iSi le ncer 3. 0
112000 1601
1. USB3.0 Type A (male)
Thi s is for inser ting into t he compute r/lap top por t.
2. US B3.0 Type A (femal e)
Thi s is for conne cting t he periphera l to.
Tip: The 'super slimline' design of the iSilencer3.0® means
that no adjacent USB port is obstructed.
3. Operational LED
On th e iSile ncer3 .0®, th e LED repres ents a
con necti on has be en made b etwee n the per ipher al
and d evice.
• Super-Speed USB3.0 (and USB2.0 backwards
• Connectors: USB3.0 gold-plated connectors
• Dimensions: 48 (l) x 18 (w) x 8 mm (h)
• Weight: 6.3g (0.22oz)
• Warranty period: 12 months
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
In orde r to activate the warranty fo r th is i Fi
pro du ct , you must re gister wi th t he i Fi
web si te.
Component :
Seri al no:
ifi-a udio. com
Ver1 .0
Terms & Conditions
iFi g uarant ees that t his iFi p roduc t shall b e free fro m defec ts in
mate rials a nd work mansh ip for a per iod of 1 ye ar for pa rts and l abour.
The wa rrant y perio d begin s at the dat e of retai l sale by a n autho rized
iFi d istrib utor/ deale r and is su bject t o the foll owing r equir ements a nd
und erstan dings :
• It is t he respo nsibi lity of t he buye r withi n 30 days fr om the or igina l
sal e, to regi ster and a ctiva te the pro duct wa rranty w ith the i Fi
webs ite.
• The o rigin al invoi ce must b e produc ed for au thent icatio n prior t o
any wa rranty c laim.
• The i Fi produ ct must n ot have be en modi fied in a ny mann er
what soeve r, or the war ranty wi ll imme diate ly becom e void.
• The i Fi warra nty is on ly valid i n the cou ntry of o rigin al sale .
• The p roduct m ust not h ave been s tored i n a humid e nviron ment;
nor s ubjec ted to wea ther, wate r, or saltw ater spr ay.
• iFi s hall no t, under a ny circ umstan ces, be l iable f or any
inc identa l or cons equen tial da mages ar ising f rom the l oss of pr opert y
or ot her dam age or los ses due t o the fai lure of an i Fi prod uct. iF i is not
lia ble for lo ss of use o r incon venien ce caus ed by the f ailure o f an iFi
prod uct. iF i is not li able fo r damage c aused t o other a udio
comp onent s becau se of the f ailure o f an iFi pr oduct .
• Dur ing the wa rrant y perio d, iFi wi ll repai r the pro duct to
work ing ord er, or, at iFi' s optio n, repl ace the de fecti ve modul e with a
sim ilar ava ilabl e produc t.
• All re pairs p erform ed afte r expir y of the war ranty p eriod w ill be
cha rged to th e owner a nd will c arry a 18 0-day wa rranty o n parts a nd
lab our. The cus tomer i s respo nsibl e for ship ping th e unit to t he iFi
dist ribut or in the o rigin al pack aging . This in clude s the paym ent of an y
shi pping c harges a nd rela ted taxes .
• Sho uld any wa rranty i ssues a rise, t he deci sion of i Fi is ful l and
fin al.
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