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IBM Mobile Systems
WorkPad z50 Mobile Companion (2608-1Ax) Hardware Maintenance Manual
March 1999
Befor e usi ng th is information and the product it sup p or ts , be sure to r ead th e g eneral inform ati on under “Notices” on page 61.
First Edition (March 1999)
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
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It is possible that this publication may contain references to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products , programming, or services in your countr y.
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© Copyright Inter n atio nal Busin es s Mach ine s Corporation 1999. All rights reserved. Note to US
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 iii

About This Manual

This manual contains service and reference information for the WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion. Use this manual along with the diagnostic software to troubleshoot problems effectively.
This manual is divided into sections as follows:
The Introduction section provides general information,
and safety information required to service computers.
The product-specific section includes service,
refer ence, and product-specific par ts information.
Importa nt
This manual is intended for trained service personnel who are familiar with WorkPad products.
Before servicing an IBM WorkPad product, be sure to
review the safety information under “Safety Notices” on page viii and “ S afety Inform at i on” on page xii.
iv IBM Wor kPad z50, Mobile Companion iv


Introduction .........................................................................vii
FRU Replacement Strategy.......................................................vii
General Safety............................................................................xii
Electrical Safety........................................................................xiii
Safety Inspection Guide............................................................ xiv
Handling Electrostatic Discharge-Sensitive Devices.............xvi
Grounding R e quirements.........................................................xvi
Audio Checkout............................................................................7
Keyboard Checko ut.....................................................................8
Memory Checkout........................................................................8
Modem Checkout .........................................................................9
Power Systems Checkout.............................................................9
Backup Battery Checkout ( N onr echar geable).........................13
The Battery Calibration Application ........................................13
ROM Card Checkout.................................................................14
TrackPoin t Ch e c k o u t ................................................................. 1 5
Cradle Checkout ........................................................................15
External Monitor Self-Test........................................................15
Removing the ROM/DRAM Card..............................................18
Brightness/Contrast Buttons Checkout ....................................19
Full Power Mod e .......................................................................2 0
Suspend Mode ............................................................................20
Numeric Error Codes................................................................21
Function-Related Symptoms......................................................23
Indicator-Related Symptoms.....................................................23
Infrared-Related Symptoms.......................................................23
Keyboard- or TrackPoi nt-Related Symptoms..........................24
LCD-Related Symptoms.............................................................24
Peripheral Device Related Symptoms......................................25
Power-Related Symptoms..........................................................25
Other Symptoms.........................................................................25
Intermitte n t Prob l em s ................................................................ 2 6
Undetermined Problems............................................................26
PC Card Slot Test ......................................................................27
UUID ..........................................................................................28
Status Indicators and Control Buttons.....................................28
Application Launching Key Assignm ents.................................29
Important Notice........................................................................32
Removal reference .....................................................................34
1010 Backup Batteries..............................................................35
1020 ROM/D RA M Card...........................................................36
1030 Battery Pack.....................................................................38
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 v
1040 Keyboard Ass e m bly.........................................................39
1050 Bottom Cover...................................................................40
1060 Mainboar d.......................................................................42
1070 LCD Bez el........................................................................43
1080 LCD Unit..........................................................................44
1090 Inverter Card and LCD Panel........................................45
1110 FPC As s embly..................................................................46
1120 Speaker.............................................................................47
1130 Micropho ne......................................................................47
1140 Audio P or ts......................................................................48
1150 PC Car d Slot Assembly...................................................48
1160 RJ-11 Assembly ...............................................................50
1170 Hardware Button Board.................................................51
1180 Top Cover........................................................................52
Front Right View........................................................................5 3
Left View.....................................................................................54
Right View ..................................................................................54
Rear View...................................................................................55
Bottom View ...............................................................................55
System Unit FRU List ................................................................57
LCD Unit Parts Lis t...................................................................58
Miscellaneous and Other Parts.................................................59
Option Parts FRU List...............................................................59
Other Parts .................................................................................59
CRU ............................................................................................59
Tools ...........................................................................................59
Power Cord ................................................................................60
Trademarks ................................................................................61
vi IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion vi


