Image Access Bookeye Color Operation Manual

Operation Manual
This device is compliant.
For your notes
File: IAC_BE2-Color-N2.doc
Version Published in Content/Changes/Supplements
A March 2002 Preliminary version.
Description of the device. Description of the integrated user interface, Vers.2.
B April 2002 Additional information concerning user interface, Vers.2.x
C May 2003 User interface complemented and revised. User defined
formats by Java
D July 2005 Some minor changes in the S2N user interface. Some
menu item has been deleted or moved. Additional information concerning firmware update procedure.
E September 2005 New content in chapter 13, Updating Firmware.
F January 2007 Firmware 4.8x: Some modifications in S2N user interface.
Content in some menus have been changed, help function available by clicking a “question mark” in the upper right corner of the S2N screen.
Printed in Germany. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Image Access is prohibited. Scan2Net™ and other designated brands herein are trademarks of Image Access.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Image Access reserves the right to change the described products, the specifications or documents at every time without prior notice. For the most recent version, always check our web site or the customer service portal at
© 2002 – 2007 by Image Access, Inc. 534 NW 77th Street Boca Raton, FL. USA 33487
Operation Manual Page 3
Table of contents
Introduction---------------------------------------------------------- 9
2 Safety Notes --------------------------------------------------------10
2.1 Marking of Safety Notes........................................................................... 10
2.2 Connecting to the Power Source ............................................................. 10
2.3 Device Location ....................................................................................... 11
2.4 Replacing Lamps ..................................................................................... 11
2.5 Maintenance and Repair.......................................................................... 11
2.6 Cleaning................................................................................................... 11
3 Device Overview --------------------------------------------------12
4 Content on Delivery ----------------------------------------------13
5 Establishing Connections ------------------------------------- 14
5.1 Main Power.............................................................................................. 14
5.2 Connecting the Network Cable ................................................................ 14
5.3 Connecting a Foot Pedal Switch .............................................................. 15
5.4 Possible Disturbance at Power Up........................................................... 15
6 Operation ------------------------------------------------------------16
6.1 Starting the BOOKEYE Color .................................................................. 16
6.2 Switching off the BOOKEYE Color........................................................... 17
6.2.1 Special Case: Switching off by STOP Key Not Possible 17
7 Keyboard ------------------------------------------------------------18
7.1 FORMAT.................................................................................................. 19
7.2 TYPE ....................................................................................................... 20
7.2.1 FLAT 20
7.2.2 BOOK 21
7.2.3 FOLDER 22
Page 4 Operation Manual
Table of contents, part 2
7.3 PAGES .....................................................................................................23
7.4 COLOR.....................................................................................................25
7.5 BRIGHTNESS ..........................................................................................25
7.6 CONTRAST..............................................................................................26
7.7 COPIES ....................................................................................................26
8 Set-up Mode-------------------------------------------------------- 27
8.1 Activating the Set-up Mode.......................................................................27
8.2 Checking the current settings ...................................................................27
8.3 Setting new values....................................................................................28
8.3.1 Special advice for the gateway address setting 28
8.4 Saving new values....................................................................................28
8.5 Ending the Set-up Mode ...........................................................................28
9 The Integrated User Interface -------------------------------- 29
9.1 The Options Screen..................................................................................32
9.1.1 Book Fold Options 33
9.1.2 Embedded Meta Data 34
9.2 The Paper Screen.....................................................................................35
9.2.1 User defined Format, no JAVA 36
