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Chapter 1. Introduction ........1
Purpose and Scope ............1
Intended Audience ............1
Related Documentation ...........1
Documentation Conventions .........2
Abbreviations ..............2
Parameter Definitions ...........2
Accessibility features for IBM XIV Storage System . . 2
Chapter 2. Host and Cluster
Management .............5
Adding a Host to a Cluster .........6
Creating a Cluster............7
Deleting Clusters .............7
Listing Clusters .............8
Removing a Host from a Cluster........9
Renaming Clusters ............10
Adding a Port to a Host ..........10
Defining a New Host ...........11
Deleting a Host .............13
Listing Hosts ..............14
Listing Ports ..............15
Removing a Port from a Host ........16
Renaming a Host............17
Updating a Host Definition .........18
Mapping a Volume to a Host or Cluster .....19
Listing the Mapping of Volumes to Hosts or
Setting the Special Type of Hosts or Clusters . . . 23
Listing Hosts/Cluster to which a Volume is Mapped 23
Unmapping a Volume from a Host or Cluster . . . 24
Set the Default Idle Time for Unmapping a Volume 26
Creating a Performance Class ........26
Deleting a Performance Class ........27
Renaming a Performance Class ........28
Listing Details on Performance Classes .....29
Adding a Host to a Performance Class .....29
Removing a Host from its Performance Class . . . 30
Setting the Rate for a Performance Class.....31
Listing Host Profiles ...........32
Updates the Host Profile ..........33
Removes the Profile of the Specified Host ....34
Enable Host Profiler Functionality .......34
Disable Host Profiler Functionality......35
Locking a Volume ............52
Renaming a Volume ...........53
Resizing a Volume ............54
Unlocking a Volume ...........58
Chapter 4. LUN Mapping Management61
Chapter 5. Volume Snapshot
Management ............63
Changing a Snapshot Deletion Priority .....63
Creating a Snapshot...........64
Deleting a Snapshot...........67
Duplicating a Snapshot ..........68
Formatting a Snapshot...........70
Listing Snapshot Information........71
Restoring a Volume from a Snapshot ......73
Chapter 6. Consistency Group
Management ............77
Adding a Volume to a Consistency Group ....77
Creating Consistency Groups ........81
Deleting a Consistency Group ........82
Listing Consistency Groups .........83
Removing a Volume from a Consistency Group . . 84
Renaming Consistency Groups ........86
Suspend I/O Execution on Consistency Group. . 87
Resume I/O Execution..........88
List Consistency Groups Pause I/O State ....89
Creates a Cross-System Consistency Group ....90
Associates an Existing Consistency Group to a
Cross-System Consistency Group Definition. . . 91
Removes an Existing Consistency Group from a
Cross-System Consistency Group Definition. . . 93
Adds a Remote System Name to the Cross-System
Consistency Group Definition ........94
Removes a Remote System Name from a
Cross-System Consistency Group Definition. . . 95
Lists Cross-System Consistency Group Definitions
Along With Contained Consistency Groups....96
Retrieve The Names of Remote Systems Part of The
Specified Cross-System Consistency Group ....97
Deletes a Cross-System Consistency Group ....98
Lists Cross-System Consistency Group Definitions99
Chapter 3. Volume Management ....37
Clearing Reservations of a Volume......37
Listing Reservation Keys ..........38
Listing Volume Reservations .........39
Finding a Volume Based on a SCSI Serial Number40
Copying Volumes ............42
Creating a Volume ............44
Deleting a Volume ............46
Formatting a Volume ...........48
Listing Volumes .............49
Chapter 7. Snapshot Set Management101
Snapshotting a Consistency Group ......101
Changing Snapshot Group Deletion Priority . . . 104
Deleting a Snapshot Group .........105
Disbanding a Snapshot Group ........106
Duplicating a Snapshot Group........107
Formatting a Snapshot Group ........108
Listing Snapshot Groups.........109
Locking a Snapshot Group .........111
Renaming a Snapshot Group ........112
Restoring a Consistency Group from a Snapshot
Unlocking a Snapshot Group ........114
Sets a Snapshot Group Descriptor......115
Returns the Snapshot Group's Descriptor ....116
Chapter 8. Storage Pool Management119
Moving Consistency Groups between Storage Pools
or or Grouped Pools ...........119
Changing Pool Limitation .........120
Changing Pool Settings for Snapshots .....121
Creating Storage Pools ..........124
Deleting a Storage Pool ..........126
Listing Storage Pools ...........127
Renaming a Storage Pool .........128
Resizing a Storage Pool ..........129
Moving a Volume between Storage Pools ....131
