1. Combo SPDIF Coaxial/
Optical Input and Output
The Combo S PDIF so cket is a uto-s witch ing.
With USB au dio sig nal app lied:
- SPD IF Outp ut: Coa xial
Without U SB audi o signa l appli ed:
- SPD IF Inpu t: Coax ial/O ptica l (Toslink Mi ni-Pl ug)
Inp ut
Tip : a Tosl ink Min i-Plu g to Toslin k adapt or is inc luded f or
con necti ng a norm al Toslin k optic al cable .
Tip : The SPD IF stan dard sup port s only PC M up to 192 kHz.
2. RCA Line Output
To amplifier, receiver, HiFi sy stem
or si milar. S ee Section12 for detai ls.
Tip : on the un dersi de, it is po ssibl e to sele ct
‘Di rect’ o r ‘Pre- Ampli fier ’ mode. I n the
Pre -Ampl ifier m ode, th e iDSD fu nctio ns as a
DAC/ pre- ampli fier (o nly make t he sele ction w ith the u nit
pow ered off ).
3. USB Input
From a c omput er, connect vi a USB cab le (thi s also
provide s charging for the in ternal batt ery.)
From a S mart D evice, such as iPho ne use a Camera
Connection K it/ Lig hting -to-U SB Came ra Adapter.
Tip : To use t he micr o iDSD in B atter y Power mo de, pow er
on th e micro i DSD BEF ORE conn ecti on to the PC o ther wise
the i DSD wil l run in US B Power mo de.
Tip : The USB in put is sp ecial ly desi gned so t hat it ca n be
dir ectly c onnec ted to an A pple Ca mera Con necti on
Kit /Ligh ting- to-US B Camer a Adapte r or Andr oid OTG
wit hout th e need fo r any ada ptor.
7 8
4. Headphone jack 6.3mm
Connect headphon es.
Tip : With a new p air of IE Ms/He adpho nes, ALWAYS st art
wit h the vol ume no hi gher th an 9 o' cloc k and wit h the
Powe r Mode se t to ‘Eco’.
5. XBass® Plus
XBa ss® Plu s was uni quely-designed to ex tend ba ss
res ponse to suit d ifferent headph ones.
● For ba ss shy he adpho nes.
- Dir ect.
6. Input 3.5mm
From a m usic so urce wi th 3.5m m connectio n for
feeding a d irect a udio si gnal (e.g. 3.5mm ou tput from
an iP hone.)
7. 3D®Matrix Plus
● ON
3D® Matri x Plus for Head phone s: recreates a
hol ographic so und fie ld like l isten ing to a pair of
spe akers.
- Thi s is acti vated w hen a 6.3 mm head phone h as
bee n inser ted.
3D® Matri x Plus for Spea kers: puts the bass
fre quenc ies back outs ide of th e speak ers, in -line w ith
the t reble a nd mid-rang e.
- Thi s is acti vated w hen no 6. 3mm hea dphon e plug
has b een ins erted.
Tip : These t wo anal ogue si gnal pr ocessi ng syst ems (3D ®
Mat rix Plu s for Hea dphon es and 3D ® Matri x Plus fo r
Spe akers ) are dist inct ly diff erent an d desig ned for t heir
res pecti ve type s of audi o outpu t.
Tip : Sonic ally-h inder ing DSP i s NOT use d for XBa ss® Plus
nor 3 D® Matr ix Plus s ystem s. They us e the hig hest- qual ity
dis crete co mpone nts and o perat e purel y in the an alogu e
dom ain. He nce all t he clar ity and r esolu tion of t he
ori ginal m usic is r etain ed.
8. Analogue Volume Control
Powe r on/of f and vol ume control.
USB Power
Con nect to t he comp uter fir st, and t hen tur n ON the po wer.
Batter y Power
Turn O N the powe r first , and the n conne ct to the c omput er.
Tip : Under B atter y Power mo de, the m icro iD SD will
con tinue to u se batt ery po wer even i f the USB c able is
con necte d after wards.
Tip : For Appl e iPhon e/ iPad/ iPod Touc h, And roid dev ices,
ple ase use B atter y Power, ot herw ise you m ay recei ve erro r
mes sages f rom your d evice .
Tip : For conn ectio n to Appl e devic es, the A pple USB
Cam era Adap ter is re quire d. For conn ectio n to Andr oid
dev ices, an O TG cable a nd appr opria te OS supp ort ar e
req uired. Fo r more in forma tion, p lease r efer to w ww.if iaud io.com .
10 11
9. Power Mode
The re are 3 differe nt type s of powe r
out put lev els to drive di fferen t head
pho nes fro m the mos t sensitive I n-Ear -Moni tors( IEMs)
thr ough to the mos t deman ding over-the- ear
hea dphon es.
App roximate listening ti me (in Ba ttery mode with
typ ical he adpho nes)
Eco = for high- sensi tivit y IEMs
(De fault , ~12 hou rs).
