ICP FCV2400C2, FCV3600C2, FCV4800C2, FCV6000C2 Installation Instructions And Owner's Manual

FCV2400C2 FCV3600C2
Use ONLY factory listed electric heaters.
General Information / Installation ............ 2
Upflow Installations ........................ 3
Horizontal Installations ..................... 3
Ductwork Connections ..................... 3
Filter Installation ........................... 4
Condensate Drain .......................... 5
Refrigerant Lines ........................... 5
Electrical Connections ...................... 6
Motor Speeds and Airflow ................... 7
Blower Performance ........................ 9
Checks and Maintenance ................... 10
Wiring Diagram ............................ 11
Replacement Parts ......................... 12
Variable Speed Fan Coils
SafetyLabelingand SignalWords
Danger,Warning and Caution
The signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION
are used to identify levels of hazard seriousness. The signal word DANGER is only used on product labels to
signify an immediate hazard. The signal words WARN- ING and CAUTION will be used on product labels and
throughout this manual and other manuals that may ap-
ply to the product. DANGER - immediate hazards which WILL result in se-
vere personal injury or death. WARNING - Hazards or unsafe practices which
COULD result in severe personal injury or death. CAUTION - Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD
result in minor personal injury or product or property damage.
Signal Words in Manuals
The signal word WARNING is used throughout this
manual in the following manner:
The signal word CAUTION is used throughout this
manual in the following manner:
Product Labeling
Signal words are used in combination with colors and/or pictures on product labels.
PrintedinU.S.A. 496 01 4109 02
June 2002
_ Installation Instructions
FigUre Dimensions and Clearances
14-3/8" (2 Ton) 17-7/8" (3 Ton)
/8" (4 / 5 Ton)
Fan Coils ]
Filter Door
(2&3 Ton)
(4-5 Ton)
_F 21 1/2"
./ W
16-3/8 (2 Ton)_
19-7/8 '' (3 Ton) BottomReturnAirOpening
27-1/8 '' (4 / 5 Ton) 141/2X20 2Ton
18X20 3Ton
251/4X20 4-5 Ton
8 1/2"
Installation or repairs made by unqualified persons can result in hazards to you and others. Installation MUST
conform with local building codes and with the National Electrical Code NFPA70 current edition.
The information contained in this manual is intended for use by a qualified service technician familiar with
safety procedures and equipped with the proper tools and test instruments.
Failure to carefully read and follow all instructions in this manual can result in equipment malfunction, property damage, personal injury and/or death.
The blower cabinet may be used for cooling or heat pump opera- tion with or without electric heat. Installations without electric
heat, require a No Heat Kit.The cabinet can be installed in an up- flow or horizontal position (Figure 2, 3). Horizontal installations
All Sides .................................. 0"
From Supply Duct .......................... 0"
Recommended Service From Front .......... 20"
(Service for blower, filter if installed)
All Sides .................................. 0"
From First Three
Feet of Supply Duct to Combustibles ........ 1"
From Duct after Three Feet ................. 0"
Recommended Service From Front .......... 20"
(Service for blower, filter, heaters if installed)
Fire Hazard
When heaters are installed maintain clear- ances from combustible materials as speci-
fied on unit rating plate. Do not use plastic lined or combustible flexible ducting within 36
inches of the supply end of the air handler.
Failure to do so can result in fire, property damage, personal injury and/or death.
require a horizontal kit. Some models are shipped with the hori- zontal kit already installed .These units are not shipped with air fil-
ters installed. Filter must be field supplied, either washable or disposal type. Washable filters are available as an accessory.
Select the best position which suits the installation site conditions. The location should provide adequate structural support, space in
the front of the unit for service access, clearance for return air and supply duct connections, space for refrigerant piping connections
and condensate drain line connections. If heaters are being installed make sure adequate clearance is maintained from sup- ply ductwork, See Clearances and Warning in Figure 1.
NOTE: Internal filter can be accessed from separate filter door. If the filter can NOT be easily accessed, a remote filter is recom-
mended. Refer to ACCA Manual D for remote filter sizing.
Ifthe unit is located in an area of high humidity, nuisance sweating of casing may occur. On these installations a wrap of 2" fiberglass insulation with a vapor barrier should be used.
_J 496 01 4109 02
Fan Coils
The unit is ready to install in the upflow position without modifica- tions.
The unit MUST be supported on the bottom ONLY and set on a supporting frame or shelf. Use screws through the bottom to an-
chor to supporting frame.
Figule 2 I
Airflow Positions
o O_
RLTER 38-20-19
Non-DuctedReturn Air Closet Installation
The cabinet can be installed in a closet with a false bottom to form a return air plenum, or mounted on an open platform inside the
closet. Platform should be high enough to provide a free (open) area for adequate return airflow into the bottom of the cabinet.
The open area can be on the front side or a combination of front and sides, providing there is clearance on the sides between cabi-
net and closet. Refer to ACCA Manual D for sizing and free
area recommendations.
NOTE: Local codes may limit application of systems without a
ducted return to single story dwellings.
Horizontal Leftand RightInstallations
Units that are shipped with the horizontal drain pan installed are
set up for horizontal left hand airflow. They must have the drain pan repositioned for right hand airflow. All other units must have
the horizontal drain pan kit installed for either left or right hand ap- plications. For installation of the drain pan, refer to the installation
instructions included with the horizontal drain pan kit, and the fo!- lowing.
Afield-fabricated auxiliary drain pan, with a seperate drain is
REQUIRED for all installations over a finished living space or in any area that may be damaged by overflow from the main
drain pan. In some localities, local codes require an auxiliary drain pan for ANY horizontal installation.