Chapter 9. System Management . . . 135
Displaying Current Consumed Capacity of the
Printing Configuration Parameters ......137
Setting Configuration Parameters .......138
Testing the DNS ............139
Printing Help .............140
Printing the Current Maintenance Urgency . . . 142
Adding a Patch Script that will be Run on System's
Modules ...............143
Deletes a Patch Script..........145
Listing Patch Scripts ...........145
Updating a Patch Script that will be Run on
Systems Modules ............147
Gets a Patch Script Log ..........148
Trigger Patch Script Execution on One or All
Modules. ...............149
Get Patch Script Execution Inforamtion .....150
Shutting Down .............151
Changing the Operational State .......153
Listing Operational State.........154
Local Storage Free Space.........154
Showing System Runtime, Power Consumption,
System Alert, Numbet Of Psus With No Power In . 155
Showing System Capacity, Free Space and Spares156
Showing the Current Time .........157
Setting the System's Time .........157
Listing Optional Time Zones ........158
Setting the Time Zone ..........159
Aborting the Upgrade to a New Software Version159
Initiating Download of a New Software Version160
Canceling an Upgrade Download Process ....161
Forcing a Continuation of the Upgrade Process . . 161
Displaying Status of Upgrade Process .....162
Upgrading a System ...........164
Validating the Prerequisites of an Upgrade to a
New Software Version ..........165
Printing the Current System Version......166
Showing Values of VPD Parameters.......166
Setting VPD Parameters ..........167
Showing Values of Maintenance Module
Parameters. ..............169
Displaying the System's MIB File .......170
Retrieves the Electronic License Acceptance Status. 171
Retrieving a Fragment of the Electronic License File 171
Accept the Electronic License Agreement ....172
Chapter 10. Remote Target
Connectivity ............175
Setting a Threshold for Link Disruption Duration
that Triggers an Event..........176
Updating the Target Mirroring Configuration. . . 177
Activating Connectivity to a Remote Target . . . 178
Deactivating Connectivity to a Remote Target. . 179
Defining Connectivity to a Remote Target ....180
Deleting Connectivity to a Remote Target ....182
Listing Target Connectivity Definitions .....183
Defining a Remote Target .........184
Deleting a Remote Target .........186
Listing Remote Targets ..........187
Allowing Remote Mirroring Access ......188
Activating a Port ............189
Adding a New Port to a Remote Target....190
Deactivating a Port...........191
Deleting a Port from a Remote System .....192
Listing the Ports of a Remote Target ......193
Renaming a Remote Target .........194
Updating the Target Configuration ......194
Chapter 11. Remote Mirroring ....197
Canceling a Snapshot Mirror (Ad Hoc Sync Job)198
Creating a Snapshot Mirror (Ad Hoc Sync Job) . . 199
Activating Mirroring ...........203
Changing the RPO for Local/Remote System .. . 205
Changing a the Mirroring Peers' Designation . . . 206
Changing a Mirroring Schedule for Remote Slave
Peers ................208
Changing the Roles of a Mirrored Volume....210
Changing a Mirroring Schedule for Local Peers . . 212
Creating a Mirroring Definition .......214
Deactivating Mirroring ..........219
Deleting a Remote Mirroring Definition....221
Viewing Mirroring Status .........223
Obtaining Statistics On Past Sync Jobs .....226
Switching Roles between Master and Slave . . . 227
Retrieving RPO Threshold .........229
Setting RPO Threshold ..........229
Changes the Interval For a Schedule......230
Creating a Schedule Object .........232
Triggering a Schedule..........233
Deletes a Schedule Object .........234
Listing a Schedule Object .........235
Renaming a Schedule Object ........236
Viewing Sync Job Status ..........237
Chapter 12. Data Migration.....239
Activating Data Migration .........239
Deactivating Data Migration ........240
Defining Data Migration Configuration .....241
Deleting the Data Migration Process ......243
Listing Data Migration Statuses .......244
Testing the Data Migration Definition .....245
ivIBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Chapter 13. IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility247
Creating an IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility Relation247
Activates the Volume Migration .......250
Deactivates IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility Migration251
Aborts a Defined or Activated IBM Hyper-Scale
Mobility Process ............252
Moves the IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility Source
Volume to a Proxy State ..........254
