1.RCA Line Output
To amplifi er, receiver, H iFi system or s imila r.
Power ON:
LED Color
Gre en
Yello w
Whi te
Blu e
Mag enta
Gre en (Flashing)
Non e
Powe r OFF:
44/ 48kHz
88/ 96kHz
176 /192k Hz
DXD352/384 khz
DSD 2.8/3 .1MHz
DSD 5.6/6 .2MHz
Awaiting USB C onnec tion
Bat tery Lo w
Bat tery Empty
LED Color Mod e
Blu e* Char ging
Whe n the iDS D LE is ful ly-ch arged , the Blu e LED wil l no
lon ger be li t.
USB power
Connec t to the computer first , then tu rn ON the p ower.
2.3.5mm Headphone jack
Connec t headp hones.
3.Volume Control ON/OFF
4.USB3.0 (2.0compatible) Input
From c omput er* or sm artphone.
*Al so provides chargin g for the inter nal bat tery.
MS Wi ndows( XP or la ter), pl ease do wnloa d and ins tall
the d river s oftwa re befo re conne cting t he iDSD L E to
the c omput er (www. ifi- audio. com).
Tip : For the be st soun d quali ty, alwa ys set th e volume
con trol on th e compu ter and t he play back so ftwar e
to1 00%.
Battery Power
Turn O N the power first, then c onnec t to the co mpute r.
Tip : Under b atter y power, t he nano i DSD LE wi ll cont inue to
use b atter y power e ven if th e USB cabl e is conn ected
aft erwar ds.
Tip : For Appl e iPhon e/iPad /iPod Tou ch, An droid de vices ,
ple ase use B atter y Power, ot herw ise you m ay recei ve erro r
mes sages f rom your d evice .
Tip : For conn ectio n to Appl e devic es, the A pple USB C amera
Ada pter is re quire d. For con necti on to And roid de vices, a n
OTG cab le and ap propr iate OS s uppor t are req uired . For
mor e infor matio n, plea se refe r to www.i fi-a udio.c om.
Formats s uppor ted:
PCM 44.1 to 3 84kHz /16-3 2bit
DSD 2 .8, 3.1 , 5.6 and 6 .2MHz/1b it
DXD352.8, 38 4kHz/24bit
Hig h-Spe ed Asyn chron ous USB 2 .0 (32b it/38 4kHz)
Bat tery : Lithi um-po lymer 1 000mA h
Powe r (max) : 1.5W
Dim ensio ns: 106 ( l) x67 (w ) x28 (h) m m
Weig ht: 167 g (0.37 lbs)
Warrant y period: 12 m onths
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ver.1 .0