing the Wide TE K 2 5 -600 to S tandby Mode

button at the front panel! The main power switch should only be used when the scanner is
in stand-by mode and before it is disconnected from the external power supply.
To turn off the WideTEK 25-600 press and hold the on/off button for at least three seconds. While pressing the button, a “click” sound is audible.
The content of the touchscreen and the TFT flat screen (if connected) changes and display the message: Going to shut down now …
Finally the screens switch off and the on/off button will be illuminated red.

B.8.3 The Help Func t ion

To support the user when working with the WideTEK 25-600, a help function is integrated into the touchscreen menu. A Question Mark (?) symbol in the bottom line of the touchscreen activates the help function.
After touching the question mark, an additional window opens in the touchscreen and shows information about the menu items of the selected menu.
Touching the OK button in the help screen closes the additional window.
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B.9 Maintenance

Important: While cleaning the scanner, ensure that no liquids will penetrate into the
device housing.

B.9.1 Touchscreen

The touchscreen can be cleaned with a dry micro fiber cloth. Before cleaning it is recommended to turn the scanner into standby mode.

B.9.2 Surfaces

Use a soft, dampened cloth to clean the housing of the scanner. Recommended is a micro fiber cloth.

B.9.3 Glass plate

Important: Do not use any cleanser with solvents to clean the glass plate!
The glass pl ate of t he WideTEK 25-600 has a special non-reflective surface coating. Clean the glass plate with an appropriate glass cleaner and use a soft cloth.
Recommended is a micro fiber cloth. After cleaning dry the glass plate with a soft cloth.

B.10 Repair

Note: There are not any parts of the WideTEK 25-600 scanner which can be
repaired by the user.
All repairs should be done only by a trained technician.
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Touch here 10x

C Setup and Adjustment

Whenever the WideTEK 25-600 is setup for the first time, moved to a different location, cleaned or serviced and/or after software update; some adjustments have to be performed to guarantee maximum quality and accuracy.
Some adjustments can be executed directly via the touchscreen, e.g. the White Balance calibration.
Furthermore, the IP address can be configured and other user settings can be defined. To enter the setup menu, tap the touchscreen at the date and time section ten times
Picture 8: Touchscreen, Kiosk application
The screen will change and show the first screen of the setup menus. The menu bar shows four of five available setup menus. The small arrow in the menu Time and Date indicates t hat the menu bar can be scrolled
to show also the fifth menu items.
Picture 9: Setup menu items
The small arrow changes its position when the menu bar is scrolled.
Touching the Home button returns the touchscreen from the setup menu to the user menu.
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C.1 White Balance

The white balance function is the most important function for consistent image quality. To ensure optimal performance, the WideTEK 25-600 should be calibrated in regular
intervals to compensate for light degradation, variations in the paper quality of the documents to be scanned, and other long term effects.

C.1.1 Helpful information about White Balance Adjustment

The scanner has built-in light sources of known and stable quality consist ing of state-of­the-art white LEDs.
In the first step, the overall sensitivity of the scanner is adjusted in such a way that the brightest area results in an almost saturated output signal. This assures that the largest density range possible is used. After this adjustment is done, the uneven light distribution on the CCD caused by the imbalance of the lamps, the ambient light introduced, the imperfections of the lens and other factors has to be compensated for.
This measurement results in a correction function which levels the brightness over the complete scan width.
The quality of the test target is of utmost importance to the result of the white balance. The test target is on reflective paper which diffuses the light. If the test target has dirt, wrinkles or anything visible to the human eye on it, the CCD will also see this and will overcompensate in these areas. Although the internal software has been programmed to eliminate these imperfections to a certain degree, it still leads to unreliable results if the target is not of the defined quality.
If the target is of defined quality, the scanner will calibrate successfully. Calibration means that the “white” of the test target in the given illumination situation produces a “white” output in the digital domain. Consequently, all scans of white paper having different properties than the test target results in brightness and possibly color shifts.
Periodically performing the white balance adjustment is recommended to ensure consistent best scan results.
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C.1.1.1 Executing the White Balance Adjustment
The first menu item of the setup menus is the White Balance screen.
Picture 10: Setup menu, start screen
The touchscreen shows how to position the reference target for the calibration. The reference target is delivered with the scanner. Place the white balance test target at the upper margin of the glass plate. The test target covers the complete width of the glass plate and overlaps at the left and
right margin (see Picture 10) of the glass plate. Touch the Calibrate button. The calibration sequence will be executed. While the calibration is runni ng, a circulating
symbol is displayed. The calibration sequence takes approximately 40 seconds. At the end of the calibration sequence, the results will be displayed on the touchscreen.
Picture 11: White Balance result
To erase the stored data, touch the button Remove white balance data. Repeat the White Balance calibration after deleting the stored data.
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C.2 IP Address

Picture 12: Content of IP Address menu
To change or define the numeric values which make up an IP address , touch the number in the respective line of IP address, gateway or netmask.
Touch the desired position in the respective row to move the cursor to that position. To delete a digit, place the cursor right beside of the digit and press the “<=” button. It will
always be deleted from right to left. Use the numeric keypad in order to enter digits.
Set network settings Saves the new or modified values when pressed. Reset to Factory Sets all network parameters to factory default settings. Reset network settings Sets all network parameters to previously defined value
when pressed. Chapter D.7.1 describes how to save the parameters.
The section beside the numeric keypad shows device information.
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+ 71 hidden pages