Important Service Information

Software fixes are cus t om er ins t al lable. Such fi xes are located on th e PC C om p an y B ul l et in Board Servic e (BBS). The direct line for modem connection is 919-55 7­0001 or tieline 255-0001 (IBM internal phone number).
Advise customers to contact the PC Company HelpCenter at 800-722-2227 if they need assistance in obtaini ng or ins t al li ng software fi xes.
Customers in Canada should call IBM HelpPC at 800-565­3344 for assistance or down-load information. The Ca nadian BBS phone numbers are:
Montreal 515-938-3022 Toronto 905-316-4255 Vancouver 604-664-6464 Winnipeg 204-934-2735

FRU Replacement Strategy

Before Replacing Parts
Ensure t h at all s oftware fixes ar e i ns t all ed pr i or t o replacing any FRUs listed in this manual.
Use the follow ing strategy to preve nt unnecessary FR U replac em ent and servic e exp ense:
If you are instructed to replace a FRU and that
does not correct the problem, reinstall the original FRU before you continue.
Some compu t ers have both a proces sor board and a
mainb oard . If you are instructed t o rep lace either th e processor board or the mainboard, and the first board that you replaced does not correct the problem, reinst all t h e original board, and then repl ac e th e other (processor or syst em) b oard.
If an adapter or device consists of more than one
FRU, an error code may be caused by any of the FRUs. Before replacing the adapter or device, remove the FRUs, one by one, to see if the symptoms change. Replace only the faulty FRU.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 vii

Safety Notices (Multi-lingual Translations)

