4. RF Silencers – Fixed
All USB cabl es due to their inherent nature
inevitably pick up AND radiate radio
frequencies that negative impact t he
sonic perfor mance.
On the Gemini Dual-Headed USB cable, to
address this, there are 3 set s of RF
Silencers. The t wo Silencers at each end
are most effective loc ated as close to their
respective USB connector as possible .
Not e: The cu stom- designed metal oxide
ceramic RF Silencers offer different
per meabi litie s. Compared to generic filters
thi s atypical a pproach is incredibly effecti ve;
over the widest frequenc y range.
5. Centre RF Silencer
Feel free to ad just this 3 RF Silencer by
sliding it along th e cable as different
setups may require different adjust ments
to attain the optimal sonic perfo rmance .
Tip: To start wi th, set t his 3 RF Si lencer to
the ' Golde n Ratio', wit h the sho rter section
clo ser to th e USB 'B' connector (item 3
1. USB “A” Audio( ) connector
Thi s transmits the USB audio data.
Connect it to a USB por t on the computer.
2. USB “A” Power( )
Thi s transmits the USB power. Connect it
to a USB port on the computer.
Tip: For ma ximum p erformance, u se with t he
iFi iUSB Power; connect the Audio connector
( ) to th e USB output port labelled ” “
; connec t the Powe r connecto r( ) to the
USB output po rt labelled “ “.
3. USB“B” connector
Connect this to the input of the USB
DAC/Sound card/Interface card etc.
Tip: The G emini USB cable uses the all new
mac hined i Fi FINAL USB co nnect or. Made o f
alu miniu m alloy, the addition al shie lding
and r igidi ty has taken USB cable design to a
who le new le vel.
Compatible with High-Speed USB 2.0
(24Bit/192khz and higher suppor ted)
Lengths/Weights: 0.7m / 220g (0.49 lbs)
1.5m / 240g (0.53 lbs )
Warranty peri od: 12 months
Ver1 .2
In order to activate th e warran ty fo r thi s iFi
pro duct, you must register with t he iF i
web site.
Componen t :
Serial no:
ifi-audi o.c om
1 35 44
Gemin i
Terms and Conditions
iFi gu arante es tha t this iF i produ ct shal l be free from de fects i n mater ials an d
work mansh ip for a pe riod of 1 y ear for p arts an d labou r.
The war ranty p eriod be gins at the da te of reta il sale by an aut hori zed iFi
dis trib utor /de aler and is subj ect to t he f ollo wing req uire ment s an d
unde rstan dings :
• It is t he respo nsibi lity o f the buye r withi n 30 days f rom the o rigin al sale, t o
regi ster an d activ ate the p roduc t warra nty wit h the iFi we bsite.
• The o rigin al inv oice m ust be pro duced for a uthen ticat ion pr ior to any
warr anty cl aim.
• T he iFi prod uct m ust n ot hav e bee n mod ified in an y man ner whats oever,
or the w arran ty will i mmedi ately b ecome v oid.
• The iFi war ranty i s only v alid in t he cou ntry o f origi nal sal e and is n ot
tran sfera ble.
• The prod uct m ust no t have be en sto red in a h umid e nviron ment; no r
subj ected t o weath er, water, o r saltw ater sp ray.
• iF i sha ll no t, un der a ny ci rcumst ances , be lia ble f or an y inc ident al or
conse quenti al da mages arisi ng fro m the l oss of prope rty o r othe r dam age
or lo sses d ue to the f ailur e of an iFi produ ct. iFi i s not lia ble for loss of u se or
inc onven ience cau sed by t he f ailur e of an iFi produ ct. iFi is n ot l iable for
d amage cause d to ot her au dio co mpone nts be cause of the failu re of an iFi
prod uct.
• Dur ing th e warr anty pe riod, iFi wil l repai r the p roduc t to wor king o rder, or,
at iFi's d iscret ion, re place th e defec tive mod ule wit h a s imila r a vaila ble
prod uct.
• All r epair s perf ormed a fter e xpiry of the wa rrant y peri od will be char ged to
the own er and w ill car ry a 18 0-da y warra nty on p arts a nd lab our. The
cu stomer is res ponsi ble for shipp ing the unit to the iFi dist ributo r i n th e
or iginal packa ging. Th is inc ludes t he paym ent of a ny ship ping c harge s and
rela ted taxe s.
• Shou ld any wa rrant y issue s arise , iFi’s dec ision i s full and f inal.