Nor mal = for m edium -sens itivi ty head phone s
(~9 h ours) .
Turb o = for the m ost-d emand ing hea dphon es
(~6 h ours) .
Tip : See sec tion 12 . For how Pow er mode i s used in
con junct ion wit h Direc t/Prea mplif ier mo de.
WARN ING: wh en firs t start ing out , do not se t the
volume control h igher t han 9 o' cl ock and o nly in
‘Eco’ mod e as the he adpho ne ampl ifier o f the iDS D
is exc eptio nally p owerf ul. iFi is n ot resp onsib le for
any headp hone/ heari ng dama ge aris ing from
inc orrec t use.
10. Polarity
Adjusta ble sig nal pol arity o f music
pla yback . For a digital signal sour ce only (ie. not for an
ana logue s ignal v ia the 3. 5mm inp ut.)
11. Digital Filter
The following a re user-sel ectab le:
DSD : Extre me/Ex tende d/
Sta ndard R ange (a nalog ue) fil ters
PCM : Bit-Perfe ct/Minim um-Ph ase/Stand ard (di gital)
fil ters
DXD: Bit-Perfect Proces sing (f ixed) analo gue fil ter
Tip : For PCM we r ecomme nd ‘Bit -Perf ect’ f or list ening a nd
‘St andard ’ for mea surem ents. Fo r DSD, se lect
Ext reme/ Exten ded/S tanda rd to fin d the one t hat sou nds
bes t for lis tenin g and ‘St andard R ange’ f or
mea surem ents.
Bit-Perfec t
Pulse Code Modulation
Bas s
Headpho nes
Sensitivi ty
Sensitivi ty
Chargeable USB
ifi-audio .com
BLACK LABEL e ditio n
• Octa-DSD 512/P CM768 a nd 2X DXD
Digital I nput
• Dual-Cor e Native D SD/PC M Burr- Brown c hipse t
• Performan ce-tu ned 3D® M atrix P lus and X Bass® P lus
• ZeroJitte r/Femt o clock s ystem up graded fo r lowe r
phase-no ise/j itter
• Digital en gine up graded w ith iFi c ustom u ltra-l ow
noise Op-A mp OV20 28
• Analogue s ectio n upgra ded wit h iFi cust om ultra -low
Preamplifi er
noise Op-A mp OV26 27
• Ultra-lo w imped ance OS -CON pol ymer ca pacit ors
and Panaso nic aud io-gra de ECPU f ilm cap acitor s
SmartPow er®
Optical I nput
Coaxial ( In/Ou t)
Power Mode
Direct Stream Digital
Technology lice nsed fro m AMR-A udio, U K Assem bled in C hina
Digital eXtreme Definition
Direct Drive
12. Line Direct/Preamplifier Mode
Dir ect: fi xed RCA o utput
(by pass, FULL volume )
Preampl ifier: the iD SD func tions a s a
DAC/preamplifie r. The vo lume control
is no w enabl ed for the RCA li ne outp ut
and w hen use d in conj uncti on with t he
Powe r Mode of fers ga in of:
Eco = 0 d B
Nor mal/Tu rbo = 9dB
Tip : Only ma ke the sel ecti on with t he unit p owered o ff.
13. iEMatch switch
With the iE Match , even the most
sen sitiv e In-Ea r-Mon itors ( IEMs) c an
be ma tched to the iD SD.
Hig h Sensi tivit y: For Hi gh Sens itivi ty IEMs.
Ult ra Sens itivi ty: For Ultra Sensi tivit y IEMs.
Powe r OFF:
LED Color
Blu e*
Whe n the iDS D is full y-cha rged, t he Blue L ED will n o longe r be lit.
Mod e
Cha rging
• Per forma nce-tuned 3D® Pl us and XB ass® Pl us
• ZeroJit ter/Fe mto clock sys tem upgrade d for lowe r
pha se-noise /jitt er
• Dig ital en gine upgrad ed with iFi custom ultra- low
noi se Op-Amp OV2028
• Ana logue s ectio n upgra ded wit h iFi custom
ult ra-low nois e Op-Am p OV262 7
• Ult ra-low impe dance O S-CON p olyme r capac itors
and Panasonic a udio-grade ECP U film ca pacit ors
14. SmartPower®
The U SB type ‘A’ por t locat ed to the
sid e is able t o recharge a Smart devic e.
Sma rtPower® wi ll automati cally d etect a n
iPh one/A ndroid or sim ilar an d commence ch arging.
However, the micro iDS D must be s witched OFF a s it
can not cha rge and p layback mus ic simu ltane ously.
Tip : Any USB co nnect ed devi ce can be r echarg ed but wi th
lar ger dev ices suc h as tabl ets, th e Smar tPower b atter y
wil l charg e, but wil l be rapi dly dra ined. He nce, it i s not
reco mmend ed for su ch appl icati ons
Tip : MAC OSX ha s built -in nat ive sup port f or the iD SD.