In this manual, safety notices appear in English with a page number r ef erence to the appropriate mu lti-lingual, translated safety notice found in this section.
The follow i ng s afety notices are provided in En gl is h, French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages.
Safety Notice 1
Befor e the c om put er is pow er ed-on after FRU replacement, make sure all screws, springs, or other small p arts are in place and are n ot left loose inside th e computer. Verify this by shaking the computer and listeni ng for rat tl in g s ounds. Metallic p ar ts or metal flakes can cause electrical shorts.
Avant de remettre l'ordinateur sous tension après remplacement d'une unité en client èle, vérifi ez qu e tous les ressorts, vis et autres pièces sont bien en place et bien fixées. Pour ce faire, secouez l'unité et assurez­vous qu'aucun bruit suspect ne se produit. Des pièces métalliques ou des copeaux de métal pourraient causer un court-circuit.
Bevor nac h einem FRU-Aus t aus c h d er C om put er w i eder ange schlossen wird, muß sicherge stellt werden, daß keine Schrauben, Federn oder andere Kleinteile fehlen oder im Gehäuse vergessen wurden. Der Computer muß geschüt t elt und auf klapp er g eräus che geprüft wer d en . Metallteile oder splitter können Kurzschlüsse erzeugen.
Prima di accendere l'el ab oratore dop o ch e è stat a effe ttuata la sostituzione di una FRU, accertarsi che tut te le viti, le molle e tune le altri parti di piccole dimensioni siano nella corretta posizione e non siano sparse all'intern o dell'elaboratore. Verificare ciò scuotendo l'elab oratore e prest and o attenzione ad e ven tuali rumori ; eventuali parti o pezzetti metallici possono provocare cortocircuiti pericolosi.
Antes de encender el sist em a d es pu es de sus t i tu ir un a FRU, compruebe que todos los tornillos, muelles y demás piezas pequeñas se encuentran en su sitio y no se encuentran sueltas dentro del sistema. Compruébelo agitand o el sis t em a y es cuchand o los p osi bl es ru id os qu e provoc arían. Las piezas m et álicas pueden c aus ar cortocirc uit os el éctri cos.
viii IBM Wor kPad z50, Mobile Companion viii
Safety Notice 2
The battery pack contains small amounts of harmful substances. Do not disassemble it, throw it into fire or water, or short-circu it it. Dispos e of the battery as required by local o rdinances or regulations. Use only the batter y in th e ap propriate parts lis ting when repl ac in g the batter y p ac k. Use of an incorrect b att ery can result in igniti on or exp l os ion of the battery.
La bat terie contient du nicke l. Ne la démontez pas, ne l'exposez ni au feu ni á l'eau. Ne la mettez pas en court­circuit. P our l a met tr e au rebut, conf orm ez -vous a la réglementation en vigueur. Lorsque vous remplacez la batterie, veillez à n'utiliser que les modèles cités dans la liste de pièces détachées adéquate. En eftet, une batterie inappropriée risque de prendre feu ou d'exploser.
Akkus ent h alten geringe M engen von Nickel . Sie dur fen nicht zerl eg t , wiederaufg el ad en , kur zg es c hlossen, od er Feuer oder Wasser ausgesetzt werden. Bei der Entsorgung die örtlichen Bestimmungen für Sondermüll beachten. Beim Ersetzen der Batterie nur Batterien des Typs ver w end en , der in der Ersatzteilliste aufgeführt ist . Der Eins atz falscher Batt erien kann zu Entzü nd ung oder Explosion führen.
La batter i a c onti ene piccole qu ant it à di nic h el. N on smontarla, gettarla nel fuoco o nell'acqua né cortocircuitarla. Smaltirla secondo la normativa in vigore (DPR 915/82, successive dispos izioni e disposizioni locali). Quando Si sostituisce la batteria, utilizzare soltanto i tipi inseriti nell'appropriato Catalogo parti. L'impi eg o di un a batteria non ad att a p ot r ebbe determi nare l'incendi o o l'esplosi on e dell a b at t er i a st essa.
Las baterías contienen pequeñas cantidades de níquel. No las desmonte, ni recargue , ni las eche al fue go o al agua ni las cortocircuite. Deséchelas tal como dispone la normativa local. Utilice sólo ba terías que se en c uentren en la lista de piezas al sustituir la batería. La utilización de una bat erí a n o apropiada pued e provocar la ignic i ón o explosión de la misma.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 ix
Safety Notice 3
If the LCD br eaks and the fluid fr om inside the LCD g et s into your ey es or on you r hands, immed i at ely wash the affect ed ar e as wi t h w at er f or at leas t 15 mi nutes. Seek medica l c are if any symptoms from the fluid ar e pr es en t after washing.
Si le panneau d'aftichag e à cristaux liquid es s e brise et que vous rec ev ez dans les yeux ou sur les mains un e partie du fluide, rincez-les abondamment pendant au moins quinze minutes. Consultez un médecin si des symptômes persistent apres le lavage.
Die Leuchts toffröhr e im LCD~BiIdsch ir m ent hält Quecksilber. Bei der Entsorgung die örtlichen Bestimmungen für Sondermüll beachten. Der LCD­Bildschirm besteht aus Glas und kann zerbrechen, wenn er unsachgemaß behandelt wird oder der Computer auf den Boden fällt. Wenn der Bildschirm beschädigt ist und die darin befindliche Flüssigkeit in Kontakt mit Haut und Augen gerät, sollten die betroffenen Stellen mindestens 15 Minuten mit Wasser abgespült und bei Beschwerden anschl i eß end ein Arzt aufg esucht werden .
Nel caso che caso l'LCD si do vesse rompere ed ii liquido in esso contenuto entr asse in contatto con gli occhi o le mani, lav ar e im m ediatament e le par ti interessate c on acqua corr ente per almen o 1 5 mi nut i; poi consult are un medico se i sintomi dovessero permanere.
Si la LCD se r omp e y el fluido de su inter i or entra en contacto con sus ojos o sus manos, lave inmediatamente las áreas afectadas con agua durante 15 minutos como mínimo. Obtenga atención medica si se presenta algún síntom a del fluido despues de lavarse.
Safety Notice 4
To avoid shock, do not remove the plastic cover that surrounds the lower portion of the inverter card.
Afin d'évi ter tout risque de choc électrique, ne retirez pas le cache en plastique protegéant la partie inférieure de la carte d'al im entation.
Aus Sicherheitsgründen die Kunststoffabdeckung, die den unteren Teil der Spannungswandlerplatine umgibt, nicht entfernen.
Per evitare scosse elettriche, non rimuovere la copertura in plastica che avvolge la parte inferiore della scheda invertitore.
Para evitar descargas, no qui te la cubierta de plástico que rodea la parte baja de la tarjeta invertida.
x IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion x
Safety Notice 5
Though m ai n batteries have l ow vol tage, a short ed or ground ed battery can pr oduce enough current to burn combust i bl e m aterials or personnel.
Bien que le voltage des batteries principale s so it peu élevé, l e court-circuit ou l a mise à la masse d'une b atterie peut produire suffis am ment de courant p ou r br ûl er des matériaux combus tib les ou causer d es br û lures corporelles graves .
Obwohl H au pt b at t er i en ei n e niedrige Span nu ng hab en, können si e doc h b ei Ku rzs c h luß oder Erdung g en ug Strom abgeben, um brennbare Materialien zu entzünden oder Verletzungen bei Personen hervorzurufen.
Sebbene le batterie di alimentazione siano a basso voltaggio, una batteria in corto ci rcuito o a massa può fornire corrente sufficiente da bruciare materiali combust i bi li 0 provocare usti oni al tecnici di manut enz i on e.
Aunque las baterías principales tienen un voltaje bajo, una batería cortocircuitada o con contacto a tierra puede producir la corriente suficiente como para quemar material combustible o provocar quemaduras en el personal.
Safety Notice 6
Before removing any FRU, power-off the com puter, unplug all power cords from electrical outlets, remove the batter y p ac k, th en dis connect an y int er connecting c abl es .
Avant de r etirer une unité r emp l aç able en clièntel e, mettez le système hor s tensio n, débranchez tous les cordons d'alimentation des socles de prise de courant, retirez la batterie et déconnectez tous le s cordons d'interface.
Die St romzufuhr muß abgeschaltet, alle Stromkabel aus der Steckdose gezogen, der Akku entfernt und alle Verbindungskabel abge nommen sein, bevor eine F RU entfernt wir d .
Prima di rimuovere qualsiasi FRU, spegnere il sistema, scollegare dalle prese elettrich e tutti i cavi di alime ntazione, rimuo vere la batteria e poi scollegare i cavi di interconnessione.
Antes de quitar una FRU, apague el sistema, desenchufe todos los cables de las tomas de corriente eléctrica, quite la baterí a y, a c ont in uación, desconecte cualq uier cable de conexi ón entre disposit i vos .
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 xi

