Icom MN-100, MN-100L Instructions Manual

MN-100 MN-100L
(for 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz)
Thank you for purchasing this Icom product. These antenna matchers have been designed for Icom HF transceivers.
Please read all instructions carefully before installation to get maximum performance and full value from the trans­ceiver.
To put a full size antenna on a yacht or boat is very difficult. However, these antenna matchers have been designed to put an antenna in such restrictions of space, and give low VSWR with short antenna elements on wide frequency range of 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz. So, you can obtain the best perfor mance from the transceiver.
q Antenna wires MN-100 8 m ���������2 MN-100L 15 m ��������
w Nuts ����������������������4 e Spring washers �����������������4 r Flat washers ������������������4 t Mast mounting brackets �������������2 y U bolts ���������������������2 u Rubber vulcanizing tape �������������1 i Insulators MN-100 ������������2
MN-100L ������������ o Wire clamps MN-100 ��������� 4 sets MN-100L ��������� !0 Grounding wire �����������������1
2 sets
MN-100 : For dipole or whip antenna MN-100L : For whip antenna only
• Max. input power : SSB 200 W pep CW 100 W
• Frequency range : 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz
• Input impedance : 50
• Insertion loss : Approx. 6 dB
• VSWR : Less than 2.0 with supplied antenna
• Operating temp. : –30˚C to +80˚C; –22˚F to +176˚F
• Dimensions :
Projections not included 180(W)
Projections included MN-100 310(W)
MN-100L 245(W)
• Weight (approx.) : MN-100 1.27 kg; 2 lb 13 oz
×65(H)×55(D) mm
; 73⁄32(W)×29⁄16(H)×25⁄32(D) in
×100(H)×58(D) mm
; 127⁄32(W)×315⁄16(H)×29⁄32(D) in
×100(H)×58(D) mm
; 921⁄32(W)×315⁄16(H)×29⁄32(D) in
MN-100L 1.23 kg; 2 lb 11 oz
Connector assembly
Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ger­many, France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.
q PL-259 connector is not supplied with the MN-100/L, so
please prepare suitable connector for the coaxial cable you desired to use.
w Cut end of the cable evenly. Remove vinyl jacket 29 mm
(11⁄8˝). Please do not nick the braid.
e Bare 15 mm (5⁄8˝) of the center conductor without nicking
the conductor. Trim braided shield 14 mm ( Slide the coupling ring on the cable.
r Screw the plug assembly on the cable. Solder plug as-
sembly to the braid through solder hies. Solder the con­ductor to the contact sleeve. Screw the coupling ring on the assembly.
t Attach it to the connector of the MN-100/L, and cover the
connector with the supplied rubber vulcanizing tape.
16˝) and tin it.
Coaxial cable
Wire clamp
Whip antenna installed on a yacht.
MN-100 or MN-100L
MN-100 or MN-100L
• Whip antenna
• Antenna wire joining
Wire clamp
Total length
• Grounding
Grounding side indication label
Grounding wire
Screw to the body
• Antenna wire installation
Wire clamp
Antenna wire terminal
• Dipole antenna
Coaxial cable
D Dipole antenna installation
(only MN-100 can be used)
q First, decide the place where you attempt to put the an-
w Attach the antenna wires supplied to the terminals on the
both side of MN-100 as shown in the figure.
e If the antenna wires are too long for the place, cut the
antenna wires to desired length. At this time, each wire should be the same length.
r Attach coaxial cable to the connector of MN-100 with a
PL-259 connector. Refer to the connector assembly in­structions on the front page.
t Attach the MN-100 onto the antenna mast with the sup-
plied mounting hardware. The mounting hardware is ad­justed for 25 mm to 63 mm (1˝ to 2
If your antenna mast differs from this size, please make a
mounting attachment suitable for it.
y Stretch the antenna wires to both side so that the wires
are in line, and hold each end to a mast or other suitable construction with a wire or rope.
2˝) tubing.
D Whip antenna installation
(both MN-100 and MN-100L can be used)
When the MN-100 is used:
q Connect the right side antenna wire terminal to the body
with the supplied grounding wire.
Then join two supplied antenna wires, and connect one
end to the left side antenna wire terminal as shown in the figure.
When the MN-100L is used:
q Connect one end of the supplied antenna wire to the an-
tenna wire terminal.
w Attach the MN-100/L to a balustrade of the deck or other
suitable portion of the yacht or boat, where is an adequate ground connection, with the supplied mounting hardware. If the attached portion is not grounded or on wooden or fi­berglass boat, use a copper ground plate as the ground portion of the keel and connect between the ground ter­minal and there with another wire.
e Attach the other end of the antenna wire to the mast or
other suitable portion as high as possible so that the an­tenna wire is stretched in line.
r If the antenna wire is too long, cut the wire so that the an-
tenna wire is a stretch line when installed.
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan
A-0624D-1EX-q Printed in Japan
© 2008 Icom Inc.