Deletes an IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility Relationship255
Listing IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility Status ....256
Chapter 14. Event Handling .....259
Generating a Custom Event........260
Defining a New Event Notification Destination . . 261
Deleting a Destination ..........263
Listing Event Notification Destinations .....265
Renaming a Destination ..........266
Testing a Destination ...........267
Updating an Event Notification Destination . . . 268
Adding a Destination to a Destination Group.. 271
Creating a Destination Group ........272
Deleting a Destination Group ........273
Listing Destination Groups .........274
Removing a Destination from Destination Group274
Renaming a Destination Group .......275
Clearing Alerting Events.........276
Listing Events .............278
Listing Uncleared Alerting Events......280
Setting the Threshold for Events Notification .. . 281
Listing Thresholds............282
Generating a Custom Event........284
Receiving a MM Heartbeat .........284
Activating a Rule ............286
Creating Event Notification Rules......286
Deactivating a Rule ...........289
Deleting Event Notification Rules......290
Listing Event Notification Rules .......291
Renaming Event Notification Rules ......292
Updating an Event Notification Rule.....293
Defining an SMS Gateway .........296
Deleting an SMS Gateway .........298
Listing SMS Gateways ..........299
Prioritizing SMS Gateways .........299
Renaming an SMS Gateway........301
Updating an SMS Gateway .........302
Defining a New SMTP Gateway .......303
Deleting an SMTP Gateway........305
Listing SMTP Gateways ..........306
Prioritizing SMTP Gateways ........307
Renaming an SMTP Gateway ........308
Updating an SMTP Gateway ........309
Chapter 15. IP Configuration .....311
Adding Ethernet Ports to IP Interfaces .....311
Creating a New IP Interface........313
Deleting IP Interfaces ...........315
Listing IP Interface Configuration......315
Listing IP Interface Addresses ........317
Showing the Status and Configuration of Ethernet
Ports ................318
Removing Ethernet Ports from IP Interfaces . . . 319
Renaming an IP Interface .........320
Printing the ARP Database of an IP Interface . . . 320
Testing the Traceroute to a Remote IP .....321
Testing the Traceroute to a Remote IP .....322
Updating an IP Interface.........323
Defines a New IPSec Connection .......325
Updates an Existing IPSec Connection .....327
Removes an Existing IPSec Connection .....328
Listing IPSec Connections .........328
Listing IPSec Tunnels...........329
Connecting to a Support Center .......330
Defining a Support Center .........332
Deleting a Support Center .........333
Disconnecting from a Support Center .....333
Listing Support Centers ..........334
Presenting Status of a Support Center .....335
Enabling TCP SACK ...........335
Disabling TCP SACK ...........336
Chapter 16. PKI configuration ....337
Listing PKI Items ............337
Generate Certificate Signing Request.....338
Generate a Private Key and CSR .......339
Delete a PKI Content ...........340
Change PKI Symbolic Name ........341
Import Signed Certificate .........342
Import PKCS#12 Certificate.........343
Show Signed Certificate Details .......344
Update PKI Certificate or Services ......344
Chapter 17. Infiniband........347
Moves Existing Infiniband Port .......347
Lists Configured IB Ports .........348
Resumes a Port That Was Shutdown Due to
Performance Problems ..........349
Resumes a Module Infiniband Port That Was
Shutdown Due to Performance Problems ....350
Collecting IB Switch Logs .........351
List Configured IB Switches. ........352
List SM Port Service Statuses ........355
Chapter 18. Access Control .....357
Adding an Access Control Definition .....357
Deleting an Access Control Definition .....358
Listing Access Control Definitions ......360
Determining Whether Challenge-Response
Authentication is Enabled on System Consoles. . . 361
Enabling/Disabling Challenge-Response
Authentication on System Consoles. ......361
Adding an LDAP Server Definition ......362
Testing an LDAP Configuration .......363
Listing LDAP Configuration Parameters ....365
Configuring LDAP in the System .......366
Listing LDAP Servers Defined in the System . . . 370
List LDAP Server Users ..........371
Listing LDAP-Based Authentication Mode....372
Enabling or Disabling LDAP-Based Authentication
Mode ................373
Updating an LDAP Server Definition .....374
Removing an LDAP Server Definition .....375
Running ldapsearch Utility .........376
Defining a New User ...........377
Deleting a User .............379
Adding Users to a User Groups .......380
Creating User Groups..........381
Deleting a User Group ..........383