Safety I n fo rmation

The following section contains the safety information that you need t o be familiar with before servic i ng an IB M m ob ile comput er.

General Safety

Follow these rules to ensure general safety:
Observe good housekeeping in the area of the
machines during and after mainten ance.
When lifti ng an y h ea vy object:
1. Ensure you can stand safely without slipping.
2. Distribut e the weight of the obj ec t equally between you r f eet.
3. Use a slow lifting force. Never move suddenly or twist when you attempt to lift.
4. Lift by standing or by pushing up with your leg muscles; this action removes the strain from the muscles in your back.
objects that weigh more than 16 kg (35 lb) or objects that you think are too heavy for you.
Do not perform any action that causes hazards to the
cust omer, or th at m ak es t h e equi p m ent unsafe.
Before you st art th e m ac hi n e, ens ur e t h at oth er
servic e representatives and the cus t om er ’s personnel are not in a haz ar d ous pos ition.
Place remov ed c over s an d other parts in a saf e
place, away from all personnel, whil e you are servicing the machine.
Keep your tool case away from walk areas so that
other people will not trip over it.
Do not wear loose clothing that can be trapped in the
moving parts of a machine. Ensure that your sleeves are fastened or rolled up ab ove y our elbows. If your hair is long, fasten it.
Insert the ends of your necktie or scarf inside clothing
or fasten it with a nonconductive clip, approximately 8 centimeters (3 inches) from the end.
Do not wear jewelry, chains, metal-frame eyeglasses,
or metal fasteners for you r cl othing.
Attention: Metal objec ts ar e go od el ec t rical conductors.
Wear safet y gl asses when you ar e: ham m ering,
drilling, soldering, cutting wire, attaching springs, using solvents, or working in any other conditions that might be h az ar d ous to your eyes.
After service, reinstall all safety shields, guards,
labels, and ground wires . Replace any saf ety device that is worn or defective.
Reinstall all covers correctly before returning the
machine to the customer.
Do not attempt to lift any
xii IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion xii