9.2.2 User defined Format, with JAVA 39
9.3 The Camera Screen .................................................................................41
9.4 The Settings Screen .................................................................................45
9.5 Output Options..........................................................................................47
9.5.1 Output Option Save 47
9.5.2 Output Option Print 48
9.5.3 Output Option Copy 49
9.5.4 Output Option FTP Upload 51
9.5.5 Output Option Mail 52
9.5.6 Output Option Network 54
9.6 Turning off the device ...............................................................................55
Operation Manual Page 5
Table of contents, part 3
10 Scanning-------------------------------------------------------------56
Scan2Net Firmware Update Procedure --------------------57
11.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................. 57
12 Browser settings for … -----------------------------------------58
12.1 … Netscape 6 .......................................................................................... 58
12.2 … Internet Explorer 6............................................................................... 60
13 Updating the Firmware ------------------------------------------61
13.1 Download................................................................................................. 61
13.2 Install ....................................................................................................... 62
14 Scan2Net Firmware Setup Procedure----------------------63
14.1 How to enter the “Poweruser” level.......................................................... 63
14.2 Doing the Adjustments............................................................................. 64
14.2.1 Auto Focus 65
14.2.2 X-Adjust 65
14.2.3 Y-Adjust 66
14.2.4 Adjust White Balance 66
14.2.5 Leaving the Adjustment Menu 67
15 Technical Data -----------------------------------------------------68
15.1 Electrical Specifications ........................................................................... 68
15.2 Scanner Specifications ............................................................................ 68
15.3 Environmental Conditions ........................................................................ 69
15.4 Dimensions and Weight ........................................................................... 69
15.5 CE Declaration of Conformity .................................................................. 70
15.6 FCC Declaration of Conformity ................................................................ 71
16 Safety Declaration ------------------------------------------------71
Page 6 Operation Manual
Table of Pictures
Picture 1: Front side view 12
Picture 2: Details on the back side 12
Picture 3: Connectors on backside 14
Picture 4: Lamp housing. Pull in arrow direction to unplug the lamps. 15
Picture 5: Keyboard BOOKEYE Color 18
Picture 6: Function field FORMAT 19
Picture 7: Reference with format definitions 19
Picture 8: Function field TYPE 20
Picture 9: Book fold positioned on center line 21
Picture 10: Example for document height 21
Picture 11: Distance to document bed edge 21
Picture 12: Example for document used with FOLDER 22
Picture 13: Function field PAGES 23
Picture 14: Function field COLOR 25
Picture 15: Function field BRIGHTNESS 25
Picture 16: Function field CONTRAST 26
Picture 17: Function field COPIES 26
Picture 18: Start screen 29
Picture 19: Main screen 30
Picture 20: Options screen 32
Picture 21: Book Fold Option screen 33
Picture 22: Embedded Meta Data screen 34
Picture 23: Paper screen 35
Picture 24: User defined formats screen 36
Picture 25: Prescan in UDF screen 37
Picture 26: Final scan in UDF screen 38
Operation Manual Page 7
Table of Pictures, part 2
Picture 27: Prescan in UDF with JAVA screen 39
Picture 28: Frame in UDF with JAVA screen 40
Picture 29: Image resulting from user defined area 40
Picture 30: Camera screen 41
Picture 31: User defined resolution 41
Picture 32: Resolution selected from a drop down list 42
Picture 33: Automatic Threshold function 42
Picture 34: Black Threshold slider 43
Picture 35: Color Gain screen 44
Picture 36: Settings screen 45
Picture 37: List of available languages 45
Picture 38: Tool Tips 46
Picture 39: Status window 46
Picture 40:Output Option Show 47
Picture 41: Output Options in Scan Window 47
Picture 42: Output Option Print 48
Picture 43: Available List of Printers for Option Print 48
Picture 44: Output Option Copy 49
Picture 45: Output Option FTP Upload 51
Picture 46: Output Option Mail 52
Picture 47: Output Option Network 54
Picture 48: Security query after shutdown command 55
Picture 49: Browser message after shutdown 55
Picture 50: “Setup Device” screen 63
Picture 51: „Poweruser“ information menu 64
Picture 52: Menu in section „Adjustment & Support“ 64
Page 8 Operation Manual
1 Introduction
Dear Customer,
We congratulate you on the acquisition of this innovative product from Image Access, Inc.
We at Image Access, Inc. are proud of the work we do, it is the result of our extremely high standards of production and stringent quality control.