Listing User Groups ...........384
Removing a User from a User Group .....385
Renaming User Groups ..........386
Updating a User Group ..........387
Listing Users.............388
Renaming Users ............389
Updating a User Definition .........390
Chapter 19. Fibre Channel and iSCSI
Configuration and Status ......393
Discovering FC Hosts..........393
Changing FC Port Configuration .......394
Listing FC Ports............395
Resetting FC Ports ............397
Listing Connectivity to Hosts ........397
Chapter 20. Hardware Maintenance401
Listing ATS Configuration .........402
Listing CFs in the System .........405
Listing System Components........406
Phasing Out a Component .........407
Phasing In a Component.........409
Testing a Component ...........411
Setting a Component as Equipped ......412
Listing System Components Requiring Service .. 414
Forces the Service Required of a Component to OK 415
Online Upgrading Firmware ........415
Aborting a Firmware Upgrade.......417
Status of a Firmware Upgrade Process .....418
Per-Component Progress of a Firmware Upgrade
Process ...............419
Listing InfiniBand HCA Adapters in the System420
Listing CNA Adapters in the System.....422
Listing DIMMs in the System ........423
Listing CPUs in the System.........425
Listing MaintenanceModules in the System . .. 427
Listing NICs in the System .........429
Listing Modules Internal Temperatures .....431
Monitoring Rebuild or Redistribution Processes434
Listing Disk Status...........435
Listing Module Configuration ........437
Reset Ethernet Interface ..........439
Check Modules Serial Connections ......440
Lists Serial Consoles Statuses ........440
Listing UPS Component Statuses .......441
Listing Service Status ...........444
Listing PSUs in the System .........445
Resetting a Failed Command Service. .....447
Stopping System Traces ..........448
Resuming System Traces.........448
Listing Status of System Traces .......449
Create traces snapshot ..........450
Lists Traces Snapshots on a Module.......451
Notifying the System of a Technician at Work . . 452
Enables XIV Support Access ........453
Disables XIV Support Access ........455
Shows XIV Support Window ........455
Cancel UPS Calibration ..........456
Check UPS Monitor Cables .........457
Set the UPS Battery Date.........457
Start UPS Calibration ...........458
Start UPS Self Test............459
Listing Fans in the System .........461
Listing SSDs that are Used as Flash Cache in the
Disabling the SSD Caching Feature ......464
Enabling the SSD Cache Feature .......465
Getting the Default State of the SSD Caching . . . 466
Setting a Default State for SSD Caching....467
Overriding the SSD Caching State......467
Shows System Average Power Consumption . . . 468
Shows System Average Temperature......469
Chapter 21. Statistics ........471
Getting Performance Statistics ........471
Retrieving History Usage .........478
Chapter 22. Meta-data ........481
Setting Meta Data ............481
Deleting Meta Data ...........482
Listing Meta Data ............483
Chapter 23. Encryption enablement
and support commands .......485
Disable Encryption...........485
Enabling Encryption ...........487
Define A Keyserver ...........488
Remove Keyserver...........490
Display Keyserver Status.........491
Obtain New Master Key ..........492
Rename Keyserver...........494
Change Keyserver Properties ........495
Recovery Key Enter ...........496
Recovery Key Generation .........497
Retrieve the Security Admin Recovery Key . . . 499
Rekey the Security Admins .........501
Recovery Key Status ...........502
Recovery Key Verification .........504
Recovery Key Share Information .......505
Chapter 24. Events .........507
Chapter 25. Return Codes ......635
Notices ..............637
Glossary .............639
IBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Chapter 1. Introduction
Reliable high-end storage systems are critical for the successful operation of
businesses. The XIV Grid Storage Platform is designed to guarantee secure,
dependable, enterprise-grade data storage and access, straightforward and
non-intrusive installation and upgrade and full scalability.
At the heart of the system are proprietary and innovative algorithms to offset any
imaginable hardware malfunction and to minimize maintenance requirements. The
flexibility and robustness of the system is further enhanced by virtue of the
off-the-shelf hardware components (such as the SATA disk drives) that are easily
integrated and supported.
Purpose and Scope
This document presents the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) functions.
Relevant tables, charts, sample outputs and appropriate examples are also
provided, as applicable.
