Ifi Nano IGALVANIC3.0 User Manual

65 mm
iG al va ni c3 .0
1. USB3.0 'Type B' input port
For USB cable input from the computer audio source.
2. USB3.0 'Type A' output port
For USB cable to connect from iGalvanic3.0 to the DAC.
3. Ground Link®
As the iGalvanic3.0 is a dedicated high-performance audio product, it is designed to work in different computer audio systems:
No Earth (sub-optimal) One Earth (optimal) Multiple Earths (sub-optimal)
The Ground Link switch is to optimise isolation in systems
271 mm
• Full Isolation (default – centre position). Start from this setting.
• DC to RF soft ground-link (to avoid hum in systems without earth – up position)
• RF soft ground-link (to avoid audio drop-outs in systems without RF earth – down position)
Gal vanic Iso laon
Tip: Earth/ground loops are commonly found and this switch deals with NO or Multiple Ear ths/Grounds. If you have determined that your system has no Earth, it is recommended that an Earth/Ground is added such as by using the . Please see your nearest iFi retailer for more details.
Tip: It is more preferable to use a USB 3.0 port over using a USB 2.0 port on the P C. Make the connection between Audio Device (DAC) and iGalvanic3.0 first before connecting the iGalvanic3.0 to the Host PC. While this sequence is N OT mandatory, it ensures correct detection.
Tip: When adding the iGalvanic3.0 to the USB chain under Windows, it may be necessary to re-install a fresh version of the USB Audio Driver.
Tip: The iGalvanic3.0 is powered by the Host PC via the US B bus and has an ultra-clean 0.5uV stealth converter. There is no benefit powering the iGalvanic3.0 with other power supplies.
7. LEDs
Computer c onected
USB 3.0/2 .0 cone cted
Output Voltage: Output Current: Output Noise oor:
USB Standards:
Connector host-side: Connector device-side: Input Voltage:
Power consumption:
Electrical Safety Standard: Isolation Device max Voltage:
Dimensions: Weight: Warranty period:
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
5V ± 3% @ 500mA load 900mA max.
0.5uV(0.0000005V) @ 500mA load USB 3.0 Super-speed 5.0Gbps USB 2.0 Hi-speed 480Mbps USB 2.0 Full-speed 12Mbps USB 2.0 Low-speed 1.5Mbps USB 3.0 B-Type USB 3.0 A-Type DC 4.5V to 5.5V USB Bus Power < 6W (includes powered USB device) BS 7671:2008 ELV 3000 Vrms Isolation Voltage per UL 1577
93 (l) x 67 (w) x 28 (h) mm 128g (0.28lbs) 12months
Ver.1 .0
Terms & Conditions
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The wa rrant y perio d begin s at the dat e of retai l sale by a n autho rized iFi d istrib utor/ deale r and is su bject t o the foll owing r equir ements a nd und erstan dings :
• It is t he respo nsibi lity of t he buye r withi n 30 days fr om the or igina l sal e, to regi ster and a ctiva te the pro duct wa rranty w ith the i Fi webs ite.
• The o rigin al invoi ce must b e produc ed for au thent icatio n prior t o any wa rranty c laim.
• The i Fi produ ct must n ot have be en modi fied in a ny mann er what soeve r, or the war ranty wi ll imme diate ly becom e void.
• The i Fi warra nty is on ly valid i n the cou ntry of o rigin al sale .
• The p roduct m ust not h ave been s tored i n a humid e nviron ment; nor s ubjec ted to wea ther, wate r, or saltw ater spr ay.
• iFi s hall no t, under a ny circ umstan ces, be l iable f or any inc identa l or cons equen tial da mages ar ising f rom the l oss of pr opert y or ot her dam age or los ses due t o the fai lure of an i Fi prod uct. iF i is not lia ble for lo ss of use o r inconv enien ce caus ed by the fa ilure o f an iFi prod uct. iF i is not li able fo r damage c aused t o other a udio comp onent s becau se of the f ailure o f an iFi pr oduct .
• Dur ing the wa rrant y perio d, iFi wi ll repai r the pro duct to work ing ord er, or, at iFi' s discr etion, r eplac e the defe ctive m odule wit h a simila r avail able pro duct.
• All re pairs p erform ed afte r expir y of the war ranty p eriod w ill be cha rged to th e owner a nd will c arry a 18 0-day wa rranty o n parts a nd lab our. The cus tomer i s respo nsibl e for ship ping th e unit to t he iFi dist ribut or in the o rigin al pack aging . This in clude s the paym ent of an y shi pping c harges a nd rela ted taxes .
• Sho uld any wa rranty i ssues a rise, i Fi’s dec ision i s full an d final .
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