RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
MODEL RPC6010G Rackmount Workstation
Revision Number Description Date of Issue
1.0 Initial release December 2006
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in order to
improve reliability, design and function and does not represent a commitment on the part
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In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
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This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. All rights are
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IBM PC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. INTEL
is a registered trademark of INTEL Corporation. Other product names mentioned herein
are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Packing List
If any of the components listed in the checklist below are missing, please do not
proceed with the installation. Contact the IEI reseller or vendor you purchased the
RPC-6010G rackmount workstation from or contact an IEI sales representative directly.
To contact an IEI sales representative, please send an email to sales@iei.com.tw
The items listed below should all be included in the RPC-6010G Rackmount Workstation
1 x RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
1 x Backplane to SBC connector cable
2 x Door keys
2 x Handles
2 x Handle brackets
1 x Mini-DIN 6 PS/2 connector cable
1 x Power cable (EU)
1 x Screw kit
7 x Short card clamps
2 x 4-pin USB cable
1 x VGA cable
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For Touch Panel (T-R) Models only:
1 x RS-232 cable
1 x TouchKit Driver CD
1 x Touch Pen
Images of the above items are shown in Section 4.2.3.

RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 RPC-6010G O
1.2 RPC-6010G FEATURES.............................................................................................. 2
1.3 MODEL VARIATIONS................................................................................................... 2
1.4 CERTIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 3
2 MECHANICAL OVERVIEW................................................................................. 5
2.1 EXTERNAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Front Panel ........................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Rear Panel ......................................................................................................... 7 14-Slot Rear Panel ...................................................................................... 7 ATX Motherboard Rear Panel..................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Right Side Panel................................................................................................. 9
2.1.4 Left Side Panel ................................................................................................. 10
2.2 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS............................................................................................ 10
2.2.1 General Physical Dimensions.......................................................................... 10
2.2.2 RPC-6010G Physical Dimensions ....................................................................11
3 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................... 13
VERVIEW............................................................................................. 2
3.1 RPC-6010G S
3.2 LCD SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................. 15
3.3 ACE-832AP PSU S
3.4 RECOMMENDED IEI BACKPLANES, MOTHERBOARDS AND PSUS ............................. 16
4 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 17
4.1 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................. 18
4.1.1 Installation Precautions................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 Installation Prerequisites ................................................................................. 18
4.2 UNPACKING.............................................................................................................. 19
4.2.1 Packaging ........................................................................................................ 19
4.2.2 Unpacking Procedure ...................................................................................... 19
PECIFICATIONS .................................................................................. 14
PECIFICATIONS.......................................................................... 16
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4.2.3 Packing List ..................................................................................................... 20
4.3 PRE-INSTALLATION PREPARATION ............................................................................ 22
4.3.1 System Planning............................................................................................... 22
4.3.2 Tools ................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES .................................................................................... 23
4.4.1 Preinstalled Components ................................................................................. 23
4.4.2 User Installed Components.............................................................................. 23
4.4.3 Installation Steps.............................................................................................. 23
4.5 INSTALLING COMPONENTS INTO THE RPC-6010G ................................................... 24
4.5.1 Remove the Top Cover ..................................................................................... 25
4.5.2 Remove the CPU Card Clamp ......................................................................... 26
4.5.3 Remove the Dual CPU Card Clamp & Drive Bay Stabilizer Bracket ............. 26
4.5.4 Remove the Drive Bracket ............................................................................... 28
4.5.5 Remove the Drive Slot Blank Plate.................................................................. 28
RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
4.5.6 Install Drives.................................................................................................... 29 5.25” Disk Drive ....................................................................................... 29 3.5” Disk Drive in a 5.25” Slot ................................................................. 30 3.5” Disk Drive ......................................................................................... 31