Electrical Safety

Obser ve th e f ollow i ng rules when working on electrical equipm en t.
Importa nt
Use only ap proved tools and t est equ ip m ent. Some hand tools hav e h and l es c ov ered with a soft mat er i al that does not insulate you when working with live electrical currents.
Many customers have, near th eir equipment, ru bb er fl oor mats that contain small conductive fibers to decrease electrostatic discharges. Do not use this type of mat to protect you rself from el ect rical shock.
Find the room emergency power-off (EPO) swit ch,
disconnecting switch, or electrical outlet. If an electrical accident occurs, you c an th en operate the switch or unplug the power cord quickly.
Do not work alone under hazardous conditions or
near equipment that has hazardous voltages. Disconnect all power before:
- Perf ormin g a m ec hanical insp ect i on
- Working near power supplies
- Removi ng or ins t all i n g m ain units
Before you start to work on the machine, unplug the
power cord. If you cannot unplug it, ask the customer to pow er-off the wall box that su pplies power to the machine and to lock the wal l bo x in th e of f posit ion.
If you need to wor k on a m ach ine that has
electrical circuits, observe the following precautions:
- Ensure that another person, familiar with the power- off controls, is near you.
Attention: Another person must be there to switch off the power, if necessary.
- Use only one han d w h en w ork ing with powered-on electrical equipment; keep the other hand in your pocket or behind your bac k.
Attention: There must be a c omp lete circuit to cause electrical shock. By observing the above rule, you may prevent a current from passi ng through your body.
- When using testers, set the controls correctly and use the approved probe leads and acce ssories for that tester.
- Stand on suitable rubber mats (obtained locally, if necessary) to insulate you from grounds suc h as m etal floor strips and machine frames.
Obser ve th e sp ec i al s afety precaut i ons when you work with very high volt ages; these instructions ar e in the saf ety s ections of maint en ance informati on. Use extrem e c ar e wh en me as ur i ng hi g h vol tages.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 xiii
Regularly inspect and maintain your electrical hand
tools for s afe operation al c on dit ion.
Do not use worn or broken tools and testers.
Never assume
from a circuit. First, off.
Always look carefully for possible hazards in your
work area. Exam ples of these haz ards are moist floors, nongrounded power extension cables, power surges, and m is s ing safety grounds.
Do not touch li ve el ec tr ical circuits w it h the ref l ect i ve
surfac e of a plas t ic d ent al mirror. The surface is conductive; such touching can cause personal injury and machine damage.
Do not service the following parts
when they are removed f rom their normal operating pla ces in a mach ine:
- Power supply units
- Pumps
- Blowers and fans
- Motor generators
and similar units. (This practice ensures correct grounding of the units.)
If an electrical accident occurs:
- Use caution; do not become a victim
- Switch off power.
- Send another person to get medical aid
that p ow er has been disconnected
that it has been powered-
with the power on
while first aid is being administered.

