S T ER E O 5 0
All-in-One Vacuum tube Amplifier
High-quality wireless Bluetooth(aptX) with NFC for pairing. No tedious setup is required, the most
convenient wireless connection with excellent sound.
Pure vacuum tube 25W + 25W* amplifier. For lush, open and fluid sound reproduction.
Pure vacuum tube headphone Turbo® 7,000 mW output power; able to drive even the most difficult
of headphones.
Independent scientific research shows pure tube amplifiers reduce listener stress and improve the
sense of well-being when listening to music**.
Native Octa-DSD512(24MHz), PCM768kHz, 2xDXD, the most advanced digital audio formats
available are supported together with all other DSD, PCM and DXD formats available.
Minimum phase, minimum ringing digital filter is employed for PCM up to 192KHz. Pure analogue,
no-ringing filtering is used for DXD/2xDXD as well as DSD. This removes a key factor in listener
f a t i g u e a n d t h e p e r c e p t i o n o f d i g i t a l s o u n d a s " a g g r e s s i v e " c a u s e d b y t h e h i g h - f r e q u e n c y r i n g i n g
and distortion inherent to all standard digital filters and most digital playback systems.
High-resolution audio USB, Coaxial, Optical digital inputs. Instantly upgrade the sound quality
from any available digital music sources.
3D Holographic Sound Systems® for Headphones and Speakers. Delivers a wide open and spatially
correct sound stage for speakers and headphones, reduces listening stress from "in head
localisation" with headphones.
XBass® for the best bass and dynamically corrects the Bass response to match the human hearing.
Ultra-wide gain range MM/MC phono pre-amplifier, able to match all phono cartridges.
Precision studio-grade tone controls, accurate, repeatable adjustment with unparalleled
t r a n s p a r e n c y .
Analogue volume control with remote control, retain all the low-level music information in
high-resolution audio.
Measured using a music signal into the matching speaker at the onset of clipping
Ackerman, J; doctoral thesis; 2000; Frankfurt Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst