A SDK software development kit facilitates development of
Linux-based application for the HDC-3x Series
Rev. 1.17 – 25 March, 2013
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HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
Date Version Changes
25 March, 2013 1.17 Updated for software version v1.17:
- Added scale and source select
- Removed One Picture Mode
- Modified menu (r157)
31 August, 2012 1.17 Updated for new software version v1.17:
- Modified menu (r137)
4 May, 2011 1.02 Added information for the HDC-302E
30 March, 2011 1.01 Added information for the HDC-301 and the HDC-301E
and renamed the manual to HDC-3x Series
13 January, 2011 1.00 Initial release
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HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
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3 LINUX OPEN SOURCE CODE ................................................................................ 43
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HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
1 HDCapture SDK
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HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
1.1 HDCapture SDK Overview
The HDCapture SDK is a video capture tool that allows user to capture video through the
HDMI input ports in Linux environment. The HDCapture SDK also includes decoding
function that decodes the video signal for video output to the HDMI-enabled display
This manual includes SDK information for the HDC-3x Series, which includes:
1.2 System Requirements
The following programs must be installed in order to use the HDCapture SDK in Linux:
Kernel: Fedora16-64 Distribution (based on Kernel 3.1.0)
Tool chain: Runs on Fedora16 (binutils 2.18, gcc 4.3.2, glibc 2.9)
1.3 Software Installation
1.3.1 Bin File Only
To install the HDCapture SDK to a system running Linux, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Copy the HDCapture_3xx-r157_20121212-6339-3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64.tar.bz2
3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64 kernel version) file from the utility CD to the system hard
drive. The user can also get the latest version from IEI website.
Step 2: Unzip the file by typing:
$ tar xf HDCapture_(hdc series)-(version)_(date)-(svn version)_(kernel version).tar.gz$ tar -jvxf HDCapture_3xx-r157_20121212-6339-3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64.tar.bz2
Step 3: Change to HDCapture directory by typing:
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$ cd HDCapture_3xx-(version)_(date)-(svn version)$ cd HDCapture_3xx-r157_20121212-6339
HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
Step 4: Login as root by typing:
$ su
Step 5: Enter the password:
password: ****** $
Step 6: Install the HDCapture SDK by typing:
sh install_ko_hdc3xx.sh
Step 7: The system starts to install the HDCapture SDK and shows:
Installation start. Installing fmb_player_apl... done. Installing firm... done. Making fmb_driver... `h55fmb.ko' -> `/lib/modules/' done. Making mmux_driver... `media_mux.ko' -> `/lib/modules/' done. Unloading old MB86H55 device driver... done. Loading new MB86H55 device driver... done. Unloading old media_mux device driver... done. Loading new media_mux device driver... done. Installation completed.
1.3.2 Source Code
To install the HDCapture SDK to a system running Linux, please follow the steps below.
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Step 1: Copy the HDCapture_SDK_(version)_(date)-(svn version).tar.gz file from the
utility CD to the system hard drive. The user can also get the latest version from
IEI website.
HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
Step 2: Unzip the file by typing:
$ tar xf HDCapture_SDK_(version)_(date)-(svn version).tar.gz $ tar xf HDCapture_3xx-r157_20121212-6339.tar.gz
Step 3: Change to HDCapture directory by typing:
$ cd (version) $ cd r157
Step 4: Login as root by typing:
$ su
Step 5: Enter the password:
password: ****** $
Step 6: Install the HDCapture SDK by typing:
#sh install_hdc3xx.sh
Step 7: The system starts to install the HDCapture SDK and shows:
Installation start. Making fmb_player_apl...done. Installing fmb_player_apl...done. Installing firm...done. Making fmb_driver...done. Making mmux_driver...done.Unloading old MB86H55 device driver...done. Loading new MB86H55 device driver...done.Unloading old media_mux device driver...done. Loading new media_mux device driver...done. Installation completed. #
Step 8: Type “exit” to logout from root: Step 0:
# exit
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1.4 Launch HDCapture SDK
Step 1: To launch the HDCapture SDK, type “hdcapture” as below:
$ hdcapture
Step 2: The system starts to launch the HDCapture SDK. When the main menu appears,
The contents marked in blue are especially for the HDC-302E and the HDC-304E
video capture cards.
