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Tha nk you for p urchas ing the D AC from t he ZEN serie s. The DAC
is a ba lanced USB- audio da c ampli fier.
Ple ase con nect th e enclo sed 5V p ower sup ply. If t he comp uter
aud io sour ce is able t o suppl y the 5V, t he DAC ca n also be p ower
by US B.
1. PowerMatch (high/low)
The P owerM atch set ting sh ould be o n low for I EMs and o n high
for on /over h eadpho nes.
Warn ing: befo re changi ng the Powe rMatch s etting, a lways tur n the
volum e down so as no t to damage y our heari ng or your eq uipmen t.
AMR /iFi aud io is not res ponsibl e for any hea ring or eq uipment
damag e from mis use.
2. True Bass (high /low)
IEM s usually s ound bett er with TrueB ass set hig h. They lack b ass
due to t heir small d river siz e. Adjust to s uit your pe rsonal
prefe rence.
3. Volume control
The an alogue vol ume contr ol in the ZE N DAC is sup erior to an y
digi tal volume c ontrol. I t can be used t o control th e headpho ne
volum e or the pre -amplif ier volume ( when set to ' Variabl e'). If
the ou tput at the re ar is set to 'F ixed', then the vo lume contr ol is
bypa ssed.
4. Audio Format LE D (kHz)
The L ED colou r scheme ind icates th e audio form at and samp ling
frequ ency rece ived by the Z EN DAC f rom the musi c source.
Mode L ED
PC M 44/48 /88/96 kHz G reen
PC M 176/1 92/353 /384k Hz Yel low
DS D64/D SD12 8 Cyan
DS D256 B lue
MQA Mage nta
5. 6. 3mm out put
For th e conne ction o f 6.3mm s ingle -ende d headp hones.
6. Balanced 4.4mm anal ogue output
For the connection of 4.4mm balanced headphones.
Tip: As the ZEN D AC is balanced, we recommend the 4.4mm output.
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7. Balanced 4.4mm analogue output
This is an analogue output via 4.4mm > XLR or similarly balanced
interconnects. You could use this for a active speaker or amplifier.
Tip: As the ZEN DAC is balanced, this is the recommended output.
8. Variable/Fixed switch
Whe n the rea r UnBAL /BAL an alogu e output s are use d, this
swi tch wil l selec t wheth er or not t he ZEN DAC a nalog ue volu me
con trol is us ed.
9. RCA analogue output
This is an analogue output.
10. USB-audio input
This is to connect the computer audio source.
11. DC 5V power
The enclosed 5V power supply here is connected here.
Tip: The ZEN DAC is powered by 5 volts. It is possible to upgrade the
power supply by using a super-low noise supply such as the iFi iPower or
iPower X.
Input: USB3.0 B Socket (US B2.0 compatible)
Formats: 44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4/192kHz PCM
2.8/3.1/5.6/6.2/11.2/12.4MHz DSD
353/384KHz DXD
DAC: Bit-Perfect DSD & DXD DAC by Burr Brown
Line Section
Output: Audio R CA (UnBAL) 2.1V fixed
1V / 3.3V max. (variable)
4.4mm Pentaconn (BAL) 4.2V fixed
2V / 6.2V max. (variable)
Zout: <= 100 Ohm (UnBAL)
<= 200 Ohm (BA L)
SNR: <-116dB(A) @ 0dBFS (UnBA L/BAL)
DNR: >116dB(A) @ -60dBFS (UnBA L/BAL)
THD+N: <0.0015% @ 0dBFS (Un BAL/BAL)
Headphone Section
Output: 6.3mm (UnB AL) 1V / 3.3V max.
12 Ohm - 300 Ohm H eadphone
4.4mm Pentaconn (BAL) 2V / 6.2V max.
12 Ohm - 600 Ohm H eadphone
Output Power: UnBAL >280mW @ 32R; >36mW @ 300R
BAL >380mW @ 50R; >70mW @ 600R
Output Impedance: <1 Ω (UnBAL/B AL)
THD & N: <0.005% (125mW @ 32R)
SNR: >113dBA (3.3V UnBAL / 6.2V BAL)
Power consumption: No Signal ~0.5W
Max Signal ~2.5W
Dimensions: 117(l) x 100(w) x 30(h)mm
Weight: 491g (1.08 lbs)
Warranty period: 12 months
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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