Safety Inspection Guide

The intent of this inspect i on guide is to assist you in identifying potentially unsafe conditions on these products. Each mac hi n e, as it w as des igned and built, had required safety items installed to protect users and service personnel from injury. This guide addresses only those items. However , g ood ju dg m ent should be us ed to id entify potential safety h az ar ds du e t o att ac hment of non-IBM featur es or options not covered by this inspection guide.
If any unsafe conditions are present, you must determine how serious the apparent hazard could be and whether you can continue without first correcting the problem.
Consider these conditions and the safety hazards they present:
Electrical hazards, especially primary power (primary
voltag e on the frame can cause serious or f atal electrical shock)
Explosive hazards, such as a damaged CRT face or
bulging capacitor
Mecha nical hazards, such as loose or missing
xiv IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion xiv
The guid e cons is ts of a s eries of steps pres ented in a checklist. Begin the checks with the power off, and the power cord disconnected.
1. Check exterior covers for damage (loose, broken, or
sharp edges).
2. Power-off the computer. Disconnect the power
3. Check the power cord for:
a. A third-wire ground connector in good
conditi on . Us e a met er to m eas ure third-wir e ground c ontinuity for 0. 1 ohm or less betw een the external ground pin and frame grou nd .
b. The power cord should be the appropriate type
as specifi ed in th e p arts lis t in gs .
c. Insul at ion must not be fr ayed or worn.
4. Remove the cover.
5. Check for any obvious non-IBM alterations. Us e
good judg m en t as to t h e s af et y of an y n on- IBM alterations.
6. Check inside the unit for any obvious unsafe
conditi ons , suc h as metal filings, c ontaminati on, w ater or other liq ui ds , or si gns of f ir e or sm ok e d am ag e.
7. Check for worn, fraye d, or pinched cables.
8. Check that the power-supply cover fasteners ( screws
or rivets) have not been removed or tampered with.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 xv

Handling Electrostatic Discharge-Sensitive Devices

Any computer part containing transistors or integrated circuits (Ics) should be considered sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD damage can occur when there is a difference in charge b etw een objects. Prot ect ag ainst ESD damage by equalizing the charge so tha t the machine, the part, th e wor k m at, an d t h e person handlin g th e par t are all at the same charge.
1. Use product-specific ESD procedures when they
exceed th e req ui rements noted here.
2. Make sure that the ESD protective devices you
use have been certified (ISO 9000) a s fully effective.
When hand li ng ESD-sensit ive parts:
Keep the parts in protective packages until they are
inserted into the product.
Avoid contact with other people.
Wear a ground ed wris t strap against your skin to
eliminate static on your body. Approved static straps protect t h e us er f r om hig h-operatin g vol tages (110V) .
Prevent the part from touching your clothing. Most
clothing is insulative and retains a charge even when you are we ari ng a wrist strap.
Use the black side of a ground ed w ork m at to provide
a static-free work surface. The mat is especially useful when handling ES D- sensitive de vices. Select a groundi ng s ys tem, such as thos e lis ted below, to provid e pr ot ection that meets t h e sp ecif ic service requir em en t.
The use of a grounding system is desirable but not required to protect against ESD damage.
- Attach the ESD ground clip to any frame ground, ground braid , or gr e en-wire ground .
- Use an ESD common ground or reference point wh en working on a doubl e- i ns ul ated or batter y- op erated system . You c an us e c oax or connector-outsid e sh el ls on t h es e s yst ems .
- Use the round ground-prong of the AC plug on AC-ope rated computers.

Grounding Requirements

Electrical grounding of the computer is required for operator safety and correct system function. Proper grounding of the electrical outlet c an be verified by a certified electrician.
xvi IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion xvi
WorkPad z50 Mobile Companion (2608) Read This First
Before you go to the checkout guide, be sure to read this section.
Only certified trained personnel should service
the compu ter .
Read FRU service procedures before replacing
any FRUs.
Replace FRUs only for the correct model.
When you replace the FRU, make sure the model of the mach in e and FRU p art nu m b er ar e c orr ec t by referring to the parts list.
FRUs should not be replaced because of a
single, unreproducible failure. Single failures
can occur from a variety of reasons that hav e nothing to do with a hardware problem, such as cosmic radiation, electrostatic discharge, or software errors. FRU replacement should be considered only when a recur r in g problem exists . If this is suspected, clear the log error and run the test agai n. Do n ot r epl ace any FRUs if log errors do not appear.
Be careful not to replace a nondefective FRU.
W orkP ad z50 M ob il e C om p ani on 1