With the BOOKEYE wide scope of applications due to its versatility. Its integrated user interface makes all functions available in structured menus.
Color, Image Access, Inc. offers an efficient scanner which covers a
This operation manual is designed to lead you through all steps that will arise when using the BOOKEYE
For this reason, we ask you to read the operation manual attentively before starting to work with the device. By doing so, you will avoid operation errors and you can control all functions from the beginning.
In addition please consider the following points:
Damages to your unit may have occurred during shipping. Please check for damages immediately after delivery of the unit. Inform your supplier if damage has occurred.
Read and ensure that you understand the safety notes. They were developed for your protection and safety as well as to protect the unit.
Regular maintenance conserves the high quality and safety of the BOOKEYE
during the entire service life.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact your local dealer or Image Access, Inc. directly. Our staff will be happy to help you.
For your daily work with the BOOKEYE
Color scanner, we wish you success and
complete satisfaction.
Your Image Access Team
Operation Manual Page 9
2 Safety Notes
Read and ensure that you understand the safety notes. They are devised for your protection and for your safety.
All safety requirements of the European Standard
EN 60950, Safety of Equipment in the Information Technology,
are fulfilled by the scanner BOOKEYE
2.1 Marking of Safety Notes
All safety notes are marked with a prefixed warning sign.
Beside the warning sign you find a description of the danger.
Safety Note!
Example text.
2.2 Connecting to the Power Source
Important: Before connecting to the power source, check the following items:
The wall outlet is in perfect condition and properly grounded.
The power cable is not damaged in any way.
The wall outlet fuse has the correct electrical dimensions. Refer to the technical specification chart for detailed information.
Check the device fuse. Use only the specified device fuse. The device fuse specification is named on the identification plate.
Page 10 Operation Manual
2.3 Device Location
Place the device on a flat and solid base.
The load bearing capacity of the base must correspond to the device weight.
Choose a location that complies with the limits of temperature and humidity. Refer to the technical specification.
Temperature adaptation:
A fast change from cold to warm environmental conditions will build up condensation inside the housing. This will result in unfavorable scanned images and could cause permanent damages to the unit.
NOTE: Before use in the new environment allow at least one hour for temperature
2.4 Replacing Lamps
Switch off the device at the main power switch before replacing the lamps.
As replacement only use original lamps with the prescribed data. Only original lamps
fulfill the light specification.
2.5 Maintenance and Repair
There are not any parts of the BOOKEYE® Color which can be repaired or maintained by the user.
All maintenance and repairs should be done by a trained technician.
2.6 Cleaning
Switch off the BOOKEYE
Unplug the power cable.
Use only solvent-free cleaner.
Avoid penetration of liquid into the casing during the cleaning.
Color at the main power switch before doing any cleaning.
Operation Manual Page 11
3 Device Overview
Picture 1: Front side view
For a first look at the BOOKEYE® Color, some of the more important components have been identified in the photos here. These components are referenced in the operation manual.
Picture 2: Details on the back side
Page 12 Operation Manual
4 Content on Delivery
The BOOKEYE® Color scanner is delivered with the following:
Cross-Over cable (with green connectors)
Network cable
Power cable
The Cross-Over cable is used to connect the BOOKEYE computer via the network card.
The network cable connects the BOOKEYE
which define the BOOKEYE
Color in the network must be set prior to the first use.
The power cable connects the BOOKEYE
Color scanner to the network. All parameters
Color to the wall outlet.
Color scanner directly to a
Operation Manual Page 13
5 Establishing Connections
Important: Before connecting the BOOKEYE® Color scanner to the mains voltage,
check the following items:
¾ The wall outlet is in perfect condition and properly grounded.
¾ The power cable is undamaged.
¾ The wall outlet is equipped with a correctly dimensioned fuse.
¾ Turn the device off before plugging or unplugging any cable.
Connect the wall outlet and the power supply connector at the BOOKEYE power cable.
Color with the
Picture 3: Connectors on backside
5.1 Main Power
The power connector and the main power switch are located at the right side of the back of the document bed.