This document contains the following chapters:
IntroductionIntroduces the document, intended audience,
CLI CommandsProvides detailed information about each
Event DescriptionsProvides detailed information about the events
Return CodesLists all UNIX return codes returned by the XCLI
GlossaryProvides an alphabetically ordered list of the
IndexProvides an index of this document.
Intended Audience
This document serves as a reference for System Administrators and all IT staff that
interface with the system via the CLI.
Related Documentation
v IBM XIV Product Overview
v IBM XIV XCLI Utility
v IBM XIV Storage System Release Notes
related documentation and document conventions.
command in the XIV Command Line Interface
generated by the system.
definitions of the key terms and abbreviations
used in this document.
Documentation Conventions
vNotes are embedded in the text, as shown in the example below.
This is an example of a Note.
v Code samples or output samples are documented in monospaced font. The text
box for examples and output is framed around it. For example:
vol_rename vol=DBVolume new_name=DBVolume1
Command completed successfully
OLVMOnline Volume Mobility - denotes an IBM
Hyper-Scale Mobility relationship.
Parameter Definitions
IP AddressAn address of the form
Existing <object>The name of an object. The
Format string with runtime
iSCSI initiator name.A legal name of iSCSI initiator.Up to 253 characters with no
N.N.N.N, where each N is a
number between 0 and 255
object must already exist
A format string, where
pre-defined tokens are replaced
with run time information.
Accessibility features for IBM XIV Storage System
Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility
or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.
n.n.n.n for n between 0 and 255.
Letters, digits, ~, \, ., _, -, with a
maximum of 63, no spaces at the
beginning and the end, no ALL
or NONE (regardless of case).
Letters, digits, ., - with a
maximum of 64, with {} to define
Accessibility features
These are the major accessibility features associated with the IBM®XIV®Storage
v You can use screen-reader software and a digital speech synthesizer to hear what
is displayed on the screen. PDF documents have been tested using Adobe
Reader version 7.0. HTML documents have been tested using JAWS version 13.0.
v This product uses standard Windows navigation keys.
2IBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Keyboard navigation
You can use keys or key combinations to perform operations and initiate menu
actions that can also be done through mouse actions. You can navigate this
publication and the Information Center from the keyboard by using the shortcut
keys for your browser or screen-reader software. See your browser or screen-reader
software Help for a list of shortcut keys that it supports.
IBM XIV and accessibility
See the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center
able/ for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.
Chapter 1. Introduction3
4IBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Chapter 2. Host and Cluster Management
The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for host
and cluster management.
The sections are listed as follows:
vcluster_add_host(Adds a host to a cluster.)
vcluster_create(Creates a new cluster.)
vcluster_delete(Deletes a cluster.)
vcluster_list(Lists a specific cluster or all of them.)
vcluster_remove_host(Removes a host from a cluster.)
vcluster_rename(Renames a cluster.)
vhost_add_port(Adds a port address to a host.)
vhost_define(Defines a new host to connect to the XIV system.)
vhost_delete(Deletes a host. )
vhost_list(Lists a specific host or all hosts.)
vhost_list_ports(Lists all the ports of a host)
vhost_remove_port(Removes a port from a host.)
vhost_rename(Renames a host. )
vhost_update(Updates a host definition.)
vmap_vol(Maps a volume to a host or a cluster.)
vmapping_list(Lists the mapping of volumes to a specified host or cluster.)
vspecial_type_set(Sets the special type of a host or a cluster.)
vvol_mapping_list(Lists all hosts and clusters to which a volume is mapped. )
vunmap_vol(Unmaps a volume from a host or a cluster.)
vunmap_vol_set_default_idle_time(Sets the default idle time required for a
volume before unmapping it)
vperf_class_create(Creates a Performance Class)
vperf_class_delete(Deletes a Performance Class)
vperf_class_rename(Renames a Performance Class)
vperf_class_list(Lists Performance Classes)
vperf_class_add_host(Adds a host to a Performance Class)
vperf_class_remove_host(Removes a host from its Performance Class)
vperf_class_set_rate(Sets the rate for a Performance Class)
vhost_profile_list(lists all host profiles)
vhost_profile_set(updates the host profile)
vhost_profile_clear(removes the profile of the specified host)
This command fails if the host already belongs to another cluster.
contain the host.
of the host, cluster or
keep the host mapping
and add above it the
cluster mapping
This operation succeeds if the host already belongs to the specified cluster and has
no effect.
