Ikelite Digital Housing User Manual

Ikelite Digital Housing
Latch in open position
Latch Button
Latch Button
Camera in Housing Front
Made in USA
Housing Back - Top View
Latch Button
Latch Button
i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l
for ULTRACompact Digital DC-100 Housing
PPlleeaassee RReeaad
We suggest that you read this instruction booklet thoroughly before use. If you are new to underwater photography be sure to read the General and Photo Tips.
We also suggest that you read the camera manual thoroughly to have a full understanding of where each camera control is located and what function each control provides.
PPlleeaassee RReeaadd IIff UUssiinngg aann EEVV--CCoonnttrroolllleerr
The EV-Controller used with Ikelite DS Substrobes has two user settings. One setting is for strobe selection, the other is for pre­flash or non pre-flash.
V-Controller should be set to the pre-flash position.
IIff yyoouurr ccaammeerraa mmooddeell uusseess pprree--ffllaasshh
, the
Congratulations on your purchase of an Ikelite Digital Camera Housing. Ikelite has over 45 years of experience in the underwater photographic and lighting market. Our products are designed and built in the USA by Ikelite for both the professional and amateur photographer.
The clear housing permits instant visual inspection of the camera and all sealing surfaces as well as complete monitoring of controls and camera LCD screens.
OOppeenniinngg tthhee HHoouussiinngg
1. Depress opposing latch buttons simultaneously to open the housing. Once the latch is unlocked, rotate the latch handle away from the housing until it stops. This motion will also break the housing o-ring seal and open the housing back slightly. NOTE: Latch must be rotated to the fully open position to assure easy opening of the back. Rotate the hinged back to it’s open position.
CCaammeerraa SSeettuupp
1. Set ISO to lowest setting available.
2. Set camera to least automated mode.
3. Enable macro setting if pictures are over-exposed. Also, zoom in and back away from the subject.
4. Set aperture to smallest available setting (highest numerical setting).
5. Make sure flash is forced “on”.
6. See “supplemental instructions” for any additional camera settings specific to your camera.
((ffoorr mmoosstt ppooiinntt aanndd sshhoooott ddiiggiittaallss))
CClloossiinngg tthhee HHoouussiinngg
1. Place housing face down in your lap or on a flat surface.
2. Check to see that there is an o-ring on the housing back and that it is clean, lightly lubed, and in its proper location.
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee CCaammeerraa
1. Place the camera face down into the front housing ribs as shown.
3. Rotate the hinged back onto the housing front. Close the latch and make sure it locks. Latch will “click” into it’s locked position. Latch buttons will NOT be depressed when latch is properly locked.
Latch in “locked” position
CChheecckk MMaaiinn OO--rriinngg SSeeaall aanndd CCoonnttrroolls
Once the housing has been closed, look at the main housing o-ring seal from the “top view” as seen on page 4. Rotate the housing 360
egrees and note the o-ring seal by looking through the clear
d housing. A good seal should appear as a solid black line.
ake sure the housing controls line up with the camera controls.
UUssiinngg FFllaassh
UUssiinngg tthhee CCaammeerraass BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh..
If you do not have an external flash, the camera’s built-in flash can be used. See Diffuser/Deflector installation below.
NOTE: The camera’s built-in flash cannot be used with optional
Wide-Angle or Accessory lenses.
TTuurrnn CCaammeerraa OOnn
Turn the camera on and operate each of the housing controls to get a feel for using the camera in the housing. Take a few pictures above water with the camera in the housing.
1. Ikelite provides silicone lubricant with the housing. We recommend you use only Ikelite lubricant on Ikelite products. Other brands may cause the o-ring to swell and not seal properly.
2. Use only enough lubricant to lightly cover the main housing o­ring. Wipe off any excess lubricant with a clean cloth. Lubricant is not a sealant, it is used to reduce friction. Excessive lubricant can collect sand and dirt which may interfere with proper sealing.
NNeevveerr uussee sspprraayy lluubbrriiccaannttss aass tthhee pprrooppeellllaanntt iinnggrreeddiieenntt ccaan ccaauussee tthhee ppllaassttiicc hhoouussiinngg ttoo ccrraacckk.
DDiiffffuusseerr aanndd DDeefflleeccttoorr ccoonntt..
A diffuser and deflector are included with the housing. The diffuser is white transparent plastic. The deflector is also white but is not transparent.
Diffuser/Deflector material
DDiiffffuusseerr aanndd DDeefflleeccttoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Housing shown with Diffuser installed.
LLeennss PPoorrtt
Treat the glass in the lens port as a camera lens. After use, rinse and gently dry the outside lens port to avoid water spotting. To clean, use a mild soap solution or lens cleaner. Do not rinse the inside port glass.
Lens Port.
Do not use alcohol or window cleaner on the
To install the diffuser or deflector, simply push the scalloped section into the port groove until it stops. The white plastic should be placed in front of the camera flash. Note the small hole. To avoid losing the diffuser/deflector, you can attach a fishing line or string to this hole.
Small hole
Scalloped section
The diffuser should be installed when using the camera’s built in flash. When shooting with the camera’s built-in flash at approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) or less, the lens port on the housing may block a portion of the light from the camera’s built-in flash, creating a shadow in the lower left area of the photo. If this occurs, zoom the lens slightly to eliminate the shadow.
(You can test this above water)
The deflector should be installed when using an external strobe such as the AF35; or the DS51, DS125, or DS160 Substrobe with an EV Controller. The deflector will redirect the camera’s flash to the EV Controller which controls the external strobe’s output.
AAcccceessssoorryy LLeennss IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Please refer to the “supplemental instructions” manual for Accessory Lens information.
OOppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
MMaaiinn HHoouussiinngg OO--rriinngg
O-rings last for several years if properly maintained (See maintenance). Always carry a spare in case your housing o-ring becomes damaged or lost.
IIkkeelliittee LLuubbee ##55002200
For light lubrication of the main housing o-ring.
UURR//PPrroo FFiilltteerr ((BBlluuee WWaatteerr))
The UR/Pro underwater color correcting filter is designed to restore some of the warm colors filtered out by the water. For available light use only; not recommended for use with flash.
GGrreeeenn WWaatteerr FFiilltteerr
Enhances contrast and alters the color of green water to give your subject a rich, natural tone. For available light use only. Not recommended for use with flash.
((44 -- 11cccc ttuubbeess))
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