4.5.7 Reinstall the Drive Bracket.............................................................................. 32
4.5.8 Install the Backplane........................................................................................ 33
4.5.9 Install the CPU Card ....................................................................................... 35
4.5.10 Install the PCI/ISA Expansion Card .............................................................. 37
4.5.11 Installing Short Cards .................................................................................... 38
4.5.12 Connect the Cables ........................................................................................ 39
4.5.13 Close the Top Cover ....................................................................................... 40
4.6 MOUNTING THE RPC-6010G RACKMOUNT WORKSTATION ..................................... 40
5 MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................... 47
5.1 MAINTENANCE OVERVIEW....................................................................................... 48
5.2 CPU CARD REPLACEMENT ...................................................................................... 48
5.3 PCI/ISA EXPANSION CARD REPLACEMENT ............................................................. 49
5.4 BACKPLANE REPLACEMENT..................................................................................... 50
5.5 PSU REPLACEMENT................................................................................................. 51
5.6 COOLING FAN REPLACEMENT .................................................................................. 54
5.7 DISK DRIVE REPLACEMENT ..................................................................................... 57
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
5.7.1 3.5” Disk Drive Replacement .......................................................................... 57
5.7.2 5.25” Disk Drive Replacement ........................................................................ 58
6 ON SCREEN DISPLAY (OSD) CONTROLS...................................................... 59
6.1 USER MODE OSD STRUCTURE ................................................................................ 60
6.1.1 OSD Buttons..................................................................................................... 60
6.1.2 OSD Menu Structure ........................................................................................ 61
6.2 USING THE OSD....................................................................................................... 62
6.2.1 Main Display Features..................................................................................... 62
6.2.2 Color ................................................................................................................ 64
6.2.3 Language.......................................................................................................... 65
6.2.4 OSD Configurations......................................................................................... 66
6.2.5 Signal ............................................................................................................... 67
6.2.6 Backlight .......................................................................................................... 68
7 SOFTWARE DRIVER ........................................................................................... 69
7.1 T
OUCH SCREEN DRIVER........................................................................................... 70
7.2 DRIVER INSTALLATION............................................................................................. 71
7.3 TOUCH SCREEN DRIVER CONFIGURATION................................................................ 79
A CERTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................ 81
A.1 ROHS COMPLIANT.................................................................................................. 82
RECOMMENDED IEI BACKPLANES AND MOTHERBOARDS ....................................... 84
B.2 RECOMMENDED IEI POWER SUPPLY UNITS............................................................. 85
INDEX.............................................................................................................................. 87
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: RPC-6010G Front Panel ............................................................................6
Figure 2-2: RPC-6010G Front Panel Door Open.........................................................7
Figure 2-3: RPC-6010G 14 Slot Rear Panel.................................................................8
Figure 2-4: RPC-6010G ATX Motherboard Rear Panel ..............................................9
Figure 2-5: RPC-6010G Right Side Panel....................................................................9
Figure 2-6: RPC-6010G Left Side Panel ....................................................................10
Figure 2-7: RPC-6010G Physical Dimensions ..........................................................11
Figure 4-1: Top Cover Left Side Retention Screws .................................................25
Figure 4-2: Remove Top Cover from Chassis ..........................................................25
Figure 4-3: CPU Card Clamp Right Side Retention Screws ..................................26
Figure 4-4: Dual CPU Card Clamp Retention Screws…………………………………27
Figure 4-5: Dual CPU Card Clamp Fan Bracket Retention Screws ........................27
Figure 4-6: Drive Bracket Retention Screws ............................................................28
Figure 4-7: Drive Slot Blank Plate Retention Screws ..............................................29
Figure 4-8: 5.25” Disk Drive Retention Screws ........................................................30
Figure 4-9: 3.5” to 5.25” Drive Bay Rack Retention Screws ...................................31
Figure 4-10: 3.5” Disk Drive Retention Screws ........................................................32
Figure 4-11: Install Copper Pillars and Plastic Spacers..........................................33
Figure 4-12: Backplane Retention Screws ...............................................................34
Figure 4-13: Slot Cover Retention Screw..................................................................36