Using the map parameter:
v If the map parameter is cluster, the mapping of the host and host type is
changed to be the cluster's mapping and type.
v If the map parameter is host, the mapping of the cluster and its host type is
changed to be the host's mapping and type.
v If the map parameter is clusterWithHostExceptions the host is keeping his
mapping and apply on it the cluster mapping as well
v Use map=host to add a host to an empty cluster. This way to cluster will receive
the host’s mapping.
The host or cluster is getting a single SCSI unit attention message, even if the
change affects multiple volumes.
Access Control:
User CategoryPermission
Storage administratorAllowed
Storage integration administratorAllowed
Application administratorDisallowed
Security administratorDisallowed
Read-only usersDisallowed
6IBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Completion Codes:
Host name does not exist
Cluster name does not exist
Host already belongs to another cluster
Host mapping conflicts with cluster mapping
Host mapping type is not the same as the cluster mapping type
Creating a Cluster
Creates a new cluster.
cluster_create cluster=ClusterName
clusterObject nameName of the cluster to
be created.
This command creates a new cluster. The newly created cluster does not contain
hosts, has the default type and has no mapping.
Access Control:
User CategoryPermission
Storage administratorAllowed
Storage integration administratorAllowed
Application administratorDisallowed
Security administratorDisallowed
Read-only usersDisallowed
Completion Codes:
Deleting Clusters
Deletes a cluster.
Cluster name already exists
Maximum number of clusters already defined
cluster_delete cluster=ClusterName
Chapter 2. Host and Cluster Management
clusterObject nameCluster to be deleted.Y
This command deletes a cluster. All hosts contained in the cluster remain active
and are not deleted. The special type of each host is set to the cluster's special
type. The mapping of each host is set to the cluster's mapping. No I/O
interruption is caused by this command.
Access Control:
User CategoryPermission
Storage administratorAllowed
Storage integration administratorAllowed
Application administratorDisallowed
Security administratorDisallowed
Read-only usersDisallowed
Cluster Cluster' has hosts in it. Are you sure you want to delete it?
Listing Clusters
Completion Codes:
Cluster name does not exist
Lists a specific cluster or all of them.
cluster_list [ cluster=ClusterName ]
clusterObject nameCluster to be
This command lists a specific cluster or all of them. For each cluster, a special type
and a comma separated list of hosts is listed.
This command removes the specified host from a cluster. The host then no longer
belongs to any cluster. The host's special type and mapping remain identical to the
cluster's special type and mapping, and therefore, I/O is not interrupted. The
association of the host with user or user groups remains the same as the cluster's
iscsi_nameiSCSI initiator nameiSCSI initiator name of
The FC port address or iSCSI initiator (port) name assigned to the host must be
unique per XIV system. The FC port name must be exactly 16 characters long, in
hexadecimal form.
added port.
the newly added port.
10IBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Only the following alphanumeric characters are valid: 0-9, A-F, a-f. In addition to
the 16 characters, colons (:) may be used as separators in the 16 character port
name. The iSCSI initiator name may not exceed 253 characters and may not
contain any blank spaces.
Access Control:
User CategoryPermission
Storage administratorAllowed
Storage integration administratorAllowed
Application administratorDisallowed
Security administratorDisallowed
Read-only usersDisallowed
Completion Codes:
Host name does not exist
Host with this port ID already defined
Port name for iSCSI Host is illegal
Troubleshooting: Port names for iSCSI Hosts must contain only printable
Maximum number of ports already defined in the system
Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target
Port is already defined
IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility link is not up. The mapping list cannot be updated.
Maximum number of remote virtual hosts already defined
initiator used to
authenticate to XIV
when CHAP is
This command defines a host that will attach to the IBM XIV Storage System. The
name of the host must be unique in the system.
Use the Adding a Port to a Hostcommand to add port addresses to this host.
Specifying the cluster is optional.
The parameters iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap_secret must either be both
specified - or both left unspecified.
If the iscsi_chap_secret does not conform to the required secret length (96-128 bits)the command will fail.
The command checks whether the iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap secret are
unique. In case they are not, it displays an error message (but will not fail the
The secret has to be between 96 bits and 128 bits. There are 3 ways to enter the
v Base64: requires to prefix the entry with 0b. each subsequent character entered is
treated as a 6 bit equivalent length
v Hex: requires to prefix the entry with 0x. each subsequent character entered is
treated as a 4 bit equivalent length
v String: requires no prefix (cannot be prefixed with 0b or 0x). Each character
entered is treated as a 8 bit equivalent length
host_define host=server1
Command executed successfully.