After the main power switch is turned on the green START LED above the START button lights up.
This indicates that the BOOKEYE
Color is ready-to-use.
5.2 Connecting the Network Cable
The BOOKEYE® Color scanner is delivered with a cross-over cable (green cable connectors) and a network cable.
The network connector is located at the back side of the document bed.
Use the cross-over cable in order to connect the BOOKEYE PC via a network card.
Use the network cable in order to connect the BOOKEYE
Color scanner directly to a
Color scanner to a network.
Page 14 Operation Manual
5.3 Connecting a Foot Pedal Switch
The scan sequence can be started with optional available foot pedal switches.
At the back side are two jack plugs to which the foot pedal switches can be connected. The jack plugs are labeled with “FS1” and “FS2”.
Note: Switch off the BOOKEYE
pedal switch to the jack plugs.
Color before connecting or disconnecting the foot
5.4 Possible Disturbance at Power Up
After connecting the BOOKEYE® Color to the mains voltage and turning the main power switch on, the lamps should light up for a short moment.
This is a design-related behavior of the lamps electronic ballast.
Situation: When starting the device using the START button, one of the two lamps in the
lamp housing does not light up.
The lamp is not defective. A safety feature in the lamps electronic ballast prevents the lamp from turning on. To resolve this situation, employ one of the two solutions, or both, if necessary.
Important: For both solutions the following is valid: Do not turn off the main power
switch and do not disconnect the device from the mains voltage.
Suggested solution 1:
After completing the device system start-up sequence, switch the device off using the STOP button. Chapter 6.2 describes all necessary steps.
After a short waiting period of approx. 10 minutes, the device can be restarted via the START button. Both lamps in the lamp housing should light up now.
Suggested solution 2:
After completing the device system start-up sequence, switch the device off using the STOP button. Chapter 6.2 describes all necessary steps.
Unplug the lamp which did not light up from the lamp socket and plug it in again.
Note: The lamps can be plugged into the lamp sockets or removed from the lamp
sockets without contact of live units.
Picture 4: Lamp housing. Pull in arrow direction to unplug the lamps.
Operation Manual Page 15
6 Operation
6.1 Starting the BOOKEYE® Color
Press the START button.
After the BOOKEYE sequence starts.
While the self test sequence runs, the display shows alternating in two lines:
After finishing the self test sequence and during the warm-up time of the lamps, the display shows:
Color is turned on, the lamps light up and the internal self test
System Test
Please wait !!
Warm up
System test ok
At the end of the lamp warm-up time the display changes to the message:
Device version (e.g. BE2-SCL-N2)
System test ok
The BOOKEYE illuminated:
Color is now ready to use. On the keyboard, the following LEDs are
Function field LED
Page 16 Operation Manual
6.2 Switching off the BOOKEYE® Color
Press and hold the STOP button for at least three seconds.
The red STOP LED starts blinking.
The lamps and all LEDs on the keyboard will be switched off.
During the shutdown sequence the display shows
System Shutdown
At the end of the shutdown sequence only the green LED above the START button remains on.
6.2.1 Special Case: Switching off by STOP Key Not Possible
Color is now in stand-by mode.
If the BOOKEYE® Color cannot be switched off due to a system disturbance, the device can be powered down with the main switch.
Note: After switching off using the main switch, more time is necessary for the
subsequent system start since all system parameters have to be restored.
If the BOOKEYE react with a delay on commands from the user interface.
Color is installed in a network with a high number of users, it might
Operation Manual Page 17
7 Keyboard
Picture 5: Keyboard BOOKEYE Color
The keyboard is laid out in seven function fields. At each function field, upward/downward buttons are used to select the desired setting.
The selected setting is displayed by LEDs at each function field.
The START button and the STOP button control several functions. The function of these
buttons is defined by the mode of operation of the BOOKEYE
Color has two modes of operation.
Scan mode: In this mode of operation the BOOKEYE
Color is controlled by the
function fields or by the integrated user interface.
