IDP SMART 30D User Manual

SMART Series
User Manual
Users must respect the copyright laws applicable in their country. This manual must not be
photocopied, translated, reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part for any reason and by the means that might be, albeit electronic or mechanical, without the express, written authorization of the company IDP card printer. All information contained herein may be subject to modification without prior notice. IDP card printer accepts no liability for any possible errors herein, nor for any accidental damage or damage caused through the dissemination or the use of this manual.
SMART-50 is a trademark and IDP is a registered trademark of IDP card printer. Windows is
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are marks of their respective holders. SMART-50 Design is a trademark of IDP.
Return Materials Authorization
In order to make a warranty claim you must contact an IDP Reseller. You will be responsible
for packaging the printer for shipment and the costs of shipping and insurance of the printer from the point of use of the printer to the IDP Reseller. The IDP Reseller will bear the costs of shipping and insuring the printer from the repair location to the address from which the printer was shipped. Before returning any equipment for in-warranty or out-of warranty repair, contact an IDP Reseller or an IDP Service Center for a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. Repack the equipment in the original packing material and mark the RMA number clearly on the outside of the box. For more information about RMA or IDP warranty statements, refer to the Warranty booklet on the quick install guide.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................ 7
1.1 Printer outside features ........................................................................... 7
1.1.1 SMART-30 outside feature. ...................................................................... 7
1.1.2 SMART-50 outside feature. ...................................................................... 8
1.2 Printer inside features .................................................................................. 11
1.2.1 SMART-30 inside feature. ..................................................................... 11
1.2.2 SMART-50 inside feature. ..................................................................... 12
1.3 Ribbon cartridge features ............................................................................. 13
1.4 LCD panel display & button operation ......................................................... 14
2. Printer installation .............................................................. 18
2.1. Fitting the ribbon ......................................................................................... 18
2.2. Loading the cards ........................................................................................ 21
2.3. The withdrawal of printed cards. .............................................................. ... 23
2.4. Driver installation (Windows XP, 2000, 2003) .............................................. 24
2.5. Driver installation (Windows Vista, 7, 8) ...................................................... 31
2.5. Network configuration ................................................................................. 37
3. Driver configuration ........................................................... 46
3.1. Checking printer properties ........................................................................ 46
3.2. Changing printer properties ........................................................................ 46
3.3. Other settings .............................................................. ................................ 51
4. Utilities ............................................................................... 54
4.1. Card Printer Setup ....................................................................................... 54
4.2. Card Printer Test ......................................................................................... 64
4.3. Firmware upgrade ....................................................................................... 70
5. Optional device driver installation ..................................... 73
5.1. Contact smartcard reader ............................................................................ 73
6. Troubleshooting ................................................................. 78
6.1. Cleaning the printer ..................................................................................... 78
6.2 TPH (Thermal Print Head) replacement ........................................................ 82
6.3. Card movement ........................................................................................... 83
6.4. Printing quality ............................................................................................ 84
6.5. Magnetic stripe encoding ............................................................................ 85
6.6. General operation ........................................................................................ 85
7. Printer specification ........................................................... 87
Table of Pictures
Pic.1 SMART-30 front features .............................................................................................. 7
Pic.2 SMART-30 back features .............................................................................................. 7
Pic.3 SMART-50 front features .............................................................................................. 9
Pic.4 SMART-50 rear features ............................................................................................... 9
Pic.5 SMART-50S ................................................................................................................ 10
Pic.6 SMART-50D ................................................................................................................ 10
Pic.7 SMART-50L ................................................................................................................. 10
Pic.8 SMART-30 Inside features ............................................................... ........................... 11
Pic.9 SMART-50 Inside features ............................................................... ........................... 12
Pic.10 Ribbon cartridge features ........................................................................................ 13
Pic.11 Top Cover open .............................................................. .......................................... 18
Pic.12 Take out the ribbon cartridge ............................................................... .................... 18
Pic.13 Loading the ribbon 1 ................................................................................................ 19
Pic.14 Loading the ribbon 2 ................................................................................................ 19
Pic.15 Installing the cleaning roller .................................................................................... 19
Pic.16 Peeling the protective wrapper ................................................................................ 19
Pic.17 Installing the ribbon cartridge ............................................................... ................... 20
Pic.18 Close Top Cover ............................................................... ........................................ 20
Pic.19 Adjusting the card thickness lever ..............................................................
Pic.20 Preparing the card 1 ................................................................................................. 21
Pic.21 Preparing the card 2 ................................................................................................. 21
Pic.22 Loading the cards 1 ................................................................................................. 22
Pic.23 Loading the cards 2 ................................................................................................. 22
Pic.24 Loading the cards 3 ................................................................................................. 22
Pic.25 Loading the cards 4 ................................................................................................. 22
Pic.25 SMART-30 Stacker ................................................................................................... 23
Pic.25 SMART-50 Stacker ................................................................................................... 23
Pic.26 Install XP printer driver 1 ......................................................................................... 24
Pic.27 Install XP printer driver 2 ......................................................................................... 24
Pic.28 Install XP printer driver 3 ......................................................................................... 24
Pic.29 Install XP print driver 4 ............................................................................................. 24
Pic.30 Install XP print driver 5 ............................................................................................. 25
Pic.31 Install XP print driver 6 ............................................................................................. 25
Pic.32 Install XP printer driver 7 ......................................................................................... 25
Pic.33 Install XP printer driver 8 ......................................................................................... 25
Pic.34 Install XP printer driver 9 ......................................................................................... 26
Pic.35 Install XP printer driver 10 ....................................................................................... 26
Pic.36 Install XP printer driver 11 ...............................................................
Pic.37 Install XP printer driver 12 ....................................................................................... 27
Pic.38 Install XP printer driver 13 ....................................................................................... 27
Pic.39 Install XP printer driver 14 ....................................................................................... 27
Pic.40 Install XP printer driver 15 ....................................................................................... 27
Pic.41 Install XP printer driver 16 ....................................................................................... 28
Pic.42 Install XP printer driver 17 ....................................................................................... 28
Pic.43 Install XP printer driver 18 ....................................................................................... 28
Pic.44 Install XP printer driver 19 ....................................................................................... 29
Pic.45 Install XP printer driver 20 ....................................................................................... 29
Pic.46 Install XP printer driver 21 ....................................................................................... 29
Pic.47 Install XP printer driver 22 ....................................................................................... 29
Pic.48 Install XP printer driver 23 ....................................................................................... 30
......................... 26
............ 21
Pic.49 Install XP printer driver 24 ....................................................................................... 30
Pic.50 Install XP printer driver 25 ....................................................................................... 30
Pic.51 Install Win7 driver 1 ................................................................................................. 31
Pic.52 Install Win7 driver 2 ................................................................................................. 31
Pic.53 Install Win7 driver 3 ................................................................................................. 31
Pic.54 Install Win7 driver 4 ................................................................................................. 31
Pic.55 Install Win7 driver 5 ................................................................................................. 32
Pic.56 Install Win7 driver 6 ................................................................................................. 32
Pic.57 Install Win7 driver 7 ................................................................................................. 32
Pic.58 Install Win7 driver 8 ................................................................................................. 32
Pic.59 Install Win7 driver 9 ................................................................................................. 33
Pic.60 Install Win7 driver 10 ............................................................... ................................. 33
Pic.61 Install Win7 driver 11 ................................................................................................ 33
Pic.62 Install Win7 driver 12 ............................................................... ................................. 33
Pic.63 Install Win7 driver 13 ............................................................... ................................. 34
Pic.64 Install Win7 driver 14 ............................................................... ................................. 34
Pic.65 Install Win7 driver 15 ............................................................... ................................. 34
Pic.66 Install Win7 driver 16 ............................................................... ................................. 35
Pic.67 Install Win7 driver 17 ............................................................... .................................
Pic.68 Install Win7 driver 18 ............................................................... ................................. 35
Pic.69 Install Win7 driver 19 ............................................................... ................................. 35
Pic.70 Install Win7 driver 20 ............................................................... ................................. 36
Pic.71 Install Win7 driver 21 ............................................................... ................................. 36
Pic.72 Install Win7 driver 22 ............................................................... ................................. 36
Pic.73 Install Win7 driver 23 ............................................................... ................................. 36
Pic.74 Rear view of SMART-50 printer 1 ............................................................................. 37
Pic.75 Rear view of SMART-50 printer 2 ............................................................................. 37
Pic.76 Running the NetAdmin ............................................................................................. 38
Pic.77 Network printer is not found .................................................................................... 38
Pic.78 Connecting to USB port ........................................................................................... 39
Pic.79 NetAdmin Log-in ...................................................................................................... 39
Pic.80 Dynamic IP configuration ............................................................... .......................... 40
Pic.81 Static IP configuration.............................................................................................. 40
Pic.82 Network service configuration ................................................................................. 41
Pic.83 OCP configuration ............................................................... ..................................... 41
Pic.84 Network user configuration ..................................................................................... 42
Pic.85 USB port state .......................................................................................................... 42
Pic.86 Rebooting the network module ................................................................................ 43
Pic.87 Reset to default .............................................................. .......................................... 43
Pic.88 Upgrading the firmware 1 ......................................................................................... 44
Pic.89 Upgrading the firmware 2 ......................................................................................... 44
Pic.90 Upgrading the firmware 3 ......................................................................................... 45
Pic.91 Printer properties 1 .................................................................................................. 46
Pic.92 Printer properties 2 .................................................................................................. 46
Pic.93 Layout ...................................................................................................................... 47
Pic.94 Advanced Setup ....................................................................................................... 48
Pic.95 Paper / Ribbon / Printing .......................................................................................... 49
Pic.96 Side / Media .............................................................................................................. 50
Pic.97 Laminator ................................................................................................................. 50
Pic.98 Printer sharing ......................................................................................................... 51
Pic.99 Ports ......................................................................................................................... 51
Pic.100 Advanced ............................................................................................................... 52
Pic.101 Color Management .............................................................. ................................... 52
Pic.102 Service .................................................................................................................... 52
Pic.103 Laminator .............................................................. ................................................. 53
Pic.104 CardPrinterSetup Log-in ........................................................................................ 54
Pic.105 CardPrinterSetup start ........................................................................................... 54
Pic.106 CardPrinterSetup – Card Printer Basic Setup ........................................................ 55
Pic.107 SMART-30 R density ............................................................................................... 56
Pic.108 Color density .......................................................................................................... 57
Pic.109 Resin Black density................................................................................................ 57
Pic.110 Overlay density....................................................................................................... 57
Pic.111 CardPrinterSetup – Card Printer Advanced Setup ................................................. 59
Pic.112 CardPrinterSetup – Laminator Basic Setup ........................................................... 61
Pic.113 CardPrinterSetup – Laminator Advanced Setup .................................................... 62
Pic.114 CardPrinterTest ...................................................................................................... 64
Pic.115 Magnetic stripe encoding ....................................................................................... 66
Pic.116 Contact smartcard encoding .................................................................................. 67
Pic.117 Contactless smartcard encoding .............................................................. ............. 68
Pic.118 Upgrading printer firmware .............................................................. ...................... 70
Pic.119 Ready for firm-ware upgrade .................................................................................. 71
Pic.120 Firm-ware manual upgrade .................................................................................... 71
Pic.121 Ready for laminator firm-ware upgrade ................................................................. 72
Pic.122 Firm-ware manual upgrade .................................................................................... 72
Pic.123 Contact smartcard reader d river installation ......................................................... 73
Pic.124 License agreement ..............................................................
Pic.125 Installing the contact smartcard reader driver....................................................... 74
Pic.126 Completing the smartcard reader driver installation ............................................. 75
Pic.127 Found New Hardware Wizard ................................................................................. 76
Pic.128 Installation method selection ............................................................... .................. 76
Pic.129 Driver location ........................................................................................................ 77
Pic.130 Completing the driver installation ............................................................... ........... 77
Pic.131 Exclusive cleaning card for SMART-50 printer ...................................................... 78
Pic.132 Printer cleaning start .............................................................................................. 78
Pic.133 Printer cleaning Step 1 ........................................................................................... 79
Pic.134 Printer cleaning Step 2 ........................................................................................... 79
Pic.135 Printer cleaning Step 3 ........................................................................................... 80
Pic.136 Printer cleaning Step 4 ........................................................................................... 80
Pic.137 Printer cleaning Step 5 ........................................................................................... 81
Pic.138 Printer cleaning Step 6 ........................................................................................... 81
Pic.139 Thermal Print Head ................................................................................................ 82
Pic.140 Print head setup ..................................................................................................... 82
Pic.141 Print head replacement .......................................................................................... 83
Pic.142 Print head angle ..................................................................................................... 83
Pic.142 Printing quality trouble 1 ........................................................................................ 84
Pic.143 Printing quality trouble 2
Pic.144 Printing quality trouble 3 ........................................................................................ 84
Pic.145 Printing quality trouble 4 ........................................................................................ 85
Pic.146 Printing quality trouble 5 ........................................................................................ 85
Pic.148 Printer Specification 1 ............................................................................................ 87
Pic.149 Printer Specification 2 ............................................................................................ 89
Pic.150 Printer Specification 3 ............................................................................................ 90
........................................................................................ 84
................................... 74
1. Introduction
1.1 Printer outside features
1.1.1 SMART-30 outside feature.
For the user’s convenience, SMART-30 status can be seen through LED and the printer can be controlled by a button. It takes a power via the 24V adaptor provided with the printer. Using USB and Network port, it is communicated with the user’s PC
The following shows the outside functional features found on the printer.
Top cover open buttonExternal contactless
Smartcard encoding position
Input hopper LED buttons Dividing Stacker
Pic.1 SMART-30 front features
Backside card outlet Power switch 24V power connector Network port
In case there is no network option, it is closed.
USB port
There are five models in SMART-50 card printer series such as SMART-50S, SMART-50D, SMART­50L.
Pic.2 SMART-30 back features
SMART-30S (Pic.5) is the standard card printer. It can be printed in single side with the encoding. This manual is prepared based on SMART-30S.
SMART-30R (Pic.6) is the rewritable card printer. It can rewrite on rewritable card in single side with encoding.
SMART-30D (Pic.7) have a flipper which can enable to print in both side. SMART-30D can print the both side of the card with the encoding.
Pic.3 SMART-30S (Standard)
Pic.5 SMART-30D (Dual)
1.1.2 SMART-50 outside feature.
For the user’s convenience, SMART-50 status can be seen through LCD with LED and the printer
Pic.4 SMART-30R (Rewritable)
can be controlled by two LED buttons. It takes a power via the 24V adaptor provided with the printer. Using USB and Network port, it is communicated with the user’s PC
The following shows the outside functional features found on the printer.
Top cover open button External contactless
Smartcard encoding position
Fan Input hopper LED buttons LCD show the process
Internal SIM reader
Pic.6 SMART-50 front features
Pic.7 SMART-50 rear features
Backside card outlet Power switch 24V power connector Network port
In case there is no network option, it is closed.
USB port
There are five models in SMART-50 card printer series such as SMART-50S, SMART-50D, SMART­50L.
SMART-50S (Pic.5) is the standard card printer. It can be printed in single side with the encoding. This
manual is prepared based on SMART-50S. SMART-50D (Pic.6) have a flipper which can enable to print in both side. SMART-50D can print the both
side of the card with the encoding. SMART-50L (Pic.7) produces long-life cards for ID and access control with customizable security features
and ability to print smart cards. To cater to expanding requirement in card security, SMART-50L’s DLW(Direct to Laminating in a Wink) technology provides the most stable & fast laminating solutions.
Pic.8 SMART-50S
Pic.10 SMART-50L
Pic.9 SMART-50D
1.2 Printer inside features
1.2.1 SMART-30 inside feature.
In SMART-30 printer, the ribbon is installed by a ribbon cartridge which can be used semipermanently. The following shows the inside functional features found on your SMART-30 printer.
Output hopper(Stacker)
Input hopper
Card thickness control lever
Ribbon cartridge
Install the ribbon and the disposable cleaning roller. Thermal Print Head
Pic.11 SMART-30 Inside features
Collect the printed card and/or encoded cards.
Load the cards for printing.
Adjust the cards thickness.
This enables the cards to be printed.
(Caution with fingers or a sharp metal object to avoid degrading print quality or damaging printer head permanently.)
!: This is very hot after printing. Do not contact the surface of the Thermal Print Head
1.2.2 SMART-50 inside feature.
In SMART-50 printer, the ribbon is installed by a ribbon cartridge which can be used semipermanently. The following shows the inside functional features found on your SMART-50 printer.
Pic.12 SMART-50 Inside features
Output hopper(Stacker)
Contactless smartcard encoder.
Collect the printed card and/or encoded cards.
Input hopper
Load the cards for printing.
Card thickness control lever
Adjust the cards thickness.
Ribbon cartridge Install the ribbon and the disposable cleaning roller.
Thermal Print Head
This enables the cards to be printed.
(Caution!: This is very hot after printing. Do not contact the surface of the Thermal Print Head with fingers or a sharp metal object to avoid degrading print quality or damaging printer head permanently.)
External contactless encoder
Output hopper Input hopper Card thickness
control lever
Ribbon cartridge Thermal Print Head External contactless
1.3 Ribbon cartridge features
Ribbon cartridge Take up parts Supply parts Disposable cleaning
Ribbon cartridge
-. Install a ribbon and a disposable cleaning roller provided with the ribbon.
-. In the case of SMART-30 R model, a ribbon is not used, and a disposable cleaning
roller is only installed and used.
-. This semi-permanent ribbon cartridge is a component of the printer. Printer does not operate if it is broken or damaged. In this case, please contact printer reseller.
② ③ Take up & Supply parts
-. Ribbon is wrapped to the supply parts as the Pic. 10. It should be installed as the Pic.10.
Disposable cleaning roller
-. It removes dust on the surface of card to improve print quality before the card is printed.
It should be changed together with the ribbon.
-. After installing the disposable cleaning roller to the ribbon cartridge, peel off the protective
-. It is provided with the ribbon.
-. In the case of SMART-30 R model, you have to purchase the disposable cleaning roller
from the reseller.
Pic.13 Ribbon cartridge features
1.4 LCD panel display & button operation
SMART-50 printer can show the real-time process status to user. SMART-30’s status is displayed in windows tray.
No LCD Display
Ver X.XX…
INIT Error xx
<Replay Replay>
S m a r t
Auto Ribbon Set
LED Button
Left Right Left Right
On On Initializing Initializing with the indication of SMART-50 firmware version
Blinking Blinking Repeat Repeat Error during initializing
On On Automatic ribbon setting
State Description
Showing error no. in case of failure of normal initializing while SMART-50 is initialized. (Refer to page13). Press any keys for re­initializing process.
It optimizes the ribbon position setting automatically in case of the replacement of color ribbon(YMCKO or YMCKOK).
Auto Ribbon Set
Auto Ribbon Set
System Ready
Wait.. 1”C
S m a r t
Unlock Please..
S m a r t
Verify your PC
Ribbon Balance Type / Remains
Blinking Blinking
Blinking Blinking
On On
Blinking Blinking
On On Printer is locked
On On PC is not authenticated
On On Card out
On On Printing Under printing.
Soft power
Fail to optimize the
ribbon setting
Fail to optimize the
ribbon setting and
display the ribbon’s color
Printer’s operating
temperature is under
Display the ribbon type
and remains
Display these messages when the auto ribbon setting is failed and
it shows the ribbon detecting level.
Printer is ready for printing and you can check the installed ribbon information by pressing the left button. Printer turns off by pressing the right button. Printer turns on by pressing the right button when it turns off.
Shown it when printer’s operating temperature falls down under 1. Normal operating temperature is 15~35.
Physical key option is active using the CardPrinterSetup utility and
it shows the locked state. Unable to print.
Authentication option is active using the CardPrinterSetup utility. When use the printer with an unauthenticated PC, it is shown. Printer is not working.
Display the installed ribbon’s type and the remains. It can be shown by pressing the left LED button on the system ready mode.
No LCD Display
Mag R/W
Spool Error!
<-Any Key Push->
Print Error xx
<Replay Cancel>
Top Cover Open
<-Card Moving ->
LED Button
Left Right Left Right
On On
Blinking Blinking
Blinking Blinking Repeat
Blinking Blinking
Cancel &
Move a
card to the
back side
Cancel &
Cancel &
Move a card
to the front
State Description
Reading or writing the
Magnetic stripe
Printing data is not
transmitted properly
Error in printing or
moving a card
Top cover open
Magnetic encoder is reading or writing the magnetic stripe information.
Shown it when error occurs in a printing data transmission. Press any keys to delete the spooled data and to return the ready state.
Error in the printing or the transmission. Retry by pressing the left button or cancel the command by pressing the right button.