1.5 Video Capture
There two main procedures to capture video by the HDCapture SDK in Linux. First, setup
the encoding setting. Second, start capturing video. These two procedures are described
in the following sections.
1.5.1 Encoding Setting
Before capturing the video, please connect the hardware and follow the instruction below
to configure the encoding settings.
Step 1: Launch the HDCapture SDK (refer to Section
Step 2: Type 6 to select “6 Encode settings” from the main menu.
Step 4: Select a port to configure by entering the port number. For example, type 1 to
select the first port.
Step 5: The following message shows.
< Encode settings - Sub menu >
Select following number.(Current settings)
1 Output portsetting(File ./stream-0.mpg)2 Video resolution setting(1920x1080_59.94p)3 Video bitrate setting (CBR, 6000kbps)4 Audio format (MPEG1L2, 256kbps)5 Videoscale(NotUse)fmb-0?>
The user can enter Z at anytime to go back to the previous page.
Step 6: Configure the file name of the encoded file. To configure the file name, type 1
to select the “Output port setting”.
Step 7: The following message shows.
[[[ Encode settings - Sub menu -> Outputport ]]]
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Select following number.(* is current setting) 1 * Filefmb-0?>
Step 8: Type 1 to select “File”.
HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
Step 9: The following message shows the current file name is “stream-0.mpg”.
[[[ Encode settings- Sub menu -> Outputport -> File ]]]
Input filepath of stream. Current filepath is./stream-0.mpg. fmb-0?>
Step 10: Type the new file name. Take “video1.mpg” as an example.
Step 11: The encoding setting sub menu appears. The file name has been cha nged to
< Encode settings - Sub menu >
Select following number.(Current settings)
1 Output portsetting (File video1.mpg) 2 Video resolution setting(1920x1080_59.94p)3 Video bitrate setting (CBR, 6000kbps)4 Audio format (MPEG1L2, 256kbps)5 Videoscale (NotUse)fmb-0?>
Step 12: Video resolution settings. The encoding video resolution is automatically
detected by the hardware and can not be changed from the HDCapture SDK. If
the video resolution is changed and does not match the current settings list in
the SDK sub-menu, please type 2 to select “Video resolution setting”.
Step 13: When the following message shows, press Enter to reload the current setting.
[[[ Encode settings - Sub menu -> Video resolution ]]]
Please change the input source resolution if you want to use select others. Then press "Enter"to reload. fmb-0?>
The contents marked in blue are especially for the HDC-302E and the
HDC-304E video capture cards. The HDC-301 and HDC-301E can not
detect the resolution automatically. The user needs to select the input
source resolution manually.
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Step 14: Type Z to go back to the sub-menu of the encod e setting.
HDC-3x Series SDK (Linux)
< Encode settings - Sub menu >
Select following number.(Current settings)
1 Output portsetting (File video1.mpg) 2 Video resolution setting(1920x1080_59.94p)3 Video bitrate setting (CBR, 6000kbps)4 Audio format (MPEG1L2, 256kbps)5 Videoscale (NotUse)fmb-0?>
Step 15: Configure the video Scale,
Step 16: The following message shows.
[[[ Encode settings - Sub menu -> Video scaler ]]] 'Z'<-~~~~~~~~~~~~->Enter Select following number.(* is current setting)
1. * NotUse
2. 1440x1080
3. 720x480
5. 320x240fmb-0?>5
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Encode settings - Sub menu > 'Z'<-~~~~~~~~ Select following number.(Current settings)
1 Outputportsetting (File./stream-0.mpg) 2 Video resolutionsetting(1920x1080_59.94i) 3 Video bitratesetting (CBR,768kbps) 4 Audio format (MPEG1L2,256kbps)