MS Wi ndows , pl ease do wnloa d and ins tall th e drive r
sof tware B EFORE co nnec ting th e iDSD to th e compu ter
(ww w.ifi -audi o.com) .
Tip : For the be st soun d quali ty, alwa ys set th e volume
con trol on th e compu ter and t he play back so ftwar e to
100 %.
Powe r ON:
LED Color
Mag enta
Blu e
Whi te
Yello w
Gre en
Gre en(Fla shing )
Non e
Mod e
DSD 512 22. 5/24. 5MHz
DSD 256 11. 2/12. 2MHz
DSD 128/D SD64 2. 8/3.1 /5.6/ 6.2MH z
DXD7 05/76 8kHz
176 /192k Hz DXD35 2/384 kHz
44/ 48/88 /96kH z
Awai ting US B Conne ction
Bat tery Lo w
Bat tery Em pty
Formats suppo rted:
DSD 512/2 56/12 8/64, O cta/Quad /Doub le/Si ngle-
Spe ed DSD
DXD(768/705 .6/38 4/352 .8kHz ), Double/Sing le-
Spe ed DXD
PCM (768/ 705.6 /384/ 352.8 /192/ 176.4 /96/8 8.2/
48/ 44.1k Hz)
PCM - B it-Perfec t Proce ssing /Min imum
Pha se/St andard
DSD - E xtrem e/Extended/S tanda rd Bandwidt h
DXD - Bit-Pe rfect Proce ssing
Dig ital In puts:
Hig h-Spe ed Asyn chron ous USB 2 .0 (32b it/76 8kHz)
SPD IF Coaxial/ Optic al
Dig ital Ou tput: S PDIF Coaxia l
Audio Input: 3.5mm
Audio Out put:
6.3 mm
RCA L ine out ( 2V fixe d/2V-5V var iable )
Powe r Outpu t:
Turbo ( 8.0V ma x/4,0 00 mW @ 16 Oh m)
Nor mal (4. 0V/1, 000 mW @ 16 O hm)
Eco ( 2.0V/ 250mW @16 Ohm)
Bat tery : Lithi um-po lymer 4 800mA h
Powe r System: USB B CP V1.2 co mplia nt up to
150 0mA cha rging curre nt
Powe r (max) : <2W idl e, 4W max
Dim ensio ns: 177 (l) x 67( w) x 28(h ) mm
Weig ht: 310 g (0.68 l bs)
Warranty peri od:12 m onths
Spe cific ation s are subject to change withou t notic e.
Ver1 .0
In order to activate the warra nty for this iFi
pro duc t, you must regi ster with the iFi
web site.
Component :
Serial no:
Terms & Conditions
iFi g uarant ees that t his iFi p roduc t shall b e free fro m defec ts in
mate rials a nd work mansh ip for a per iod of 1 ye ar for pa rts and l abour.
The wa rrant y perio d begin s at the dat e of retai l sale by a n autho rized
iFi d istrib utor/ deale r and is su bject t o the foll owing r equir ements a nd
und erstan dings :
• It is t he respo nsibi lity of t he buye r withi n 30 days fr om the or igina l
sal e, to regi ster and a ctiva te the pro duct wa rranty w ith the i Fi
webs ite.
• The o rigin al invoi ce must b e produc ed for au thent icatio n prior t o
any wa rranty c laim.
• The i Fi produ ct must n ot have be en modi fied in a ny mann er
what soeve r, or the war ranty wi ll imme diate ly becom e void.
• The i Fi warra nty is on ly valid i n the cou ntry of o rigin al sale .
• The p roduct m ust not h ave been s tored i n a humid e nviron ment;
nor s ubjec ted to wea ther, wate r, or saltw ater spr ay.
• iFi s hall no t, unde r any circ umstan ces, be l iable f or any
inc identa l or cons equen tial da mages ar ising f rom the l oss of pr opert y
or ot her dam age or los ses due t o the fai lure of an i Fi prod uct. iF i is not
lia ble for lo ss of use o r incon venien ce caus ed by the f ailure o f an iFi
prod uct. iF i is not li able fo r damage c aused t o other a udio
comp onent s becau se of the f ailure o f an iFi pr oduct .
• Dur ing the wa rrant y perio d, iFi wi ll repai r the pro duct to
work ing ord er, or, at iFi' s optio n, repl ace the de fecti ve modul e with a
sim ilar ava ilabl e produc t.
• All re pairs p erform ed afte r expir y of the war ranty p eriod w ill be
cha rged to th e owner a nd will c arry a 18 0-day wa rranty o n parts a nd
lab our. The cus tomer i s respo nsibl e for ship ping th e unit to t he iFi
dist ribut or in the o rigin al pack aging . This in clude s the paym ent of an y
shi pping c harges a nd rela ted taxes .
• Sho uld any wa rranty i ssues a rise, t he deci sion of i Fi is ful l and
fin al.
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