Figure 4-14: Install the CPU Card ..............................................................................37
Figure 4-15: Installing a Short Card ..........................................................................39
Figure 4-16: Rack Handle Bracket Assembly and Installation ...............................41
Figure 4-17: Remove Rack Slide................................................................................42
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Figure 4-18: Workstation Slide Installation ..............................................................43
Figure 4-19: Rack Slide Bracket Assembly ..............................................................44
Figure 4-20: Rack Slide Bracket Installation ............................................................45

RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Figure 4-21: Install Workstation into Rack ...............................................................46
Figure 5-1: PSU External Retention Screws.............................................................52
Figure 5-2: PSU Internal Retention Screws ..............................................................52
Figure 5-3: PSU Mounting Bracket Retention Screws.............................................53
Figure 5-4: Cooling Fan Bracket External Screws...................................................55
Figure 5-5: Cooling Fan Bracket Bottom Panel Screws..........................................55
Figure 5-6: Fan Retention Screws .............................................................................56
Figure 6-1: OSD Control Buttons...............................................................................60
Figure 6-2: Main Display Features.............................................................................62
Figure 6-3: Color Options...........................................................................................64
Figure 6-4: Language Menu .......................................................................................65
Figure 6-5: OSD Configurations Menu......................................................................66
Figure 6-6: Signal Menu..............................................................................................67
Figure 6-7: Backlight Menu ........................................................................................68
Figure 7-1: Driver CD Pop Up Screen........................................................................71
Figure 7-2: Install Shield Wizard Preparation...........................................................72
Figure 7-3: Welcome Screen ......................................................................................72
Figure 7-4: Install PS/2 Interface Driver ....................................................................73
Figure 7-5: Install PS/2 Interface Driver ....................................................................74
Figure 7-6: Touch Monitor/USB Touch Controller Confirmation ...........................74
Figure 7-7: Controller Installation Directory.............................................................75
Figure 7-8: Controller Installation Directory.............................................................76
Figure 7-9: Program Icon Directory...........................................................................77
Figure 7-10: Installing .................................................................................................78
Figure 7-11: Installation Complete ............................................................................79
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
List of Tables
Table 1-1: RPC-6010G Model Variations.....................................................................3
Table 2-1: General Physical Dimensions..................................................................10
Table 3-1: RPC-6010G Specifications .......................................................................14
Table 3-2: LCD Specifications....................................................................................15
Table 3-3: ACE-832AP PSU Specifications...............................................................16
Table 4-1: Packing List ...............................................................................................21
Table 6-1: OSD Menus ................................................................................................62
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
1 Introduction
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1.1 RPC-6010G Overview
The RPC-6010G is a PC/AT compatible computer designed for industrial applications. It
has a rugged steel chassis specially designed to work under harsh environmental
conditions while also being high reliability. The RPC-6010G supports 14-slot passive
backplanes, ATX motherboards and a full line of dependable AC/DC power supplies. The
RPC-6010G can withstand shock, vibration, dust and a wide range of temperatures in
industrial environments. A lockable door protects drive bays and switches from
unauthorized misuse and dust. The RPC-6010G also has two removable cooling-fans
installed in the front panel for optimum cooling of the system.
1.2 RPC-6010G Features
Some of the features of the RPC-6010G include:
RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
8.4” TFT LCD with fully functional OSD and membrane keypads
Flexible driver combination
Lockable front door
USB x2 on the front panel
PICMG 1.3 backplane and Redundant power supply support
Advanced air-flow design
1.3 Model Variations
The RPC-6010G comes in a variety of models. The models have special features as
identified by their model name. The RPC-6010G model variations are listed in Table 1-1.
ACE-832AP-RS (ATX) Power Supply
RPC-6010GW/ACE-832AP No Full-size CPU card 14
SBC Form Factor
RPC-6010GW/ACE-832AP/T-R Yes Full-size CPU card 14
RPC-6010GWATX/ACE-832AP No ATX / microATX 7
RPC-6010GWATX/ACE-832AP/T-R Yes ATX / microATX 7
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
ACE-R4140AP Redundant Power Supply
RPC-6010GWR/ACE-R4140AP No Full-size CPU card 14
RPC-6010GWR/ACE-R4140AP/T-R Yes Full-size CPU card 14
RPC-6010GWATXR/ACE-R4140AP No ATX / microATX 7
RPC-6010GWATXR/ACE-R4140AP/T-R Yes ATX / microATX 7
Table 1-1: RPC-6010G Model Variations
SBC Form Factor
1.4 Certifications
All RPC-6010G rackmount workstations comply with the following international standards:
For a more detailed description of this standard, please refer to Appendix A.