Screw Tightening Information

Loose screws can cause reliability problems. The IBM WorkPad z50 addresses this problem with nylon coated screws. Tighten screws as follows:
Plastic to Plastic
Turn an additional 90 deg re es af t er th e sc rew head touches the surface of the plastic part.
90 Degrees More
Logic card to Plastic
Turn an additional 180 degrees after the screw head tou ches th e s u rface of t he lo gic card .
180 Degrees More
Logic Card
Torque Driver
If you have a torque driver, refer to the “Torque” instruction with each step.
Cradle Problems: If you suspect a problem with the
cradle, see “Cradle Checkout” on page 15.
How to Diagnose Multipl e FRUs: When the
adapter or the device has more than one FRU, the error code could be caused by any of them. Before replacing multiple FRUs, try removing or exchanging each FRU, one by one in the designated sequence, to see if the symptoms change.
2 IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion 2
Pushing the WorkPad z50’s Power but ton will power on (or resume) the system, or put the system in suspend mode: there is no powe r-off state.
If the AC Adapter, battery pack, and backup battery are removed, the system is reset and all the stored data is lost. There is no lithium battery to retain m emory while these power sources are removed.
What to Do First: The service personnel must fill in the
following information in the par ts exchange form or parts return form that is attached to the returned FRU:
__ 1 Name and phone number of service pers onnel __ 2 Date of service __ 3 Date when the part failed __ 4 Date of purchase __ 5 Failure symptoms, error codes appearing on the monitor, and
__ 6 Procedure index and page number in which t he f ailing F R U __ 7 Failing FRU name and part number
__ 8 Machine type, model number, and s erial num ber __ 9 Customer’s name and address
Befor e ch ec kin g pr oblems with th e c omp uter, determine whether the damage is covered under the warranty by referring to the following:
During th e w arranty peri od, t h e cus t omer may be responsible for repair cost s if the computer damage was caused by misuse, accident, modification, uns uit able physic al or op er ati n g environment, or improper m ai ntenance by the customer. The following list provides some common items th at are n ot c over ed under warr ant y and some symptoms that may indicate that the system was subjected to stress beyond normal use:
beep symptoms was detected
The following is not covered under warranty:
LCD pa nel cracked from the application of
excessive force or from being dropped.
Scratched (cosmetic) parts
Cracked or broken plastic parts, broken latches,
broken pins, or broken connectors caused by excessive force
Damage caused by liquid spilled into the system
Damage caused by the improper insertion of a PC
Card or the ins tallation of an incompatib l e card
Fuses blown b y attachment of a nonsupport ed
W orkP ad z50 M ob il e C om p ani on 3
The f ollowing symptoms m ight indicate damage caused by non warranted activities:
Missing parts may be a symptom of unauthorized service or modification.
When resetting the system, all programs and stored data other th an th e op erating system wi ll be erased.
Any password that is set for testing purposes should be disabl ed b ef or e returning th e W orkPad z50 to the customer.
4 IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion 4

Product Overview

Refer to th e f oll ow i ng t abl e for an overview of t h e s yst em features of the WorkPad z50 Mobile Companion:
Feature Description
Processor NEC VR4121 Chipset NEC VRC4171A Graphic/Video
Controller OS/APP ROM 20MB (32MB Japan) Memory 16MB Upgradable to 48MB Stora ge Memory CompactFlash Type II socket PC Card One type III slot I/O Ports RJ-11 Modem port (US/Canada/
Audio External earphone jack
Pointing Device TrackPoint III AC Adapter 45watt type Internal Modem Only avail able for US/Can ada/Japan
Battery Pack 16. 65watt Backup Battery Size AAA x 2 LCD Display 8.2" (inch) DSTN
ITE IT8181
Japan m od els onl y) Infrared Serial port Extern al dis pl ay port Cradle connector
External microphone jack Internal speaker Built-in microphone
W orkP ad z50 M ob il e C om p ani on 5

