Ik Multimedia iRig Mic Cast USER MANUAL

iRig Mic Cast
Voice microphone


Table of Contents
English 4
iRig Mic Cast 4 Register your iRig Mic Cast 4 Installation and setup 5 Using iRig Mic Cast 7 Troubleshooting 8 Warranty 8 Support and more info 8
iRig Mic Cast 9
Enregistrement de l’iRig Mic Cast 9 Mise en route 10 Utiliser iRig MIC Cast 12 Résolution de problèmes 13 Garantie 13 Pour l’assistance et plus d’info 13
iRig Mic Cast 14
Registre su iRig Mic Cast 14 Para Empezar 15 Usando iRig MIC Cast 17 Resolución de problemas 18 Garantía 18 Servicio Técnico y Más Información 18
iRig Mic Cast 19
Registra il tuo iRig Mic Cast 19 Come iniziare 20 Uso di iRig MIC Cast 22 Risoluzione dei problemi 23 Garanzia 23 Supporto tecnico e informazioni 23
iRig Mic Cast 24
Registrierung von iRig Mic Cast 24 Erste Schritte 25 Verwendung von iRig MIC Cast 27 Fehlerbehebung 28 Garantie 28
Support und weitere Informationen 28
iRig Mic Cast 29
オンライン登 録 29
基本的な使い方 30 iRig MIC Castの使い方 32
トラブ ル・シュ ー ティングとサ ポート 情 報 33
保証 33 サ ポ ートと詳 細 は 33
中文 簡体字
iRig Mic Cast 34 在线注册 34
入门指南 35 iRig MIC Cast使用方法 37 故障处理信息 38 质量保证 38 技术支持和详细信息 38


iRig Mic Cast

Thank you for purchasing iRig Mic Cast.
Your package contains:
• iRig Mic Cast
• Smartphone stand.
1x 1x
iRig MIC Cast is the ultra-compact, portable voice recording microphone designed specifically for recording podcasts, interviews, lectures, voice memos, speeches and more.
iRig MIC Cast provides a pocket-sized voice recording solution with crystal-clear audio quality. It features a tight unidirectional pickup pattern that minimizes background noise, making it ideal for single-source audio recording.

Register your iRig Mic Cast

By registering, you can access technical support, activate your warranty and receive free JamPoints™ which will be added to your account. JamPoints™ allow you to obtain discounts on future IK purchases! Registering also keeps you informed of all the latest software updates and IK products.
Register at: www.ikmultimedia.com/registration

Installation and setup

1. Plug iRig MIC Cast into the headphone mini-jack on your mobile device. When iRig MIC Cast is plugged in, the mobile device will automatically use it as the audio source for all applications.
2. Download iRig Recorder, VocaLive or any other audio recording or processing app.
iRig Recorder
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
3. Set the switch to LO if you’re talking very close to the microphone (within 1’/30cm) or very loudly. Set it to HI if you’re talking quietly or you are more than 1’/30cm away from the microphone.
< 30 cm / 1 inch
> 30 cm / 1 inch
4. Connect your headphones or powered speakers to the mini-jack on the right of the iRig MIC Cast.

Using iRig Mic Cast

• The iRig MIC Cast picks up the sound from the front of the microphone which has the “iRig MIC Cast” logo.
• Always point the microphone directly toward the sound source for the best result. The microphone can be
rotated if needed.
• Never use a MONO mini-jack to connect to the iRig MIC Cast headphone output; Always use a STEREO mini-jack.
• The iRig MIC Cast headphone output duplicates the mobile device output. To hear your recording from this output, you must use an app that supports real-time audio pass-through such as the IK Multimedia iRig Recorder or VocaLive apps.
• iRig MIC Cast comes with an adjustable table stand that will conveniently hold your mobile device in place when recording a podcast. Adjust its rear leg for optimal orientation of the iRig MIC Cast and front camera (if you’re using it).
• If you’re using a mobile device whose headphone mini-jack is located at the bottom, you need to position it upside down on the stand to allow iRig MIC Cast to be plugged in.
• Remember that both iRig MIC Cast and the adjustable table support are precision devices that must be handled with care during use.


My recording is too quiet.
Set the sensitivity switch from LO to HI on the front of the microphone.
My recording is distorted.
Set the sensitivity switch from HI to LO on the front of the microphone.
I can’t hear anything from the headphone output.
Check that the app you’re using allows for audio-through from input to output.
The recording appears distant or unfocused.
The microphone is directional; so make sure that the front faceplate of the microphone is pointed directly at your recording source.


Please visit:
for the complete warranty policy.

Support and more info



iRig Mic Cast
Contenu de la boîte:
• iRig MIC Cast
• Support pour Smartphones.
1x 1x
Enregistrement de l’iRig Mic Cast
Enregistrer votre produit vous donne accès au support technique, active la garantie, et ajoute gratuitement des JamPoints™ sur votre compte utilisateur. Ces points vous donnent des réductions à valoir sur vos prochains achats! L’enregistrement vous permet également d’être tenu au courant des nouveautés et mises à jour de nos produits. Enregistrez dès maintenant votre produit sur :: www.ikmultimedia.com/registration

Mise en route

1. Brancher l’iRig MIC Cast dans la prise casque de votre appareil mobile. Lorsque l’iRig MIC Cast est branché, l’appareil mobile l’utilise automatiquement comme source audio pour toutes les applications.
2. Télécharger iRig Recorder, VocaLive ou n’importe quelle autre app d’enregistrement ou de traitement audio.
iRig Recorder
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
3. Positionnez l’interrupteur sur LO si vous parlez très proche du micro (à moins de 30cm) ou très fort. Positionnez-le sur HI si vous parlez à voix basse ou si vous êtes à plus de 30cm du micro.
< 30 cm / 1 inch
> 30 cm / 1 inch
4. Branchez vos écouteurs ou vos enceintes amplifiées au mini-jack situé sur la droite de l’iRig MIC Cast.

Utiliser iRig MIC Cast

• L’iRig MIC Cast est sensible au son provenant du coté du micro figurant le logo “iRig MIC Cast”.
• Toujours orienter le micro directement vers la source sonore pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Le micro
peut être tourné si nécessaire.
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