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
2 Mechanical Overview
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2.1 External Overview
The following sections describe the physical layout of the RPC-6010G rackmount
2.1.1 Front Panel
The RPC-6010G rackmount workstation has the following front panel items:
Plastic frame
8.4” Flat panel TFT LCD screen
Lockable drive bay access door with 62 key membrane keypad and OSD
controls conceals:
o Three 5.25” drive bays
o One 3.5” drive bay
RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
o Power switch
o 2 USB connectors
o Power and HDD LEDs
o Reset button
Figure 2-1: RPC-6010G Front Panel
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Figure 2-2: RPC-6010G Front Panel Door Open (Drives Not Included)
2.1.2 Rear Panel
The RPC-6010G rackmount workstation is available with either a 14-slot rear panel
bracket or an ATX motherboard rear panel bracket. The following sections list the 14-slot
rear panel bracket and ATX motherboard rear panel bracket items. 14-Slot Rear Panel
The 14-slot rear panel has the following rear panel items:
Internal PSU
14 expansion slots
VGA connector
PS/2 mouse connector
Optional Touch Screen connector
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Figure 2-3: RPC-6010G 14 Slot Rear Panel ATX Motherboard Rear Panel
The RPC-6010G rackmount workstation is available with two types of rear panel brackets.
The ATX motherboard rear panel has the following rear panel items:
Internal PSU
7 expansion slots
VGA connector
PS/2 mouse connector
Optional Touch Screen connector
ATX Motherboard connector area
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Figure 2-4: RPC-6010G ATX Motherboard Rear Panel
2.1.3 Right Side Panel
The RPC-6010G rackmount workstation has the following right side panel items:
Cooling vents
Figure 2-5: RPC-6010G Right Side Panel
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2.1.4 Left Side Panel
The RPC-6010G rackmount workstation has the following left side panel items:
Cooling vents
RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Figure 2-6: RPC-6010G Left Side Panel
2.2 Physical Dimensions
The following sections describe the physical dimensions of the RPC-6010G.
2.2.1 General Physical Dimensions
General physical dimensions for the RPC-6010G are shown in Table 2-1.
431 177 528
Table 2-1: General Physical Dimensions
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
2.2.2 RPC-6010G Physical Dimensions
The physical dimensions of the RPC-6010G are shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-7: RPC-6010G Physical Dimensions (millimeters)
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
3 Detailed Specifications
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3.1 RPC-6010G Specifications
Table 3-1 shows the RPC-6010G specifications.
LCD Type 8.4" TFT
Input Interface VGA
Max. Resolution 800 x 600
Backlight MTBF 20,000 Hrs
Contrast 500:1
LCD Color 262K
Brightness (cd/m2) 220
Chassis Heavy-duty steel
View Angle (H / V) 130 / 110
OSD function Yes
RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Mounting 19” Rack Mount
Rack Height 4U
Cooling Fan 1 – 12cm
Expansion Slots
Dimensions (WxHxD) (mm) 431 x 177 x 528
Weight (Gross/Net) 15kg / 18kg
Color White
Shock 10G acceleration peak to peak (11ms)
Humidity 5 ~ 95%, relative
Operation Temperature 0 ~ 50°C
14 for RPC-6010G
7 for RPC-6010GATX
5 ~ 17 Hz, 0.1” double amplitude displacement
17 ~ 640 Hz, 1.5G acceleration peak to peak
Table 3-1: RPC-6010G Specifications
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
3.2 LCD Specifications
Table 3-2 lists the RPC-6010G LCD specifications.
Size 8.4”
MFR/Model AUO/G084SN03
Resolution SVGA (800 x 600)
Active Area (mm) 170.4 x 127.8
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.213
Number of Colors 262K
View Angle (H/V) 130 / 110
Brightness (cd/m2) 220
Contrast Ratio 500:1
Response Time (ms) (at 25C) 35
Power Consumption (W) 3.3
Interface 1ch LVDS
Supply Voltage (V) 3.3
Backlight 1 CCFL
Lamp Life (hrs) 20,000
Table 3-2: LCD Specifications
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
3.3 ACE-832AP PSU Specifications
Table 3-3 lists the ACE-832AP power supply specifications.
