mic ro
3 41
1. Volume Control
2. XBass®
XBass® was uniquely-designed to extend the
bass response to suit different headphones.
●●● For bass shy headphones.
● For average bass headphones.
Tip: To start with, try the “●” setting. If bass
response is still insufficient, then try the
“●●●” setting.
3. 3D HolographicSound®
3D HolographicSound® recreates a
holographic sound field like listening to a
pair of speakers.
- Direct
●●● 3D for flat sounding recordings.
● 3D for recordings with excessive
stereo effect.
Tip: For music with more than average
emphasis on stereo content (e.g. classical,
jazz, rock), try the “●” setting. For flat or
mono sounding music (e.g. pop), try the
“●●●” setting.
Tip: Each track may require a different XBass®
and 3D HolographicSound® settings to
sound the best.
Tip: XBass® and 3D HolographicSound® are
all based on sophisticated ASP (Analogue
Signal Processing) circuits, no sounddamaging DSP (Digital Signal Processing) is
4. 6.3mm Headphone Jack
Connect headphone.
5. Gain Switches
Setting details and the micro switches to
adjust gain are located on the underside of
the iCAN.
6. DC Power input
Connect ONLY the iFi iPower ultra low-noise
power supply. For maximum power, always
use the 15 volt version of the iPower
otherwise the full sonic potential of the
micro iCAN SE will not be realised.
7. RCA Input
From a music source with RCA connections.
8. 3.5mm Input
From music source equipped with 3.5mm
Tip: Only input should be connected and used
at a time.
Dire ct Driv e
DirectDrive® in operation
Power on
·Gain: 0dB, 12dB and 24dB user-selectable
·Signal to Noise Ratio: >123dB (A)
·Total Harmonic Distortion (THD):
<0.003% (400mV/150R)
·Frequency Response: 0.5Hz to 500KHz
·Output Impedance: <1 ohm
·Output Power: >4000mW (16Ω)
·Output Voltage: >10V (>600Ω)
· Input Voltage: AC 100 – 240V, 50/60Hz
·Power Consumption: < 5W idle, 12W max
··Dimensions: 158(l)x68(w)x28(h)mm
Weight: 216g (0.48 lbs)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ver1 .1
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The wa rrant y perio d begin s at the dat e of retai l sale by a n autho rized
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und erstan dings :
• It is t he respo nsibi lity of t he buye r withi n 30 days fr om the or igina l
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• The o rigin al invoi ce must b e produc ed for au thent icatio n prior t o
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• The i Fi produ ct must n ot have be en modi fied in a ny mann er
what soeve r, or the war ranty wi ll imme diate ly becom e void.
• The i Fi warra nty is on ly valid i n the cou ntry of o rigin al sale .
• The p roduct m ust not h ave been s tored i n a humid e nviron ment;
nor s ubjec ted to wea ther, wate r, or saltw ater spr ay.
• iFi s hall no t, under a ny circ umstan ces, be l iable f or any
inc identa l or cons equen tial da mages ar ising f rom the l oss of pr opert y
or ot her dam age or los ses due t o the fai lure of an i Fi prod uct. iF i is not
lia ble for lo ss of use o r inconv enien ce caus ed by the fa ilure o f an iFi
prod uct. iF i is not li able fo r damage c aused t o other a udio
comp onent s becau se of the f ailure o f an iFi pr oduct .
• Dur ing the wa rrant y perio d, iFi wi ll repai r the pro duct to
work ing ord er, or, at iFi' s optio n, repl ace the de fecti ve modul e with a
sim ilar ava ilabl e produc t.
• All re pairs p erform ed afte r expir y of the war ranty p eriod w ill be
cha rged to th e owner a nd will c arry a 18 0-day wa rranty o n parts a nd
lab our. The cus tomer i s respo nsibl e for ship ping th e unit to t he iFi
dist ribut or in the o rigin al pack aging . This in clude s the paym ent of an y
shi pping c harges a nd rela ted taxes .
• Sho uld any wa rranty i ssues a rise, t he deci sion of i Fi is ful l and
fin al.
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