Checkout Guide

Use the following procedure as a guide for computer problems.
1. Obtain the failing symptoms in as much detail as
2. Verify the symptoms by attempting to re-create the
failure by running the diagnostic tes t (r ef er to
“Running the Diagnostics repeating the same op eration.
To run the diagnostics test, refer to “Running the Diagnos t ic s ” on pag e 27.
If the sympt oms are intermitt en t an d c ann ot be re-created (and therefore not verified), go to “Symptom-to-FRU Index” on page 21 and then go t o “Int ermittent Problems” on page 26.
3. Use the following table with the verified symptom to
determine which page to go to. Search the symptoms column, an d fin d t h e desc ri ption that best matches your sy mptom; then go to the page sho wn in the “Refer To” column.
Symptoms (Verified) Refer To
Power failure: The power indicators (AC Adapter LED or P ower on/Battery status LED) are not lit.
Audio is not properly functioning.
Keyboard does not work properly.
Internal fax/modem does not work.
Suspect mainboard or ROM card problems.
TrackPoint problems . “TrackPoint Checkout” on
Cradle does not communicate proper l y.
Exte rnal monitor does not display.
The diagnostic test detect ed an er r or an d displ ayed an error code.
Test” on page 27) or by
“Power Systems Checkout” on page 9.
“Audio Ch ec k out” on page 7.
“Keyboard Checkout” on page 8.
“Modem Checkout” on page 9.
“ROM Card Checkout” on page 14.
page 15. “Cradle Checkout” on page
15. “External Mo nitor Self-Test”
on page 15. “Running the Diagnostics
Test ” on page 27.
6 IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion 6
Symptoms (Verified) Refer To
Other symptoms (such as LCD display problems).
PC cards do not work.
Brightness/contrast buttons do not work.
“Symp t om- to-FRU Index” on page 21.
“PC Card Slo ts Test” on page 27.
“Brightness/Contrast Buttons Checkout” on page 19.

Audio Checkout

Speaker Checkout: If you suspect a problem with the
speaker do the following:
1. Play an audio file. If no sound is heard, go to the
diagnostic menu (see “Running the Diagnostics Test” on page 27).
2. Select Audio and r u n the diagnostic test .
3. If the test d et ects an au dio problem, do the followin g:
Click Start, Programs, WorkPad, and then Rapid Access. Check that “Mute” is not enabled in the
Rapid Ac c ess ut i lit y. Clic k t h e “V ol um e & S oun ds ” icon in the Control Panel, adjust the volume to mid position and click any sound: if no sound is heard, do the follow i ng on e at a ti m e:
• Reseat the connector
• Replace the speaker
• Replace the mainboard
Go to “Microphone Checkout” if the speaker is working properly.
Microphone Checkout: If you suspect a problem with the
microphone, first check if the speaker is working (see above), then do the following:
1. Press the microphone button and record and
playback any sound.
2. If no sound is heard, do the following one at a time:
• Reseat the microphone cable
• Replace the microphone cable
• Replace the mainboard
W orkP ad z50 M ob il e C om p ani on 7

Keyboard Checkout

If the keyboard does not work or an unexpected character appears, make sure that the flexible cable extending from the keyboard is correctly seated in the connector on the mainboard. If the keyboard cable connection is correct, run the Keyboard Test by doing the following:
1. Go to the diagnostic menu (see “Running the
Diagnos t ic s Test” on page 27).
2. Select Keyboard and run the diagnostic test. A
layout of t h e k eyb oard appears on t h e sc r een.
3. Check that when each k ey is pressed, the key’s
positi on on th e k eyboard layout on the screen changes to a blue square.
4. Press OK to end the tes t.
If the tests detect a keyboard problem, do the followin g on e at a time to correct the problem. Do not replace a no n def ecti ve FRU:
Reseat the keyboard cable.
Replace the keyboard .
Replace the mainboard.

Memory Checkout

The WorkPad z50 Mobile Compani on is shi pp ed w it h 16 MB on-board memory. Memory can be upgraded to 48MB by adding a single 32MB DRAM card.
Defective memory cards may show an error message during the POST or cause the system to hang or stop system operations.
Refer to th e f oll ow i ng t o is olate memory problems:
1. Remove all power sources (AC power, battery pack,
and backup battery). Remove any installed DRAM card from its slot (see page 18).
2. Connect to a power sourc e and turn on the
W orkP ad z50.
3. If an error appears during POST, replace the
4. Remove all power sources (AC power, battery pack,
and backup battery) and reinstall the DRAM card.
5. Connect to a power sourc e, t h en turn on the
W orkP ad z50.
6. If an error appears during POST, replace the DRAM
8 IBM WorkPad z50, Mobile Companion 8
+ 54 hidden pages