Top cover is open. The card in the printer can be moved by pressing the left or right LED button. If press both buttons at the same time, the print head will be up and down. (Flipper will be flip over if it is installed)
Check Please..
Ribbon Not Found
Check Please..
Ribbon Zero
Check Please..
TPH Not Found
Print Error xx
Top Cover Open
Card Out Error
<Replay Cancel>
Board Test Mode
Blinking Blinking
Blinking Blinking
Blinking Blinking
Blinking Blinking
Blinking Blinking Repeat
On On Firmware downloading
Test mode state
Cancel &
There is no ribbon in the
printer or fail to detect
The installed ribbon has
run out
Thermal Print head is not
Fail to move the card out
(Check the card in the
Fail to move the card out
(Check the card in the
Table1 Status display
Fail to detect the ribbon. Check the ribbon installed state. If there is no ribbon, install the ribbon. If there is a ribbon, pull out it and install again. Press the left or right button to redetect the ribbon.
It is displayed when the installed ribbon is all used up. Replace with new ribbon. Press the left or right button to redetect the ribbon.
Thermal Print Head is not installed or there is a misconnection of the cable. Open the top cover to check the print head installed state or turn off the printer and check the cable connecting state.
The card in the printer will be come out when the initialization or top cover close. If it is not come out, this message will be displayed. Remove the card and close the top cover.
After an error occurs in printing, the error card is not come out even though "Replay" or "Cancel" button is pressed.
The printer is downloading the firmware. Do not turn off the power until it is rebooting. It takes about 20 seconds.
Test mode which can test the sensors or motors of the printer. User can set the LED status.
Description of printer error code
Error code Description
0 Card in error 1 Card move center error 2 Card out error 3 Card move magnetic error 4 Card move contact encoder error 5 Card move contactless encoder error 6 Card move error from the printer to the flipper 7 Card move error form the flipper to the printer 8 Print head up error
9 Print head down error 10 IC Contactor up 11 IC Contactor down 12 Flipper top error 13 Flipper bottom error 14 Error in printing 15 Magnetic stripe read/write error 16 Ribbon search error 17 Ribbon move error 18 No print head installed 19 Print head overheating 20 No ribbon 21 Printing data error 22 Card back out error 23 Magnetic data erasing error 24 Printer password is not correct 25 Magnetic stripe track 1 read error 26 Magnetic stripe track 2 read error 27 Magnetic stripe track 3 read error 28 Printer locked state 29 Printer spool full state 30 No defined 31 No defined
Description of laminator error code
Error code Description
0 Laminator head up error 2 Laminator head down error 4 Laminator card in error 6 Laminator card move error 8 Laminator card front out error
9 Laminator card rear out error 10 Flipper error 13 Error while laminating 15 Laminator initializing error 16 Laminator film zero error 17 Laminator film search error 31 No laminating film
2. Printer installation
2.1. Fitting the ribbon
Before printing, prepare the related items such as a card, a ribbon and a cleaning roller. In this
section we invite you to know the proper method of installing the ribbon and the cleaning roller
into the printer. In the case of SMRT RW model, the ribbon is no needed so skip 2.1.4 and
2.1.5 process.
2.1.1. Turn off the printer
2.1.2. Open the printer top cover by pressing the top cover open button.
Pic.14 Top Cover open
Pic.15 Take out the ribbon cartridge
2.1.3. Take out the ribbon cartridge.
2.1.4. Install a ribbon into the ribbon
cartridge as left Pic. 13.
Pic.16 Loading the ribbon 1
Pic.17 Loading the ribbon 2
2.1.5. Insert the supply side of the ribbon to no.1 hole and press the opposite (no.2). Insert the take-up side of the ribbon same method to no.3 and no.4. After inserting, tighten the ribbon.
(Caution! If the ribbon is not tightened, a
rolling up error might be happened.)
2.1.6. Install the disposable cleaning roller to the ribbon cartridge.
Pic.18 Installing the cleaning roller
Pic.19 Peeling the protective wrapper
2.1.7. Peel the protective wrapper from the cleaning roller.
After removing the protective wrapper, the cleaning roller should be kept clean from fingerprints, dust and foreign substances to avoid contamination because it is adhesive.
(Caution! Do not use without peeling off the
protective wrapper because the cleaning roller cannot perform its function.)