Pressing the START button starts the scan sequence with the defined parameters. During the scan sequence the display shows the current status.
A brief push of the STOP button interrupts the scan sequence. All scanned data is lost.
Pressing the STOP button for at least three seconds switches the BOOKEYE
Color off. While switching off, the red LED blinks.
During this time the display shows the current status.
At the end of the shutdown sequence, the green LED above the START button lights up. The BOOKEYE
Color now is in stand-by
Set-up mode: In this mode of operation all specific device parameters of the
Color are set.
For this purpose, five function fields of the keyboard are used.
Detailed information about the setting of device parameters can be found in chapter 8.
Page 18 Operation Manual
Picture 6: Function field FORMAT
The function field FORMAT defines the size of the scanned area.
At the end of the system-test the
The size, indicated by the LED, always refers to the horizontal format. For easy orientation above the keyboard, a format reference can be found. The available formats are marked on this reference.
All formats defined on the reference are center symmetric.
Picture 7: Reference with format definitions
Table 1 indicates the dimensions of the scanned area.
Lettering Size Lettering Size
MAX Maximum scan area LEGAL 215,9 x 355,6 mm
A2 420 x 594 mm A4 210 x 297 mm
US C 431,8 x 558,8 mm LETTER 215,9 x 279,4 mm
US B 249,4 x 431,8 mm
A3 297 x 420 mm AUTO Automatic size detection
field lights up.
Table 1: Size of the scanned area
The “AUTO” setting activates the automatic size detection.
By using the “AUTO” setting, the BOOKEYE Color scans the complete, maximum scan area. The size of the document which is placed on the document bed is recognized automatically and displayed in the correct size.
Operation Manual Page 19
7.2 TYPE
Picture 8: Function field TYPE
The function field TYPE defines the document type.
At the end of the system-test the
Function Document type
FLAT Documents with consistent thickness, e.g. single pages.
Documents without binding or center fold.
BOOK Documents with a high center fold, e.g. books, catalogues or similar
FOLDER Documents with distinct differences in level, e.g. opened files.
AUTO No function at this time.
field lights up.
7.2.1 FLAT
The type FLAT is suitable for all documents with a slight difference or no difference in thickness level over the whole document.
If the type FLAT is selected, the focus value is measured in a narrow range to the left, next to the center line of the document bed. The distance to the center line results from the size of the document to be scanned. Place the document at the edge of the document bed and with at least a third of the document size left from the center line.
With the setting PAGES Æ RIGHT, the focus value is measured right from the center line. In this case, place the document so that at least a third of the document size is right of the center line.
The distance between the measurement area and the center line depends on the selected format. The smaller the selected format is, the closer the measuring area is to the center line.
Page 20 Operation Manual
7.2.2 BOOK
The type BOOK is suitable for bounded or stitched documents with a high center fold, the so called “book fold”.
The setting BOOK activates the Book Fold Correction.
The following criteria must be met for proper functioning of the Book Fold Correction:
The middle of the book fold must be positioned on the center line.
Picture 9: Book fold positioned on center line
The document must not be positioned at the document bed edge. The distance
between document and document bed edge should be at least half of the document height.
Picture 10: Example for document height
Picture 11: Distance to document bed edge
If these criteria are not met, the BOOKEYE Color produces an uncorrected image.
Operation Manual Page 21
7.2.3 FOLDER
The type FOLDER is suitable for documents with plain differences in levels between left and right page.
These are e.g. extensive files or documents without bound or center fold.
Picture 12: Example for document used with FOLDER
In combination with the setting PAGES Æ BOTH, the left and right half of the document are focused and sent separately.
Because of the separate focusing for each side, it is not necessary to take the documents out of the file.
The second side is sent after further pushing the START button or by clicking again the buttons
Scan Preview Now
in the integrated user interface.
Chapter 9 describes the functions and the use of the integrated S2N user interface.
Scan Now
Page 22 Operation Manual
+ 49 hidden pages