Drain Pan Installation / Conversion for Right Hand Airflow
See Figure 4
1. Remove coil access panel and carefully pull Coil/Horizon- tal Drain Pan Assembly out.
2. Separate horizontal drain pan from coil drain pan. The coil drain pan fits snuggly inside the horizontal pan.
Installation Instructions ]
Figure 3
Airflow Positions
3. Position side of coil drain pan into horizontal drain pan trough on deep end of pan on right side of coil.
4 Remove coil drip flanges from A-coil and reinstall on right
side of coil (same side as horizontal drain pan).
5. Remove the coil support bracket from the left side of the cabinet and reinstall bracket on the right side of the cabinet.
6. Install drain plugs as required in back side of horizontal drain pan. Install plugs in A col! drain pan to prevent air
7. Slide coil assembly into cabinet being careful not to tear in- sulation.
NOTE: Be sure A coil pan fits into the support bracket on the back side of the cabinet and that pan is under the flange of the bracket
on the right side. The brackets fit over the top edge of the A coil drain pan to hold it when it's put into the horizontal position.
8. Refer to Restrictor Orifice Selection and change restrictor if necessary, then install coil access panel.
Cabinet can now be placed on it's side for horizontal airflow.
1. The cabinet may be supported on a frame or shelf, or it may be suspended.
2. Use metal strapping or threaded rod with angle iron sup- ports under the auxiliary drain pan to suspend cabinet.
These supports MUST run parallel with the length of the cabinet (Figure 5 ).
3. Ensure that there is adequate room to remove service and access panels after installing supporting brackets.
4. Place Styrofoam blocks in auxiliary drain pan to support cabinet.
Supply duct must be attached to the outside of flange on outlet end of unit. Flexible connectors may be used if desired. Maintain
clearances from supply duct to combustibles when heaters are installed. See Figure 1 and unit rating plate.
Return duct should be attached to bottom of unit using sheet met-
al screws or other fasteners.
496 01 4109 02 3L_
_ Installation Instructions
FigUre 4 Horizontal Drain Pan
Fan Coils I
Drip Flange mounts to top two holes in coil plate
Coil Access Panel
Horizontal Drain Pan (Left Hand Airflow)
Coil Support Bracket
(Right Hand Airflow)
Filter Door
Drip Flanges (Left Hand Airflow)
Drip Flanges (Right Hand Airflow)
il Support Bracket
Coil Support Bracket
(Left Hand Airflow)
--_ Plug drains
on back side
Horizontal Drain Pan (Right Hand Airflow)
Filters must be field supplied. The blower cabinet is set up for an internal filter or a remote filter grille or other means may be pro-
vided. Refer to ACCA Manual D for remote filter sizing. To install an internal filter, remove screw securing filter door and
slide filter into unit. Some filters are marked for airflow direction, make sure arrow points towards blower if marked. Washable fil-
ters are offered as an accessory. Disposable filter sizes are listed
in Filter Static Pressure Drop Table.
Figure 5 Horizontal Installation
S MUST II I h Field'FabricatedDrainPan
upports runpara e wit blowercabinet =_-o=
_J 496 01 4109 02
I Fan Coils Installation Instructions
The unit is provided with 3/4" National Pipe Thread (NPT) con- densate drains. (Figure 1). Any drain can be used as a primary or
secondary drain depending on the fitting used. Condensate drain
lines should be installed in a manner that does not obstruct ac-
cess to the filter. There is a secondary drain fitting supplied with the unit that will
convert any of the primary condensate drain connections into a secondary drain connection. This fitting should be installed in any
of the primary drain connections to convert itto a secondary drain.
Figule 6 Condensate Drain Fittings
Secondary Drain Fitting Primary Drain
(small hole) Fitting
1. Connect the drain lines to the appropriate drain fittings. 3/4" PVC or other type of drain line may be used. The drain line
must not be smaller than the drain fitting.
2. Install a trap in the drain line below the bottom of the drain pan and pitch the drain lines down from the coil at least I/4"
per foot of run. Horizontal runs over 15 feet long must also have an anti-siphon air vent (stand pipe), installed ahead
of the horizontal run. An extremely long horizontal run may
require an oversized drain line to eliminate air trapping.
3. Routetotheoutsideor toafloor drain, laundrytrayorwaste line (sewer). Check local codes before connecting to a
sewer line.
4. Insulate drain lines where sweating could cause water
5. If a gravity drain cannot be used, install a condensate
pump. Install the pump as close to the indoor section as possible.
Waste Line Connection
If the condensate line is to be connected to a waste line, an open
trap must be installed ahead of the waste line to prevent escape of sewer gases. NEVER CONNECT THE DRAIN LINE DIRECTLY
TO A WASTE LINE. ALWAYS INCLUDE AN AIR GAP AND TRAP, (Figure 7). Be sure to keep the trap filled with water during
the winter or off season.
Condensate Drain to Waste Line
Air Gap Above
uid Level
Sewer Li_
Size refrigerant lines according to information provided with out- door condensing unit. Route the refrigerant lines to the coil in a
manner that wil! not obstruct service access to the unit or removal of the filter.
1. Remove rubber plugs from refrigerant connections using a pulling and twisting motion. Hold refrigerant lines to avoid
bending or distorting.
2. Remove the coil door before brazing refrigerant connec-
tions to prevent damage to paint finish.
3. Fit refrigerant lines into coil connections and remove the tubing plate and slide plate over the refrigerant lines to as-
sure sufficient room for brazing.
4. Reinstall tubing plate and door and install the gasket, pro- vided with the unit, over the suction and liquid lines into the
tubing plate recess to ensure an air seal around the coil.
See Figure 8.
Figule8 I Refrigerant Lines
Gasket ,,_
Refrigerant k_ne_s__ "
j Tubing Plate
For Gasket
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