2.1.8. Install the ribbon cartridge into the
printer after installing the ribbon with a cleaning roller to the cartridge.
Pic.20 Installing the ribbon cartridge
Pic.21 Close Top Cover
2.1.9. Close the top cover
(If it is not closed properly, check the installation
state of the ribbon cartridge.)
2.2. Loading the cards
This section shows how to load the plastic cards.
2.2.1. Open the input hopper cover.
2.2.2. Adjust the card thickness with the card thickness control lever.
(Caution! If the adjustment is not correct, it will
make some error. Use the type of cards in the specification of this manual. Always keep the card surface clean state.)
Pic.22 Adjusting the card thickness lever
Pic.23 Preparing the card 1
2.2.4. To separate cards from each other,
push a stack of cards back and forth to an angle about 45 degrees vertically.
(Static charge makes cards stuck with significant adhesive force. These cards must be physically separated from each other before inserted into the feeder. If not separated, feeding or printing problems may occur.)
Pic.24 Preparing the card 2
2.2.5. Stand the stack of cards vertically
after separating.
Pic.25 Loading the cards 1
2.2.6. Load the cards on the input hopper
properly and close the hopper cover.
Pic.26 Loading the cards 2
2.2.7. When insert each one card, insert
the card to the end as the Pic. 24 and 25.
Pic.27 Loading the cards 3
Pic.28 Loading the cards 4
2.3. The withdrawal of printed cards.
Printed cards are passed out to the stacker of rear bottom side of SMART printer. SMART-30’s stacker can be divided as following image.
Pic.29 SMART-30 Stacker
SMART-50’s stacker sticks out of the device so you can withdraw the printed cards easily.
Pic.30 SMART-50 Stacker
2.4. Driver installation (Windows XP, 2000, 2003)
2.4.1. Insert the installation CD provided with the printer.
2.4.2. Choose the language and click “Driver Install”.
Pic.31 Install XP printer driver 1
Pic.32 Install XP printer driver 2
2.4.3. STEP 1:
If the printer is connected to the PC and turned on, turn off the power o the printer. Click “Next”. The existing installed printer driver will be removed.
If the printer driver is already installed, it will be removed automatically but it may take times.
Choose the language as shown on the Pic.29 and 27.
Pic.33 Install XP printer driver 3
Pic.34 Install XP print driver 4
2.4.4. STEP 2:
Click “Next” to ready the
installation of the printer driver.
Pic.35 Install XP print driver 5
2.4.5. If there is a pop-up window for the
software installation, click “Continue Anyway”.
Pic.36 Install XP print driver 6
2.4.6. STEP 3:
Click “Next” to use USB port. Click “TCP/IP Network port” to use the printer as network printer and choose the printer as shown on the Pic.34.
(If there is no information on the window for
the network printer list, it means that the printer is not connected to the network. Check “2.5 Network Printer” section.)
Pic.37 Install XP printer driver 7
Pic.38 Install XP printer driver 8
2.4.7. Please connect a power supply to the printer.
(For the network printer, refer to “2.5 Network Printer” section.)
Pic.39 Install XP printer driver 9
Pic.40 Install XP printer driver 10
2.4.8. Please connect USB cable provided
with the printer to PC and the printer.
(For the network printer, refer to “2.5 Network Printer” section.)
2.4.9. Turn on the printer to boot up it.
Pic.41 Install XP printer driver 11
2.4.10. Select “Install the software
automatically (Recommended)”and click “Next”.
Pic.42 Install XP printer driver 12
2.4.11. Click “Continue Anyway” in
Software Installation window.
Pic.43 Install XP printer driver 13
2.4.12. Click “Finish” in Completing the
Found New Hardware Wizard window.
Pic.44 Install XP printer driver 14
Pic.45 Install XP printer driver 15
2.4.13. When the printer driver installation
is completed. Click “Close”.
2.4.14. Check “IDP SMART-50 Card
Printer” is generated in Printers and Faxes window.
Pic.46 Install XP printer driver 16
Pic.47 Install XP printer driver 17
2.4.15. After selecting the icon of “IDP SMART-50 Card Printer”, click the right mouse button and select the “Properties”.
2.4.16. Select “General” tap and click “Print Test Page” button on the IDP SMART-50 Card Printer Properties window.
Pic.48 Install XP printer driver 18
+ 63 hidden pages