Technical information — about voice scrambling systems
Voice scrambling methods
The optional voice scrambler units, UT-109 and UT-110, for the IC-F3, F300, F30,* F1000* and F1600 series employ variable split and frequency inversion methods of voice scrambling. The UT-109 employs a non-rolling system and the UT110 employs a rolling system. What is the difference between them? The following is for your reference.
*Voice scrambling capabilities for these nits are not fixed.
❏ Variable Split and Frequency Inversion
This is the scrambling system employed in the UT-109 and UT-110. The audio frequency band is divided at a specified
frequency (divided frequency) and high and low audio frequencies in each band are inverted. The divided frequency is
programmable with cloning.
❍ Difference between rolling and non-rolling types
The rolling type (in fact, hopping type is used for the UT-110) is an additional feature which provides higher communication security. It changes the divided frequency over a specified period.