INPUT Voltage 90 ~ 264VAC Full Range
Frequency 50 ~ 60Hz
Input Current 6A(RMS)@115VAC
Inrush Current 60A Max for 115VAC
90A Max for 230VAC
OUTPUT Voltage Min. load Max. load Ripple & Noise
+3.3V 0.3A 28A 50mV
+5V 0.1A 30A 50mV
+12V 0A 15A 120mV
-5V 0A 0.3A 100mV
-12V 0A 0.8A 120mV
+5Vsb 0A 2A 100mV
Total Current of +3.3V & +5V & +12V ≦280W
GENERAL Power 300W
PFC Active
Hold-up Time 17ms minimum
Efficiency 65%
MTBF 50,000hrs
Temperature 0 ~ 50°C (Operating)
-20 ~ 80°C (Storage)
Dimensions 140 x 150 x 86mm
Table 3-3: ACE-832AP PSU Specifications
3.4 Recommended IEI Backplanes, Motherboards and PSUs
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Refer to Appendix B for recommended IEI backplanes, motherboards and power supply
units for the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation.

RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
4 Installation
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4.1 Installation Considerations
4.1.1 Installation Precautions
When installing the RPC-6010G, please follow the precautions listed below:
Read the user manual: The user manual provides a complete description of
the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation, installation instructions and
configuration options.
Turn Off Power: When installing the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation,
make sure the power is off. Failing to turn off the power may cause severe
injury to the user and/or damage the system.
Certified Engineers: Only certified engineers and technicians should install
and modify the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation. Non-certified engineers
or technicians should not attempt to install the RPC-6010G rackmount
RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Mounting: The RPC-6010G rackmount workstations are heavy devices.
When rack mounting the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation, please ensure
that at least two people are assisting with the procedure.
Anti-static Discharge: Electronic components like CPU cards and
backplanes must be installed into the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation.
Follow proper grounding procedures before installing these components.
4.1.2 Installation Prerequisites
Prepare the following before installing the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation:
Completely installed CPU card: The RPC-6010G rackmount workstation
CPU card is separately purchased. Before installing the RPC-6010G
rackmount workstation, a CPU card should be properly installed. The
following components may also have to be installed (refer to the user manual
that came with the CPU card):
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o Heatsink and cooling fan
o Memory modules (DIMMs)
o Compact flash disks

RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Backplane/Motherboard: The backplane or motherboard installed in the
RPC-6010G rackmount workstation is separately purchased.
Disk Drives: Disk drives installed into the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation
are separately purchased. Disk drive support is CPU card dependent. Before
purchasing a CPU card or disk drives, please check the CPU card disk drive
4.2 Unpacking
4.2.1 Packaging
When shipped, the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation is wrapped in a plastic bag. Two
polystyrene ends are placed on either side of the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation. The
workstation is then placed into a first (internal) cardboard box. This box is then sealed and
placed into a second (external) cardboard box. The second box is also sealed. A small
box containing accessory items is placed within the internal (first) box.
4.2.2 Unpacking Procedure
To unpack the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation, follow the steps below:
The front side LCD screen has a protective plastic cover stuck to the screen.
Remove the plastic cover only after the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation has
been properly installed. This ensures the screen is protected during the
installation process.
Step 1:
Use box cutters, a knife or a sharp pair of scissors to open the top of the external
(second) box.
Step 2:
Open the external (second) box.
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RPC-6010G Rackmount LCD Workstation
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Use box cutters, a knife or a sharp pair of scissors to open the top of the internal
(first) box.
Lift the workstation out of the boxes.
Remove both polystyrene ends from each side.
Pull the plastic cover off the workstation.
Make sure all the components listed in the packing list are present.
4.2.3 Packing List
If some of the components listed in the checklist below are missing, please do
not proceed with the installation. Contact the IEI reseller or vendor you
purchased the AC-KIT-883HD audio module from or contact an IEI sales
Step 0:
representative directly. To contact an IEI sales representative, please send an
email to sales@iei.com.tw
When the RPC-6010G rackmount workstation is received, make sure all the components
listed below are present.
Quantity Description Image
Backplane to SBC connector cable
Door key
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