Access Control:
User CategoryPermission
Storage administratorAllowed
Storage integration administratorAllowed
Application administratorDisallowed
Security administratorDisallowed
12IBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Deleting a Host
User CategoryPermission
Read-only usersDisallowed
Both iSCSI CHAP name and secret are already used by another host. Are you
sure you want to reuse those values?
Completion Codes:
Host name already exists
Maximum number of hosts already defined
Cluster name does not exist
Deletes a host.
host_delete host=HostName
hostObject nameThe host name.Y
This command deletes a host. After this command is executed, the deleted host can
no longer connect to the system, and I/O requests from this host are not handled.
initiator used to
authenticate to XIV
when CHAP is
This command updates the host definition. The command carries out the following
CHAP-related checks:
v The parameters iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap_secret must either be both
specified - or both left unspecified.These parameters have to be unique. In case
they are not, an error message is presented to the user, but the command won't
v The Secret needs to be between 96 bits and 128 bits. There are 3 ways to enter
the secret:
– Base64: requires to prefix the entry with 0b. each subsequent character
entered is treated as a 6 bit equivalent length
– Hex: requires to prefix the entry with 0x. each subsequent character entered is
treated as a 4 bit equivalent length
– String: requires no prefix (cannot be prefixed with 0b or 0x). Each character
entered is treated as a 8 bit equivalent length
v If the iscsi_chap_secret does not conform to the required secret length (96-128
bits)- the command will fail.
Changing the chap_name and/or chap_secret:
v A warning message will be presented stating that the changes will apply only on
This command maps a volume to a host or to a cluster. It maps the volume to all
the hosts that are contained in the cluster.
The command fails if:
v The host specified is contained in a cluster (must be done through the cluster)
v Another volume is mapped to the same LUN for this cluster/host, and the
override parameter is not specified.
– If the override parameter is specified, the mapping is replaced, so the host
(or all hosts in the cluster) see continuous mapping of volume to this LUN,
only that the content is changing (and maybe size).
v Mapping to a cluster, if the LUN was defined as an exception.
– Whenever the LUN is defined as an exception, you have to map it directly to
the host.
Access Control:
User CategoryPermissionCondition
Storage administratorAllowedN/A
Storage integration administrator AllowedN/A
Application administratorConditionally AllowedThis volume is a snapshot. The
Security administratorDisallowedN/A
Read-only usersDisallowedN/A
master volume of this snapshot
is mapped to a host or cluster
that is associated with the user
executing this command. This
snapshot was created by an
application administrator.
'Host' is part of a cluster. Are you sure you want to map this volume only for
that specific host?
Are you sure you want to map volume Volume, which is already mapped to
another host/cluster?
Completion Codes:
Host name does not exist
20IBM XIV Storage System User Manual
Host is part of a cluster
Cluster name does not exist
Volume name does not exist
Internal snapshots cannot be mapped, modified or deleted.
Mapping conflict: volume is already assigned
Mapping conflict: LUN is already in use
LUN is out of range or does not exist
Specified Volume is currently mapped to another LUN in a host-specific
Specified LUN currently has another volume mapped in a host-specific mapping
The volume is in an IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility migration state.
Port name for iSCSI Host is illegal
Troubleshooting: Port names for iSCSI Hosts must contain only printable
Maximum number of ports already defined in the system
IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility link is not up. The mapping list cannot be updated.
Host with this port ID already defined
Maximum number of remote virtual hosts already defined
Listing the Mapping of Volumes to Hosts or Clusters
Lists the mapping of volumes to a specified host or cluster.
This command sets a special type for a host or a cluster. The supported special
types are HPUX and ZVM. It should be specified for hosts or clusters that run the
HP/UX operating system. All other operating systems do not require a special
Lists all hosts and clusters to which a volume is mapped.
vol_mapping_list vol=VolName
Chapter 2. Host and Cluster Management
volObject nameVolume name.Y
This command lists all the hosts and clusters to which a volume is mapped, as
well as hosts that are part of a cluster and have host-specific mapping to the
volume. The output list contains two columns: name of host/cluster and type (host
or cluster).