Ikelite Digital Housing
Front View
Back View
Command Dial
Mode Dial
[E] Menu
[F] Monitor
[G] Flash Mode
[H] Self-timer
[I] Apply
[J] Exposure Compensation
[K] Macro/MF (Focus Mode)
[L] Delete
[A] Fn (FUNC)
[B] My Menu
[C] Manual Focus
[D] Playback
TTL Connector
Power Switch
O' Ring
Mounting Bolt
Push For ward
Lid Snap Lock
i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l
#6182.60 for Nikon Coolpix P6000
Congratulations on your purchase of an Ikelite Digital Camera
Housing. Ikelite has over 45 years of experience in the underwater
photographic and lighting market. Our products are designed and
built in the USA by Ikelite for both the professional and amateur
The clear housing permits instant visual inspection of the camera
and all sealing surfaces as well as complete monitoring of controls
and camera LCD screens.
Ikelite Digital Housings are slightly negative in salt water for
stability. This housing has been water pressure tested at the
factory to 200’ (60m).
PPlleeaassee RReeaad
We suggest that you read this instruction booklet thoroughly
before use. If you are new to underwater photography, be sure
to read the General and Photo Tips sections.
We also suggest that you read the camera manual thoroughly
to have a full understanding of where each camera control is
located and what function each control provides.
PPlleeaassee RReeaadd IIff UUssiinngg aann EEVV--CCoonnttrroolllleerr
The EV-Controller used with Ikelite DS Substrobes has two user
settings. One setting is for strobe selection, the other is for
pre-flash or non pre-flash.
TThhiiss ccaammeerraa uusseess pprree--ffllaasshh
, thus the
EV-Controller should be set to the pre-flash position when used
ith this camera as a slave. If hard-wired to the housing, set the
EV-Controller to Non pre-flash. TTL flash control is not
available when using an EV-Controller, and therefore is not
recommended with this housing.
IInniittiiaall CCaammeerraa SSeettuupp
1. Set ISO to 64 or 100.
2. Set camera to “A” Aperture priority or “M” Manual mode.
3. Set Flash to forced “On” (lightning bolt in LCD).
4. When using external strobes, set built-in flash to “Off”.
5. For Macro photography, set aperture to f7.6 or 8.0.
6. Set White Balance to “Auto”.
7. Set Image Quality to “Fine” and Image Size to “3:2”.
8. Set Metering to “Center-Weighted”.
When using
in the camera menu. Also make sure that the hotshoe wire
allows the “pop-up” flash to open completely, otherwise the
flash may not fire. Slide the hotshoe back on the camera mount
until the “pop-up” flash fully extends.
iinntteerrnnaall ffllaasshh oonnllyy
, set flash control to “Auto”
OOppeenniinngg tthhee HHoouussiinngg
1. Lid Snaps have a
To open, push Lid Snap
Lock forward and lift
as shown. Keep
pressure on the Lid
Snap so it does not fly
open quickly.
Some lid snaps have a lot of spring tension once they go over
center, so keep a firm grip on the lid snap. Lid Snaps may be
opened one at a time.
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee CCaammeerraa
1. Pull out on each
housing control until it
stops. This will get the
controls out of the way
for installing the
2. Remove the back from
the housing. The
mounting tray for the
camera is secured to
the housing back.
Position the camera on
the tray, and using a
coin or screwdriver (preferred), secure it with the mounting
bolt which threads into the camera’s tripod socket.
Some camera tripod socket threads are plastic. The mounting
tray bolt is metal. Do not cross thread or over tighten as you
may damage the camera tripod socket threads.
FFllaasshh CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr EExxtteerrnnaall SSttrroobbees
External Strobe Connector
Waterproof Cap
(Do not remove underwater)
Housing Back
Hot Shoe Connector
When using an external strobe(s), connect the housing Hotshoe
Connector. Slide the connector into the camera mount from the
back of the camera as shown. Slide the connector forward until it
stops. This can be done after the camera is secured with the
mounting bolt.
When using
iinntteerrnnaall ffllaasshh oonnlly
, set flash control to “Auto”
in the camera menu. Also make sure that the hotshoe wire
allows the “pop-up” flash to open completely, otherwise the
flash may not fire. Slide the hotshoe back on the camera mount
until the “pop-up” flash fully extends.
Do not remove the External Strobe Connector’s waterproof cap
unless an external sync cord is going to be plugged in. Do not
remove the waterproof cap or sync cord underwater.
CClloossiinngg tthhee HHoouussiinng
1. Place housing face down in your
housing back
lap or on flat surface.
2. Check to see that there is an
o-ring on the housing back and
that it is clean and in its proper
3. Guide the back into the housing
front. The o-ring should touch the
ousing all the way around. There
should be an even gap all the way
around between the housing and
the housing back.
. Lift the lid snaps so they are
extended and place each lid
housing back
snap into the corresponding hook
on the housing back.
. To close the housing, push
down on the lid snaps until
even gap
all 4 sides
they snap into place . Lid
snaps on opposite sides of the
housing should be closed at the
same time. Be sure they are down
far enough to engage the lock.
DDoouubbllee cchheecckk
- Once the housing is closed, check the o-ring seal.
Check the gap between the housing back and the housing. It
should be even all the way around the housing.
Look through the clear plastic back at the o-ring. You should see
a darkened area where the o-ring is compressed against the
housing back. If you do not see an even black compression seal
all the way around the back, open the lid snaps, reseat the
housing back and close the lid snaps. Visually check the seal again.
CChheecckkiinngg CCoonnttrroollss
Once the housing has been closed, make sure the housing
controls line up with the corresponding camera controls. If the
housing controls are misaligned slightly, make sure the camera
hold down bolt has been tightened down firmly so the camera
is flat against the tray.
TTuurrnn CCaammeerraa OOnn
Turn the camera on and operate each of the housing controls to
get a feel for using the camera in the housing. Take a few pictures
above water with the camera in the housing.
ZZoooomm CCoonnttrrooll
(NOTE:) After you have used the
housing's zoom control, it must be
returned to the center position to
disengage. If the housing zoom
control is pushing the zoom lever
in either direction, you may not
be able to take a picture or access
any other function because the
camera is receiving a signal from
the engaged zoom control.
Engaged Center Position
UUssiinngg FFllaasshh
UUssiinngg tthhee CCaammeerraa’’ss BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh..
If you do not have an external flash, the camera’s built-in flash
can be used. See Diffuser instructions
((PPaaggee ##88 && ##99))
NOTE: The camera’s built-in flash cannot be used with optional
Wide-Angle lenses.
DDiiffffuusseerr aanndd DDeefflleeccttoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Housing shown with Deflector installed.
A diffuser and deflector are included
with the housing. The diffuser is
white transparent plastic. The
deflector is also white, but is not
To install the diffuser or deflector,
spread the port clamp at the spring
end and slide over the lens port. The
white plastic should be placed in
front of the camera flash. The port
clamp should be pushed back against the front of the housing.
Diffuser/Deflector material
Port Clamp
Spread to Install