Ifi GEMINI3.0 User Manual

65.00 mm
271.00 mm
1 35 44
1. USB ‘A’ Audio( ) connec tor
Thi s transmi ts the USB au dio dat a. Conn ect it to a USB p ort on the comp uter.
2. USB ‘A’ Power( ) connector
Thi s transmi ts the USB po wer. Connect it to a US B por t on the computer.
Tip : For maxi mum per formanc e, use wit h the iUS B3.0; con nect th e Audio conn ector ( ) to the US B outpu t por t labe lled ‘ ‘ ; conne ct the Pow er conn ector ( ) to th e USB out put por t label led ‘ ‘.
3. USB ’B’ connector
Connect this to the input of th e USB DAC/Sound card/Inter face card e tc.
Tip : The Gem ini3. 0 USB cabl e uses th e iFi FIN AL USB con necto r. Made of a lumin ium all oy, the addit ional shi eldin g and rig idity h as take n USB cabl e desig n to a who le new le vel tha t adher es rigi dly to the 90 oh ms imp edanc e requi remen t.
4. RF Silencers – Fixed
All U SB cabl es, due to their i nherent natu re, ine vitab ly pick up AND ra diate radio frequencie s that nega tivel y impac t the son ic performa nce.
To addres s this, t here are three sets of RF S ilenc ers on th e Gemini3 .0 Dual-H eaded U SB cabl e.The t wo Sil encer s at each end a re most e ffect ive whe n loc ated as close to t he resp ec tive US B conne ctor as pos sible.
Not e: The cu stom- designe d metal oxid e cerami c RF
Sil encer s offer d iffer ent per meabi litie s. Compa red to gen eric fi lters t his aty pical a pproa ch is inc redibl y eff ectiv e; over the wi dest fr equen cy rang e.
5. Centre RF Silencer
Feel free to adju st this t hird RF S ilencer by slidi ng it alo ng the ca ble as di fferent se tups ma y requi re dif ferent adj ustme nts to attain the op timal son ic per formance .
Tip : To sta rt wit h, set th e three R F Silen cers to the ' Golde n Ratio', wit h the sho rter s ectio n clo ser to th e USB 'B' co nnector ( item 3 ab ove).
USB ( Data)
Construction : Mi nimu indu ctance pa rallel
con struction Conductors : 24 and 28 AWG
Conductor ma teria l: Heavy OFHC contin uous ca st
cop per silver matrix Insul ation : HD Po lyethylene
Shi eldin g: Quad ruple -shields
Imped ance: 9 0Ohms
AC spark insul ation : 150 0V
Connectors : iFi 'FINAL' USB conne ctors
Insul ation resist ance: 1 00Mohm
Tensile s treng th: 1500P SI
USB ( Power)
Construction : Mi nimum ind uctance p arallel
con struction Conductors : 12AWG
Conductor ma teria l: Heavy OFHC contin uous ca st
cop per Insul ation : Linear Polye thelyne ( LPE) in sulat ion
Cur rent Rati ng: 30A
Lengths/ Weights: 0 .7m / 150 g (0.33 l bs)
1.5 m / 170g (0 .37 lbs ) Warran ty period: 12 month s
Ver1 .1
In orde r to activate t he warranty for this iFi pro du ct , you must re gi ster with the iFi web si te.
Component :
Seri al no:
Terms & Conditions
iFi g uarant ees that t his iFi p roduc t shall b e free fro m defec ts in mate rials a nd work mansh ip for a per iod of 1 ye ar for pa rts and l abour.
The wa rrant y perio d begin s at the dat e of retai l sale by a n autho rized iFi d istrib utor/ deale r and is su bject t o the foll owing r equir ements a nd und erstan dings :
• It is t he respo nsibi lity of t he buye r withi n 30 days fr om the or igina l sal e, to regi ster and a ctiva te the pro duct wa rranty w ith the i Fi webs ite.
• The o rigin al invoi ce must b e produc ed for au thent icatio n prior t o any wa rranty c laim.
• The i Fi produ ct must n ot have be en modi fied in a ny mann er what soeve r, or the war ranty wi ll imme diate ly becom e void.
• The i Fi warra nty is on ly valid i n the cou ntry of o rigin al sale .
• The p roduct m ust not h ave been s tored i n a humid e nviron ment; nor s ubjec ted to wea ther, wate r, or saltw ater spr ay.
• iFi s hall no t, unde r any circ umstan ces, be l iable f or any inc identa l or cons equen tial da mages ar ising f rom the l oss of pr opert y or ot her dam age or los ses due t o the fai lure of an i Fi prod uct. iF i is not lia ble for lo ss of use o r incon venien ce caus ed by the f ailure o f an iFi prod uct. iF i is not li able fo r damage c aused t o other a udio comp onent s becau se of the f ailure o f an iFi pr oduct .
• Dur ing the wa rrant y perio d, iFi wi ll repai r the pro duct to work ing ord er, or, at iFi' s optio n, repla ce the de fecti ve modul e with a sim ilar ava ilabl e produc t.
• All re pairs p erform ed afte r expir y of the war ranty p eriod w ill be cha rged to th e owner a nd will c arry a 18 0-day wa rranty o n parts a nd lab our. The cus tomer i s respo nsibl e for ship ping th e unit to t he iFi dist ribut or in the o rigin al pack aging . This in clude s the paym ent of an y shi pping c harges a nd rela ted taxes .
• Sho uld any wa rranty i ssues a rise, t he deci sion of i Fi is ful l and fin al.